Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1447 1448: The old madman who turned into a mouse

After Zhuo Bufan arrived at Erota, he immediately attracted the attention of the casino administrator.

Because Zhuo Bufan bluntly said that he wanted to find Federer.

Upon hearing that Zhuo Bufan was looking for Federer, a group of people in uniforms soon came to Zhuo Bufan.

One of the leading men said after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

"Friend, I heard that you are looking for Mr. Federer?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that this group of people had bad intentions, but now that they were here, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of running away.

So Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Yes, I'm here to find Mr. Federer."

"If you know where he is, please tell me his whereabouts."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the man in front of him said with a smile.

"In that case, please come with us!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and felt helpless.

He knew that he was in trouble again this time, but now that it was over, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to resist.

He followed the group of people and came to a small room.

After entering the small room, they locked the room from the inside, and then the leader looked at Zhuo Bufan and smiled.

"Friend, we don't have any ill intentions, we just invite you here to explain a situation to you!

Zhuo Bufan chuckled.

After all this, these people still say they don’t have any ill intentions!

At this time, the leader continued to speak.

"Friend, first of all we would like to ask, what is your relationship with Mr. Federer?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan naturally replied.

"It doesn't matter, I've never met him and he's never met me."

Hearing this, the other party was obviously dissatisfied.

"Are you kidding me? You don't know him, why are you looking for him everywhere?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly explained.

"I don't know Federer. The reason I'm looking for him is just to ask him about the whereabouts of Caesar, the Island Turtle."

After hearing this, the other party squinted his eyes and looked at Fu'an at the table. Then he smiled and said.

"Island Turtle, Caesar?"

"Haha, what age has it been? Does anyone still believe what that lunatic said?"

Zhuo Bufan, who was still somewhat calm at first, suddenly frowned after hearing what the other party said!

"Crazy? What do you mean?"

The other party laughed after hearing this.

"What do you mean? It means you were deceived by that lunatic!"

"Do you really think there are any island turtles in this world? Is there any paradise on earth?"

"Let me tell you, the real paradise on earth is in our city of Eero."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. I don't care if you know Federer or not, that old guy owes our casino some money."

"Since you know him, it's up to you to pay it back for him!"

"Otherwise, he will be chopped up by our boss and fed to the dogs tonight."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's face instantly turned ugly.

Without saying a word, Zhuo Bufan directly released his mental suppression.

The next second, all the thugs present felt an extremely powerful energy penetrate into their brains.

They feel like their heads are going to explode.


The screams came, but Zhuo Bufan was indifferent and just said.

"I'm only asking once, where is he?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he increased his mental pressure by a few points.

For a moment, more powerful mental power fell on the heads of those people, and they once again let out that heart-rending cry.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts like hell."

"I said, I said."

The leader obviously realized that the person in front of him was not an ordinary person, but an arcanist.

Only a powerful arcanist can possess such powerful mental suppression.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to use violence, but these guys made him angry.

He didn't care whether Federer was a lunatic or not. His clues pointed to Federer, so Zhuo Bufan had to find that guy.

If these people really kill Federer, then their clues will be cut off.

Zhuo Bufan finally found such a clue. If it is considered to be sabotaged, it will never be forgiven.

So Zhuo Bufan got angry, and when he was angry, he did not go on a killing spree.

Perhaps after becoming a world myth, Zhuo Bufan became much kinder.

However, this does not mean that Zhuo Bufan will let them go.

"I said, I said. Federer was captured by us and is now locked up in the basement."

"He owes us a lot of money. If he doesn't pay back, we will be very distressed!"

"Stop talking nonsense, take me to see him, now, immediately!"

Zhuo Bufan grabbed the leader and asked him to take her to find Federer.

Soon, the leader took him to the basement.

However, when Zhuo Bufan and the others rushed to the basement, they found that there was no one in the basement.

"Where are the people?"

The leader was obviously confused, but when Zhuo Bufan saw this, he snorted coldly!

"Is this the person you showed me?"

"Where are the people?"

Zhuo Bufan asked rhetorically.

The leader was confused, shook his head repeatedly, and showed an incredible look.

"It's impossible. I obviously locked him in the basement."

"Where's the man? Where is that old madman?"

The leader asked the younger brothers beside him.

However, the younger brothers also use alliance coins.

"It shouldn't be, you were obviously still here just now!"

"Look, the old guy's clothes are still here!"

They pointed to a leather jacket on the ground and said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the leather jacket and squinted.

"Witchcraft, it must be witchcraft. Boss, that old madman knows witchcraft!"

"Yes, boss, that old guy has been to Turtle Island. It is said that people who have been to Turtle Island can do witchcraft."

The younger brothers on the side hurriedly exclaimed that Federer might be, but the boss was furious after hearing it.

"Get out, don't talk nonsense."

Although he was stopped by the boss, the words of those younger brothers attracted Zhuo Bufan's attention.

Some things don't come out of nowhere, so Zhuo Bufan grabbed one of the younger brothers and asked.

"Speak clearly, what does the Turtle Island witchcraft mean?"

"You'd better explain it clearly, otherwise your life may not be saved."

Zhuo Bufan will now directly threaten the other party.

The younger brother was frightened when he heard it and replied quickly.

"That old madman said that there is everything on Turtle Island."

"There are powerful arcane arts, magical sorcery. There are also stunning beauties and piles of gold."

"It is the last paradise on earth, 10,000 times better than Ero City."

"As long as you give him 10,000 Moroccan coins, he can take you to that paradise on earth."

My younger brother's words are the same as the information Zhuo Bufan collected in Benge City before.

Someone in Benge City also said the same thing.

It is said that Turtle Island is the last paradise for mankind, and there is everything they want on it.

Whether it is power, money or beauty.

Now Zhuo Bufan began to doubt the authenticity of this information.

Could it be that old thing Federer, who lied to defraud gambling money?

"Find it, I want you to find that old thing for me as quickly and as soon as possible."

"Dare to play tricks on me, if it is false news, I will kill you."

Zhuo Bufan is a little emotional now.

Mainly, he is afraid that his hope will turn into despair.

That was the information Zhuo Bufan had obtained with great difficulty, and it was very important to him.

If this information was false, then everything Zhuo Bufan had done for so long would probably become a bubble.

He would be at a loss in this world, without direction.

So Zhuo Bufan hoped and prayed in his heart that this news was not a lie to him.

"Don't worry, sir, it's not just you, we are also looking for that guy."

"That old madman owes us money. If he disappears, we will be finished with him!"

"Now it is certain that the old madman has not left the city."

"As long as he is in this city, I will be able to catch him out."

Soon, the people in the casino began to search for the old madman Federer throughout the city.

The power of the Erotta Casino is very strong, and it should not be difficult to find a Federer.

However, they searched for a whole day, but still did not find any trace of the old madman.

The old madman seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, disappearing without a trace.

After searching for a long time, some people who were looking for him were about to collapse.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also found that the old madman was not just disappearing.

He found the younger brother from before and asked.

"You said before that Federer might have escaped by magic. What magic? What do you know?"

In response to Zhuo Bufan's question, the younger brother quickly answered.

"I heard the old madman say before that he knew a magic that could turn others into mice."

"The old madman also threatened me that if I didn't help him escape, he would turn me into a mouse."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.


Obviously, Zhuo Bufan thought of something.

"Old thing, could it be that he turned into a mouse and ran away?"

The younger brother on the side said in disbelief after hearing this.

"No way! I thought the old madman was just talking."

Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"Some things are better to believe than not to believe."

"When everything cannot be explained, the most impossible things will become possible."

"I checked, there is not even a drain in this basement, the only exit is the vent in front of us."

"However, this vent is only as big as a fist. I think no other creature can escape from here except rats."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's analysis, the others present suddenly realized.

"No way? Did the old madman really turn into a rat and escape?"

The boss was still a little unbelievable.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan continued,

"Go and investigate the exit of this vent immediately. I think our Mr. Federer should not have run far."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, everyone present began to act.

They really wanted to see if Federer really turned into a rat.

On this point, it was obvious that Zhuo Bufan was not the only one interested.

Zhuo Bufan also followed them and began to search along the ventilation duct.

This ventilation duct connects to the top of the sixth floor of the highest floor of the Ero Tower.

When they ran to the rooftop, they found a guy dressed like a beggar, drinking wine on the rooftop.

"Found it, old crazy Federer."

Sure enough, the Federer they were looking for was really on the top of the tower.

"You old madman, did you really turn into a mouse and run to the rooftop?"

The thug boss obviously found it a bit incredible.

He rushed up and twisted the old madman's collar and grabbed him.

But the old madman didn't know where he got a bottle of wine from, and he was already drunk at this moment.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others, he smiled.

"Hey, little guys, come and have a drink with grandpa."

The thug boss was so angry that his teeth were trembling.

He punched the old madman fiercely.

"I drink your uncle."

Just when his punch was about to hit the old madman, Zhuo Bufan rushed up and grabbed the thug's fist and blocked the punch for the old madman.

"How much money he owes you, I'll pay it back."

"I want this person."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to cause trouble. At this point, only the money could solve the problem.

Fortunately, before he came here, the people of Benge City gave him a lot of rewards.

After Zhuo Bufan paid the money for the old madman, he immediately became a guest of honor in Erotta.

Zhuo Bufan asked these people to find a private room for him, and then threw the old madman Federer into the room.

This time, Zhuo Bufan personally watched him to prevent him from turning into a rat and running away again.

Until Federer woke up again.

Federer, who woke up, raised his eyebrows after seeing Zhuo Bufan, and was obviously stunned.

"Who are you, little brother? Do we know each other?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the sloppy man in front of him and frowned.

"I don't like nonsense. Now what do you answer when I ask."

"If the answer is satisfactory, all the money on the table is yours."

"If I am not satisfied with the answer, I will destroy you."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense with this person, because he felt that Federer was not a good guy.

Federer obviously didn't understand what was going on.

But when he saw the pile of Moro coins on the table, his eyes lit up.

"Ask, I will answer whatever you ask."

"As long as I know, I will tell you everything."

Some people will be blinded by money.

Federer's eyes almost fell out when he saw Zhuo Bufan gave so much money.

Now, let alone asking him to answer questions, even if he asked him to call Zhuo Bufan dad, I'm afraid he would agree without hesitation.

Zhuo Bufan saw that the other party was so honest, so he smiled.

"Okay, the first question. I want to find Caesar, the island turtle. Can you introduce me to him?"

Hearing this, Federer was stunned for a moment


"Brother, you want to find Caesar?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Judging from your reaction, Caesar should really exist?"

Federer suddenly stuttered after hearing this.

"Of course. Caesar certainly exists."

"And only I know where it is."

"But I really want to ask you, why are you looking for Caesar?"

Federer looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and said.

"I want to ask him about some things. I heard that he is the prophet of the sea and knows everything. I think he should be able to help me."

"Since you know where it is, take me there now."

Zhuo Bufan didn't waste time talking to the other party, grabbed the old madman Federer, and asked him to take him to find the prophet Caesar.

"Wait a minute, don't be impatient, brother."

"Wait? What are you waiting for?"

"Money, money!"

Then Federer grabbed the money on the table, and was pulled out of the casino by Zhuo Bufan.


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