Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1465 1466: Thought Body

1466: Missing body

Because of the gap in time and power, Zhuo Bufan was thrown out of his space by Tianmeng.

When Zhuo Bufan appeared in front of Gaia and the others again, all the servants of God present quickly stepped forward and asked.

"How's it going? Did you succeed?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at all the servants of God present and couldn't help but frown.

"It worked. As expected, that guy and I have a common time channel connection."

"And I saw Maya who was captured in that space."

After hearing this, the servants of the gods were overjoyed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Quickly lock his location and let's go rescue Maya."

As soon as they heard that Zhuo Bufan had met Maya, all the servants of the gods were ecstatic and wanted to rush to save Maya immediately.

However, Zhuo Bufan said at this time.

"Wait a minute, before I go, I have something to tell you."

"In fact, that guy made a condition. He can let Maya go, but as a price, we must hand over the space key to this world."

Although Zhuo Bufan disagreed with the deal in his heart, he still wanted to state the condition.

Because only by brainstorming can we think of a way to save Maya.

"He also said that if we didn't agree, he would kill Maya."

Upon hearing this, Gaia, the servant of the Earth God, shouted immediately.

"Impossible. If you hand the space key to that guy, wouldn't it be the same as watching him destroy the world?"

"What's more, if the space is on Zhonglong, it is impossible for Zhonglong to take out the space key."

"That's right, I think even if Maya dies, she won't want someone to save her with the space key."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded firmly and said.

"Understood, my opinion is the same as everyone else's. It is absolutely impossible to hand over the space key."

The servant of the Sea God on the side listened and replied.

"In this case, let's set out to find that guy now. Let's fight him head-on."

The sky also said.

"I don't believe that with our strength, we can't rescue Maya."

"Take us to that bastard quickly."

These servants of God were already impatient. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded in agreement.

"Since everyone has decided so, I will fully cooperate with you."

"I will take you to find the World Destroyer now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he once again opened the time channel between himself and Tianmeng.

However, after the passage was opened, Zhuo Bufan discovered that except for himself, other servants of God could not enter the time passage at all.

Obviously, that time passage only belongs to Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng.

In other words, only Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng can enter that time channel.

As a result, it would be impossible for Zhuo Bufan to use the time channel to transfer everyone to Tianmeng.

But if Tianmeng had stayed in his own world, it would be impossible for Zhuo Bufan and the others to catch him.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan and the others must find a way to lure Tianmeng out of that space.

"Everyone, since we can't go in, we have to find a way to lure him out of there."

"I have a plan. How about we pretend to agree to his request and then lure the snake out of its hole?"

Zhuo Bufan suggested.

After hearing this, the other servants of God present agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request.

"Now it seems that this is all we can do. Once he comes out, we will work together to kill him."

"Then we will let him never come back this time."

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan responded.

"Then get ready, I'm going to renegotiate with him now."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he entered the time channel again.

In the blink of an eye, Zhuo Bufan once again came to the pure white world where Tianmeng was.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived again, he found that Tianmeng had already been sitting on the pyramid waiting for his arrival.

"Where's what I want?"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan arrived, Tianmeng looked at him and said.

Seeing Tianmeng again, Zhuo Bufan felt even more incredible.

Mainly because this guy looks so much like me.

So much so that when he saw him, Zhuo Bufan thought he was looking in the mirror.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but asked again.

"Who are you? Why do you want to look like me?"

However, after hearing this, Tianmeng looked at Zhuo Bufan fiercely again.

"Shut up, I'm not here to listen to your nagging. Where is the space key I want?"

"If you don't hand it over, he will definitely die."

Seeing how fierce the other party was, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help frowning.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Or are you hiding something?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that there must be a reason why the other person looked exactly like him.

You know, Zhuo Bufan had never seen this guy before.

So why does this guy look exactly like me?

Strange, very strange.

So much so that Zhuo Bufan himself felt a little confused.

However, the other party obviously did not intend to answer Zhuo Bufan's questions.

Instead, a powerful force of time was directly directed into the pyramid again.

"Are you talking nonsense to me? I want her life now."

Suddenly, a miserable wailing sound came from inside the pyramid.


After hearing the screams, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be moved, and he said immediately.

"Okay, I won't ask, I won't ask any more questions."

"Now let's talk about the deal between us!"

"Don't you just want the space key? We agree to your request and can give you the space key."

"But you must ensure the safety of Maya, the servant of the time god."

"Tomorrow's Legend Forest is waiting for you to come."

Zhuo Bufan, after you finish speaking, you turn around to leave.

And at this moment, Tianmeng suddenly called him.

"Hey, let me ask you, what does Meng Chanyi mean to you?"

Zhuo Bufan, who was about to leave, suddenly heard these words and couldn't help but be stunned.

At that moment, he thought a lot.

The first thing he thought about was why Tianmeng suddenly asked him this question?

Before this, Tianmeng was very disgusted with talking too much nonsense to him.

Moreover, when Zhuo Bufan mentioned Meng Chanyi before, Tianmeng was very angry.

He also threatened not to allow Zhuo Bufan to mention Meng Chanyi's name.

But now, he suddenly asked Zhuo Bufan this question.

So what does this sentence mean?

Why did he ask this question?

Of course, after thinking about this, Zhuo Bufan continued to think about the problem itself.

What does Meng Chanyi mean to me?

Zhuo Bufan asked himself for a moment and found that he didn't know how to answer.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi had little or no intersection.

Zhuo Bufan didn't even meet Meng Chanyi when he was in Daluotian.

Only later, when Zhuo Bufan was in the chaotic world, he met Meng Chanyi.

At that time, Meng Chanyi lost her memory in order to help herself find the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan also took Meng Chanyi away at her wedding.

Because at that moment, Zhuo Bufan didn't want Meng Chanyi to marry anyone else.

However, what does Meng Chanyi mean to her heart?


However, what I love is Bai Su and Xuan Su, and I have more respect for Meng Chanyi.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan loves Mo Chicha more than Meng Chanyi.

So are they friends?

Zhuo Bufan felt that his relationship with Meng Chanyi should be above that of friends.

Maybe it's the kind of relationship that's more than friends, but not enough to be lovers!

But Zhuo Bufan knew that it was not like that in Meng Chanyi's heart.

Meng Chanyi loves herself deeply.

In other words, Meng Chanyi loves Luo Tian deeply.

One hundred thousand years of longing and one hundred thousand years of waiting, her mind has never changed.

Meng Chanyi has endless love for Luo Tian.

For this reason, she is willing to go to the chaotic void to find the ethereal Lord of Time for Zhuo Bufan.

For this reason, she was willing to return to this strange world alone, and her whereabouts are still unknown.

To be honest, what Meng Chanyi did for Zhuo Bufan was something that Zhuo Bufan would never be able to repay in his lifetime.

This made Zhuo Bufan think of Mo Chichi, who was completely infatuated with him.

In some respects, perhaps Meng Chanyi is more infatuated than Mo Chichi.

Zhuo Bufan would never doubt Meng Chanyi's feelings for him.

Her love for herself is not even worse than that of her two wives.

"Answer me, what does Meng Chanyi mean to you?"

While Zhuo Bufan was deep in thought, Tian Meng suddenly shouted at Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan came to his senses, and then glanced at the excited Tian Meng in front of him.

"Don't you like deals? Questions exchanged for questions."

"You tell me who you really are, and I'll answer your question."

When Zhuo Bufan saw that the other party wanted to know the answer so much, he naturally would not let go of this opportunity and wanted to find his own answer.

After hearing this, Tian Meng gritted his teeth.

"Have you heard of the missing body?"

"When a person's longing reaches the extreme, his will, soul and even physical existence are born."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Missing body?"

"Are you..."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's head exploded, and he suddenly understood the identity of the other party.

The guy in front of me who looks exactly like me is a missing person.

A creature born out of Meng Chanyi's thoughts.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan looking at him strangely, Tianmeng shouted angrily.

"Now that you know, answer my questions now."

"Who does she mean to you?"

That's right, the dream in front of you is the body of thoughts transformed by Meng Chanyi's thoughts.

In a way, he is Meng Chanyi's child.

If Meng Chanyi is Tian Meng's mother, then Zhuo Bufan is undoubtedly his father.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"You, aren't you Tianmeng?"

"Prince of Jiaozhu Kingdom, you were born in Jiaozhu Kingdom!"

Zhuo Bufan asked incredulously.

Tianmeng shouted after hearing this.

"I'm running out of patience. You don't keep your word. No wonder you abandoned her."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly replied.

"Wait a minute, let me answer your question. But you have to tell me where she is now!"

"I'm looking for her. I really want to find her. Her position in my heart is irreplaceable. If I have to describe it as a relationship, it is family love."

"Yes, she is like a family member in my heart."

Zhuo Bufan replied sincerely.

At that moment, he really felt that Meng Chanyi was a relative in his heart.

However, Tianmeng was not satisfied with this answer.

"Okay, you can get out."

As soon as Tian Meng finished speaking, he raised his hand and directly knocked Zhuo Bufan back from the time channel.

"Wait a minute, you haven't told me where she is?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted towards Tianmeng.

However, Tianmeng turned around without looking back.

Until Zhuo Bufan completely disappeared into the time passage.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan returned to the Legend Forest.

The servants of the gods quickly asked Zhuo Bufan.

"How was it? How was your discussion? Did he agree?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was obviously worried.

Facing the questions from the servants of the gods, he only answered perfunctorily.

"We talked about it. He will bring Maya to the Legend of Tomorrow Forest."

Gaia on the side listened and immediately answered.

"That's great. We still have one day to prepare tomorrow."

Said the sky on the other side.

"Then we will let him come back tomorrow."

Forest God Servant Yulis said.

"Let's discuss the countermeasures for tomorrow!"

"Chonglong hasn't shown up yet. It seems like he won't come."

"If he doesn't come, what will happen to tomorrow's space key?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"You guys can discuss it, I'll go out for a walk."

Zhuo Bufan left with his thoughts on his mind.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan hesitated.

He didn't know Tianmeng's identity before, thinking that Tianmeng deliberately changed into his own appearance to deceive him.

But now that he learned that Tianmeng turned out to be Meng Chanyi's missing body, Zhuo Bufan began to regret it.

If Tianmeng really arrives tomorrow and is surrounded and killed by them, it will be equivalent to killing Meng Chanyi's thoughts with his own hands.

Tian Meng is the body of Meng Chanyi's thoughts, the child that Meng Chanyi misses, and the bond between Meng Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan.

Now, am I going to kill this bond with my own hands?

"Why is this happening?"

"The body of thoughts, why does the dream body of thoughts destroy the world?"

"Did something happen to her?"

Zhuo Bufan began to have a bad guess in his heart.

If Tianmeng is really Meng Chanyi's thoughts body, then it is impossible for him to have no reaction when facing himself.

Meng Chanyi wanted to see her so much that she should have appeared as soon as she saw the missing body.

And as Meng Chanyi's missing person, Tian Meng should be by Meng Chanyi's side at all times.

But now, Meng Chanyi has not shown up yet.

Zhuo Bufan only had one guess, that something might have happened to Meng Chanyi.

Perhaps it was what happened to Meng Chanyi that made this longing body become so unrestrained and so crazy that it wanted to destroy the world.

No matter what, Zhuo Bufan must learn more about Meng Chanyi from Tian Meng.

As for tomorrow's negotiations, Zhuo Bufan must be mentally prepared.

Because a war is probably inevitable.

However, after learning Tianmeng's identity, Zhuo Bufan probably won't kill Tianmeng.

So now Zhuo Bufan is in a dilemma.

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