Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1466 1467: Encirclement and Killing Plan

1467: Siege plan

When a person's longing reaches its extreme, the longing will give birth to one's own consciousness and soul, and eventually a new life will be born.

Such a living body is the body of thoughts.

In the entire infinite world, there are only a handful of creatures like the Thought Body.

Similarly, the missing body is also the rarest life.

Such a life possesses extremely powerful talents and shaping power.

Basically, once the missing body is born, it becomes a powerful person in the world, a god-like existence.

Their talents and abilities are far superior to ordinary people.

That's why Tianmeng's talent is so abnormal that he can now become a world destroyer.

Now that Zhuo Bufan knows Tianmeng's identity, as a collection of Meng Chanyi's thoughts about herself, Zhuo Bufan suddenly doesn't know what to do.

Do we really want to join forces with all the servants of God to eliminate this missing body?

You know, this is proof of Meng Chanyi's deep love for her, and it is the only bond between him and Meng Chanyi.

If he killed the missing body, it would be equivalent to cutting off all connections between him and Meng Chanyi. He did not want such a thing to happen.

So Zhuo Bufan is a little hesitant now.

"Since it is Meng Chanyi's missing body, she shouldn't be filled with hatred when she sees me."

"Did something really happen to the dream?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that something happened to Meng Chanyi, which caused her longing for Zhuo Bufan to turn into hatred.

Now that the missing body is focused on destroying the world, I'm afraid things are not as simple as I thought.

"It seems that I have to talk to him again."

Zhuo Bufan felt that he should have a good talk with the missing body.

The two sat down to resolve the misunderstanding between them.

"That's strange. If Tian Meng is Meng Chanyi's missing body, then what's going on with the Lord of Time?"

"Isn't Tianmeng the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan always thought that Tianmeng was the Lord of Time.

Destroying the world is just a game for the Time Lord.

Now it seems that my guess was completely wrong.

There were too many questions in his mind, and Zhuo Bufan had to sort things out from beginning to end.

Of course, the most important thing is Tianmeng’s answer.

Maybe Tianmeng can solve all the mysteries for Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, the premise is that Zhuo Bufan can talk to him peacefully.

Zhuo Bufan returned to the Legendary Forest, and all the servants of the gods were still discussing tomorrow's siege plan.

"Boy, you're back."

Maka saw Zhuo Bufan returning and quickly stepped forward to ask.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Well, I'm back."

"How's your discussion going?"

Zhuo Bufan asked casually.

At this time, Gaia, the servant of the earth god, said.

"I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle tomorrow, so our plan must be perfect."

"First of all, we can't let the World Destroyer escape. So we must set up a powerful space trap to prevent that guy from escaping."

After hearing this, Maka quickly continued.

"Leave it to me to set up this space trap. I will make sure that guy never comes back."

Since the space god servant Chonglong in this world did not appear, the task of setting up the space trap was given to Maka.

Maka is also a servant of the space god. Although he is not as good as Zhonglong, he is still the one who once controlled the key to space.

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to set up a space trap.

The sky god servant Qiong Cang said on the side.

"Then you have to set up the space trap securely. You must not let that guy escape."

After hearing this, Maka replied.

"Just rest assured, the space trap I set will never allow him to escape."

At this time, the forest god servant Yulis said.

"With him trapped, our top priority is to save Maya."

"He will definitely use Maya to threaten us to open space for him, and at this time, Du En will take the opportunity to turn the entire space trap into chaos."

Du En, the servant of Chaos God on the side, listened and continued.

"In the chaos, he will temporarily lose all perception."

"But I can only shuttle through chaos."

"So I'm going to take it upon myself to save Maya."

"You take this opportunity to surround and kill the World Destroyer."

After Chaos Duen finished speaking, the servant of the God of Heaven, Qiong Cang, said.

"Leave the task of killing him to me. The sky is my battlefield. I will make him lose all mobility in the air. As for the task of killing him, leave it to Luca, Gaia and Julis. "

Finally, the sea god Puluka concluded.

"Time, the most important thing is time. We must complete this series of operations as quickly as possible."

"After all, the time that Doon's chaos can be controlled is limited. Before he reacts, we have to send Maya out and destroy him at the same time."

"And if he's defensive, we might not go well."

"So we must eliminate his vigilance before taking action. We have discussed it, and this task can only be left to you."

Luka looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Not only Luka, but all the servants of God present looked at Zhuo Bufan intently.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he pointed at himself and said.


Gaia replied.

"Yes, I heard that the destroyer likes to pretend to be you, and there should be some kind of connection between him and you."

"So only you can make him eliminate his vigilance."

"Tomorrow you will take the fake space key and pretend to trade with him."

"In this process, dispel his concerns and vigilance."

"When the time comes, you will send us a signal, and once the signal appears, we will act immediately."

A group of divine servants arranged the plan clearly, and even arranged Zhuo Bufan's task.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing it.

Now he began to worry about the life and death of the thought body.

If the plan really goes well, then the thought body will probably die.

Is he really going to unite this group of divine servants to kill Meng Chanyi's thoughts about him?

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, then said.

"This plan sounds perfect, but there is a major flaw."

"What flaw?"

All the divine servants present asked.

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing it.

"First of all, it's a space trap. Maca, it's not that I don't trust you, but you should understand the strength of the Destroyer. It's impossible for an ordinary space trap to trap him."

"You should know that he can create time and space by himself, and he also masters the mystery of time."

"Once he finds something wrong, he can just turn back time to before entering the space."

"Unless your space power can cut off time. In that case, there may be a chance to prevent him from turning back time."

The purpose of Zhuo Bufan asking this question is actually to make these people realize that the Destroyer is not so easy to deal with.

Because the best way Zhuo Bufan can think of is to talk about it, rather than a life-and-death confrontation.

"There is another problem, and it is also the biggest problem."

"You asked me to trade with him, so that he would dispel his concerns and relax his vigilance. This is actually very difficult."

"First of all, he is very hostile to me. He has four space keys in his hand. He knows what the space key looks like and what kind of aura it has."

"Once he finds out that the space key in my hand is fake, he will terminate the negotiation immediately, kill Maya, and get away with it."

When Zhuo Bufan expressed these concerns, all the servants of God present were stunned.

Then they were all silent.

It must be said that Zhuo Bufan's few words made these servants of God begin to doubt whether the plan just now was rigorous.

Luka said.

"What you said is indeed a problem."

"The other party has seen the space key. If you make a fake one, I am afraid it will be discovered by the other party soon."

Maca on the side asked.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Do you want us to get a real space key?"

"Don't forget how arrogant that guy is."

What Maca said was naturally the space servant of this world, Chonglong.

There is an irreconcilable contradiction between it and Chonglong.

What's more, Chonglong has not appeared yet, so it is impossible to find him and get the real space key.

If the real space key cannot be obtained, then this negotiation may not be able to proceed smoothly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment, and then replied.

"How about I propose peace talks?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly proposed this.

As a result, when this proposal came out, all the servants of God looked at him in disbelief, and then said in astonishment.

"Peace talks?"

"What do you mean? Do you really want to give him the space key?"

"That guy is the destroyer! Are you sure?"

The most incredible one is of course Maca.

All along, it was Zhuo Bufan who took the initiative to propose to hunt down Tianmeng.

Now that the destroyer is about to be arrested, I didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to propose peace talks at this time.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"If there is really no choice, I think peace talks are the best decision."

"Are you really willing to go to war?"

"Once the war starts, are you sure you can guarantee Maya's safety?"

The reason why Zhuo Bufan proposed peace talks is obviously that his heart began to waver.

He no longer wants to kill Tianmeng, the destroyer.

He still has many questions to ask that guy.

The most important thing is that if Tianmeng did not deceive himself, then he is the thought body of Meng Chanyi.

After all, he couldn't do it.

Even if he wanted to kill this thought body, Zhuo Bufan at least had to figure out why Tianmeng wanted to destroy the world so relentlessly?

So, Zhuo Bufan had his own considerations and plans.

In a way, Zhuo Bufan obviously had to be responsible for this matter to the end, and he had no choice but to do it.

He would solve Tianmeng's problem, but it was definitely not as simple as killing him.

He would not let Tianmeng continue to destroy the world.

Similarly, he would not let Tianmeng die in the hands of these servants of God.

At this time, Gaia asked on the side.

"Then how do you want to negotiate?"

Gaia respected Zhuo Bufan very much. After all, Zhuo Bufan had been very clear about capturing the Destroyer and had helped him without reservation.

So he believed that Zhuo Bufan had his own reasons for thinking this way.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Gaia and then answered.

"Everyone, you should know that since the other party has decided to trade with us, he must have made full preparations."

"He will definitely be prepared to retreat. If we really go to war without a word, I'm afraid Maya will definitely die."

"If Maya dies, the time of this world will probably fall into chaos. This is definitely not what you want to see, right?"

"The reason why I proposed peace talks is actually because I knew that there is a possibility of peace talks during the two meetings with the other party."

"Of course, I don't think it will harm your interests."

"The space key will not be given to him, and this world will not be destroyed by him."

"The prerequisite for peace talks is to protect this world."

Zhuo Bufan wants to protect both the world and Tianmeng. This is the purpose of Zhuo Bufan's peace talks.

However, after listening to Zhuo Bufan's delusion, the servants of the gods all felt that Zhuo Bufan was dreaming.

"Do you really think there is a possibility of peace talks?"

"The other party clearly wants to be fine. This guy is not trustworthy."

Zhuo Bufan nodded after listening.

"Maybe, but I just want to try."

"I don't think you want Maya to die like this, do you?"

Hearing this, all the servants of God present fell silent.

What Zhuo Bufan said was right. Their plan was not perfect. If they really went according to the plan, Maya would be in real danger.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"At this point, Chonglong has not appeared. I'm afraid we don't have any chance."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"No, we are not completely without a chance."

"Let me handle the negotiation. Let me talk to him alone. I believe there will be another chance to talk."

Zhuo Bufan still wanted to talk to Tianmeng. After all, at this point, he could only trust Tianmeng.

In response, the other servants of God looked at each other, and then looked at each other.

In the end, it was Gaia who stood up and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Let's put it this way. We have no other choice now."

"I believe you. If it's you, you should be able to do it."

Now they can only believe in Zhuo Bufan. As for whether Zhuo Bufan can do it, I'm afraid they can only leave it to fate.

Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath after hearing this.

Now he only hopes to have a pleasant conversation with Tianmeng the next time he meets.

However, the plan of the servants of God has not changed. The servant of space, Maka, is still setting up his space trap.

The powerful space trap covers the entire legendary forest.

The other servants of God are also preparing themselves. If the negotiations fail, they will take compulsory measures without hesitation.

Zhuo Bufan has actually been mentally prepared for this.

No matter what, he will try his best to keep the thought body.

Finally, the day of negotiation has arrived.

Tianmeng appeared in the sky above the legendary forest as promised.

When Tianmeng appeared, all the servants of God were ready for battle.


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