Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1467 1468: The truth of the destruction of the world!

1468: The truth of the destruction of the world!

The promised day arrived, and the sky above the entire legendary forest was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

In the distance, Zhuo Bufan was suspended in the air, looking forward to it.

He was waiting, waiting for Tianmeng to come.

According to their plan, the servant of God would give Zhuo Bufan half an hour to negotiate. If the negotiation failed, then the battle would be inevitable.

So Zhuo Bufan's task was to persuade Tianmeng to hand over Maya within half an hour.

Regardless of whether he could succeed or not, Zhuo Bufan would try his best.

"Here it comes!"

At this time, a golden mountain appeared above the clouds on the other side, flying towards them.

That golden mountain was the pyramid that suppressed the servant of time, Maya.

When the other servants saw the pyramid flying over, they were also on high alert.

"Be prepared to take action if the other party has any abnormality."

Maca and the others were ready to kill Tianmeng at any time.

At this time, a light curtain was projected from the pyramid in the air, reflecting the entire void.

In the light curtain, there was only a divine beast with golden light and white wings, tied up by countless black chains.

Seeing this scene, the servants shouted.

"Maya, it's Maya!"

"Damn, that guy actually dared to treat Maya like this."

Obviously, the divine beast was Maya, the servant of time!

Sure enough, Tianmeng came prepared this time. He completely sealed Maya with the time chain to prevent Zhuo Bufan and others from rescuing her.

After seeing this scene, the servant of chaos, Du En, frowned deeply and said.

"Not good, if this happens, we have no chance to save Maya!"

According to the plan, after creating the chaos field, Du En would take advantage of Tian Meng's loss of all senses to rescue Maya immediately.

However, Maya is now trapped by Tian Meng with the time shackles. In this case, they may not be able to rescue Maya so easily.

In short, things may be more complicated than they imagined.

However, the plan to save Maya will not be stranded.

On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan was waiting for Tianmeng's arrival in the air.

When Tianmeng came to Zhuo Bufan, he said to him with a cold face.

"I think you have all prepared traps for my arrival, so save your efforts! Since I can come, I am not afraid of any of your traps."

"Where is the thing I want?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately replied.

"You should know very well that we will not give you the space key, which is equivalent to sending the whole world to you to be destroyed by you."

Zhuo Bufan said bluntly.

Tianmeng frowned after hearing this.

"What do you mean? Do you regret it?"

"You are really untrustworthy. If that's the case, then this thing has no value in existence."

Tianmeng was about to kill Maya after he finished speaking, but Zhuo Bufan stopped him in time.

"Hey, do you think you can get away with it if you kill her?"

"You should have a mission to do!"

"If you die here, who will complete your mission?"

"How about this, I see that you are very hostile to me. How about we have a match."

"If I lose, I will never care about what you do again."

"If I win, how about you let Maya go?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Tianmeng hated him to the core.

So Zhuo Bufan used himself as a negotiation condition, and he believed that Tianmeng in front of him would definitely agree.

"You should know very well that we can't give you the space key just like that."

"Even if you kill Maya, we can't give it to you."

"Once the space key is given to you, the world will fall into destruction."

"Do you think we will use the whole world as a price to exchange with you?"

Zhuo Bufan did not forget his principles.

Even if Tianmeng is Meng Chanyi's thought of himself, Zhuo Bufan still takes protecting the world as the first principle.

So he can't trade with Tianmeng with the space key.

As for how to solve this problem, it was just like what Zhuo Bufan said, a fight.

Tian Meng smiled at Zhuo Bufan after hearing Zhuo Bufan's request, then he rolled his eyes at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Just you? You think too highly of yourself."

"If I remember correctly, the time-rewriting power you comprehended was passed down by me!"

"After all, you should still be my apprentice. Why don't you salute your teacher?"

The thought body swelled and began to look down on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan only frowned when he saw this.

"Why, are you scared?"

"Don't you hate me? Now is your chance to kill me openly."

Zhuo Bufan began to stimulate the thought body.

After hearing this, the thought body Tian Meng's face was ferocious, and he began to grit his teeth at Zhuo Bufan.

"You don't know whether to live or die. Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish."

"Don't you want to fight with me? Come with me!"

As soon as the thought body finished speaking, it suddenly disappeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan followed without saying anything.

For Zhuo Bufan, this battle was inevitable.

The hatred of this thought entity towards him could only be completely vented through this battle.

Zhuo Bufan did not let other servants catch up, but caught up with the thought body Tianmeng alone.

He followed Tianmeng and came to a magical space.

In this space, the power of time and space was in chaos.

When Zhuo Bufan felt that this place was very much like his infinite world.

At this time, the thought body Tianmeng turned and looked at Zhuo Bufan, then squinted and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I'll give you three moves, you do it!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled when he heard it.

"No need, use your full strength and fight me!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and a huge time halo appeared around him.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan release the time halo, the thought body Tianmeng sneered.

"Huh, just you?"

"You learned some superficial skills from my stone tablet, and you want to challenge me?"

"Then let me show you what real time rewriting is."

Tianmeng and Zhuo Bufan used the power of time rewriting at the same time.

For a moment, powerful space vortexes and time storms began to appear in the entire space.

The powerful force of time began to tear Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng apart.

Both of them used various time save and rewrite abilities.

Save their strongest state, and then seek life in the storm of time.

Once they fall behind, they will immediately return to the save and return to their strongest state.

The two sides went back and forth like this, looking for ways to suppress each other in the entanglement of time and space.

But obviously, as Tianmeng said, he is obviously better than Zhuo Bufan in the control of the mystery of time.

Time shackles, holy sword of time, time cannon, etc.

Various skills that Zhuo Bufan had never seen made Zhuo Bufan almost unable to resist.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not fall too far behind, and used the mystery of gravity and the mystery of space to make up for the gap in the mystery of time.

Especially the mystery of space, which has a strong suppressing power for Tianmeng.

Tianmeng's attainments in the mystery of space are obviously not as strong as Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan used the secret of space to avoid many of Tianmeng's time killers.

The battle soon entered a white-hot stage, and both sides fought back and forth, and neither of them gained much advantage.

"Are you just hiding?"

"Coward, I don't know how she fell in love with you."

Tianmeng also looked around and found that there were space mirrors all around.

Zhuo Bufan's appearance appeared on all the mirrors.

But there was only one real body among them. Whenever Tianmeng found the real body, Zhuo Bufan would use space to transfer to another space mirror at the first time.

So for a while, Tianmeng was very troubled.

The reason why Zhuo Bufan did this was actually to let Tianmeng calm down a little, so that both sides could have a chance to talk.

"In fact, you should know very well that there is no need for you to die between us."

"Tell me, why do you want to destroy these worlds? If you are in trouble, I think we can solve it together."

Zhuo Bufan believes that Tianmeng should be kind in his heart.

After all, he is the thought body of Meng Chanyi, and Meng Chanyi is the saint sitting under the Queen of Wa, with a holy heart and benevolence.

The thought body of Meng Chanyi is naturally not a vicious thing.

Tianmeng must have a reason for wanting to destroy the world so much.

Zhuo Bufan is of course willing to help Tianmeng and solve the problem, rather than watching him become a destroyer and a demon.

"Shut up, I don't need your help."

Tianmeng decisively rejected Zhuo Bufan's help.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this and said again.

"This is not help, I just want to solve the problem!"

"You should know that no one in this world can help you except me."

"If you insist on destroying this world, then it will only be destroyed in the end."

"So, tell me, what happened?"

"Where is Fairy Chanyi? Believe me, I can help you."

Zhuo Bufan is still trying to impress Tianmeng.

He believes that the kindness deep in Tianmeng's heart will eventually awaken his conscience.

However, after hearing this, Tianmeng began to go crazy and started to attack randomly.

"Shut up, shut up."

"You are not qualified to know about her."

Tian Meng said, and began to destroy everything around him frantically.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw this. He did not expect Tian Meng to be so tough.

Not only that, he even intensified his attack on Zhuo Bufan.

The space mirrors created by Zhuo Bufan began to break one by one.

As a last resort, Zhuo Bufan could only defend again and again and constantly shift positions.

But in this way, Zhuo Bufan has been passively beaten.

At this time, Tian Meng also began to roar hysterically.

"Do you know what despair is?"

"Where were you when she needed you the most?"

"Answer me! Where were you at that time?"

Tian Meng's voice changed from hysterical roar to complaints and blame.

It felt like a child complaining to his parents.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan, he felt that the other party's heart, which was originally as hard as a rock, began to become weak slowly.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Tianmeng still had a gentle heart.

Tianmeng was probably just pretending to be so strong.

So, Zhuo Bufan continued to treat her gently and answered.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"I hope there is still room for redemption."

Zhuo Bufan said.

Tianmeng was furious after hearing this.

"Room for redemption? Are you kidding? What's the point of saying these words now?"

"She's gone."

Tianmeng said, suddenly stopped the action in her hands, and stood blankly in the air.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and walked out of the mirror in front of Tianmeng.

Then, he frowned, looked at Tianmeng in front of him, and then said.

"What happened to Meng? Could it be that she has..."

Zhuo Bufan's most feared thing happened. He was afraid that Meng Chanyi was dead.

This was also the thing he feared most in his heart.

If Meng Chanyi really died, Zhuo Bufan might really not be able to forgive himself.

When Mo Chichi died for him before, he had already blamed himself.

Now if Meng Chanyi also died because of him, Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to bear it.

Zhuo Bufan stared at Tianmeng blankly, and Tianmeng stopped attacking Zhuo Bufan at this time.

The two stood in the air blankly, and they both calmed down.

"How is it possible? She is Meng Chanyi, she has lived for 100,000 years, she is an immortal existence, she practices the immortal heaven-repairing magic, how could she die?"

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Tianmeng's shoulders in front of him, and then began to yell at him.

He thought of any possibility, but he didn't think that Meng Chanyi would die.

Meng Chanyi practiced the heaven-repairing magic, and was an immortal existence.

But on second thought, Zhuo Bufan remembered that this world was different from Daluotian, and Meng Chanyi in this world did not have an immortal body.

But when he saw Tianmeng's expression in front of him, he knew that all this was true.

Meng Chanyi, who he had been looking for with great difficulty, was gone.

At that moment, a thousand kinds of loss fell into Zhuo Bufan's heart.

Zhuo Bufan's heart fell into the bottomless cold abyss again.

"Impossible, impossible!"


Zhuo Bufan didn't know what mood to use to describe his sadness at this moment.

"Who did it, who did it?"

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Tianmeng and shouted.

His expression became a little solemn and painful.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's sad expression, Tianmeng sneered and said.

"Haha, are you pretending to be righteous now?"

"Aren't you going to unite those bastards to destroy me?"

"If I say that it was the whole world that killed her, what would you do?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

It was the whole world that killed Meng Chanyi?

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan's brain was full of lightning and thunder, and he began to be confused and shocked beyond words.

He could feel that Tianmeng was not lying, nor was she joking with him.

He even began to understand why Tianmeng insisted on being a destroyer.

For Tianmeng, Meng Chanyi was like his mother.

It was Meng Chanyi's longing that gave birth to him.

This world killed his mother, so he will use the whole world to bury her!

This is the truth of everything!

This is also why Tianmeng wants to destroy the world.

If this is true, then what choice will Zhuo Bufan make?

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