Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1471 1472: Killing two birds with one stone

1472: Kill two birds with one stone

World No. 6, Doomsday Forest.

Zhuo Bufan was entrusted by the Earth God Servant Di Hun to come to this desolate and terrifying forest.

As long as he helps Di Hun steal the life scepter in the Doomsday Forest, he can obtain the land of rest.

When he came to the Doomsday Forest, Zhuo Bufan followed the guidance of Di Hun and found an oasis in the center of the scorched earth.

Rather than an oasis, it is better to say that it is a huge tree.

This tree is a forest, and one tree is an oasis.

There seems to be a powerful life hidden in this oasis.

Zhuo Bufan can feel that there seems to be something terrible hidden in this oasis.

"It looks like it should be the Forest God Servant!"

"This Earth God Servant asked me to steal things from the Forest God Servant. This guy is really powerful."

Zhuo Bufan said, no longer worrying.

He sneaked under the earth and began to enter the oasis quietly.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan came under the towering tree.

Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath and began to sense the peculiarity of the tree.

The earth soul did not tell Zhuo Bufan what the characteristics of the life staff he wanted to steal were, so Zhuo Bufan could only look for it himself.

Zhuo Bufan guessed that the earth life staff he was looking for was probably in this tree.

So Zhuo Bufan used the mystery of space to approach the tree.

Zhuo Bufan created a space barrier to make himself invisible outside the space.

This is not an ordinary invisibility technique, but a space invisibility.

As long as Zhuo Bufan does not show up, no one can find him.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan followed the tree to the top of the tree.

Because he sensed that there was a strong life force guiding him above the tree.

When he came to the top of the tree, Zhuo Bufan saw a staff floating in the wreath.

That staff has a strong life energy.

Needless to say, it is naturally the life staff.

After all, with such a strong vitality, it must be the life staff.

"Huh? What is that?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that next to the life staff, there was a black wooden stick as long as an arm.

That was not an ordinary wooden stick, because it was covered with scales.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw the wooden stick, his eyes lit up.

"Could it be that this is the relic of the wood god, the scale wood?"

Before coming, Zhuo Bufan asked Tianmeng about the characteristics of all the relics of the gods.

The relic of the wood god, the scale wood.

It is a black wood with scales like fish scales.

So, the black wooden stick in front of him is undoubtedly the scale wood.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would find the first relic of the gods so easily.

Anyway, he had to steal it, so what was the difference between stealing the scale wood and stealing the life staff?

So Zhuo Bufan simply killed two birds with one stone and stole the scale wood and the life staff together.

In this way, not only did he complete the task, but he also got the relic of the wood god. More importantly, after returning, Zhuo Bufan could also exchange it for the relic of the earth god.

This is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Zhuo Bufan will not give up.

So Zhuo Bufan showed up without hesitation, and then grabbed the scale wood and the life staff at the same time.

However, when Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to grab the life staff.

Suddenly, countless vines shot out from nowhere.

These vines, hard as iron, with thorns that can pierce steel, are like bone scrapers, scraping Zhuo Bufan's body.

Fortunately, at that moment, Zhuo Bufan jumped back a few steps to a place where the thorns could not reach.

Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses and found that he had been surrounded by a group of strange creatures.

These creatures look like toads, but they are many times bigger than toads. They look like small tanks.

They are dark green and covered with moss.

Ling Zhuo Bufan was shocked that he could not feel the breath of life on them.

The black thorns spit out from their mouths formed a net that surrounded Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

"I didn't expect to be discovered so soon."

"It seems that we can only fight."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think too much and accepted the challenge immediately.

Zhuo Bufan used the secret of space, and the powerful arcane energy tore the space apart.

In an instant, all the toad monsters were killed by him.

With Zhuo Bufan's current ability, it was more than enough to kill these creatures.

After killing all the toad monsters, Zhuo Bufan turned around again and grabbed the life scepter and scale wood.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan reached out to grab the scale wood.

Suddenly he felt his hand was pricked by the scale wood.

Zhuo Bufan immediately looked at his palm, and saw some dense red dots appearing in the palm.


He was surprised to find that the scale wood was poisonous.

And it was not a simple poison. Zhuo Bufan found that the arcane energy quantum in his body was slowly sinking and difficult to summon.

He put his hands together, and found that the power of the arcane was greatly weakened.

Zhuo Bufan was horrified when he learned the truth.

"How is it possible?"

"This poison actually made me lose the communication with the arcane energy quantum."

"Oh no!"

Zhuo Bufan cried out in his heart that it was not good. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Having lost the ability to sense the arcane quantum, Zhuo Bufan might not be able to use the arcane.

At this moment, a terrifying shout suddenly came to his ears.

"Who is it, breaking into my forest?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this voice, his hair stood on end.

He knew that the forest servant had returned.

The situation was critical, and Zhuo Bufan did not think much about it. He immediately put away the life staff and scale wood, and then began to retreat.

He used the few remaining arcane quantum to open up a very unstable space barrier, and then began to run away.

The forest servant obviously discovered Zhuo Bufan, and it drove the entire forest to start blocking Zhuo Bufan.

One by one, vines flew towards Zhuo Bufan.

Trees, flowers, and all plants became a force to block Zhuo Bufan at that moment.

Because Zhuo Bufan was poisoned by a strange poison, the arcane quantum in his body became more and more lazy and could not be summoned.

As a result, the space barrier on his body was directly broken.

In this way, the forest servant immediately discovered him.

"Little thief, stop right there."

The forest servant began to chase Zhuo Bufan relentlessly.

But Zhuo Bufan had no intention of fighting.

He used the last bit of arcane energy to escape into the earth.

As a result, countless tree roots under the earth began to form a net to catch Zhuo Bufan.

After a difficult escape, Zhuo Bufan finally escaped from the forest successfully.

Only after Zhuo Bufan escaped from the forest did the forest servant stop chasing him.

"Damn thief, damn it."

The roar of the forest servant came from behind.

For some reason, the forest servant could not leave the oasis.

Zhuo Bufan jumped out of the soil and fell to the ground.

Although the situation was a bit dangerous, fortunately, Zhuo Bufan escaped from the forest successfully.

However, the poison in his body was still not resolved.

"Damn, this poison is not easy to deal with."

Zhuo Bufan lay on the ground with difficulty, and after a while, he could not move.

He could only lie stiffly on the ground, motionless.

If he can't use arcane magic, then he is just an ordinary mortal in this world.

After all, this is the world of arcane magic, and all laws must follow the power of arcane magic.

Although Zhuo Bufan is an arcane god, he can't break this rule.

"Not good, do I really have the ability to fight those ancient gods like this?"

Zhuo Bufan is a person with a strong sense of crisis.

After this incident, he obviously found that it might not be so easy for him to fight those ancient gods.

The ancient gods control the rules of this world.

And now he doesn't have the strength to break the rules.

In other words, he is still controlled by others.

If those ancient gods don't let him use arcane magic at that time, does it mean that he is not the opponent of those ancient gods at all?

"Sure enough, Tianmeng is still too naive. After all, the ancient gods are the existences that control the rules of this world. Even if humans understand the mystery of the rules, they are not their opponents."

"I must find a way to control this problem as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan's judgment was wrong because of Meng Chanyi's incident before, and this kind of mistake is obviously fatal.

Zhuo Bufan obviously realized that their strength was far from enough to deal with the ancient gods.

"No, we must think of another way."

"If we can guide these ancient gods to the infinite world, there may be a chance."

"In this arcane divine domain, it is their domain. We are controlled by others and cannot be their opponents."

Zhuo Bufan calmed down and realized that it was definitely not a good time to take revenge now.

So they must find another way.

Zhuo Bufan's speculation made sense. After all, this is the arcane divine domain, and the ancient gods are the masters of this arcane divine domain.

The status of the ancient gods is equivalent to Zhuo Bufan's status in the Yin-Yang world and Luo Tian's status in the Daluotian.

It is the supreme existence, the existence that controls the rules of the entire world.

Zhuo Bufan is confident that no one is his opponent in his own Yin-Yang world.

Because he only needs a thought to wipe out any strong man, even a god.

Similarly, in this arcane divine domain, the seven ancient gods also control the rules of this world. They only need a thought to make themselves disappear into ashes.

Therefore, it is impossible for Tianmeng to challenge the ancient gods with the power of time.

Perhaps, Tianmeng just believes in Zhuo Bufan. But Zhuo Bufan himself cannot be blind.

Zhuo Bufan, who understands the seriousness of the matter, must now make a decision, whether to continue to search for the relics of the gods, summon those ancient gods, and then fight them with their backs to the water.

Or stop here and find another way.

Of course, it is not easy to find another way. The only way Zhuo Bufan can now is to return to the infinite world.

As long as he returns to the infinite world, he will have the unparalleled cultivation he once had.

Under the premise of mastering the law of devouring and the law of reincarnation of the infinite world, Zhuo Bufan can fight all the ancient gods alone.

So the most urgent task is for Zhuo Bufan to find a way to leave the arcane realm and return to the infinite world.

It is not easy to go to the infinite world, and you need to cross the black and white worlds.

Or Zhuo Bufan can enter the long river of time and then return to the infinite world through the long river of time.

However, crossing the black and white worlds is simply impossible for Zhuo Bufan now.

Because the black and white worlds are different from ordinary world walls, the world door of the black and white world cannot be opened by using space arcane alone.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan’s only way at present is to enter the long river of time.

The long river of time connects all the big worlds.

If the big world like the arcane divine domain is compared to beads, then the long river of time is the line connecting these beads.

Zhuo Bufan can even return to his Yin and Yang world through the long river of time.

Zhuo Bufan recalled that the arcane divine domain is separated from the chaotic divine domain where Daluotian is located by three big worlds.

And his Yin and Yang world is next to the chaotic divine domain.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan only needs to cross four big worlds in succession to return to his Yin and Yang world and return to his home.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan does not need to be so troublesome.

As long as he can enter the long river of time, he can escape from the long river of time to the infinite world.

As long as he returns to the infinite world, Zhuo Bufan will have invincible power.

"The River of Time is the wheel of cause and effect that connects all the great worlds. No matter which world it is, there is a passage to the River of Time."

"Maybe I can find the River of Time in this world."

Zhuo Bufan thought.

Because the River of Time connects all the great worlds.

So Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the River of Time also existed in this arcane divine domain.

It's just that ordinary people can't find it at all.

Perhaps the only one in this world who knows the River of Time is the ancient god of time.

Zhuo Bufan guessed that he should also be able to find the River of Time.

After all, they have mastered the mystery of time.

"In short, now we have to collect the relics of the gods and find a way to find the River of Time."

"If we find all the relics of the gods, we can summon those ancient gods."

"When the time comes, we will lead those guys to the infinite world, and then they can only let me slaughter them."

Zhuo Bufan thought in his heart.

It's not the time to take revenge now. Even if he joins hands with Tianmeng, I'm afraid they are not the opponents of those ancient gods.

So Zhuo Bufan's plan is obviously the most appropriate.

So next, Zhuo Bufan had to search for the long river of time while collecting the relics of God.

About an hour passed.

Zhuo Bufan's body finally regained consciousness.

The arcane quantum in his body also showed signs of activity.

It seemed that the effect of the poison had begun to disappear, which made Zhuo Bufan feel a little comforted.

He got up from the ground with difficulty, and then looked back at the oasis behind him.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan bowed to the oasis and said.

"I'm sorry, this thing is very important to me, I'll borrow it first."

After that, Zhuo Bufan turned and left.

After a thrilling chase, Zhuo Bufan completed the task assigned by the Earth Soul, and now it was time to go back and report.


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