Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1472 1473: Searching for Tuquan

1473: Searching for Tuquan

After a series of twists and turns, Zhuo Bufan took the Scepter of Life without any danger.

Not only that, he also unexpectedly obtained the Scale Wood.

However, the mysterious poison of the Scale Wood made Zhuo Bufan realize that he might not be the opponent of those ancient gods now.

A mere relic of the ancient gods made him embarrassed.

How could such strength be an enemy of the ancient gods?

So, Zhuo Bufan thought about it and felt that it was not the time to fight the ancient gods head-on.

He now needs to find the Long River of Time.

Before looking for the Long River of Time, Zhuo Bufan first returned to Kangdi City to report to the Earth God Servant Dihun.

When Zhuo Bufan handed the Scepter of Life to Dihun, Dihun was so excited that he was incoherent.

"It's really the Scepter of Life. How did you do it?"

"This thing is guarded day and night by the guy Jingli. It is said to be a magical artifact that can bring people back to life."

"I tried to steal it several times, but failed. I didn't expect you to reveal it so quickly."

"You guy, are you a thief?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

"Have you ever seen such a handsome thief?"

"Okay, I won't waste my time with you. Now that the things you want have been taken back, what about the things I want?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't come here to chat with Dihun. He came here to trade.

After hearing this, Dihun re-examined Zhuo Bufan in front of him, and then said.

"Xi Tu, I can give it to you."

"But what I want to know is, what are you going to do with Xi Tu?"

Xi Tu is not an ordinary thing. Although Dihun promised to give Xi Tu to Zhuo Bufan, he must know what Zhuo Bufan is going to do with Xi Tu.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

He was considering whether to tell the truth. After a while, he answered.

"If I don't tell you, you won't give me the land of Xitu?"

"I thought this was a deal between us."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the earth soul was silent for a while, and then laughed.

"Hahaha, what if I say yes?"

The other party's answer made Zhuo Bufan deeply dissatisfied.

The other party showed that he was making things difficult for him, so he deliberately said so.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan also answered without hesitation.

"Then you really disappoint me!"

"I thought someone like you would not be a person who doesn't keep his word. If you really do that, then I can't do anything about it."

"But I'm afraid I have to return this life scepter."

Zhuo Bufan said.

The other party smiled and answered when he heard it.

"Return it? Hahaha, do you think you can return something that is in my hands?"

Zhuo Bufan's face changed immediately when he heard this.

Then he suddenly activated the mystery of time, and countless time shackles flew out from under the earth, tying up the mountain in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to use force, but if the guy in front of him didn't keep his word, he couldn't blame Zhuo Bufan for being decisive.

In anger, Zhuo Bufan used powerful arcane power to directly suppress the Earth God's servant Earth Soul.

Earth Soul was obviously not Zhuo Bufan's opponent, and he didn't expect that the human in front of him was so powerful.

He suppressed him without mercy.

After being trapped by the shackles of time, Earth Soul realized that Zhuo Bufan was much stronger than he thought.

"Who are you? How can a human have such a powerful power?"

Earth Soul said to Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied coldly.

"I wanted to have a good talk with you and treat you with courtesy, but you didn't accept my toast. In this case, there is no need for me to talk nonsense with you."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he released the gravity mystery Earth Elegy again.

For a time, layer after layer of powerful gravity pressed on him.

Soon, the Earth Soul, the servant of the Earth God, felt waves of pain.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and did not show mercy. Instead, he increased the gravity and began to frantically destroy the Earth Soul.

Soon, the powerful energy had suppressed the Earth Soul so much that it could not speak.

"I was wrong, I was wrong."

"I'll give you the Xitu, I'll give you the Xitu."

The Earth Soul, who was severely punished by Zhuo Bufan, finally realized that the human in front of him should not be provoked.

He quickly handed the Xitu to Zhuo Bufan.

The so-called Xitu is a mass of black soil.

But it is not ordinary black soil.

This small piece of Xitu can instantly create an oasis.

This is very similar to the Xuanhuang soil that Zhuo Bufan had obtained before.

But the difference between Xitu and Xitu is that this divine soil can survive in any space.

It can instantly create a land of life. It is also a guide to life, which can guide the direction of the return of the ancient gods.

Therefore, the altar made of Xitu can make those ancient gods return.

Zhuo Bufan got the Xitu, and then quickly put it into the space he created, together with the Linmu he had obtained before.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan now has two relics of God.

Next, Zhuo Bufan will look for the sea relic Tuquan and the time relic Fenjin.

Zhuo Bufan plans to collect these relics first, and then consider the matter of the long river of time.

"Okay, the next target is the sea relic Tuquan."

Zhuo Bufan put away the treasures on his body and prepared to leave.

At this time, the trapped earth soul began to beg Zhuo Bufan.

"Hey, can you let me go?"

"I was rude earlier, and I apologize to you here!"

This earth soul is quite capable of bending and stretching. After being ravaged by Zhuo Bufan, he finally gave in.

Zhuo Bufan saw that the other party handed over Xitu and admitted his mistake, so he did not embarrass himself too much, but untied the man's restraints.

After being freed from the restraints, Zhuo Bufan asked him about the whereabouts of the servant of the sea god.

After hearing this, the other party quickly replied.

"Servant of the Sea God? Why do you suddenly ask about him?"

"Just answer the question, don't talk nonsense."

Zhuo Bufan found that if he didn't give this guy some harsh words, he would be very chatty.

After hearing this, the servant of the Sea God quickly replied.

"I understand, I said, I said."

"The Servant of the Sea God you are looking for is Hai Mei. She should be in the vast waters of the East China Sea now."

"But I haven't seen Hai Mei for many years, so I don't know very well whether she is in the East China Sea."

"Of course, you can first go to the Emerald Sea to find her servant Ali. He should know where Hai Mei is."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"Where is the Emerald Sea? How can I find it?"

After hearing this, Earth Soul quickly replied.

"You keep going east until you reach the end of the continent, and then you will see a sea as green as emerald. Over there is the emerald sea."

"In the middle of the Emerald Sea, there is a Biluo Island. That Ali is turning the ocean grinding wheel on Biluo Island!"

"Okay, sir, please leave quickly! I was blind and offended you today. I just ask you not to remember the faults of others."

Earth Soul is a coward.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he didn't say anything more, got up and walked east.

After leaving Kangdi City and escaping eastward for more than half a month, Su Chen finally found the emerald-like sea.

"Is this the Emerald Sea?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the emerald sea in front of him, secretly in a trance.

He discovered that there were turbulent undercurrents in this emerald sea,

Not only that, he also discovered that the water flow in the emerald sea was always rotating clockwise.

The entire Emerald Sea is not considered a sea, but a huge whirlpool.

Zhuo Bufan followed the Earth Soul's guidance and came to the Emerald Sea, and sure enough he found a huge floating island.

"That should be Biluo Island!"

The entire Biluo Island is suspended above an abyss in the sea with a diameter of more than a thousand meters.

The abyss is bottomless, swallowing hundreds of millions of tons of sea water every minute.

Such a wonderful sight is breathtaking.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not delve too deeply into the mystery of this abyss. Because he has already seen the people on Biluo Island.

On the Biluo Island, there is a shirtless man who is working hard to push a huge black grinding wheel.

The grinding wheel was hundreds of meters in diameter, which was astonishingly large, but the shirtless guy could push it with his bare hands.

The rotation of the grinding wheel triggered the mechanism of the abyss below.

As a result, the large whirlpool under the abyss began to rotate, drawing the endless sea water into it.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately jumped down and landed on the grinding wheel.

Zhuo Bufan came to the man, but the man seemed to turn a blind eye to Zhuo Bufan, but still pushed the grinding wheel.

Zhuo Bufan then said quickly.

"Your Excellency, I have been ordered by the Servant of the Earth God to come to see Lord Haimei, the Servant of the Sea God. Please inform me."

Zhuo Bufan pretended to be the Servant of the Earth God who sent him here. He thought that in the name of the Servant of the Earth God, the man in front of him who only knew how to grind would pay attention to him.

However, Zhuo Bufan thought too much. Even if he told the other party that he was sent by the Servant of the Earth God, the other party remained indifferent and continued to push the grinding wheel.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly grabbed the pusher that pushed the grinding wheel.

Prevent the opponent from continuing to push the grinding wheel.

However, what shocked Zhuo Bufan was that the other party was so powerful that he could easily push him away.

"Sir, if it is inconvenient for you, please tell me where Master Hai Mei is and I will go see him in person."

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little tired.

But the other party remained indifferent, ignored Zhuo Bufan at all, and pushed forward together with Zhuo Bufan.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was even more furious.

He unceremoniously used time rewriting, causing the man to start going back in time.

The grinding wheel he pushed also moved backwards.

Zhuo Bufan made all his hard work go in vain.

Watching the grinding wheel begin to move backwards, the man finally showed an anxious look.

"What did you do?"

The other party questioned Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shrugged and replied.

"Didn't you do anything?"

"Don't you like pushing? Go on, I'll watch you push."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste time. Since the other party refused to cooperate, he could only find ways to embarrass the other party.

After hearing this, the man ignored Zhuo Bufan and continued to push the grinding wheel in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply shocked when he saw this scene.

"You guys are really persistent!"

Zhuo Bufan admired the other party's willpower, but he had to find out where the servant of the sea god was.

So Zhuo Bufan didn't hesitate to do evil again.

He once again used the time secret, rewritten time, and made the grinding wheel start to move backwards.

This time, the opponent directly used a powerful force to try to stop the time from flowing backwards.

However, facing the secret of time, he could not stop it at all.

In the end, he could only watch the grinding wheel return to the starting point.

"Enough, I'll tell you."

"Lady Hai Mei, it's under the abyss. If you have the courage, go down!"

The other party pointed to the endless abyss under the island and said.

Zhuo Bufan came to the edge of the island and looked down at the abyss.

Under the abyss, it was bottomless and dark.

When Zhuo Bufan looked at the abyss, he felt as if there was a pair of eyes looking at him under the abyss.


"You didn't lie to me?"

Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at Ali behind him.

Ali didn't look at Zhuo Bufan at all, but just continued to push the grinding wheel.

"In that case, let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan had no choice. If he didn't jump down, he might not be able to find the sea servant.

This Ali looks like an honest man, and he probably won't lie to him.

So Zhuo Bufan jumped into the abyss without hesitation.

The moment he jumped into the abyss, endless darkness came.

The falling process lasted for a long time, and Zhuo Bufan soon found that he was probably not facing a simple abyss.

In this abyss, there is obviously another power of time and space.

Zhuo Bufan felt that he was not crossing an abyss but a time and space channel.

I don't know how long I fell in this abyss, and finally Zhuo Bufan saw a ray of light at the end of the darkness.

After passing through the light, Zhuo Bufan fell into a blue space.

In this space, there is a huge jellyfish-like creature, sleeping quietly.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw this.

"This should be the sea servant?"

"Is it sleeping?"

Zhuo Bufan approached the giant creature, and his intuition told him that the creature in front of him should be the sea servant he was looking for.

"It seems that guy really didn't lie to me. This sea servant is really under this abyss whirlpool."

"But where is the tea spring I'm looking for?"

Zhuo Bufan began to look around.

He found that the sea servant was sleeping, which was the best opportunity for him to steal the tea spring.

But he looked around and didn't find the tea spring.

"Tian Meng said that the tea spring is a spring that never dries up."

"Then how can I get this thing away?"

"Also, will the tea spring be poisonous like the scale wood?"

"The tea spring, the poisonous spring, sounds like a poisonous thing."

"I still have to be careful."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was looking for the tea spring, he suddenly found a green gem in the hand of the sleeping sea servant.

In the gem, water light flowed and light surged.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan immediately gave birth to a name in his heart.

"The tea spring?"

Zhuo Bufan thought, maybe that was the tea spring he was looking for.


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