1474: Success

Zhuo Bufan looked at the blue ball of light and felt extremely excited.

There is no doubt that the blue ball of light is the Tuquan that Zhuo Bufan has worked so hard to find.

Although Zhuo Bufan is not a practitioner of the water element, he can still feel the endless water energy hidden in the blue light group.

Although the tea spring is small, it can create hundreds of rivers.

Zhuo Bufan also learned about the power of the tea spring from Tian Meng, so he quietly approached the tea spring and wanted to take it into his arms.

However, the moment Zhuo Bufan approached Tuquan, he suddenly saw the servant of the sea god start to move.

Thousands of tentacles stretched out from the servant of the Sea God.

On each tentacle, there are eyes.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the tentacles with eyes and couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

"Human? Why are you here?"

When the other party's voice came, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and quickly explained.

"I am the messenger sent by the earth spirit, the servant of the earth god, and I would like to borrow something from you."

After hearing this, the other party stretched out dozens of hands to wrap around Zhuo Bufan, and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Earth Soul? I haven't heard this name for many years."

Zhuo Bufan saw that the other party was a little emotional, so he continued.

"Lord Earth Soul still misses you very much, that's why you sent me to greet you."

After hearing this, the other party smiled.

"I think the greeting is fake, but it actually has an ulterior motive, right?"

"Tell me, why did that guy send you to find me? What does he want to borrow?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly replied.

"Lord Earth Soul sent me here to borrow the tea spring."

When the other party heard this, he immediately frowned.

"Tuquan? What does that guy want Tuquan to do? Create a sea?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"I don't know about that. It must be for some other purpose!"

Zhuo Bufan could only use Earth Soul to cover up now. After all, if he explained his true intention, it would be impossible for the other party to hand over Tu Quan.

However, Zhuo Bufan actually didn't have much confidence even if he lied.

After all, even if the other party knows that he is the messenger of Earth Soul, he may not be willing to hand over Tuquan.

As expected, after hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, the other party didn't take Zhuo Bufan's words seriously at all, but sneered.

"It's ridiculous. Why should I give the earth soul if you want to borrow it?"

"What's more, what qualifications does he have to borrow?"

"The tea spring is a relic of the Water God, why should it be given to him?"

"If he doesn't tell me a reason, don't ask me to take out Tuquan."

After the other party finished speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth, and then sucked the blue ball of light in his hand into his mouth.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but frown.

He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly make such a move and actually swallow Tuquan.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

"There is no other way. I didn't want to use violence."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he clasped his hands together and activated the arcane spell.

"Time rewritten."

Zhuo Bufan made time in this space begin to flow backwards.

Tu Quan, who had been swallowed originally, also regressed to before he was swallowed.

This scene is shocking.

The servant of the Sea God even shouted in disbelief.

"The secret of time, you are not the servant of Earth Soul, who are you?"

Hai Mei obviously also discovered that Zhuo Bufan had an extraordinary origin.

The power of time cannot be changed, and there is no way he can be Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

The moment the tea spring was taken out of its mouth, Zhuo Bufan suddenly took action and snatched the tea spring into his hand.

"Damn boy, give it back to me."

Upon seeing this, Hai Mei roared at Zhuo Bufan.

At the same time, all its tentacles were attacking Zhuo Bufan.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately used Time Rewrite, causing the opponent's movements to begin to regress.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan took Na Tuquan and fled towards the sky above the abyss.

If we don’t run away now, when will we wait?

So Zhuo Bufan immediately chose to escape.

Anyway, I have got the things, there is no need to stay any longer.

However, the Sea God Servant Hai Mei will obviously not give up. He started chasing after Zhuo Bufan, not giving Zhuo Bufan any time or chance to escape.

"You damn thief, you are not the servant of Earth Soul at all. Don't even think about escaping."

Countless tentacles came from behind. Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate and immediately released the secret of gravity.

The weight of gravity one after another is like mountains, pressing down towards the ground.

Although the secret of gravity cannot completely suppress the Sea God Servant Hai Mei, it can buy enough time for Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan used this time to decisively use the secrets of space, preparing to open a different space to escape.

However, at this moment, Haimei, the servant of the sea god below, suddenly ordered Ali on Biluo Island on the sea in the sky.

"Ali, stop him!"

After hearing Hai Mei's order, that Ali suddenly flew to the top of Zhuo Bufan's head, and then pulled out a huge hammer from nowhere, and then moved towards Zhuo Bufan with a devastating power. Hit the top of his head.


That hammer made Zhuo Bufan feel an incomparable gravitational energy.

"No, this guy's hammer actually carries such powerful gravitational energy!"

While Zhuo Bufan was shocked, he opened a space channel without hesitation.

However, the space created by Zhuo Bufan began to twist and deform under Ali's giant hammer.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he shouted in his heart that something was wrong.

"This guy actually has such strength?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked. He didn't expect that this real person Ali would not miss the mark.

Before, he thought that Ali was just a stupid guy, but now Zhuo Bufan realized that Ali was a master and even more difficult to deal with than the servant of the sea god below.

"It's too late to form the seal."

Because Zhuo Bufan underestimated Ali's ability, the strength that Ali showed far exceeded his imagination.

So Zhuo Bufan couldn't dodge and was hit hard by Ali's big hammer.

This hammer made Zhuo Bufan unable to avoid it, and he was finally thrown directly back into the abyss.

And under the abyss, the sea god Servant Hai Mei has opened his gluttonous mouth, waiting for Zhuo Bufan to fall.

At this critical moment, Zhuo Bufan finally activated the secret of space again.

Just when he was about to fall into the gluttonous mouth of the servant of Poseidon, Zhuo Bufan suddenly disappeared from the spot.

That Hai Mei wasted no time.

"Run away? Bastard!"

Hai Mei's furious roar echoed in the abyss.

And Zhuo Bufan, at the critical moment, escaped from the land of right and wrong across space.

Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, just a little bit worse. That guy is not simple!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand why Ali, who was so powerful, was willing to become Hai Mei's servant.

But no matter what, he finally succeeded in getting the most important Tuquan.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan has now obtained the three relics of the gods: Xitu, Linmu, and Tea Spring.

Now Zhuo Bufan still has the last remaining relic of God, the grave gold.

After Zhuo Bufan put away the tea spring, he turned around and headed towards Kangdi City without thinking too much.

Zhuo Bufan's return to Kangdi City obviously has only one purpose.

That is to inquire about the whereabouts of the grave gold.

Now only the Earth God's Servant Earth Soul can provide him with clues.

When Zhuo Bufan returned to Kangdi City, he found that the servant of the Earth God was doing something secretly.

He hurried forward to ask, and saw that the guy was using the scepter of life to resurrect a woman.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this guy was actually hiding a woman.

"Haha, sneaky, what are you doing?"

When Zhuo Bufan appeared in front of the earth soul, the earth soul was so frightened that he screamed.

"You, why are you back?"

"Didn't you go to the Emerald Sea?"

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"Of course I'm back."

"Why, you don't seem to welcome me back!"

After hearing this, the other party smiled bitterly.

"Haha, your Excellency is joking. Welcome, I welcome you warmly."

"May I ask why you came here?"

The other party now felt guilty when he saw Zhuo Bufan. After all, Zhuo Bufan was so powerful that he felt a little scared.

Zhuo Bufan is obviously just a human being, but he has power beyond ordinary servants of the gods. It is so terrifying and inhuman!

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan didn't seem to be hostile when he came this time. He just looked at Zhuo Bufan and smiled bitterly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed and replied.

"Am I that terrible?"

"I came here specifically to thank you."

After hearing this, the other party was stunned for a moment.

"Thank me?"

"Your Excellency is joking, what can you be grateful for?"

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Of course I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to find the Emerald Sea!"

"By the way, who is this woman? You asked me to steal the Scepter of Life just for this woman?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the woman lying on the ground and said.

After hearing this, the Earth God's Servant Earth Soul sighed and replied.

"This is my wife."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Your wife? Aren't you a servant of God? How can you have a human wife?"

The other party replied.

"Although I am a servant of God, before I became a servant of God, I was also a human being."

"I am just a servant chosen by the Ancient God of the Earth."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Oh? It turns out that the servants of God are all transformed from humans, which is kind of interesting."

Earth Soul replied.

"Of course they are all humans. All servants of God were humans before they became servants of God. It's just that many servants of God have lost their humanity and have forgotten that they were once human beings."

"But I won't forget, never."

"My wife is my last strength to retain my humanity."

Zhuo Bufan was surprised. He didn't expect that Earth Soul still retained its humanity.

This was completely different from the servants of God I had encountered before.

The servants of God that Zhuo Bufan had known before were all as worthless as grass and did not care about human life or death at all.

But this earth spirit not only helps humans realize their wishes secretly, but is also always here to protect his wife.

Letting himself steal the scepter of life was also to save his wife.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan was quite moved and even admired this earth soul.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to see his own figure in Earth Soul.

Zhuo Bufan was thinking that if he encountered such a situation, he might become like the earth spirit.

"It's just that after so many days, she has no response. I don't know if there is something wrong with the life scepter."

Ever since Zhuo Bufan left, the earth spirit has been using the scepter of life to resurrect his wife.

However, he has tried hard for a long time, and so far his wife has not survived.

This made him feel a little confused.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, said to the earth soul.

"Maybe I can help you."

After hearing this, the other party was stunned.

"Help me? How can you help me?"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he took out the Sky Mending Stone and placed it on the forehead of Mrs. Earth Soul.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know if there was something wrong with the Life Scepter. He only knew that the Sky Mending Stone in his hand was definitely more powerful than the Life Scepter.

After Zhuo Bufan placed the Sky-Mending Stone on the forehead of Mrs. Earth Soul, he activated the Sky-Mending Power inside.

Soon, the Earth Soul Lady began to slowly breathe and have a weak heartbeat.

The earth soul who saw this scene was shocked.

"Wow, it's so amazing. This stone of yours is actually more powerful than the scepter of life."

"My lady, she really came to life."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he didn't say anything more and just put away the Sky-Mending Stone.

Then he took a look at the physical condition of Mrs. Earth Soul, and then said.

"I just repaired the dead or decayed cells in her body and resurrected them."

"Of course, it will take some time for her to fully regain consciousness."

"I'm just curious. When your wife wakes up, will you tell her the truth that you are the servant of the Earth God?"

Earth Soul didn't have time to thank Zhuo Bufan. After hearing Huo Bufan's words, he frowned tightly.

"I don't know either, I probably won't say it!"

"I just want her to live, but I don't want her to see me like this."

"After all, I am no longer a human being."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Then I'll give you a suggestion. Tell her everything frankly. If she really loves you, she will accept you."

Zhuo Bufan may have been moved by the image of the earthly soul saving his wife.

I thought of Mo Chichi and Meng Chanyi.

If there is a chance for him to save Mo Chichi and Meng Chanyi. Zhuo Bufan will definitely be obliged to do so.

Seeing Earth Soul saving his wife, Zhuo Bufan seemed to see himself saving Meng Chanyi in the future.

That's why Zhuo Bufan stepped in to help Earth Soul.

After hearing this, Earth Soul was moved.

"Thank you, thank you for saving my wife."

Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"No, it's easy. But I really want to ask you something."

Zhuo Bufan said.

After hearing this, the other party replied.

"You said, I can just repay you."

Zhuo Bufan was not polite to the Earth Soul, but said.

"Can you tell me where I can find the Servant of Time?"

Now Zhuo Bufan only has the last piece of gold for his grave. As long as he finds the Servant of Time, he will surely get the gold for his grave.

After hearing this, the other party was stunned for a moment.

"What on earth are you doing? First you came to me, then you went to find the Servant of the Forest God, then you went to find the Servant of the Sea God, and finally you went to find the Servant of the Time God?"

Earth Soul began to suspect that Zhuo Bufan had bad intentions.

Zhuo Bufan didn't explain too much, he just said.

"Aren't you going to repay me? Tell me the whereabouts of the Servant of Time, and it will be considered as your repayment."

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan's answer was inappropriate, Earth Soul finally answered helplessly.

"If you go thirty thousand miles south, you will see a loft suspended in the air."

"That attic in the sky is the palace of Dolei, the Servant of Time God."

"Thank you very much!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan turned around and ran away without saying a word.

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