Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1475 1476: Goodbye, the Long River of Time

1476: Farewell to the Long River of Time

Dore is the guardian of the tomb gold and the guardian spirit of time.

As the servant of the god of time, it guards this time tower.

Its mission is to protect the order of time.

This time tower in front of him is his last guard.

Inside the time tower, Zhuo Bufan showed his powerful strength, moving forward all the way, sweeping across the infinite.

Dore thought that his time tower could trap Zhuo Bufan, but he didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan's strength was far beyond his imagination.

Zhuo Bufan came directly to the sixth floor in one breath.

Zhuo Bufan walked halfway through the twelfth floor of the time tower.

"How could it be so easy? Can't the power of time restrain him?"

"The time bats on the first floor can make people who touch them lose their perception of time."

"The time plankton on the second floor will stop time once they are electrocuted."

"The time rats on the third floor will make everyone who touches them age quickly."

"All kinds of time power can make people unable to move."

"Why can this human still walk freely?"

Dore looked at Zhuo Bufan in the Time Tower and secretly felt a strong threat.

If he continued like this, his grave gold might really be taken away by Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan had passed through the sixth floor and came to the seventh floor of the Time Tower.

Of course, Dore didn't know that Zhuo Bufan himself had mastered the mystery of time.

So in this Time Tower, Zhuo Bufan was like a fish in water.

Coming to the seventh floor, it was like purgatory, and the light here was as hot as a raging fire.

Zhuo Bufan sensed a strong time energy condensing in the air.

He looked up and saw a huge white halo above his head.

The white light wheel was slowly rotating in the air.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Is this the white sand of time?"

Zhuo Bufan was so familiar with the sand of time that he could tell at a glance that the light wheel in the sky was condensed by the white sand of time.

After all, his archive door was made of the white sand of time.

The white sand of time has the power to reverse and stop time.

When Zhuo Bufan came here, he did feel that the time here was a little disordered.

The seventh floor was different from the previous six floors. The air on this floor was drier, and the arcane energy was extremely low here.

It can be said that the arcane energy was almost unusable.

Not only that, his movements also became obviously slower.

Sure enough, it was the power of the slow flow of time.

Zhuo Bufan felt the slowing down of the flow of time, which was undoubtedly the energy of the white sand of time.

"The white sand of time here means that there is a long river of time."

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply and turned around the white light wheel for a few times.

Zhuo Bufan is now looking for the long river of time, and the light wheel in front of him is undoubtedly related to the long river of time.

After all, the white sand of time was dug out from the long river of time.

In this case, there must be an entrance to the long river of time in this world.

So Zhuo Bufan has to investigate this matter and find the entrance to the long river of time here.

If the long river of time can be found, then Zhuo Bufan can take Tianmeng back to the Daluotian world.

If it is really feasible, Meng Chanyi can also be saved.

"The slow clock of this level can make everything slow."

"And the condition for passing this level is to surpass the time turtle and reach the end before it."

Dolei outside the time tower looked at Zhuo Bufan on the seventh floor and said calmly.

At this moment, in the time tower, Zhuo Bufan was walking aimlessly in the space of this floor.

His speed was very slow and his movements were very slow.

After all, he was now in this time field, and his speed was slowed down by dozens of times.

Every step takes a long time.

At this moment, he suddenly found a turtle appeared at his feet.

This turtle was very interesting, with a ticking clock on its back.

Zhuo Bufan thought the turtle was very interesting at first, but as he walked, he found that the turtle was not simple.

He found that the turtle was trying to crawl towards a goal.

When Zhuo Bufan looked forward along the path of the turtle, he suddenly found that there was a button on the ground in front of the turtle.

And behind the button, there was a door.

The door was open, and behind the door was the stairs leading to the eighth floor.

Intuition told Zhuo Bufan that as long as he passed through the door, he could reach the eighth floor.

However, there was a very important problem now, that is, Zhuo Bufan found that he was not running as fast as the turtle.

"How is it possible? This turtle is not affected by the slow flow of time."

Soon, Zhuo Bufan found the problem.

He found that the turtle was not affected by the slow flow of time at all, and the crawling speed was the same as that of a normal turtle.

In comparison, my speed was obviously much slower.

This resulted in Zhuo Bufan's speed being far slower than that of the Time Turtle.

At this speed, the Time Turtle would be one step ahead of Zhuo Bufan and climb onto the button.

Zhuo Bufan could think that once the turtle climbed onto the button, the button would immediately close the door.

Zhuo Bufan would be trapped here forever.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan became anxious. Of course, he didn't want to be locked up here, so Zhuo Bufan began to move his feet vigorously, trying to get through the obstacles.

However, no matter how hard Zhuo Bufan tried, he found that he could never catch up with the speed of the turtle.

"Damn, time rewrite."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't stop the turtle from crawling, so he could only use time magic, trying to rewrite time and turn back the turtle's time.

However, when Zhuo Bufan used the magic, he found that he couldn't use it at all.

"How is it possible? The arcane quantum can't communicate again."

Zhuo Bufan found again that the arcane quantum sleeping in his body was really asleep again this time.

Not only can he not use the arcane now, he can't even connect these arcane quantum.

The slow flow of time here makes it extremely difficult to activate his arcane.

So it became impossible to catch up with the turtle.

But Zhuo Bufan did not give up. Since he could not use arcane magic, he would use willpower instead of arcane magic.

He used his willpower to break the shackles of time.

Now every step Zhuo Bufan took was a contest with time.

The step he took was not just a distance in space, but also a distance in time.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan seemed to be sailing against the current. He struggled to go against the tide, not wanting to be corroded by the years and drift with the tide.

Perhaps Zhuo Bufan deeply understood the mystery of time, so he gradually became faster.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan seemed to find himself in a brilliant river of light interwoven with black and white.

"The long river of time?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He never expected that he would enter the long river of time under such circumstances.

Zhuo Bufan had been to the long river of time, so he was sure that where he was was the long river of time.

This was an endless long river.

On the long river, there is endless sand of time flowing.

Zhuo Bufan stood in the upstream, his body was carried to the future by the long river of time.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan tried his best to move his feet, wanting to go upstream of the long river of time.

Because he knew that the Daluotian he was going to was in the upstream of the long river of time.

With Zhuo Bufan's efforts, he went upstream a lot, but in the end he ran out of strength and was rushed back by the power of time.

"No, I must have tools to go upstream."

"If you want to go on the long river of time, tools are necessary."

"I need the white sand of time, and the time boat cast with the white sand of time can go upstream."

Zhuo Bufan realized the importance of the time boat.

When he first met Zhou Lao in the long river of time, he was on a time boat.

But Zhou Lao's time boat was a black and white time boat, and it was difficult to go upstream.

Zhuo Bufan thought that only by building a time ship made of pure white sand of time could he return to Daluo Heaven.

"Dig sand, as long as there is enough white sand of time, I can build the time ship I want."

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

So Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and dived into the riverbed to dig for the white sand of time.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the white sand of time was under the black sand of time.

Only by diving into the riverbed can a small amount of white sand of time be obtained.

Unfortunately, Zhuo Bufan didn't have a suitable artifact in his hand and couldn't collect enough white sand of time.

But this gave Zhuo Bufan an idea that he could often come to this long river of time in the future to get enough white sand of time.


On this side, Zhuo Bufan was still digging sand.

On the other side, outside the Time Tower, Duo Lei, the servant of the God of Time, suddenly found that Zhuo Bufan had disappeared on the seventh floor.

"How is it possible? Where is he?"

Duo Lei watched Zhuo Bufan disappear on the seventh floor, and didn't know where Zhuo Bufan had gone.

At this moment, three magic clouds suddenly floated in the sky.

In the magic clouds, there was rolling energy.

"Lord Duo Lei, Di Hun wants to see you."

"Lord Duo Lei, Hai Mei wants to see you."

"Lord Duo Lei, Jing Li wants to see you."

Finally, the three servants who came to chase Zhuo Bufan came to Duo Lei's castle in the sky.

After seeing the newcomers, Duo Lei hurriedly asked.

"Why are you here?"

Although Duo Lei is the servant of time and the king of servants, he is actually simple-minded and does not like to get involved in complicated things.

When he saw Di Hun and the others coming, he knew that he would eventually be involved in trouble.

Sure enough, as soon as Hai Mei and the others arrived, they complained to Duo Lei.

"Lord Dore, something terrible has happened. A human from another world has stolen our divine relics."

"My Scale Wood and Hai Mei's Tuquan Earth Soul's Resting Land were all taken away by that human."

"We came to you to discuss countermeasures with you. I believe that human will come to you sooner or later."

Jingli said to Dore excitedly.

After hearing this, Dore stretched out a hand, pointed to the Time Tower in the distance, and then said slowly.

"That human is in there."

Dore had obviously guessed that Zhuo Bufan was the human they were looking for.

Now it seems that this human is specifically collecting God's relics, so he is eyeing his grave gold.

The other three God servants present were excited after hearing this.

"Is that guy in the tower?"

"It's really a piece of cake to find it. Lord Dore, let's work together to capture this human and make him return the stolen God's relics."

After hearing this, Dore shook his head and said.

"No, I have made an agreement with him."

"As long as he can successfully climb to the top of the Time Tower, I will give him the grave gold."

Hearing this, the other three God servants were all in disbelief.

"What? Lord Dore, how can you give him the tomb gold?"

"Yes, Lord Dore, the tomb gold is the most important relic of God."

"Lord Dore, please give up this deal immediately. The tomb gold cannot be given to that human. Not only the tomb gold, but all our ancient god relics cannot be given to him."

The three servants of God petitioned together, but Dore refused without hesitation.

"No, as servants of God, as the managers of this world, we cannot go back on our word. This is the reason that Lord Hertz gave us."

"No matter what hatred you had before, you must abide by my rules when you get here."

"If he really reaches the top of the Time Tower, the tomb gold will be given to him. This is what I said."

This Dore is a simple servant of God. Since he has promised Zhuo Bufan, he will do what he says.

This is why Zhuo Bufan is willing to bet with him.

If not, Zhuo Bufan doesn't need to talk nonsense with Dore at all, and can just snatch it from him.

With Zhuo Bufan's strength, he believes that this servant of time may not be his opponent.

Now Zhuo Bufan has entered the Time Tower, which is the result of mutual respect.

After hearing this, Di Hun, who was standing by, also felt that what Duo Lei said made sense.

He simply said.

"Since Lord Duo Lei said so, I support you."

"As long as he can reach the top of the Time Tower, I will give him the Xi Tu."

Originally, this Xi Tu was obtained by Zhuo Bufan from Di Hun through that transaction.

Di Hun also knew how powerful Zhuo Bufan was, so he was not sure to snatch Xi Tu back from Zhuo Bufan.

Instead of doing so, it would be better to give Xi Tu to Zhuo Bufan.

Since Duo Lei said so, he could also go with the flow by supporting from the side.

Seeing this, the other two servants of God didn't know what to say.

They just looked at the Time Tower in the distance, lost in thought.

"Lord Duo Lei, which floor is that guy on now?"

Hai Mei, who was standing by, asked.

After hearing this, Duo Lei replied.

"The seventh floor."

Hearing this, he was shocked.

"The seventh floor? So soon?"

"If he continues like this, he might really reach the top."

Dore nodded and replied.

"Not afraid, I think he will definitely reach the top."

"The Time Tower can't hold him. This human is the son favored by time, and time can't hold him."

Dore has obviously discovered that Zhuo Bufan is like a fish in the sea in this Time Tower.

While speaking, a beam of light suddenly burst out from the Time Tower.

After the light, the missing Zhuo Bufan appeared on the seventh floor again.

Moreover, he directly surpassed the Time Turtle, got in front of it, passed through the door, and reached the eighth floor directly.


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