Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1476 1477: Gathering all the sacred objects

1477: Gathering the Divine Objects

Zhuo Bufan walked out of the long river of time. He couldn't stay in the long river of time for too long, otherwise it would be dangerous.

When Zhuo Bufan walked out of the long river of time, it meant that he was no longer restricted by time.

So Zhuo Bufan instantly surpassed the time turtle and entered the eighth floor of the Time Tower.

When Zhuo Bufan entered the eighth floor of the Time Tower, the servants outside were shocked.

"The eighth floor, how can this guy be so fast?"

"Lord Duo Lei, if this continues, the tomb gold may really be taken away by him."

"Lord Duo Lei, think twice, the tomb gold must not be lost."

Several servants rushed to Duo Lei.

However, Duo Lei was indifferent after hearing it.

"Okay, even if he wants to summon the ancient god, we have no right to interfere."

"At the beginning, the ancient god left this ancient god relic so that it could be summoned by people one day."

"Since this human wants to summon the ancient god, as long as he has the ability to collect all the relics, we should not stop him."

Dore obviously fully supports Zhuo Bufan. After all, in his opinion, going with the flow is the best way.

If you can't stop Zhuo Bufan, then don't stop him.

Watching Zhuo Bufan climb to the top little by little, if he continues like this, Zhuo Bufan will definitely get the tomb gold.

So the other servants of God are now very anxious.

As time went by, Zhuo Bufan passed through layers of the Time Tower.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan came to the last twelfth floor.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the twelfth floor, he saw a golden light flashing in the Time Tower.

That golden light was the tomb gold that Zhuo Bufan was looking for.

Zhuo Bufan came to the tomb gold and picked it up.

"Got it!"

After Zhuo Bufan got the tomb gold, he disappeared instantly.


The servants outside the Time Tower suddenly found that Zhuo Bufan had disappeared.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan had already found these servants outside the Time Tower, so the first time he got the tomb gold, he used the space secret to hide outside the space.

Seeing this, the sea servant Hai Mei hurriedly said.

"We can't let him run away like this, chase him."

He wanted to catch up with Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan, who had mastered the space secret, could freely shuttle in space, so it was impossible to catch up with Zhuo Bufan.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan took the relics of the four ancient gods and fled.

Of course, there was another reason why Zhuo Bufan chose to escape, that is, he wanted to reunite with Tianmeng as soon as possible.

Zhuo Bufan used the time channel between himself and Tianmeng to find Tianmeng's location.

So Zhuo Bufan went to find Tianmeng as soon as possible.

Following the time channel, Zhuo Bufan came to a chaos.

A war was breaking out here.

Not far away, in the chaos, a terrifying battle was taking place, causing the entire space to tremble.

Zhuo Bufan watched from afar, and the one fighting was Tianmeng.

Moreover, Tianmeng seemed to be caught in the battle of Jiaozuo. He even lost.

And his opponent was the Chaos God Servant.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, did not help immediately.

Because Zhuo Bufan thought that this seemed to be an opportunity, an opportunity for Tianmeng to realize the power of these God Servant.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Tianmeng now had a blind self-confidence, thinking that they already had the ability to challenge the ancient gods.

But in fact, their current ability was far from enough.

Tianmeng's defeat in the battle against the Chaos God Servant obviously proved this.

However, Zhuo Bufan certainly could not say it clearly, so he could only persuade Tianmeng in this way.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan would not watch Tianmeng being abused, and he would naturally take action at the critical moment.

But he would not take action easily unless it was absolutely necessary.

In the battlefield, although Tianmeng used the time secret to perfection, the Chaos Servant he faced was a strong man with supernatural powers.

He mastered the dual secrets of space and time at the same time.

Although Tianmeng's methods are endless, he was suppressed by the Chaos Servant and had no temper.

After several battles, Tianmeng was not only at a disadvantage, but also beaten by the Chaos Servant.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan could no longer turn a blind eye.

He rushed to the battlefield and then joined Tianmeng to fight against the Chaos Servant.

As soon as he made a move, it was a thunderous force. Soon, Tianmeng, who was originally at a disadvantage, began to suppress the Chaos Servant in turn.

"You are here!"

Tianmeng was very surprised after seeing Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

The two sides joined forces and began to fight the Chaos Servant frantically.

Soon, the Chaos Servant had no power to resist. Finally, Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng joined forces and used the time shackles to trap the Chaos Servant.

The Chaos Servant was a goat-shaped giant beast. After being captured by Zhuo Bufan and his team, it began to roar wildly at Zhuo Bufan and his team.

"Human, what do you want to do?"

The captured Chaos Servant obviously did not expect that he would be captured by two humans.

He roared at Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng in a soul-stirring way.

After hearing this, Tianmeng said to the Chaos Servant.

"Hand over the ancient god's relic you are guarding. I will spare your life."

What shocked Zhuo Bufan was that Tianmeng actually threatened Chaos to hand over the ancient god's relics.

This guy really didn't have any strategy. He collected the relics of the ancient gods and relied entirely on his fists.

The reason why Tian Meng fought with Chaos today was to get the relics of God he wanted from Chaos's hands.

Tian Meng used the same method to get Gray Wind from the hands of the Sky God Servant, Jingmen from the Space God Servant, and now only Hun Chaos from the Chaos God Servant was missing.

But Tianmeng didn't expect that Chaos' strength far exceeded his imagination. It is more powerful than any servant of God he has seen before.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't taken action in time, Tianmeng might not have been able to defeat Chaos.

After hearing what Tian Meng said, Chaos shouted angrily.

"Humans, do you know what you are doing?"

"You are blaspheming the gods, and I will punish you with heavenly punishment."

Tian Meng didn't wait for Chaos to be nagging, and blasted a time cannon at Chaos with his backhand, causing the Chaos God's servant's energy to begin to degrade.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm willing to admit defeat."

"I told you before the battle, if you lose, give me the relic of the ancient god you are guarding."

"Now you are my defeated general, and you still haven't handed over Chaos."

After hearing this, Chaos couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"Shameless humans, what do you mean by two against one? You have the ability to fight me one on one."

After Tianmeng heard this, he laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, if you lose, you lose, and if you win, you win. Besides, didn't you say that before the battle? Even if there are a hundred, you won't be afraid?"

"There are only two of us now, why can't you beat us?"

Tian Meng's words stimulated Chaos.

After hearing this, Huan Chao's scalp almost exploded.

"Shameless, shameless."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't hand over the relics, don't blame me for killing you like this."

Zhuo Bufan stood behind Tian Meng, watching Tian Meng threaten Chaos.

He seemed to see his own shadow in Tian Meng.

Thinking back to the beginning, he was so meaningless and liked to fool around. No matter how powerful the enemy was, he was fearless.

It's just that now, Zhuo Bufan no longer has that youthful and frivolous spirit. Instead, this missing body has completely inherited his personality when he was young.

Seeing Tianmeng's young and frivolous appearance, Zhuo Bufan also stepped forward and shouted to the missing body.

"Servant of Chaos God, you have no choice now. Hand over your god's relics, otherwise you may be buried here today."

Even Zhuo Bufan came out to threaten the servant of Chaos God.

The servant of Chaos God was forced to have no choice but to compromise with Zhuo Bufan and the others and hand over the relic of God.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately snatched the god's relic from the hands of the servant of Chaos God.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan, Tianmeng and the others have collected all the relics of the gods.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and took Tianmeng and Chaos with him to escape from the chaos.

After escaping, Tian Meng asked Zhuo Bufan.

"Have you found everything?"

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Okay, it's all ready."

Later, Zhuo Bufan took out all the four relics of gods he had collected.

"Scale wood, breath soil, tea spring and grave gold."

"It's all here."

Seeing this, Tianmeng also took out the relics of gods he had collected.

"This is Gray Wind, this is Jingmen and the chaos that was just collected."

The relics of the seven gods are all placed in the air, and static electricity connections have begun to form between them.

Seeing this scene, Tianmeng said from the side.

"Now that the relics of the seven gods have been collected, are you ready?"

Tianmeng was obviously eager to give it a try. Tablecloth used the relics of the seven gods to build an altar, and then summoned all the ancient gods of creation.

The two of them want to face the seven ancient gods and avenge Meng Chanyi.

However, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan took Tian Meng's hand, then shook his head towards Tian Meng.

"Wait a moment."

"Now is not the time."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly stopped Tianmeng, which made Tianmeng a little difficult to understand.

"What do you mean? Are you afraid?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"Of course not. I'm not afraid. It's just that we have to take a long-term view on this matter."

Upon hearing this, Tian Meng shook off Zhuo Bufan's hand, and then shouted at Zhuo Bufan.

"What's the long-term plan? I think you're just timid."

"Didn't you vow before that you would avenge her?"

"Backing off, you let me down so much."

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have guessed that Tianmeng would react like this, and he quickly explained.

"Listen to me, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"Do you really think that just the two of us can kill the seven ancient gods now?"

Zhuo Bufan said.

"You tried it just now, that Servant of Chaos God. If I hadn't taken action, you probably wouldn't be his match."

"We can't even defeat a servant of the gods, let alone the seven ancient gods?"

"You know, these servants of gods are just demigods created by the ancient gods."

"In this world, even if human beings master the ultimate secret, they cannot defy heaven. This is the world rule of this world."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Tianmeng temporarily calmed down.

Then he looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Then what do you think we should do? We have worked so hard to collect the relics of gods for so long, are we about to give up?"

"Sure enough, you are unreliable."

"Forget it, I'd better go back to my old business and destroy the world! When I was fighting with that space god servant just now, I happened to get the space key from him."

Tian Meng said, and at some point, there was a crystal key in his hand.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the space key, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Wait a minute, I didn't say let it go."

"Although we are not the opponents of those ancient gods in this world, it does not mean that we are not the same outside this world."

"Don't you want to save Dream Fairy?"

"I have found the passage to Daluotian. As long as we create a time ship, we can return to Daluotian."

"At the same time, I will also have infinite power, and it will be easy to deal with these ancient gods."

Zhuo Bufan explained to Tianmeng.

He was afraid that Tianmeng would fall again and become the destroyer of the world, so he quickly revealed his plan.

Tian Meng asked quickly after hearing Zhuo Bufan's plan.


Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"of course it's true."

"Believe me, as long as we leave this world, I will definitely avenge the dream."

"Keep these relics of the gods for now. When the time comes, we will summon those ancient gods."

"I will make them pay the price they deserve."

"But before that, I need your help to build a time ship together."

Zhuo Bufan said to Tianmeng.

This was the first time Tianmeng heard about the time ship, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"What time ship?"

"How to build it?"

Zhuo Bufan quickly explained to Tianmeng.

"You have understood the meaning of time, then you should know the existence of the long river of time, right?"

"The long river of time is the passage connecting all the big worlds."

"Whether it's the Arcane God's Realm where we are, the Daluotian World that the dream told you, or the Yin and Yang World where I come from. These worlds are all connected by the long river of time."

"As long as we pass through the long river of time, we can return to Daluotian where Meng's master, Emperor Wa, lives."

"Of course, if we want to travel through the long river of time, we must make a time ship."

"And the time ship requires the white sand of time to build."

"It's not easy for me to collect the White Sand of Time by myself, so I need your help."

"You have mastered the secret of time, so you are qualified to enter the long river of time."

"Next, I will tell you how to enter the long river of time. Let's build a good time ship as soon as possible, and then return to Daluotian to save Meng Chanyi."

"After I save Meng Chanyi, I will bring you back and let you see with your own eyes how I tortured and killed those ancient gods."

"This is my promise to you."

Zhuo Bufan said to Tianmeng excitedly.

Although Tianmeng was still a little confused after hearing Zhuo Bufan's plan.

However, he decided to trust Zhuo Bufan again.

So he nodded towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, I believe you again."

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