Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1477 1478: Time Ship

1478: Time Ship

At Zhuo Bufan's reminder and request, Tianmeng decided to trust Zhuo Bufan again.

Help Zhuo Bufan build a time ship, then return to Daluotian and save Meng Chanyi.

This is the plan that Zhuo Bufan told Tianmeng.

"I have found a way to enter the long river of time. Next, you will follow me into the long river of time."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he began to meditate, looking for the moment of inspiration to enter the long river of time.

With the experience of entering the long river of time for the first time, Zhuo Bufan obviously found a way.

He left a time mark in the long river of time, so Zhuo Bufan can enter the long river of time anywhere through this time mark.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Tianmeng's hand, and the next second their figures began to slowly disappear in the air.

When they opened their eyes again, they were already floating on a long river.

At this time, Tianmeng looked at the long river of time under his feet and was in a trance.

"Is this the long river of time you are talking about?"

Tianmeng asked.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied after listening.

"Yes, this is the long river of time, the bond that connects all the worlds."

"I saw it on the stone slab you left behind. You have actually guessed the existence of the long river of time, right?"

After hearing this, Tianmeng nodded and replied.

"I did guess that there is such a long river of time. I just didn't expect that this long river really exists. It's really amazing."

When Tianmeng comprehended the mystery of time, he did guess such a long river of time.

But when he saw this long river with his own eyes, he was still a little shocked.

The long river of time is boundless, with no known origin and no known end.

They are like small grains of sand and fine dust in this long river.

In addition to being shocked, Tianmeng also felt a sense of emotion.

"I always thought I had mastered the mystery of time, but now it seems that I have only comprehended the surface of time."

Only when he was in the long river of time did Tianmeng realize that time is infinitely mysterious.

The mystery of time that he comprehended is only the most basic law of time in the Arcane Divine Realm.

My own mystery of time has no effect here.

This long river of time will destroy all power.

Zhuo Bufan just smiled when he saw this.

"The long river of time is the highest level artifact. Only the legendary Lord of Time can control the long river of time."

"We can't go against the current here because we can't change the will of time."

"So we can only build a time ship that can travel in the long river of time according to the rules."

"According to the law that the white sand of time can reverse time, we must use the white sand of time to build a time ship."

"And the white sand of time is hidden at the bottom of this long river of time. So we must dive to the bottom of the river to dig out the white sand of time."

"But this long river of time will corrode the souls of all intruders. If you are not careful, you may be buried by time."

"So when you go down later, you must follow me closely."

"Don't get lost in the long river of time, otherwise you will sink forever."

Zhuo Bufan said to Tianmeng.

Tianmeng nodded after listening.

Now he can only believe in Zhuo Bufan. After all, Zhuo Bufan is obviously more handy than him here.

Zhuo Bufan was not here for the first time, so he was more familiar with the environment here than Tianmeng.

"Next, I will teach you how to make the gauze clothes of time. Only by wearing this gauze clothes of time can you stay in this long river of time for a long time."

"You have understood the mystery of time, and it is not difficult for you to make the gauze clothes of time."

With the help of Zhuo Bufan, Tianmeng quickly mastered the method of making the gauze clothes of time.

With the simple mystery of time, you can make this kind of gauze clothes that can dive in the long river of time.

Then, the two put on the gauze clothes and dived into the long river of time.

The long river of time has two layers.

The upper layer is dark and the water is turbulent. Tianmeng can feel that his vitality is passing away quickly.

The lower layer is pure white, flowing against the current. After entering, the vitality that was originally lost began to recover slowly.

Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that there is not much white sand of time under the long river of time.

Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng searched for a long time after diving into the long river of time before they found sporadic white sand.

Compared with the black sand of time, the white sand of time is much less, but Zhuo Bufan and his team still found something.

Even if they collect it one by one, they have to collect enough white sand.

The two worked together to start collecting the white sand of time.

The whole process lasted for a long time.

Collecting the sand of time is a long process.

Zhuo Bufan also knew that it would be impossible to collect enough sand of time in a short time.

The two of them could only cooperate with each other and strive to complete the task as soon as possible.

On the other side, in the world No. 6 of the Arcane God Realm, the seven servants of the gods finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

The relics of the seven gods guarded by the seven servants of the gods were all taken away by someone.

This time, even if the servant of the time, Dolei, had no opinion, the other servants of the gods had opinions.

"Lord Dolei, the current situation is not optimistic. These humans intend to blaspheme the ancient gods, and we must stop them."

"They want to summon the Lord of the Ancient God, obviously for other purposes, we can't just watch these two humans do whatever they want and do nothing."

"These two cunning humans, even if they are asked to summon the ancient gods, they must at least know what their purpose is for summoning the ancient gods?"

"Lord Dore, the situation is urgent and we must act."

Servant of God, you and I expressed our concern about this matter in every word.

In fact, their worries are not unreasonable. After all, two humans, Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng, want to kill gods.

If they really killed the ancient god, then these servants of the god really deserved death.

Seeing how eager the servants of the gods were, Dolei thought for a while and finally said.

"Perhaps we should ask the Ancient God for instructions on this matter first and let the Ancient God make the decision."

After Dolei finished speaking, he injected a divine power into his time tower.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light was projected from the Time Tower and penetrated into the sky.

Soon, dark clouds gathered in the sky, covering the earth.

All the servants of the gods stood solemnly, waiting for the divine power above the thunder clouds to come.


Only a burst of thunder was heard, and then a huge gap opened in the thunder cloud.

Then, a divine radiance was projected from the sky.

In the divine radiance, an ancient god standing tall in heaven and earth appeared on the earth.

The ancient god was ten thousand feet tall and had a golden glow all over his body. It looks like a gourd, but it also looks like a human being.

When that divine figure emerged, all the ancient gods present knelt down.

"Meet Mr. Hertz."

Time God Servant Dolei took the lead and knelt down to the divine glory emerging in the sky.

The ancient god in front of him is Hertz, the ancient god of time.

He is also the king of the seven ancient gods of the Arcane God Realm, leading the seven ancient gods to create countless worlds.

It has a pair of eyes that never close, like the sun and the moon, they always shine on the world.

After seeing Dore, the Ancient God of Time Hertz said coldly.

"Which divine servant is calling me?"

After hearing this, Dolei quickly spoke.

"I am the Servant of God Dolei from World No. 6. I disturbed Lord Hertz, the ancient god, without notification. Please forgive me, Lord Hertz."

The seven ancient gods created a total of more than three thousand worlds in the Arcane God Realm.

Therefore, the ancient god of time, Hertz, also has more than 3,000 time servants.

Dore is just one of his divine servants.

Since there are so many divine servants, it is normal for Hertz not to recognize them.

However, after hearing Dorey's answer, Hertz knew that the other party must have something important to do before calling him.

The servants of gods and ancient gods can be linked to each other and call each other. Of course, just calling cannot summon them out.

There is a difference between calling and summoning.

If summoned, the ancient god can be forcibly summoned.

And calling can only keep in touch with the other party.

The ancient god of time Hertz in the sky is nothing but a projection.

Its true identity is on the far side.

After hearing this, Dolei quickly replied.

"Lord Hertz, you and other ancient gods left the relics of the ancient gods. It was said that if there is an emergency, you can use the relics of the ancient gods to build an altar and summon the ancient gods."

"Now there are two humans who have collected all the relics of the ancient gods. It won't be long before they will summon all the ancient gods."

"After discussing this matter, I still think it would be best to tell Lord Gushen."

After hearing this, Hertz's expression did not change and he just replied coldly.

"that's all?"

After hearing this, Dolei replied.

"Yes, that's why I'm calling you this time."

After hearing this, Hertz suddenly became furious.

"Do you know how precious my time is?"

"I wasted my precious time listening to your nonsense. This is simply unreasonable."

"World No. 6, right? Now I am depriving all your servants of the gods in World No. 6 of the right to call on the ancient gods."

As soon as Hertz finished speaking, two rays of light were projected from his eyes, shining on all the servants of God.

For a time, all the servants of the gods lost the ability to contact their respective ancient gods.

Including Dore, the servant of time god.

Afterwards, the ancient god Hertz said no more and disappeared from the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the dark clouds in the sky quickly disappeared, and then there was a clear sky.

The ancient god Hertz left just as quickly as he came, and all the servants present looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

After a while, they came back to their senses, then looked at Dorey and said.

"Lord Dore, what should we do now?"

"I have long said that this kind of thing should be allowed to take its course. Now it's fine. I have offended Mr. Hertz, and we can no longer contact the ancient gods we serve."

Dorey sighed helplessly.

He had actually expected such a result.

"Then we can just let it go?"

"Why did those two humans summon the Ancient God?"

At this point, all the servants of God are having a headache reading this. Now they are at their wits' end.

After hearing this, Dolei sighed.

"Let nature take its course! So what if they summon the Ancient God? They will only be destroyed by the angry Ancient God."

After listening to Dolei's words, the other servants of God said no more.

Now they couldn't find where Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng were, and the Ancient God of Time was even scolded for looking for them.

Both sides gained nothing from them and could only let nature take its course.

Time flies, Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng are working hard to dig out the white sand of time.

The speed of the two people is obviously much faster.

After collecting enough time sand, Zhuo Bufan began to make a time ship.

And making a time ship is obviously the most difficult step.

After all, it is not easy to cast these time white sand into a ship.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had the experience of using time white sand to repair the reincarnation path and the archive door a long time ago, so Zhuo Bufan probably knew how to use time white sand to cast a time ship.

First the hull, then the keel, then the side and the oars.

Zhuo Bufan slowly polished the time ship according to the size of two people.

Because the concept of this time ship was Zhuo Bufan's guess.

So Zhuo Bufan was not very sure whether it would succeed.

What Zhuo Bufan could do was to make this time ship as good as possible.

As he guessed, he believed that it would succeed.

Tianmeng also helped from the side, using the mystery of time to gather the time white sands one by one together, and then shape them.

Finally, hard work pays off. After a long period of manufacturing, Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng finally forged a pure white time ship.

"Success, we finally succeeded."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the time ship in front of him and smiled with great satisfaction.

This is a magic weapon created by him and Tianmeng, a magic weapon that can travel in the long river of time.

With this time ship, they can freely travel between various worlds.

Tianmeng was also very excited after seeing the time ship in front of him.

The process of collecting the sand of time was extremely difficult.

But they finally succeeded, especially when they saw the sand of time turned into a time ship, they were even more excited.

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much about it and took Tianmeng on the time ship.

When they pushed the oars, they were surprised to find that the time ship really started to go against the current.

"It's done!"

Seeing this moment, Zhuo Bufan was very excited.

Everything was speculation and expectation, he didn't expect his speculation to be successful.

According to their own ideas, they built a time ship.

In this way, they can take the time ship back to the Daluotian world and save Meng Chanyi.

"Can we go back to the Daluotian world you mentioned now?"

Tianmeng looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

What made him happiest was that they could revive Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, let's go back to Daluotian now."

Zhuo Bufan said, pushing the oars vigorously, and then they began to rush upstream of the long river of time.

The time ship began to go upstream on the long river of time, which was very spectacular.

Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng were very excited at this moment.

Reviving Meng Chanyi became the common goal in their hearts.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't know what was waiting for him in Daluotian!


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