Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1478 1479: Return to Daluo Heaven

1479: Return to Daluotian

With the joint efforts of Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng, they finally built the time ship.

The two took the time ship and began to travel against the current of time.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan told Tianmeng about Mengchanyi, and Tianmeng obviously cared about Mengchanyi's past.

After all, he is Meng Chanyi's missing body. In some ways, he is Meng Chanyi's child.

Zhuo Bufan had no reservations about Tian Meng and told him everything about Meng Chanyi.

At the same time, he also told him a lot about himself.

"He told me that if there is anyone I miss in this life, it is you."

"He has been waiting for you for many years and has never regretted it. He is also willing to wait like this forever."

Zhuo Bufan sighed silently after hearing this.

Of course he understood Meng Chanyi's friendship for him.

Meng Chanyi had been waiting for her for a hundred thousand years when she was in Daluotian.

She went to the Arcane Realm for herself, to help her find the Lord of Time.

So Zhuo Bufan understood Meng Chanyi's feelings for him very well.

"Actually, I was very surprised when I saw you arriving, because I knew from her that you were not in this world."

"It's unbelievable that you found him."

Although Tianmeng was full of hostility towards Zhuo Bufan when he saw him at first.

But after seeing Zhuo Bufan, he was actually extremely pleasantly surprised.

After all, Zhuo Bufan's coming already represented his feelings for Meng Chanyi.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan also traveled through many worlds before coming to this arcane divine realm.

Zhuo Bufan left the Yin and Yang world, his wife and children, specifically to look for Meng Chanyi.

He knew that he owed Meng Chanyi, so he came to this arcane realm.

"Can you tell me about yourself?"

"She told me something about you, saying that you were once a great hero. You influenced the whole world."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly and replied.

"That's an exaggeration. I'm not that great, nor am I a great hero."

"I just work hard to protect what I want to protect."

Zhuo Bufan said to Tianmeng.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Zhuo Bufan felt that the communication between himself and Tianmeng was like a dialogue between father and son.

"Then tell me your story quickly?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Okay then, I'll tell you my story."

"My story has some twists and turns. Let me start with you from the Yin and Yang world!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why he told Tianmeng this.

Perhaps because Tianmeng looked exactly like him, when Zhuo Bufan talked to him, it felt like he was talking to himself.

There are some things that Zhuo Bufan can only say and confide to himself.

Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng started talking about it when they first arrived in the Yin and Yang world.

He cultivated immortality in the world of Yin and Yang, then experienced life and death several times, and changed his destiny.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's first half of his life in the Yin and Yang world was full of thrilling fun.

Tianmeng was also so drunk after hearing this.

He was also very interested in what Zhuo Bufan had experienced.

However, after Zhuo Bufan entered Daluotian, his experience became thrilling and full of despair.

After all, the entire Da Luo Tian Dao will destroy Zhuo Bufan. It can be said that Zhuo Bufan never lived peacefully in Da Luo Tian.

Especially later, after Zhuo Bufan entered the world of chaos, he was hunted down by the seven incarnations of Tiandao sent by Daluo Tiandao.

Zhuo Bufan was chased with no way to go to heaven or earth, and he almost died tragically.

It can be said that the period when Zhuo Bufan was chased by Daluo Tiandao was the most difficult period for him.

However, it was also the period of Zhuo Bufan's fastest growth.

It was during the time when Zhuo Bufan was being chased by Daluo Tiandao that he became even more powerful.

When Zhuo Bufan talked about Da Luotian's experience, he naturally also talked about Meng Chanyi.

Tian Meng listened particularly carefully to this part.

Tian Meng was even more excited when he heard Zhuo Bufan say that Meng Chanyi had taught him the Sky Mending Technique.

"It turns out that the Heaven-Mending Technique was really passed on to you."

Tianmeng said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"That's right, the Heaven-Mending Technique was originally a divine technique created by Emperor Wa. It has the ability to compensate for the power of heaven."

"Meng passed on this sky-repairing technique to me and helped me a lot."

"To be honest, if it weren't for the Heaven-Mending Technique, I would have died long ago."

Zhuo Bufan didn't lie.

The help of the Heaven-Mending Technique to him is immeasurable.

For Zhuo Bufan to succeed, the help of Tian Mending Technique is indispensable.

He survived several times of life and death by relying on the Heaven-Mending Technique.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was very grateful to Meng Chanyi for passing on the Heaven-Mending Technique to him.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan told Tianmeng about his and Meng Chanyi's past and present lives.

Some of them, Meng Chanyi once told Tianmeng.

The more he understood, the more Tianmeng recognized the relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi

"In other words, your main task now is to find the Lord of Time, right?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"That's right! I really want to find the Lord of Time as soon as possible."

"Not only for Da Luotian, but also for myself."

“I found out that the Lord of Time might be in the Arcane God Realm, and with the guidance of dreams, I came to the Arcane God Realm.

"In fact, at first I thought you were the Time Lord I was looking for."

"It's just that I still don't quite understand. Shouldn't you be a saint of the Jiao Zhu Clan?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Tianmeng doubtfully and said.

After hearing this, Tian Meng replied.

"It's a long story."

"In fact, I was born twenty years ago."

"After I was born, I became the Heavenly Dream Saint inexplicably."

Tian Meng also briefly told Zhuo Bufan about his affairs.

Zhuo Bufan also learned a lot of secrets about Meng Chanyi from him.

It turns out that Meng Chanyi came to this world a hundred years ago.

Moreover, Meng Chanyi has established many powerful organizations in this world.

The sharks are actually a race founded by Meng Chanyi a long time ago.

Tianmeng has become a saint of the Sharman race since his birth, which is what Meng Chanyi means.

After all, Tianmeng is a body of thoughts with mysterious origins.

In order to give him a status, Meng Chanyi told Tianmeng that he was a descendant of the Sharman tribe.

But how could these be hidden from Tianmeng?

Tian Meng actually knew very early on that he was transformed by Meng Chanyi's thoughts. In other words, he was Meng Chanyi's child.

After hearing what Tianmeng said, Zhuo Bufan felt very emotional in his heart.

He couldn't help but said to Tianmeng.

"I have suffered all these years, don't worry, I will definitely make it up to you."

Zhuo Bufan said to Tianmeng.

After hearing this, Tian Meng replied.

"Compensation? I don't need you to compensate me. As long as you can resurrect her, it will be the greatest help to me."

Zhuo Bufan nodded in response.

"That's for sure, I will definitely resurrect her."

Tianmeng also firmly believes in this, so he follows Zhuo Bufan to dig sand, build ships, and return to Daluotian together.

"By the way, how long will it take for us to reach the Daluotian world you mentioned?"

After traveling in the long river of time for so long, Tianmeng was obviously a little anxious.

"Speaking of which, where are we now? Do you remember where we are going to disembark?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, he really hasn't thought about this problem.

Although now they know that they can return to Daluotian through the long river of time. But where to disembark is indeed the question.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while and found that he had indeed not considered getting off the ship.

However, Zhuo Bufan thought about it for a moment, and it seemed that every big world had a landmark building similar to a pier.

Just like a real river has a dock for boats to dock.

On the long river of time, there are also things like docks.

"We are five worlds away from the chaotic world where Da Luotian is."

"Every world actually has buildings that are similar to landmarks. We can pay attention to them."

"Is that what you mean?"

At this moment, Tianmeng suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the sky not far away.

In the sky, there was a huge attic projection. Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly and then said.

Zhuo Bufan turned around and saw a huge white-story pavilion above the river of time.

This reminded Zhuo Bufan of the spiral tower he walked through when he entered Daluotian from the Yin and Yang world.

That spiral tower also has hundreds of thousands of steps, making it unattainable.

The spiral tower is obviously the landmark of the Yin and Yang world in the long river of time.

The hundred-story pavilion in front of us is obviously a landmark of another world.

However, this hundred-story pavilion was wrapped in fire.

A raging fire burned it to the ground.

Zhuo Bufan and Tian Meng looked at the Fiery Pavilion and couldn't help but frown.

"Yes, that should be it."

"It's just that this world may have encountered something, and the landmarks on the river of time have actually begun to burn.

After Tianmeng heard this, he quickly asked.

"What kind of world is this?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and replied.

"I don't know about this. So far I have only been to the three major worlds of Yin and Yang World, Chaos World, and Arcane God Realm.

Zhuo Bufan has never been to this world, but looking at this world, it is obvious that he has encountered some trouble.

After Tianmeng heard this, he also frowned.

"I seem to be able to hear the cries of all living beings in that pavilion."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"Every world has its own chaos."

"Whether it's Da Luotian or the Arcane Divine Realm."

After experiencing so many extraordinary things, I can now maintain a calm attitude towards the changes in the world.

Especially after the theory of human annihilation in the Arcane God Realm, Zhuo Bufan believes that the development of the world needs checks and balances.

From a human perspective, I feel that the law of survival of the fittest is too cruel.

But from the perspective of the creator, Zhuo Bufan must understand that in order to ensure the long-term development of the world, restrictive power is essential.

Zhuo Bufan and his time ship did not stop here.

They can only be passers-by, witnessing the collapse of this world.

The time ship continues to swim upstream, with a bright future.

After continuing to walk against the current for a while, they finally saw the second world coordinate building.

The coordinate building of this world is an unattainable obelisk.

This obelisk was tied with red iron chains, and inside the obelisk, something seemed to be howling restlessly.

"It seems that there is something terrible locked inside."

Tianmeng said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"It is not suitable to stay in a place of right and wrong for a long time. Let's go!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan didn't care about the right and wrong. He just wanted to return to Daluotian as soon as possible and then revive Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng didn't stay too long and quickly left the place of right and wrong.

After a while, they saw the third world coordinate building.

This time the building was a temple.

In the temple, incense was burning and the gods were shining on the temple.

Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng stayed here for a while and then left.

In this way, they have passed through three worlds.

After walking down for a long time, they finally came to the fourth world.

The world coordinate building of this world is a steel wall.

This steel wall blocked their upstream river and blocked their way.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng joined forces to fly over the steel wall.

After passing the steel wall, the two looked back and found that the steel wall had disappeared inexplicably.

Zhuo Bufan and Tianmeng did not continue to investigate.

Because they were about to reach the chaotic world.

Going down one world, they would reach the chaotic world and the continental heaven.

So Tianmeng was particularly excited at this moment.

Finally, he was going to reach Daluotian and finally revive his only relative.

Not only Tianmeng, Zhuo Bufan was also indescribably excited.

Zhuo Bufan was excited not only because he was going to revive Meng Chanyi, but also because he was finally going to return to Daluotian.

Zhuo Bufan, who returned to Daluotian, did not know what fate was waiting for him.

But Zhuo Bufan knew very well that he had to come back because there were still people waiting for him in this world.

"I don't know what Daluotian looks like now."

"I don't know if Luotian has broken free from the shackles of the Three Emperors."

"I don't know if the old people are still alive."

As they were about to reach the territory of Daluotian, Zhuo Bufan's heart began to feel uneasy.

At the same time, he also felt that the power he had lost was beginning to return.

Finally, he was looking forward to the day he was also anxious about.

From a distance, he saw the landmark building of the chaotic world in the long river of time.

The landmark building of the chaotic world is a door. An unreachable door.

Zhuo Bufan was also seeing this door for the first time, so he seemed a little surprised.

In the door, there was a chaotic vortex.

The time ship they were riding slowly passed through the door and the chaos.

Finally, when they completely passed through the chaos, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that all his lost cultivation was restored in an instant.

The law of devouring, the law of reincarnation, and the god-level power that he once mastered all returned to Zhuo Bufan's soul at that moment.

This time, the truly extraordinary Zhuo has returned.

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