Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1484 1485: Return to the Infinite Universe

After learning that it was Eternal Heaven that destroyed the Samsara Star Territory, Zhuo Bufan was furious.

"This bastard, what do they want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan had a vague feeling that the Eternal Heaven was probably planning some conspiracy.

Destroying the Reincarnation Star Territory is just for the sake of a path to reincarnation.

The road to reincarnation was repaired by Gao Yangxu for tens of thousands of years, but he did not expect that it would be taken away by the eternal heaven in the end.

It was impossible for Zhuo Bufan to turn a blind eye to this matter. In this matter, he must also seek justice for his brother Gao Yangxu.

However, for Zhuo Bufan, now is not the time. After all, he has too many missions and responsibilities now.

Zhuo Bufan has a lot to do now.

He first wants to find Emperor Wa, and then resurrects Meng Chanyi. He also wants to summon the ancient gods of the Arcane God Realm to avenge Meng Chanyi. In addition, he also needs to bring Mo Chichi and Tianmeng to the Yin and Yang world. Now, Zhuo Bufan will continue to investigate the disappearance of the Chaos God Realm. The most important thing is to find his brother Gao Yangxu and investigate the relationship between Eternal Tiandao and Ni Cangqiong.

In short, Zhuo Bufan has a lot to do now. This was something he didn't expect.

He didn't expect that so many things would happen one after another as soon as he returned to the Chaos Void.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan had to make a choice. He had to figure out what his most important priority was to do.

"We will investigate the matter of Chaos Void later. The most urgent task is to find those ancient gods to remove the seal from Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan was faced with a choice in his heart, so he had already thought of countermeasures for these complicated situations in front of him.

No matter how complicated the situation is, the top priority is to find Emperor Wa and save Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan still knew the order of things that needed to be done.

So Zhuo Bufan kept this matter in his mind for the time being. He could only deal with Gao Yangxu's matter after all other problems were resolved one by one.

"Brother Yi, I want to ask you a favor."

Zhuo Bufan said to Yi Tianxing.

Yi Tianxing glanced at Zhuo Bufan and then replied.

"Brother Zhuo, you're welcome. If you have any requests, just ask me. As long as I can do it, I'll do it without any hesitation."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he said unceremoniously.

"I do have something that only you can do and I'm asking for your help."

"I want you to help me collect some information about eternal heaven."

“The more detailed, the better.”

"Also, I want you to help me find out the news and information about Gao Yangxu, the patriarch of the Samsara Clan, and Emperor Wa, who was once the Three Emperors Star Domain."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the Void Chamber of Commerce's intelligence was very powerful.

If he wants to find Gao Yangxu and Emperor Wa, then he must get their information.

Only Yi Tianxing might be able to help him find the person he is looking for.

Zhuo Bufan told Yi Tianxing his request, but he didn't expect that Yi Tianxing would agree without hesitation.

"No problem, Brother Zhuo, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely help you find the information you want.

Zhuo Bufan said gratefully after hearing this.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Yi for your help."

"These Purple Chaos Stones are all my inheritance, so I will give them all to Brother Yi."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he gave all the Purple Chaos Stones to Yi Tianxing from the inner world.

"You two, I have some important things to deal with, so I won't have any more wine for now."

"When I come back again, I will definitely have a drink with you two."

Zhuo Bufan got the information he needed from Yi Tianxing. Although the information was not what Zhuo Bufan wanted, it at least helped him answer his doubts.

So Zhuo Bufan didn't want to stay here for long, so he chose to get up and leave.

He still has a lot of important things to do.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to leave, but Ronin Shun and Yi Tianxing did not stop him.

Because they knew that the man in front of them had many important missions waiting for him.

After Zhuo Bufan left Yi Xing, he headed towards the crack in time and space.

This time, Zhuo Bufan did not stay on the road and went straight to the chaotic void where the space-time rift was located.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the time rift, he was shocked to find that the space-time rift had disappeared.

"Little Nightmare, where is that space-time rift?"

Zhuo Bufan asked towards the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon.

After hearing this, the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon was quite puzzled.

"It shouldn't be!"

"According to the location I marked, this is the right place."

"Why is it missing?"

As the only creatures that can survive in space-time rifts, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon has an innate sense of the location of space-time rifts.

The Time and Space Nightmare Dragon also came all the way. Logically speaking, the time and space rift is right in front of us.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan suddenly released the swallowing light ball behind him.

Devouring the ball of light, it began to devour the surrounding space crazily.

Soon, the space shattered, and only a violent crack in time and space appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly and then said.

"Sure enough, someone hid this space-time rift."

"Who did it?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was confused, a man suddenly emerged from the rift in time and space.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and couldn't help but said in shock.

"Brother, is it you?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and then said in great surprise.

The man who suddenly appeared in front of him was his brother Gao Yangxu whom he had been looking for.

Gao Yangxu was also surprised when he saw Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, how could it be you?"

Gao Yangxu obviously did not expect that it would be Zhuo Bufan who opened the door of this space-time rift.

The two brothers smiled at each other, feeling very emotional.

However, Zhuo Bufan finally found Gao Yangxu, whom he was looking for.

This made Zhuo Bufan feel relieved.

After that, the two brothers began to talk to each other.

"Brother, what happened?"

"I went to the Samsara Star Domain and found that the entire star domain was gone."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to know the truth, so he couldn't wait to ask Gao Yangxu.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's question, Gao Yangxu shook his head and sighed.

"It was the Eternal Heavenly Dao. That guy attacked our Samsara Star Domain."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he heard it.

"Is it really that guy?"

"Is it really for the Road of Reincarnation?"

Gao Yangxu glanced at Zhuo Bufan and nodded.

"Yes, that guy destroyed our Reincarnation Star Field for the Road of Reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

"What about my sister-in-law and the others? Are they okay?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu nodded.

"Don't worry, they are fine."

"I had already moved them before the Eternal Heavenly Dao attacked."

"But facing the pursuit of the Eternal Heavenly Dao, I had to hide everywhere."

"Fortunately, I still remember that you, Brother Zhuo, told me that there was a space-time crack here, and there was a space suitable for survival in this space-time crack."

Zhuo Bufan was relieved after hearing this.

"Really? That's great."

"I thought..."

Before Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Gao Yangxu on the opposite side continued.

"Even so, we still lost a lot of our people."

"And the Samsara Road was also taken away. I can obviously repair that Samsara Road immediately."

"By the way, Brother Zhuo, you are back. Does that mean you have met the Lord of Time?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head slowly, then sighed helplessly and said.

"I'm sorry, brother, I didn't find the Lord of Time. And the place I went to is not a simple Samsara world."

Hearing this, Gao Yangxu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Not the Samsara world? Then what is it?"

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"The place I went to is called the Infinite Thousand Worlds."

"That world is huge and contains all the worlds."

"Including the chaotic void where we are now, it is just a small world in that world."

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Gao Yangxu was stunned.

In the depths of Gao Yangxu's soul, it seemed that some memory was awakening.

"I seem to remember something, but I'm not sure."

"According to Brother Zhuo, there is a bigger world outside our world, right?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"That's right, our chaotic void is just a small world in the infinite world."

"And the Lord of Time is the only god in this infinite world."

"Brother, if I'm not mistaken, you should have been one of the managers of the infinite world."

As far as Zhuo Bufan knows, in the infinite world, in addition to the Lord of Time, there are also servants of the Lord of Time.

Just like Mr. Zhou.

And Gao Yangxu should have been a servant of the Lord of Time like Mr. Zhou.

However, Gao Yangxu was sent to reincarnation by the Lord of Time because he did not protect the road of reincarnation.

"Then brother, what are your plans next?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu answered without hesitation.

"Of course, I want revenge."

"Eternal Heavenly Dao, I will never stop fighting with him."

"It's because of that bastard that my reincarnation clan has fallen to this point."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded in response.

"Brother, rest assured, I will definitely lend you a helping hand."

"As long as you need me, I will fight with you to the end at any time."

Gao Yangxu was deeply moved after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words.

"Thank you, brother Zhuo. In fact, I am already very moved by your kindness."

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"But brother, do you have a plan now?"

"The enemy is not a simple existence. As the Heavenly Dao, it has infinite power."

"I am afraid that even if you join forces, you will not be his opponent at this moment. Unless you can return to the past as soon as possible and become the Lord of Reincarnation."

"In that case, the two of us brothers will join forces to defeat the Eternal Heavenly Dao."

When Zhuo Bufan came back, he confronted the Eternal Heavenly Dao once. He knew very well how powerful the Eternal Heavenly Dao was.

Now they are probably not the opponent of the Eternal Heavenly Dao, so Zhuo Bufan has some concerns.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu responded.

"Brother Zhuo is right. I was chased by that guy and had to hide everywhere. I'm afraid that even if the two of us join forces, we are no match for that guy."

"But it's not easy to become the Lord of Reincarnation."

"I didn't repair the road of reincarnation. The Lord of Time will never forgive me."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said in a decisive tone.

"Then let's go to him together and explain things clearly. Even the Lord of Time has to be reasonable, right?"

Zhuo Bufan was very excited. In his opinion, the curse of the reincarnation clan was simply unreasonable.

Gao Yangxu smiled when he saw Zhuo Bufan being so excited.

"I understand Zhuo Di's intentions. It's just that this matter is my fault. I can't blame the Lord of Time for being too harsh."

"Then let's go find him and have a good talk. It just so happens that this space-time rift can lead to infinite worlds. Brother, please go back with me."

"You are originally from that world, and you should go back and see it now."

Zhuo Bufan's words moved Gao Yangxu deeply.

At the same time, it also touched the helplessness deep in Gao Yangxu's heart. The most important thing is that it also gave Gao Yangxu courage.

"You're right. After all these years, I really shouldn't continue to stay here."

"There are not many of my people left now. I'm afraid they won't be able to survive the next curse."

"If I don't do something, I'm afraid our Samsara tribe will completely disappear from this world."

Gao Yangxu was inspired in his heart, and he was willing to go to the infinite world with Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, let's leave now."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and took Gao Yangxu towards the rift in time and space.

After they entered the space-time rift, Zhuo Bufan took Gao Yangxu to find the passage that had been opened.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu entered the passage together.

After entering the passage, they came to the first layer of the White Realm of Time.

In this world, Zhuo Bufan met some of the remaining tribesmen from Samsara.

Including Gao Yangxu's children, sister and wife, there are only about a hundred people left in the Samsara clan.

Zhuo Bufan also felt a little sad when he saw this scene.

Finally, Gao Yangxu said goodbye to his family, and then followed Zhuo Bufan into the dark world.

After passing through the dark world, they came to the giant door that entered the infinite world.

"Here we are."

When Zhuo Bufan saw the familiar gate, he seemed a little excited.

Returning to the infinite world again, Zhuo Bufan had many questions he wanted to ask Mr. Zhou.

If you're lucky, you might even be able to find the whereabouts of the Time Lord.

"This is the Gate of Reincarnation? It's so familiar."

Gao Yangxu looked at the Gate of Reincarnation in front of him and said with great familiarity.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"Let's go see Mr. Zhou."

In the infinite world, there is only one living person, and that is Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou is also Zhuo Bufan's guide.

Zhuo Bufan believed that Mr. Zhou and Gao Yangxu must also know each other.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu followed Zhuo Bufan into the giant door.

As a result, as soon as they entered the infinite world, they saw Mr. Zhou standing in front of Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu with his hands behind his back.

"Mr. Zhou!"

Zhuo Bufan immediately stepped forward excitedly and asked.

However, after Mr. Zhou saw Zhuo Bufan and the others, his eyes fell on Gao Yangxu.

"Oh? Samsara, I didn't expect you to be still alive."

As expected, Mr. Zhou knew Gao Yangxu.

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