Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1485 1486: The one who killed the Lord of Time

1486: The one who killed the Lord of Time

When Mr. Zhou saw Gao Yangxu, he called out Gao Yangxu's identity in his previous life, that is, the Lord of Reincarnation.

Gao Yangxu was also obviously a little shocked.

"Do you know me?"

Gao Yangxu looked at Mr. Zhou in front of him and asked with doubt.

Mr. Zhou smiled and said to Gao Yangxu.

"The Lord of Reincarnation was once the strongest god of war under the Lord of Time. Later, because he left his post without permission, he lost the way of reincarnation and triggered a great catastrophe in the infinite world. Therefore, he was sent into reincarnation by the Lord of Time and cursed his people to be in disaster every hundred years and never die."

Gao Yangxu, who was still a little skeptical, frowned after listening to what Mr. Zhou said.

"It seems that you really know about me."

"Tell me, who are you?"

Mr. Zhou said that what he had learned from Gao Yangxu's previous life was exactly the same. Even Zhuo Bufan beside him could feel that the relationship between Mr. Zhou and his brother was not simple.

After listening to Gao Yangxu, Mr. Zhou smiled and replied.

"The Lord of Time has three servants under his command."

"They are the Lord of Reincarnation who represents the past, the Lord of Void who represents the present, and the Lord of Prophecy who represents the future."

"That catastrophe caused half of the infinite world to be nearly destroyed."

"In the end, the Lord of Time was seriously injured, and the Lord of Prophecy also died."

"The Lord of Reincarnation was sent to reincarnation and became the Lord of Void, while the Lord of Void was exiled to the long river of time, guarding the long river of time for tens of thousands of years."

"We are so miserable, all thanks to you!"

Mr. Zhou said these words with a smile, but Zhuo Bufan could hear that the Lord of Reincarnation was smiling with a knife hidden in his heart.

In Mr. Zhou's tone, there was a complaint against Gao Yangxu.

"Are you the exiled Lord of Void?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mr. Zhou and said.

From Mr. Zhou's tone, Zhuo Bufan could basically guess his identity.

The Lord of Time has three divine servants. According to what Mr. Zhou said, the Lord of Prophecy is dead, and the Lord of Reincarnation is Gao Yangxu. So the result is obvious. The old Zhou in front of him is the Lord of Void.

And Zhuo Bufan recalled that he did see Mr. Zhou in the long river of time.

At that time, Mr. Zhou was in exile.

It can be seen that this old Zhou, that is, the Lord of Void, seems to hate Gao Yangxu in front of him.

In his opinion, it was Gao Yangxu who caused him to fall to this point.

If Gao Yangxu had not lost the road to reincarnation, the infinite world would not have suffered that catastrophe.

So this old Zhou did not have any good feelings for Gao Yangxu in front of him. After seeing Gao Yangxu, he did not have any good words.

"Old Zhou, after so many years, are you still brooding over it?"

"Even if my brother did something wrong, he has received the punishment he deserves over the years."

"The curse of the Samsara Clan has become his eternal nightmare."

"To this day, the Samsara Clan is still suffering from the curse."

"Don't you and the Lord of Time want to forgive him?"

Zhuo Bufan was not speaking for Gao Yangxu, he just thought that his brother Gao Yangxu had received the punishment he deserved.

Zhuo Bufan had seen the curse of the Samsara Clan, even the newborn babies were affected by the curse and turned into bloodthirsty demons.

It was hard for Zhuo Bufan to imagine how the Samsara Clan had survived for so many years.

Zhuo Bufan believed that the Lord of Time was kind by nature, and he didn't want to see that miserable scene.

If Gao Yangxu really did something wrong back then, then Gao Yangxu has received enough punishment so far.

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Old Zhou, the Lord of the Void, shook his head and said.

"Do you think the mistakes he made are really so easy to forgive?"

"Do you know how tragic the catastrophe was?"

"Half of the world in this infinite universe was destroyed."

"Didn't you go to the Arcane Realm? Didn't you see the destruction of Daluo Tiandao?"

"Don't you call yourself the savior and want to save billions of people?"

"Then do you know how many people died in that ultimate catastrophe?"

"The Lord of Time said that the sins of reincarnation will never be relieved."

"The curse he received is just a small punishment."

After listening to what Zhou Lao said, Zhuo Bufan frowned tightly.

If it is true as he said, then the catastrophe of that year must have been really tragic.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw countless world light balls in this infinite universe. "

So many world light balls were destroyed one by one.

It was hard for him to imagine how many lives died in that catastrophe.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know when to say it. Some things have different views from different perspectives.

In the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan was still too self-centered. He only thought about what he thought, and he didn't associate the thoughts of other people or other lives.

"Can you tell me what happened back then?"

Gao Yangxu didn't seem to deny his crime, but wanted to know the truth of that year.

He wanted to face the crime he had committed.

"Why does the reincarnation road that connects this world to the chaotic void bring such destruction to this infinite world?"

Gao Yangxu's words were actually Zhuo Bufan's doubts.

In the final analysis, what Gao Yangxu lost was just a passage from the chaotic void to the infinite world.

Compared with the infinite world, this road of reincarnation in the chaotic void is just a small passage.

It was hard for Zhuo Bufan to imagine that such a small passage could bring such a huge disaster to the world.

However, Mr. Zhou snorted after hearing this.

"A small road to reincarnation?"

"Do you think he lost a small road to reincarnation? It was because he lost the road to reincarnation that the Lord of Time almost died in this chaotic void."

"If the Lord of Time is harmed, the world will be on the verge of destruction."

"That time the Lord of Time was severely injured, causing the world to begin to collapse."

"All this is because of you."

Mr. Zhou raised his hand and pointed at Gao Yangxu in front of him.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu didn't know how to explain.

But Gao Yangxu also confessed to this matter.

And Zhuo Bufan also understood the fact from Mr. Zhou's words, that is, if something happens to the Lord of Time, the infinite world will also be harmed.

"Mr. Zhou, I remember you told me before that once the Lord of Time encounters a life-related threat, he will immediately restore his memory and return to this world."

"Then why is the Time Lord still hurt?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mr. Zhou in front of him and asked.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou continued to point at Gao Yangxu in front of him.

"It's this guy. This guy doesn't understand the path of reincarnation in the chaotic world."

"That road to reincarnation is the road back to the Lord of Time."

"The Lord of Time was traveling in this chaotic world, but he was plotted by the villains in the chaotic world. He almost died."

"Just when the Lord of Time awakened his memory and prepared to return to Daluotian, he found that the reincarnation road from the chaotic world to the infinite world disappeared."

"The Lord of Time is therefore stranded in the infinite world."

"I even almost died in that world."

"And I can only watch helplessly as this infinite world collapses bit by bit."

"If the Lord of Prophecy hadn't opened the way to reincarnation with his own life, do you think you could still be standing here talking to me now?"

After listening to Mr. Zhou's indignant voice, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu realized how serious the incident was.

It turns out that the Lord of Time was playing in this Chaos God Realm back then.

When the Lord of Time is in the game world, he will completely seal all his powers including memories.

It is equivalent to being reincarnated into the human world, receiving experience and experiencing the wonders of each world.

But this seal will be released when the Lord of Time completes his training or encounters a life threat.

After this seal is lifted, the Lord of Time will return to the infinite world as soon as possible.

But to return to the infinite world, you must go through the road of reincarnation.

However, that time when the Lord of Time came back, the Road to Reincarnation disappeared because Gao Yangxu left his post without permission.

The disappearing road of reincarnation stranded the Lord of Time in the void of chaos.

Not only that, but also blocked the Lord of Prophecy and the Lord of the Void from the Chaos Void.

Because the road of reincarnation is the only channel that can connect the two worlds.

The disappearance of the road to reincarnation prevents the Lord of Time from returning in time.

The final result was that the Lord of Time almost died in the Chaos God Realm.

Because the Lord of Time was severely injured, the entire infinite world began to be destroyed.

After seeing the destruction of the infinite world, the Lord of Prophecy opened up a temporary road to reincarnation with his own life and brought the Lord of Time back from the Chaos God Realm.

This was the ultimate catastrophe of the infinite world that year.

After the catastrophe, the Lord of Time punished the Lord of Reincarnation, Gao Yangxu.

He banished Gao Yangxu from reincarnation and cursed all his people.

This is why Gao Yangxu's reincarnation clan has suffered such a cruel curse so far.

Everything stems from that catastrophe.

Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu were shocked when they learned the truth.

From what they heard, the ultimate catastrophe was indeed caused by the Lord of Reincarnation who was responsible for guarding the path of reincarnation and had an unshirkable responsibility.

Gao Yangxu also bowed silently to Mr. Zhou in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that the disappearance of the Road to Reincarnation would bring about such a serious matter."

Gao Yangxu also seemed to feel that the punishment he received was unforgivable.

Even Zhuo Bufan no longer defended Gao Yangxu.

The Lord of Time did not kill him, which was an act of kindness.

Although the curse is a bit cruel, but compared to the countless lives that have died, what is it?

"What happened next? Didn't the Lord of Time get furious because of this and destroy the entire Chaos Void?"

It was hard for Zhuo Bufan to imagine that the Lord of Time would still keep this Chaos God Realm after encountering that situation.

If it were Zhuo Bufan, he would have destroyed this chaotic void long ago, leaving some hatred in his heart.

However, after hearing this, Mr. Zhou said.

"Who do you think the Lord of Time is? He is the embodiment of benevolence and righteousness."

"Although the Lord of Time did think about erasing the entire Chaos God Realm, in the end he chose to preserve this world."

"To the Lord of Time, erasing this world is nothing more than a child's behavior."

"Since he chose to travel in this world, he should bear the risks involved."

"Although this risk is a bit high and almost cost him his life. But we cannot vent our anger on the whole world."

"The Lord of Time even spared Luo Tian who wanted to kill him."

When Zhuo Bufan heard the name Luo Tian, ​​he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"What? It was Luo Tian who killed the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan never dreamed that Luo Tian had such a past.

"How is it possible? How could Luo Tian kill the Lord of Time?"

"Are you talking about the Luo Tian of Daluo Tiandao?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Zhou Lao in shock.

After hearing this, Zhou Lao shook his head and replied.

"The Lord of Time only said this name."

"He said Luo Tian taught him a lesson."

"He is the first one who dared to kill the Lord of Time."

"That man is worth remembering."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He didn't expect that the Lord of Time would forgive a guy who killed him.

Zhuo Bufan thought that the Luo Tian that Mr. Zhou was talking about should not be the original Luo Tian, ​​but the soul of Luo Tian who turned into the Heavenly Dao.

I didn't expect that the Daluo Heavenly Dao would do such a crazy thing back then, killing the Lord of Time.

What did he want to do? Want to replace the Lord of Time?

However, from this incident, Zhuo Bufan suddenly admired the Lord of Time and his tolerance.

He even forgave the person who killed him.

Not only that, the Lord of Time also helped Luo Tian's reincarnation, that is, Ji Xuanhao.

He gave the Heart of Time to Ji Xuanhao, and Ji Xuanhao used the Heart of Time to create the archive door that Zhuo Bufan now has.

It seems that the Lord of Time is not as calculative as he imagined.

The reason why he cursed the Samsara Clan was probably to urge Gao Yangxu to repair the Samsara Road as soon as possible.

In short, Zhuo Bufan learned a lot of shocking things from Zhou Lao today.

At the same time, it also solved many of Zhuo Bufan's doubts.

Of course, there was more shock.

The courage of Daluo Tiandao to kill the Lord of Time really shocked Zhuo Bufan.

"What about the Lord of Time?"

"Where is he now?"

"Please tell us the whereabouts of the Lord of Time, Mr. Zhou."

Zhuo Bufan is looking forward to meeting the Lord of Time more and more.

However, after hearing this, Mr. Zhou still shook his head.

"I've already told you that I don't know where the Lord of Time is."

"Before, I was exiled by the Lord of Time because of that catastrophe."

"When I came back, I found that the Lord of Time was no longer in the infinite world."

"Now no one knows which world the Lord of Time is traveling in. Let alone what identity he is in, where he is, and what he is doing."

"So if you want to see the Lord of Time, you can only wait until he returns from his travels."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was a little helpless.

But at this time, Zhou Lao said to Gao Yangxu.

"When I came back, I found the message left by the Lord of Time for me."

"The Lord of Time asked me to tell you that if you want to solve the curse of your reincarnation clan, you must go through the test he gave you."

"Do you dare to accept it?"

When Gao Yangxu heard it, of course he answered without any hesitation.

"Of course I am willing."

After hearing this, Zhou Lao said coldly.

"Well, follow me."

After speaking, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu followed.


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