Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1486 1487: Infinite Arena

1487: Infinite Arena

In order to lift the curse of the reincarnation clan, Gao Yangxu agreed to Zhou Lao's conditions and went to participate in the test left by the Lord of Time.

Only by passing the test can the curse of their reincarnation clan be lifted.

Zhuo Bufan followed Mr. Zhou and Gao Yangxu to a Tai Chi gate.

The entire gate is in the shape of Tai Chi.

Zhuo Bufan could clearly sense that above the Tai Chi Gate, the black was the black sand of time and the white was the white sand of time.

The entire Tai Chi Gate turned out to be an extremely powerful time artifact.

As for the specific effect, Zhuo Bufan is not sure.

But Zhuo Bufan can be sure that the Tai Chi door in front of him is definitely not weaker than his own save door.

"This is your test place."

"You can go in now."

Mr. Zhou said to Gao Yangxu.

Then he looked back at Zhuo Bufan, then shook his head and said.

"This is his test, you can't go in."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stopped.

Zhuo Bufan then looked back at Gao Yangxu, and then said to Gao Yangxu.

"Brother, don't worry! I believe you can do it."

Zhuo Bufan can't help Gao Yangxu this time. Whether he can break the seal depends on Gao Yangxu himself.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu clenched his fists and then said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Then I'll go first."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he entered the Tai Chi Sect.

Zhuo Bufan watched Gao Yangxu enter the Gate of Tai Chi, and he couldn't help but said silently.

"Brother, come on!"

"It's time for me to do my thing."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Zhou next to him.

Then he asked Mr. Zhou.

"Mr. Zhou, I think it's okay to set up an infinite arena here?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou was puzzled.

"Infinite Arena? Are you sure? Only those at the level of the God of Creation can participate in the Infinite Arena!"

Zhuo Bufan nodded without hesitation.

"I know that the ones I want to duel are the seven ancient creation gods of the Arcane God Realm."

Zhuo Bufan came to the infinite world this time just to avenge Meng Chanyi.

Mr. Zhou looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him and said nothing.

After a while, Mr. Zhou raised his hand and waved.

A huge spherical world appeared in the infinite world.

The entire spherical world is comparable to the extraordinary Yin and Yang world.

In other words, the size of this infinite arena is equivalent to a large world.

After all, this is a battle only seen by the Creator God, and it can easily lead to the destruction of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the battlefield must be large enough and the defense must be strong enough.

Otherwise, it may harm the entire infinite world.

And only Mr. Zhou can create such a powerful battlefield.

"This is the infinite arena."

"I've already prepared it for you."

"But whether the Ancient Creation God of the Arcane God Realm will come or not, that depends on you."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Understood, leave the rest to me!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he entered the infinite arena set up by Mr. Zhou.

After entering the ring, Zhuo Bufan immediately sensed his own strength.

After discovering that his strength had not changed, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he arranged the relics of the seven ancient gods with a wave of his hand.

'Xitu' represents the power of the earth, 'Tuquan' represents the power of the sea, 'Legend Wood' represents the power of the forest, 'Gray Wind' represents the power of the sky, 'Chaos' represents the power of chaos, The 'Jingmen', which represents the power of space, already represents the 'grave gold' of the power of time. "

The relics of the seven ancient gods flew in the air, forming a huge altar.

This is an ancient god relic specially collected by Zhuo Bufan, specifically used to summon the creation ancient god of the Arcane God Realm.

Now that Mr. Zhou has prepared the infinite arena, what Zhuo Bufan has to do next is to summon these ancient creation gods and seek justice for Meng Chanyi's death.

The relics of the seven ancient gods began to slowly merge under Zhuo Bufan's power.

With the continuous integration of power, the relics of the seven ancient gods were slowly cast into a circular altar.

On top of the huge altar, there are seven altars.

The moment the altar appeared, the entire earth began to thunder, and the entire space began to collapse.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he said excitedly.

"coming soon."

Zhuo Bufan could feel that seven extremely powerful energies were gathering in the altar.

These seven powerful energies even made Zhuo Bufan feel a fatal threat.

"Is the Ancient God of Creation of the Arcane God Realm finally coming?"

Zhuo Bufan was nervous and scared.

In fact, he knew very well that the ancient creation god of the Arcane God Realm might not be as easy to deal with as he thought.

After all, the other party is also the Ancient God of Creation. In some ways, the other party is the same existence as himself.

Moreover, the other party has a total of seven ancient gods, which means that the other party's power is more powerful than he imagined.

"In the infinite arena, you can use all the power you have."

"But there is one thing I want to tell you. If you want to leave the infinite arena, you can only distinguish between life and death."

"That is to say, once the infinite arena is opened, one of you will die."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

In fact, he had already realized that this would be the result.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was not at all timid about this battle.

"I understand. Then I'll ask Mr. Zhou to do a notarization later."

"The ancient god who created the world between me and the Arcane God Realm must decide whether to live or die today."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the altar in front of him was finally completely built.

As the altar emerged, a huge black hole soon appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying and hoarse sound came from the black hole.

"Who is calling us?"

As the terrifying sound sounded, tentacles wrapped in a halo of law soon appeared from the black hole.

Under the halo of law, it seems to be extremely stressful.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, as if he had already sensed the consequences of this confrontation.

I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable.

As the aura of those laws gradually enlarged, the first ancient creation god soon revealed his true appearance in front of Zhuo Bufan.

This first ancient creation god looks like a giant octopus.

It has eight slender octopus legs, and each leg has a halo of law.

The moment it appeared, the entire sea of ​​the infinite arena began to roll.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

Although he has never seen this guy, he probably knows what kind of existence this is.

"This guy should be Cohen, the Ancient God of the Sea!"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan just thought this and his voice was actually heard by the other party.

"Yes, I am the creator of the arcane divine realm of the sea, the supreme sea god, the ancient god of creation of the sea, Emperor Cohen!"

The other party could actually hear his own voice, which made Zhuo Bufan instantly alert.

Because Zhuo Bufan knew very well that his soul was at the level of a creation god.

How could a spirit of this level be easily heard by others?

Obviously, this ancient sea god Cohen has this ability.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan couldn't just start thinking about it.

So he must be vigilant about what he is thinking now.

"It turns out that yours is Cohen, the ancient god of the sea. He is more powerful than I thought."

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's inner voice, the opponent suddenly shook his huge tentacles, and then shook the entire infinite arena.

"Boy, when you see this great emperor, why don't you kneel down quickly?"

Cohen is so huge that his presence already occupies half of the world.

Fortunately, he had shrunk his body, but he was still as tall as a mountain.

On him, extremely terrifying water energy flows. The name of Poseidon is by no means a vain one.

Zhuo Bufan felt relatively calm when facing Cohen.

When he heard the other party asking him to kneel down, Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate and took action instantly.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly released the powerful Devouring Law, and dozens of black holes around him engulfed Cohen.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In just an instant, all eight of Cohen's huge tentacles were swallowed up by Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan knew very well that this would not cause any fatal harm to Cohen.

But it was able to catch the opponent off guard, leaving the opponent with no chance to react.

As expected, before Cohen could react, he was devoured by dozens of devouring light balls.

Its body began to collapse.

But this Cohen is also an ancient creation god. Even after being swallowed, he can recover his body immediately.

However, after recovering, Zhuo Bufan continued to devour.

For a time, Nacoen fell into the trap of constantly creating and then being destroyed.

"Get one!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't talk nonsense to that Cohen at all.

With a wave of his hand, the dozens of swallowing black holes adhering to Cohen's body merged together instantly, and then formed a huge black hole that enveloped Cohen's entire body.

As a result, that Ken can only fight with Zhuo Bufan's devouring law power in Zhuo Bufan's devouring black hole.

Now, let alone fighting Zhuo Bufan, Cohen didn't even have a chance to fight back.

After taking down Cohen, Zhuo Bufan immediately discovered that the second Ancient God of Creation was about to appear.

This ancient god altar can summon all the ancient gods of creation.

Zhuo Bufan was very fortunate that these ancient creation gods did not come out all at once, but came out one by one.

This gave him a chance to break them down piece by piece.

If the seven ancient gods join forces, Zhuo Bufan may not be a match.

But now, the seven ancient gods appear separately, which is equivalent to one-on-one.

Zhuo Bufan is not arrogant, but he is very confident. With his own strength, he can kill all the ancient gods of creation one on one.

So when he saw the second ancient god coming out, Zhuo Bufan was already quietly preparing an attack.

Along with the altar, a ray of light flashed through.

Immediately afterwards, a huge toad-shaped creature appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

To be precise, it's not a toad, but a golden toad.

A toad covered in golden light.

He opened his mouth, and the whole earth trembled and tore.

Zhuo Bufan did not guess the other party's identity this time.

No matter who comes to him, as long as it is the Ancient God of Creation, it is his enemy.

Sure enough, as soon as the golden toad appeared, Zhuo Bufan launched an attack.

Dozens of black holes that had been prepared swarmed towards the golden toad.

These black holes are like sticky black balls.

It stuck to the golden toad's body.

However, once it sticks, it begins to devour the golden toad's body and the power within it.

"Oh? With the power of the earth element, it seems that you are the ancient creator god of the earth, Tia."

After Zhuo Bufan devoured the opponent's power, he also sensed the opponent's identity.

The power of the earth element is undoubtedly related to the God of the Earth.

This time, the God of the Earth didn't even have time to talk to Zhuo Bufan before he was directly wrapped into the black hole by Zhuo Bufan.

At this moment, Mr. Zhou is outside the infinite arena.

He couldn't help but shook his head and said.

"This guy didn't give the other party a chance to react at all. He waited until the other party showed up and then took action directly. It's so despicable."

Even Mr. Zhou can't stand it anymore.

Those ancient gods were inexplicably transported to this infinite arena. They were killed by Zhuo Bufan in a daze before they even understood the situation.

Zhuo Bufan was also rude and dealt a fatal blow to every ancient god.

After all, these ancient gods were also rude when dealing with Meng Chanyi.

Not only did they kill Meng Chanyi, but they also humiliated her.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't forgive these guys, so he wouldn't give these ancient gods any chance.

If you can kill one, kill one.

After killing the Ancient God of the Sea and the Ancient God of the Earth in succession, the figure of the third Ancient God quietly appeared in the altar.

The moment that figure appeared, Zhuo Bufan was ready to kill again.

The ancient god who appeared this time looked like a huge butterfly.

It is colorful and very bright.

When she spread her wings, an extremely pure and holy power penetrated into Zhuo Bufan's heart.

In just that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that the other party should be a kind-hearted Ancient God of Creation.

However, no piece of snow under the avalanche is innocent, and Meng Chanyi's death is inseparable from all the ancient gods.

So Zhuo Bufan launched an attack on the ancient creation god in front of him without hesitation.

But this time, the other party responded quickly.

When the extraordinary swallowing light balls attacked it, it vibrated its wings, and then instantly blocked all the swallowing light balls.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that the other party's reaction speed would be so fast.

Not only that, at this moment, the other party actually asked Zhuo Bufan.

"Hello, founder of mankind, I am Lyle, Lord of the Sky of the Arcane God Realm. Why did you attack me?"

The other party asked Zhuo Bufan very gently.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan just replied coldly.

"Years ago, you ancient gods killed a girl who summoned you, do you still remember?"

Hearing this, the ancient sky god Lyle was silent for a moment.

After silence, she suddenly said.

"Are you here to avenge her?"

Zhuo Bufan said.

"So, you admit it?"

"Were you the ones who killed that girl?"

After hearing this, Lyle did not deny it, but replied.

"She offended Hertz, the ancient god of time. I'm sorry that I couldn't save her."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately took action.

"Then stop talking nonsense. Your mercy is no longer needed. Today, I am here to kill the gods."

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