Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1490 1491: The seal is lifted

1491: Seal lifted

According to the agreement, Zhuo Bufan can let these ancient gods go.

As a condition, Lord Zhou, the Lord of the Void, must help Zhuo Bufan transfer the ancient gods of time from the Arcane Divine Realm to Tianmeng.

After getting the consent of Mr. Zhou, Zhuo Bufan gave the power he had devoured from Hertz to Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou took over the power of time and passed it on to Tianmeng.

The whole process was almost without any obstacles.

With the help of Mr. Zhou, Tianmeng quickly accepted the inheritance of the gods. And became the new Ancient God of Time in the Arcane God Realm.

Zhuo Bufan also followed the agreement and spared all the ancient creation gods of the Arcane God Realm.

Of course, when Zhuo Bufan released them, he also imposed the seal of reincarnation devouring on them. This seal is used to restrict these ancient creation gods.

When the creation ancient gods of the Arcane God Realm were released, all the ancient gods looked at each other and were dying.

Most of their strength has been swallowed up by Zhuo Bufan, and now they are all very weak.

"Tia, Cohen, Lyle, Aikun. Are you all okay?"

The ancient forest god Youya, who was spared by Zhuo Bufan, quickly flew over to treat them after seeing all the ancient gods being released.

When these ancient gods saw Zhuo Bufan again, it was as if they were seeing a natural enemy, and their souls were trembling.

No one knows what they experienced in the extraordinary swallowing light ball.

The extraordinary swallowing light ball can swallow everything, including their power, life, soul, and cognition.

After these ancient gods were trapped in the swallowing light ball, they soon began to collapse.

There is chaos in the swallowing light ball. They just felt like fish on the chopping board, being slaughtered by Zhuo Bufan.

In the swallowing light ball, Zhuo Bufan is the master. The only thing they can do is to survive under Zhuo Bufan's rule.

Obviously, they are also creation gods, but the gap between them and Zhuo Bufan is so huge.

The worst thing is the ancient god of time, Hertz.

"My power, my power. Where's my time power?"

Hertz begged in confusion and powerlessness. He found that the time god in his body had disappeared and was completely swallowed by Zhuo Bufan.

In a rage, Hertz began to shout hysterically at Zhuo Bufan.

"What did you do? Where is my power? Where is my power? My time power."

Hertz obviously hadn't discovered that his power had already been devoured and stripped away by Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, the Lord of Time stood up and explained everything to everyone.

"Everyone, as you can see, the place you are now is the most sacred place in the world. The infinite world."

"The infinite world is located above all your cognitions. In some respects, your arcane divine realm is just one of the small worlds among this infinite world."

"This world is a world far beyond your knowledge."

"And the master of this world is the supreme Lord of Time."

When all the ancient gods present heard about the infinite world and the Lord of Time, they all said in disbelief.

"Lord of Time, does this person really exist?"

They remembered the title Lord of Time because Meng Chanyi mentioned this name when she summoned them.

It was just that at that time, the ancient god of time, Hertz, thought that he was the only god of time, the Lord of Time, which was blasphemy against him.

It was precisely because of this that Hertz became furious, thinking that Meng Chanyi had blasphemed him, so he punished Meng Chanyi and forced Meng Chanyi to death.

It can be said that it was Hertz's ignorance and arrogance that killed Meng Chanyi and also led to his tragedy today.

"One thing you need to understand is that the Lord of Time really exists. He created this infinite world, and he also created you."

"Without the Lord of Time, you would be nothing now."

After Mr. Zhou finished speaking, all the ancient gods present were stunned.

They are silent because they don't know what to say.

If what Mr. Zhou said is true, then what kind of creation gods are they? The Creator God is nothing but a creation of others.

Zhuo Bufan did not participate in the conversation. His top priority now is to resurrect Meng Chanyi.

So Zhuo Bufan took Tianmeng into his inner world without hesitation.

After entering the inner world, Zhuo Bufan first met Mo Chichi who was guarding the crystal coffin of Mengchanyi.

"You guys are here, how are you now?"

After Mo Chichi saw Zhuo Bufan, he quickly stepped forward and asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Tianmeng aside, and then said to Tianmeng.

"Now that everything is ready, it's up to you."

Zhuo Bufan has passed on all the time secrets of the ancient time god Hertz to Tianmeng.

At this moment, Tian Meng has the ability to lift the time seal on Meng Chanyi's soul.

"I'll do my best."

Tianmeng said.

Then, they came to Meng Chanyi's crystal coffin.

The peerless and graceful woman lying in the crystal coffin was the body of Meng Chanyi who Zhuo Bufan had previously resurrected with the Heaven-Mending Technique.

But, it’s just the body.

Meng Chanyi's soul is still in the Sky-Mending Stone, and there is a very tyrannical time seal in that weak soul.

After Tianmeng inherited Hertz's secret of time, he naturally had the ability to lift the time seal in his soul.

In order to save Meng Chanyi, Tianmeng will definitely do whatever it takes.

Zhuo Bufan would not doubt this, so he handed over the task of lifting the seal to Tianmeng.

Once Tianmeng lifts the seal, Zhuo Bufan will immediately transfer Meng Chanyi's remaining soul into his body, and then fuse it and revive it.

The whole process requires perfect cooperation.

After all, Meng Chanyi's soul is too fragile and may be wiped out if she is not careful.

It can be said that the remnant soul of Meng Chanyi is like a little spark.

Zhuo Bufan and the others wanted to transfer this spark into her body to rekindle her life.

The process must be well prepared and careful enough.

Zhuo Bufan opened the coffin lid and took out the Sky Mending Stone.

Immediately afterwards, he handed the Sky Mending Stone to Tianmeng.

After Tian Meng took over the Sky Mending Stone, he released Meng Chanyi's weak soul.

Then, only a faint light was seen floating out from the Sky-Mending Stone.

The light was very weak.

Around the light, there are circles of time shackles wrapped around it.

These time shackles completely wrapped and sealed the light. Let the light of the soul continue to be shattered and collapsed, unable to gather at all.

Upon seeing this, Tianmeng immediately activated the secret of the time god he had just obtained and began to lift those time seals.

Soon, the first time light wheel burst, and Zhuo Bufan was pleasantly surprised when he saw this scene.

Immediately afterwards, the second time light wheel burst. When Zhuo Bufan saw this, his eyes lit up and he couldn't help but say.

"Yes, it can be successful."

"Tianmeng, keep going, you can do it."

At Zhuo Bufan's request, Tianmeng accelerated the unblocking process.

Soon, as the halo of time broke apart, the light of the soul in the halo was finally freed.

Until finally, all the time wheels were broken, and Meng Chanyi's remaining soul was finally released.

"It's lifted, it's your turn next."

After Tian Meng released Meng Chanyi's time seal, he immediately handed over Meng Chanyi's soul light to Zhuo Bufan. Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly used the Sky Mending Technique to wrap up the remaining soul of Meng Chanyi.

At this moment, Meng Chanyi's soul is like a candle in the wind, which will be extinguished by the strong wind if not careful.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must be as cautious as possible. Under Zhuo Bufan's careful protection, Meng Chanyi's remaining soul did not disappear into ashes.

Immediately afterwards, he transferred the remaining soul of Meng Chanyi into that physical body.

However, even so, Meng Chanyi's soul was still very weak.

And next is the most critical moment.

The fusion of soul and body is like the fusion of water and fire.

What's more, Meng Chanyi's soul fire is so weak now.

If the fusion is forced, Meng Chanyi's soul may disappear.

So Zhuo Bufan used the Heaven-Building Technique to nourish Meng Chanyi's soul again and again, while separating his own soul power.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to use his soul power to strengthen Meng Chanyi's remaining soul.

Transfer the fire of your soul to Meng Chanyi bit by bit.

In this way, Meng Chanyi's soul also became stronger step by step.

However, this is still not enough.

After all, Zhuo Bufan's soul was his own, and he couldn't give Meng Chanyi too much of his soul.

Otherwise, Meng Chanyi's soul is likely to be assimilated by his own soul.

So this process is also very dangerous.

Zhuo Bufan not only wants to strengthen Meng Chanyi's soul, but also prevents his own soul from swallowing Meng Chanyi.

In short, Zhuo Bufan can be said to be extremely cautious now, fearing that Meng Chanyi will disappear if he is not careful.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan's grasp of soul power is very accurate.

And with the blessing of the Heaven-Mending Technique, Zhuo Bufan quickly fused Meng Chanyi's remnant soul with his body.

After completing this process, Zhuo Bufan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, Zhuo Bufan used all his strength to wrap Meng Chanyi's body with his Sky Mending Technique.

Under the influence of the Heaven-Mending Technique, Zhuo Bufan believed that Meng Chanyi would wake up soon.

"Okay, then the Sky Mending Technique will slowly heal Dream Fairy's body and soul."

"Trust me, it won't be long before she wakes up."

Zhuo Bufan was very happy that he finally rescued Meng Chanyi.

Of course, Tianmeng was even happier. After hearing the news, Tianmeng cheered even more excitedly.

"That's great. She's alive. I knew she would be resurrected."

For Tian Meng, Meng Chanyi is like his mother.

He was naturally the most excited when he saw his mother resurrected.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"Then, you stay here and spend time with her."

"I still have to go outside to resolve matters in the Arcane Divine Realm."

"Tian Meng, you must also remember that you are now the Ancient God of Time in the Arcane God Realm."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he turned around and left the inner world.

After returning to the outside world, Zhuo Bufan found that the guys from the Arcane God's Domain had left, leaving only Mr. Zhou alone in the void.

"Oh? Are you all gone?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Mr. Zhou.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou chuckled.

"If they don't leave, I'm afraid you'll regret it and kill them again."

Obviously, Mr. Zhou let them go.

Mr. Zhou was actually protecting them, and he was also worried that Zhuo Bufan would regret it.

"Don't worry, these ancient gods will not make similar mistakes in the future. As for the ancient gods at that time, I have already solved them."

"I hope this matter ends here, what do you think?"

Mr. Zhou said to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shrugged and replied.

"Since Mr. Zhou has said so, what else can I say?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou replied with a smile.

"Just think of this as a favor that I owe you. Tell me, what do you want?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"If you say that, I really have something to ask you."

When Mr. Zhou heard this, he quickly spoke.

"If you're asking about the Lord of Time, I'm sorry, I really don't know anything."

Mr. Zhou seemed to know what Zhuo Bufan wanted to ask. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Lord of Time, I no longer intend to continue searching."

"After all, the Daluotian world has been destroyed."

The reason why Zhuo Bufan wanted to find the Lord of Time in the first place was to save the Daluotian world that was about to collapse.

However, Zhuo Bufan collapsed before he could find the Lord of Time, Da Luotian.

So now, Zhuo Bufan really doesn't want to continue looking for the Lord of Time.

However, Zhuo Bufan still cared about many things.

"Mr. Zhou, you should be relatively familiar with the matter of Chaos Void!"

"Did you know that in the chaotic void, a new will of heaven was born?"

Hearing this, Mr. Zhou nodded and replied.

"I know this, but do you know what the will of heaven is?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"I don't know that."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou continued.

"This will of heaven is actually a consciousness left by the Lord of Time."

"In other words, the will of heaven is actually a will of the Lord of Time."

"What you call Da Luo Tiandao was actually an idea of ​​the Lord of Time a long time ago."

"The Lord of Time once said something when he was in the chaotic world."

"He said, how interesting it would be if this world had its own consciousness!"

It was this sentence that gave birth to such a consciousness.

And this little consciousness began to take root and sprout in the chaotic void.

Soon, it slowly formed a self-aware world of heaven.

The Daluo Heavenly Way is like this, and the Eternal Heavenly Way is like this. In fact, they are all wills born because of the words of the Lord of Time.

To be precise, not only them, but the entire infinite world and all the creation gods were born because of these words of the Lord of Time.

Including you and me. "

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked.

It turns out that everything in the world is just the result of the birth of the Lord of Time.

The Lord of Time is truly worthy of being the creator of everything.

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