Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1491 1492: The Destroyed Yin-Yang World

1492: The Destroyed Yin-Yang World

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan always felt uneasy.

Even though Mo Chichi and Meng Chanyi had been resurrected, the feeling of uneasiness still did not settle.

"Mr. Zhou, do you know that there are three human saints in Daluo Heaven? They were once the strongest beings in the Chaos Void."

Zhuo Bufan asked Mr. Zhou without knowing why.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou replied.

"I know, the three emperors of the human race!"

"There is a very important reason why the three emperors of the human race can dominate the Chaos Void, that is, they once obtained the power of the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan was surprised when he heard this.

"Are the three emperors of the human race also related to the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan had never heard of this before.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou hurriedly said.

"Yes, the three emperors of the human race are also servants of the Lord of Time in some ways."

"They are the same as us, and are appointed by the Lord of Time."

"It is the sky-repairing technique that you have mastered, which was also passed on to Queen Wa by the Lord of Time."

"Don't you realize that the sky-repairing technique is actually related to the mystery of time?"

"In some ways, the sky-repairing technique is to return time to before the injury. It is a kind of time mystery."

Zhuo Bufan, who was still very confused, was immediately shocked and suddenly realized after listening to what Zhou Lao said.

"So that's it!"

"No wonder the sky-repairing technique and the mystery of time are so compatible."

"I didn't expect there is such a relationship between them.

"Does Zhou Lao know where Queen Wa is now?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

Now he just wants to find Queen Wa as soon as possible and figure out what happened.

But after hearing this, Zhou Lao responded.

"I don't know where Queen Wa is. "

After hearing Mr. Zhou's answer, Zhuo Bufan was slightly disappointed.

Then, Zhuo Bufan asked Mr. Zhou again.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you think about my brother's experience?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou replied.

"This matter depends on him alone, and no one knows what the result will be."

"But you have to believe him. For the sake of his people and to solve the curse, he will definitely pass the test of the Lord of Time."

After listening to what Mr. Zhou said, Zhuo Bufan was relieved.

"Next, I want to go home. Can you help take care of my brother?"

Zhuo Bufan has done what he should do. Now, he just wants to return to the Yin and Yang world, return to his wife and children, and then plan for the future.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou said to Zhuo Bufan without hesitation.

"No problem, I will let him see you after he completes the test of the Lord of Time. "

After listening to Mr. Zhou's promise, Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and turned to his own world, that is, the Yin-Yang world.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan's departing back, Mr. Zhou frowned deeply.

"This boy will eventually be extraordinary!"

Although Mr. Zhou didn't see Zhuo Bufan grow up to this day, he had met Zhuo Bufan several times.

Every time they met, Zhuo Bufan would give him great surprises.

There is no doubt that Zhuo Bufan's future is unimaginable.

"Lord of Time, where are you?"

"If you don't come back, this world will suffer an unprecedented crisis and will be in chaos. "

Since returning to this infinite world, Mr. Zhou has never seen the Lord of Time again.

As the servant of the Lord of Time, he is naturally more anxious than anyone else.

However, he doesn't know the whereabouts of the Lord of Time, so he can only protect this infinite world well before the Lord of Time comes back.


On the other hand, Zhuo Bufan decided to go back to the Yin-Yang world first to see his wife and children.

Then make the next plan.

"Found it! "

Soon, Zhuo Bufan found his Yin-Yang world in the boundless world.

The Yin-Yang world is right next to the chaotic void, and is a very small world.

From the outside, the Yin-Yang world looks like a huge Tai Chi ball.

Although it is not big, it is Zhuo Bufan's favorite home.

After so many years of ups and downs outside, it is time to go home.

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and got into the light ball of the Yin-Yang world.

However, when Zhuo Bufan entered the Yin-Yang world, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"What is going on?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at everything in front of him with a dull look.

As far as the eye can see, it is a wasteland. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a chaos.

How can this be the ideal world that Zhuo Bufan dreamed of!

"What happened? "

Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at the barren land in front of him.

The whole world was like the end of the world, without any vitality, and even a little green could not be seen.

Zhuo Bufan released his entire soul at the first time, and then covered the whole world.

Then he was shocked to find that there was no life in the entire Yin and Yang world.

"Heaven, go to Heaven!"

Zhuo Bufan panicked, and he hurried to Heaven.

However, when he arrived at Heaven, he saw signs of ruin.

The once glorious Lingxiao Temple has now become a ruin.

The once supreme Samsara Temple has now become a scorched earth.

Everything here was built by Zhuo Bufan with great effort.

This is Zhuo Bufan's home, his foundation.

But now, all this is gone, all gone.


Zhuo Bufan suddenly woke up and thought of his wife and children.

Bai Su, Xuan Su and several of his children are now missing.

Zhuo Bufan quickly mobilized the power of heaven in this world to turn back time.

He wanted to see what was going on here.

Fortunately, although this world is dilapidated, the extraordinary power of heaven still exists.

As long as the power of heaven in this world still exists, then this world will not collapse.

As long as Zhuo Bufan is still alive, the world will not collapse.

Zhuo Bufan began to blur the time. He wanted to see what was happening in this world.

As Zhuo Bufan went back in time, the whole world began to undergo drastic changes.

Everything is moving backwards in time.

One year, two years, three years...

The longer the time goes back, the more power Zhuo Bufan consumes.

Finally, when time went back to ten years ago, a scene appeared that made Zhuo Bufan's fire of hatred begin to burn.

Ten years ago today, everything was as peaceful as ever.

Queen Bai Su was performing her work in heaven as usual.

She first processed the documents sent by various departments in heaven, and then used the Xuanguang realm to secretly watch Xuansu and Zhuo Buyao who were training in the lower realm.

In order to make his newly born son a responsible emperor, Zhuo Bufan shot and demoted Zhuo Buyao to the mortal world and experienced reincarnation.

Although Zhuo Bufan said that no one was allowed to help Zhuo Buyao secretly, when Zhuo Bufan was not around, Bai Su would still secretly take a look at Xuan Su and Zhuo Buyao's mother and son.

If they were really in danger, he would secretly help Xuansu and the others.

It was originally a very warm and harmonious picture.

However, suddenly, a strange fire began to burn in the sky of the Yin and Yang world.

This kind of flame turned out to be fueled by spiritual energy, and began to burn the spiritual energy of this world crazily.

When Bai Su saw this scene, he immediately felt that it was a sign of disaster.

After all, this world is the world where her husband is extraordinary.

Normally, there won't be any surprises.

Now that an accident is coming, it can only mean one thing: a disaster is coming.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the person who caused the disaster finally appeared.

When he appeared, the whole world trembled.

With a burst of crazy laughter, the guy fell to the heaven.

When he appeared in heaven, the entire Yin and Yang world seemed to be doomed.

Once upon a time, the Yin and Yang world also suffered from the same crisis.

At that time, the entire world was destroyed and everything in the world was destroyed.

And that time was the time when Zhuo Bufan fought against the demon species that descended from the sky.

The familiar scene appeared in front of him again, and Zhuo Bufan's heart was extremely moved.

When Zhuo Bufan saw that person, his eyes widened.

"Ni Qiong, is it him again?"

Zhuo Bufan finally saw clearly that the saboteur was Zhuo Bufan's old enemy, Ni Qiong.

That's right, Ni Qiong came to the world of Yin and Yang again after many years.

This time, what he brought to the Yin and Yang world was infinite destruction.

"It's really this bastard! How hateful!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ni Cangqiong, wishing he could skin and cramp that beast.

He hated it, hated that he had not been able to kill Ni Qiong in the first place.

But regretting it now has no meaning.

Ni Qianqiong indeed deserves to die, but the situation is no longer something Zhuo Bufan can undo.

He could only watch helplessly as Ni Cang Qiong ravaged his world.

Bai Su, Xuan Emperor, Qing Emperor, Bai Emperor, Zi Fan, Zi Nian and so on.

People from the entire Yin and Yang world joined forces, but none of them were the enemy of Ni Qiong.

This time, what came against the sky was not the demon body, but the true body.

His power is many times stronger than when he first appeared.

Zhuo Bufan could only watch helplessly as his relatives were tortured by Ni Qingqiong.

Emperor Qing, Emperor Xuan, and Emperor Bai died in battle one after another!

Bai Su, Zifan, and Zi Nian were all captured!

When Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, his whole body was trembling.

It was not a tremor of fear and fear, it was a tremor of resentment and hatred.

"Go against the sky, go against the sky, go against the sky! Ahhhh!"

Zhuo Bufan wished he could rush in front of Ni Qiong now and eat him alive.

Zhuo Bufan had never wanted to kill someone so much. Now, he felt indescribable grief and anger in his heart.

It only took one day, that bastard Ni Qiongqiong, to destroy the entire Yin and Yang world.

All living creatures died tragically.

In the entire Yin and Yang world, there are only three people alive.

Bai Su, Zifan, Zi Nian!

The rest of the people were all dead.

Including Xuansu and Zhuo Buyao who are still undergoing reincarnation training.

Zhuo Bufan was completely crazy when he saw this scene.

Roaring, roaring, hysterical. Zhuo Bufan's life has never been so uncomfortable.

After that beast Ni Qiongqiong destroyed the world, he seemed to know that Zhuo Bufan would look back at this scene.

So he still grabbed Bai Su's hair and laughed at Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhuo, you never thought that you would also have such a day!"

"What a pity, you're not here! Then I can only confiscate your home."

"I will show my mercy and spare your woman and child."

"If you want to save them, come to the Eternal Divine Realm. The battle between you and me is not over yet!"

After Ni Cangqiong finished speaking, he grabbed Bai Su and the others and disappeared on the spot.

After Ni Cangqiong left, the whole world was engulfed by fire.

The fire burned for three consecutive years, and finally burned out all the spiritual energy in the world.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, felt as if his heart was dead.

At this moment, he could no longer say anything.

Endless grief attacked his heart, making his blood rush to his heart. Finally, his throat felt sweet and he spit out a mouthful of blood into the air.


Then came a wail from the bottom of his heart.

He witnessed the tragic death of his dearest one. This unprecedented pain made Zhuo Bufan have only one thought at this moment.

That is to reload the game.

After wailing, Zhuo Bufan fell into a period of calm.

He now has only one thought in his heart, that is, to reload the game.

This is the only method Zhuo Bufan can think of at the moment.

"Reload the game, I want to reload the game, I want to start over."

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan no longer cares when he will reload the game.

He just wants to save everything and this tragedy.

"Reload the game, only by reloading the game can we save everyone."

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently, he wanted to reload the game.

However, if he wanted to reload the game, Zhuo Bufan had to commit suicide.

Only by death can Zhuo Bufan reload the game.

However, Zhuo Bufan's cultivation has reached an unimaginable level.

And most importantly, he has just obtained the power of Daluo Tiandao.

This power gives Zhuo Bufan the ability to be immortal.

In other words, it is very difficult for Zhuo Bufan to commit suicide.

The power of the Heavenly Dao of Daluo Tiandao has become the biggest obstacle for him to commit suicide and reload the game.

"I want to die, I have to die."

"Self-explosion, explode for me!"

Zhuo Bufan went crazy, he began to destroy his body and self-destruct his soul.

However, these are undoubtedly in vain.

Even if his body was blown to powder, it would slowly recover.

Even if his soul was torn into countless pieces, it would slowly merge.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan now can't die.

"Why can't I die? Why?"

Zhuo Bufan began to torture himself constantly. He only wanted to die now and just wanted to reload the game.

But no matter how he committed suicide or how he blew himself up.

He couldn't get the reload space, nor could he find the save door.

"Let me die, let me die!"

Zhuo Bufan had used no less than a hundred ways to die.

But he couldn't die, he couldn't die, he couldn't reload the game, he couldn't save everyone.

Zhuo Bufan was about to collapse.

He didn't expect that one day he would not be able to save his relatives because he couldn't die.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan calmed down.

After calming down, he slowly got up and flew out of the Yin and Yang world.

"Since I can't kill myself, I'll find someone who can kill me."

"Susu, Zifan, Zinian! Wait for me, I'll save you now."

Zhuo Bufan thought of Bai Su, Zifan and Zinian.

They were captured by the beast Ni Cangqiong, obviously to threaten him.

So Zhuo Bufan can't be decadent now, his wife and children are still in the hands of the enemy.

He has to save them.


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