Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1492 1493: Seeking Death

1493: Seeking Death

After Zhuo Bufan sorted out his mood, he set off for the Eternal Star Domain to seek revenge on Ni Cangqiong.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was determined to die.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan hoped that Ni Cangqiong could kill him.

Only by killing himself could he reload the game and restart everything.

If time could be turned back, Zhuo Bufan would definitely use his life to protect his world.

Zhuo Bufan returned to the Chaos World again, and this time, he went directly to the Eternal Star Domain, which he had avoided last time.

Zhuo Bufan came to the outside of the Eternal Star Domain with a monstrous murderous intent.

As soon as he arrived at the Eternal Star Domain, he triggered the killing calamity of the Eternal Star Domain.

Obviously, the Eternal Heavenly Dao has set up an extremely powerful defense system outside its star domain. Once an outside creature approaches, it will trigger the killing calamity.

The rolling thunder method bombarded Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the thunder calamity coming, but he was indifferent. Instead, he opened his hands and waited for the thunder calamity to come.

"Come on, if you can kill me."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to die, so he didn't want to avoid it at all.

Let the power of the Eternal Heavenly Dao hit him.

However, Zhuo Bufan had completely integrated the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao at this moment.

As the Daluo Heavenly Dao, no matter how powerful the power Luo suffered from him, the immortal body given to Zhuo Bufan by the Daluo Heavenly Dao made him completely immortal.

"Is that all the power you have? Ni Cangqiong, where is the Eternal Heavenly Dao, come out and die!"

Zhuo Bufan obviously underestimated his resistance now.

The mere Heavenly Dao barrier could not do anything to him.

Zhuo Bufan thought that perhaps the only one who could kill him now was the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

After all, the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao in his body was too terrible, and only the Heavenly Dao could kill the Heavenly Dao.

So in this world, the only person who can kill Zhuo Bufan now is the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's soul exclamation, the entire Eternal Star Domain did not react at all.

This was obviously very different from what Zhuo Bufan had imagined.

Zhuo Bufan still remembered that the last time he came to the Eternal Star Domain, he felt the powerful hostile power of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao even issued a serious warning to Zhuo Bufan, a passerby.

However, this time, Zhuo Bufan came to the Eternal Star Domain and was only attacked by the defense system. The Eternal Heavenly Dao has not appeared yet.

"If you don't come out, don't blame me for killing people."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to hurt innocent people.

But now he wanted to eat Ni Cangqiong alive.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly activated the law of swallowing.

For a while, powerful swallowing light balls began to gather around him.

The swallowing power of the swallowing light ball was enough to swallow a galaxy.

Although the Eternal Star Domain in front of him was all-encompassing, as long as Zhuo Bufan fully activated the power of the swallowing law, even the Eternal Star Domain would be swallowed up by him.

Zhuo Bufan obviously came with the mentality of dying together.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to start a massacre, two golden shadows suddenly rushed out from the Eternal Star Domain.

The two figures appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, then looked at Zhuo Bufan and shouted.

"Who is shouting here?"

When Zhuo Bufan saw the two people coming, he squinted slightly.

Zhuo Bufan knew both of them.

They were Mu Shen and Yuan Zun, the former rulers of this Eternal Star Domain.

Before the Eternal Heavenly Dao was born, these two people started a great war for the power of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

However, the war was not over yet, and the Eternal Heavenly Dao had fully grown up.

After the Eternal Heavenly Dao grew up, Zhuo Bufan left. As for what happened later, he didn't know.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Zun and Mu Shen ended up becoming the running dogs of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

"I remember you. You look like Zhuo Bufan from Daluo Tiandao?"

The Shepherd God's eyes lit up when he saw Zhuo Bufan, and he said.

Zhuo Bufan had once joined the army of the Shepherd God, so when the Shepherd God saw Zhuo Bufan, he immediately thought of Zhuo Bufan's origin.

After hearing the words of the Shepherd God, Zhuo Bufan showed a cold smile.

"I didn't expect that Yuan Zun and Shepherd God, who were once high and mighty, would now become the running dogs of the Eternal Heavenly Dao."

"Where is your pride?"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the two of them frowned and became angry.

"Boy, be careful with your words. Just based on what you just said, I can take your life."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled instead of being angry.

"Take my life?"

"Okay, I'll give you this chance."

"Come on, kill me, I really want to die now."

Zhuo Bufan opened his hands and said to the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun in front of him.

He was not kidding, he really wanted to die.

The Shepherd God and Yuan Zun looked at Zhuo Bufan and thought that the boy was crazy.

"Boy, what tricks are you playing? Do you really think we dare not kill you?"

The Shepherd God said coldly to Zhuo Bufan in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan laughed and replied after hearing this.

"I said, I want to die!"

After hearing this, the Shepherd God finally got angry.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish."

He clenched his palms, and the ultimate thunder method in his hand bombarded Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Bufan really didn't do anything to avoid it. He opened his hands and waited for the thunder spell to come.


The power of that thunder spell was indeed extremely pure. Zhuo Bufan believed that if it was his former self, he would definitely be seriously injured if he took this thunder strike.

However, this time, Zhuo Bufan caught the falling thunder, but his body was safe and sound, without any injuries.

Seeing this scene, Mu Shen and Yuan Zun were deeply shocked.

"Impossible, my netherworld thunder didn't cause any injuries!"

Although Mu Shen didn't use his full strength in that move just now, he should have at least caused Zhuo Bufan a lot of damage.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't suffer any injuries at all.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"Hey, you can't kill me after all."

"I'll give you another chance, use your full strength and give me a fatal blow."

"You only have this one chance. If you can't kill me, I will kill you."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly became cold.

The Shepherd God and Yuan Zun were like falling into an ice cellar. They dared not underestimate Zhuo Bufan in front of them anymore, and they all used their ultimate killing moves.

The Shepherd God held the cold and sharp fingers in his hand and clenched them in the air. Endless divine light came at his fingertips.

Using the finger as a medium, he drew a shocking killing move and killed Zhuo Bufan with a shocking momentum.

On the other side, Yuan Zun made a move in the air, and the magic sword came out of the sky, and the aura was long and shocking.

"Yuan Zun Sword, shoot him!"

Yuan Zun's natal magic sword can kill enemies across the starry sky. It is a true sword of killing gods.

This is the ultimate killing move he can use.

Since Zhuo Bufan is determined to die, he will naturally not give Zhuo Bufan any chance.

As soon as the voice fell, it was the shocking magic sword, which fell down and pierced Zhuo Bufan's sky.

Zhuo Bufan did not have any resistance, and he did not even release any defensive magic skills.

He still opened his hands to welcome the two upcoming killer moves.


As soon as the voice fell, the killer moves came down with a bang, instantly splitting Zhuo Bufan into pieces.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's body split by the two killer moves, Mu Shen and Yuan Zun smiled happily.

"You are looking for death yourself, and you can't do anything to others."

Mu Shen looked at Zhuo Bufan's torn body and said with a sneer.

"Okay, this guy is insignificant. The most important thing for us now is to protect the Eternal Star Domain during the absence of Lord Tiandao, and not let anyone come to harass us."

Yuan Zun looked at Mu Shen and said to the side.

And at this moment, Zhuo Bufan, who had turned into dust, suddenly began to recover.

When Mu Shen and Yuan Zun saw the recovered Zhuo Bufan, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"How is it possible, this guy is not dead yet!"

Yuan Zun and Mu Shen began to exclaim.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, who had slowly recovered, looked at Yuan Zun and Mu Shen in front of him who were shocked, and couldn't help crying.

"Yes, I'm not dead!"

"Why? Why am I not dead? Why don't you kill me?"

Zhuo Bufan wailed. He was more sad than Mu Shen and Yuan Zun for not dying.

"I just want to die. Is that so difficult?"

Zhuo Bufan was furious.

The swallowing light balls around him began to expand outwards frantically.

When Mu Shen and Yuan Zun saw the swallowing light balls coming, they were so scared that they ran away.

They could feel the terrifying destructive power of the swallowing light balls.

If they were touched by the light balls, they would lose a layer of skin even if they didn't die.

So Mu Shen and Yuan Zun were so scared that they ran away.

But it was too late to escape now.

Because the powerful power displayed by Zhuo Bufan was something they could not understand at all.

Zhuo Bufan integrated the power of Daluo Tiandao. In a way, he was Daluo Tiandao.

The only one who could defeat Zhuo Bufan was Yongheng Tiandao. Even Ni Cangqiong was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent now.

Zhuo Bufan is a man who has fought seven world gods alone.

The Shepherd God and Yuan Zun were wrapped by the two devouring lights released by Zhuo Bufan.

Before they could scream, they were shot by the devouring light in the next second.

After being shot by the dark devouring light, their bodies and souls began to decay instantly.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Sure enough, you can't kill me, then I can only kill you."

The lives of the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun began to pass away madly.

The Shepherd God even begged Zhuo Bufan.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die yet, please don't kill me."

The Shepherd God pleaded bitterly to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan said coldly after hearing it.

"Don't kill you? Give me a reason not to kill you?"

The Shepherd God hurriedly said after hearing it.

"As long as you don't kill me, I am willing to be your cow and horse."

The former ruler can only wag his tail like a dog in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and then said.

"You just said that the Eternal Heavenly Dao is not in the Eternal Star Domain? Then where did he go?"

Zhuo Bufan thought, no wonder he made such a big fuss here, but the Eternal Heavenly Dao did not take action.

It turned out that the Eternal Heavenly Dao had long been gone from this star domain.

After hearing this, the Shepherd God quickly replied.

"I don't know, we don't know where the Eternal Heavenly Dao is."

"We only know that he left the Eternal Star Domain."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

This obviously made him feel a little strange. As the Heavenly Dao of the Eternal Star Domain and the God of the World, he was not here to guard this starry sky, so where would it go?

Zhuo Bufan felt vaguely that the Eternal Heavenly Dao might be planning some conspiracy.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"Then do you know where a guy named Ni Cangqiong is?"

"Ni Cangqiong? We haven't heard of him."

Shepherd God and Yuan Zun begged.

"Never heard of it? Didn't Ni Cangqiong become the running dog of the Eternal Heavenly Dao?"

"You haven't heard of it?"

Hearing this, Shepherd God quickly replied.

"Are you talking about the Invincible Heavenly Lord?"

"The Invincible Heavenly Lord is the most trusted person of the Eternal Heavenly Dao."

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Invincible Heavenly Lord? It seems that the running dog of Ni Cangqiong has obtained another awesome title."

"Then where is this Invincible Heavenly Lord now?"

Zhuo Bufan asked again.

At this time, Shepherd God and Yuan Zun answered at the same time.

"He left with Tiandao."

"Yes, he is the person Tiandao trusts the most. Tiandao will take him wherever he goes now."

"I heard that he cooperated with Yongheng Tiandao to destroy Daluo Tiandao."

"He is a ruthless person."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was sure that the Invincible Tianzun was the beast Ni Cangqiong.

Ni Cangqiong and Yongheng Tiandao, these two guys who were in cahoots with each other, are not in the Eternal Star Domain now.

So where will they go?

"Then let me ask you again, Ni Cangqiong, no, did Invincible Tianzun bring back a few strangers some time ago? Where are they now?"

If he can't find Ni Cangqiong, Zhuo Bufan must at least find Bai Su and the others first.

But Mu Shen and Yuan Zun shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they didn't know.

"Invincible Tianzun rarely appears in the Eternal Star Domain, so we don't know what he has done."

"Yes, we only know that he is the most trusted person of the Eternal Heavenly Dao."

"Please, let us go, we can't stand it anymore."

Shepherd God and Yuanzun begged, hoping that Zhuo Bufan would show mercy and spare them.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment.

Finally, he let go of his means, and then said to Shepherd God and Yuanzun in front of him.

"Take me into the Eternal Star Domain."

Since the Eternal Heavenly Dao and Ni Cangqiong are not in this Eternal Star Domain.

Then Zhuo Bufan will enter it and personally find the whereabouts of Bai Su and others.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Shepherd God and Yuanzun did not dare to refuse, and hurriedly said.

"We can take you in, but please don't kill people. Many people in this star domain are innocent."

"There are even many creatures who were once the Daluo Heavenly Dao."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's decadent eyes suddenly lit up.

"The creatures of Daluo Tiandao?"

"Why are they here?"

After hearing this, Mu Shen and Yuan Zun quickly answered truthfully.

"Before Daluo Tiandao and the Three Emperors perished together, many creatures escaped."

"Most of them fled to our Eternal Star Domain to seek refuge."

"Eternal Tiandao accepted all the creatures who fled here."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said nothing more.

Instead, he followed Mu Shen and Yuan Zun and entered the Eternal Star Domain.


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