Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1493 1494: Murder of the Lord of Time

1494: Murder of the Time Lord

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to come to the Eternal Star Territory to seek revenge against Ni Cangqiong and seek death from Eternal Heaven.

However, when they came to the Eternal Star Territory, they found that both Eternal Heaven and Counter Sky had mysteriously disappeared.

Now in the Eternal Star Territory, it is the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun who call the shots.

However, these two people have now become Zhuo Bufan's prisoners.

As long as Zhuo Bufan is willing, he can kill both of them at any time.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan would not kill them for the time being, as doing so would not make any sense to him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't kill these two people because he obviously thought there was no point in killing them now.

Zhuo Bufan's top priority is to save Bai Su and the others.

Under the leadership of Mu Shen and others, Zhuo Bufan entered the Eternal Star Territory.

After entering the Eternal Star Territory, he indeed sensed that there was no threat to him in the entire Eternal Star Territory.

Obviously, Eternal Heaven is really not within the Eternal Star Territory. As for where he went, Zhuo Bufan doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know.

But Zhuo Bufan knew very well that Eternal Tiandao and Ni Qianqiong must be planning some conspiracy.

As for what the conspiracy was, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to know.

Now Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to care about anything in this world.

He only had one thought in his mind, which was to save Bai Su and his family.

After entering the Eternal Star Territory, Zhuo Bufan immediately released his soul, and then covered the entire Eternal Star Territory.

He wants to find out what happened to his family.

However, no matter how Zhuo Bufan searched, he could not sense the whereabouts of Bai Su and the three children.

"Damn it, where did this bastard keep Susu and the others?"

Zhuo Bufan searched hard, but found nothing.

Obviously, Ni Qiangqiong hid Bai Su and the others in a place where Zhuo Bufan could not find them.

Zhuo Bufan, who couldn't find Bai Su and the others, was naturally filled with hatred.

He couldn't wait to pull out that bastard and cut him into pieces.

But there is obviously no point in being anxious now.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan confirmed that his wife and children were not in the Eternal Star Territory now.

Then Zhuo Bufan must consider what he should do next.

Should we wait for the return of Eternal Tiandao and Ni Qiong in this eternal star field, or should we find more allies to start the final battle with Eternal Tiandao?

"Although I don't know what the bastard Eternal Tiandao and Ni Qiong are doing."

"But it must be a huge conspiracy."

"It's not enough for Eternal Heaven's design to destroy Daluotian, what else will he do? Is he plotting against the entire infinite world?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel the ambition of eternal heaven.

You must know that the Eternal Heavenly Way has destroyed the Daluo Heavenly Way, which means that in today's world, the Eternal Heavenly Way is the only one.

But this eternal heaven is obviously not satisfied with this.

The Chaos God Realm is not enough for him, so the purpose of the Eternal Heavenly Dao can almost be guessed.

Now the eternal heaven is plotting the entire infinite world.

"The road to reincarnation, eternal heaven took away my brother's road to reincarnation! Is there any connection?"

"Mr. Zhou said that the infinite world was almost destroyed back then, and Da Luotian destroyed the reincarnation path for the Lord of Time to return, causing the Lord of Time to almost die in the chaotic world."

"Now the road to reincarnation is once again taken away by the eternal heaven. Is someone other than this eternal heaven planning to seize the infinite world?"

"No, if that's the case, then the matter is serious."

Although Zhuo Bufan has no idea what is right and wrong in this world now, with the development of things now, there are some things that Zhuo Bufan may no longer be able to stay away from.

Zhuo Bufan stood in the void and pondered for a long time.

He was thinking about something, something important.

"If the goal of eternal heaven is really the infinite world."

"Then he has only one purpose in taking away the reincarnation of this world."

"In other words, the Lord of Time is probably in the Chaos Void."

"And Eternal Heaven and Ni Qiong have disappeared now. It is very likely that they went to hunt down the Lord of Time."

"No, this matter must be informed to Mr. Zhou as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan put his grief in his heart for the time being. Without thinking much, he immediately passed through the rift of reincarnation and went to the infinite world.

This reincarnation crack is the only channel in this world that can lead to the infinite world.

Zhuo Bufan immediately passed through the rift of reincarnation and entered the infinite world.

When Zhuo Bufan returned to the infinite world, he found Mr. Zhou standing in front of the gate of yin and yang reincarnation, waiting for his brother, Gao Yangxu, to complete his trial.

Obviously, Gao Yangxu's trial is not over yet.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly ran towards Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou was obviously surprised when he saw Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

"I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Mr. Zhou looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and replied.

"Mr. Zhou, I came here to tell you something important."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then said in confusion.

"Oh? It seems that it is indeed a very important matter to be so anxious. Please tell me, sir."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he continued speaking.

"I went back home, but my home was destroyed."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou immediately frowned.

"Oh? Destroyed? What do you mean?"

Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Yes, it was destroyed. It was completely destroyed."

"Everything is gone."

Zhuo Bufan told Mr. Zhou about the situation in the Yin and Yang world.

Mr. Zhou was extremely shocked after hearing what Zhuo Bufan said.

"How is it possible? Who is it? Attacked your world?"

Mr. Zhou obviously didn't know what happened. However, he knew very well that this incident had a great impact on Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan again, he looked completely depressed.

Zhuo Bufan continued to speak to Mr. Zhou.

"This is not what I came here for."

"I'm here to tell you that the Lord of Time may be in danger."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou was stunned for a moment.

"Time Lord? Danger?"

"Have you met the Time Lord?"

Mr. Zhou asked quickly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"I have never met the Lord of Time, but I know that someone wants to kill him!"

Next, Zhuo Bufan told Mr. Zhou everything he knew.

Mr. Zhou was shocked after hearing what Zhuo Bufan said.

"You mean, Eternal Heaven wants to murder the Lord of Time and then seize the infinite world?"

Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Although I have no proof, I'm afraid it is."

"Eternal Heaven has taken away the road to reincarnation, which is exactly the same as what happened to the Lord of Time back then."

"The Eternal Heavenly Dao is a more ambitious existence than the mainland Heavenly Dao. He definitely wants to conquer the infinite world, so he is secretly planning to assassinate the Lord of Time."

"If my guess is correct, the Lord of Time must be in the Chaos Void now."

Zhuo Bufan's words woke up Mr. Zhou.

"If what you said is true, then the Lord of Time may really be in the Void of Chaos."

"But why did he go to the Chaos Void? The last time he went to the Chaos Void, he almost lost his life."

Mr. Zhou is very puzzled now.

The Lord of Time obviously almost died in the Chaos Void, but he didn't expect that now, he would be back there again.

What is the charm of this world that makes it worthy for the Lord of Time to visit again and again?

"So what do we do now?"

Zhuo Bufan told Mr. Zhou all his reasoning, and he believed that Mr. Zhou would guide him.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou immediately replied.

"Of course, go find the Time Lord now."

"We can't let those guys find him first."

Mr. Zhou is obviously also worried about the safety of the Time Lord.

After all, the existence of the Lord of Time is crucial to the entire infinite world.

If something happened to the Lord of Time, the number of dead lives would probably be immeasurable.

It is precisely because this matter is so serious that for Zhuo Bufan, he can no longer care about the pain in his heart. He must join forces with Mr. Zhou to find the Lord of Time as soon as possible.

Zhuo Bufan agreed to Mr. Zhou's proposal, so the two of them immediately descended into the Chaos Void without thinking too much.

Before leaving, Zhuo Bufan left a message to Gao Yangxu and briefly informed him of the matter.

After Gao Yangxu saw the message left by Zhuo Bufan, he would naturally find it immediately.

Then Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou returned to the chaotic void.

When they returned to the Chaotic Void, Zhuo Bufan immediately took Mr. Zhou to the Eternal Star Territory.

"Mr. Zhou, this is the Eternal Star Territory where Eternal Heaven is located."

"But now, the eternal heaven is no longer in his world."

"I suspect that he may have gone after the Lord of Time."

"Although I don't know where he got the news from, once he finds the Lord of Time, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhuo Bufan was actually very puzzled in his heart. He had been searching for the Lord of Time for so long but there was no news about the Lord of Time.

But why did Eternal Heaven get the news in such a short period of time? And where did this news come from?

Zhuo Bufan knew that there were still many unresolved doubts.

Of course, the top priority now is to find the Lord of Time.

After sensing the entire Eternal Heaven's words, Mr. Zhou shook his head towards Hua Bufan and said.

"Sure enough, it's not here!"

Mr. Zhou's soul perception ability is obviously superior to Zhuo Bufan's.

If even he did not sense the existence of eternal heaven, then it can only be said that eternal heaven is indeed not here.

"Then can you sense where he went?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

Mr. Zhou's perception is very powerful and covers a wide range.

Zhuo Bufan can only rely on Mr. Zhou's perception now.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou silently closed his eyes again, and then began to continuously expand his spiritual sense.

Soon, the scope has expanded to the entire Eternal Star Territory.

Not only that, but it continues to expand.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but sigh that Mr. Zhou's soul perception ability far exceeded his imagination.

But until the end, Mr. Zhou failed to find the eternal way of heaven in this vast and chaotic void.

"The power of eternal heaven is no longer beneath me."

"He deliberately hid his aura, and not only did I not feel its existence, I didn't even sense the path of reincarnation." After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Sure enough, was the road to reincarnation taken away by him?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou nodded and replied.

"It seems so. This guy took away the road to reincarnation. He must have wanted to cut off the Lord of Time's way home."

"I'm afraid this eternal heaven already knows how to kill the Lord of Time."

Mr. Zhou was obviously nervous.

"Damn it, I said before that this world should be destroyed."

"The Time Lord is too kind after all."

In Mr. Zhou's opinion, the life in this chaotic void is inherently evil.

No matter it is Daluo Heavenly Dao or Eternal Heavenly Dao.

They were born into consciousness because of a thought from the Time Lord.

And because of this thought, he now began to have murderous intentions towards the Lord of Time.

"Anyway, it seems that the Lord of Time is in this chaotic void now."

"The infinite world has not collapsed in any way, and it seems that the other party has not found the Lord of Time."

"Anyway, we have to be one step ahead of them and find the Lord of Time."

Mr. Zhou said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Understood, I know a place that may be able to provide us with some clues."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the key given to him by Yi Tianxing.

Then twist it a few times in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a space door leading directly to Yi Tianxing Yixing appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"Mr. Zhou, let's go."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou did not hesitate and followed Zhuo Bufan into the space door.

Then they came to Yi Xing.

When Zhuo Bufan came to Yi Xing again, he did not see Yi Tianxing.

"Boy, what is this place?"

Mr. Zhou asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"The home of a friend of mine. He is a void businessman who specializes in intelligence business."

"The information from the Void Chamber of Commerce is spread throughout the Chaos Void. Maybe they can provide us with some clues."

"Whether it is the Lord of Time or the Eternal Heaven. As long as we can find either of them, it will be enough."

"My friend is not at home now. He probably went to the Chamber of Commerce. We are waiting here."

Zhuo Bufan said to Mr. Zhou.

Although Mr. Zhou was very anxious, he could only trust Zhuo Bufan until now.

Zhuo Bufan took Mr. Zhou and waited for Yi Xing for a few days. Finally, Yi Xing's master Yi Tianxing came back.

The first time Yi Tianxing came back, he found Zhuo Bufan who was already waiting at home.

"Brother Zhuo? I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Yi Tianxing looked at Zhuo Bufan and felt cordial.

This cunning void merchant doesn't have many friends, but he cherishes every friend he has.

In his eyes, friends are priceless.

Zhuo Bufan is one of his priceless friends.

"Brother Yi, excuse me."

"Every time I come to see you, I always ask for something, which is why I feel so ashamed."

Although Zhuo Bufan's magic power is boundless, it reaches the sky and the earth.

But there were times when he asked for help. Every time he saw Yi Tianxing, he almost always asked Yi Tianxing to do something.

After hearing this, Yi Tianxing quickly smiled.

"Brother Zhuo is joking, I can help you, I am obligated."

"It's a good time for you to come. I already have some clues about what you asked me to check last time."

Yi Tianxing is indeed a reliable ally.

He had found the answer so quickly to what Zhuo Bufan had told him.

Although Zhuo Bufan has found his brother Gao Yangxu.

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