Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1494 1495: Chasing Queen Wa

1495: Chasing Emperor Wa

Zhuo Bufan found Yi Tianxing again and asked Yi Tianxing for news about the eternal way of heaven and the Lord of Time.

Yi Tianxing responded after listening to what Zhuo Bufan said.

"I do know some news about eternal heaven."

After Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou heard this, their eyes lit up.

"Oh? Brother Yi, do you know? What's the news?"

After hearing this, Yi Tianxing continued to say to Zhuo Bufan.

"Eternal Tiandao sent his confidant, the Invincible Heavenly Lord, to our Void Chamber of Commerce some time ago to inquire about a very important piece of news."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately asked.

"what news?"

It is obviously not a normal thing for Eternal Tiandao to inquire about information from the Void Chamber of Commerce.

This made Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou think of the Lord of Time for the first time.

"Eternal Heaven may be inquiring about the Lord of Time."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Mr. Zhou nodded towards him and said.

"It's possible."

"Then what did he ask about?"

Zhuo Bufan quickly asked Yi Tianxing.

After hearing this, Yi Tianxing shook his head and said.

"I don't know that."

"The information about Eternal Heaven is obtained from the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce."

"And, after he got the news, he killed our president."

"This time I returned to the Chamber of Commerce just for this matter."

"Kill and silence?"

Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou said at the same time.

Obviously, they all guessed that Eternal Tiandao might have obtained the information he wanted from the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce.

And this news obviously cannot be known to others.

So they killed the president of the Chamber of Commerce, so that in the entire Chaos Void, no one knew where they went.

"Damn it, has the clue been broken again?"

Zhuo Bufan felt a little broken inside.

I thought that I could take this opportunity to find clues to Eternal Tiandao and the others.

Unexpectedly, the other party was really cunning and escaped their pursuit again.

But at this time, Yi Tianxing suddenly continued to speak to Zhuo Bufan.

"In fact, I got some information at the Void Chamber of Commerce this time."

Zhuo Bufan was extremely surprised after hearing this.

"Any information?"

Yi Tianxing continued.

"I heard that when Da Luo Tian Dao was destroyed, Da Luo Tian revealed a secret about the Lord of Time."

"Da Luotian tells the whole world that the Lord of Time is in the Void of Chaos at this moment."

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after listening to what Yi Tianxing said.

"The Lord of Time is in the Void of Chaos?"

"How did Da Luotian know this?"

Zhuo Bufan felt doubly puzzled.

After hearing this, Yi Tianxing shook his head and said.

"I don't know about that. Not only did Daluo Tiandao talk about the Lord of Time."

"And also told everyone a secret about the Time Lord."

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

"The Time Lord's secret? What secret?"

Yi Tianxing continued.

"The Daluo Tiandao tells the world that the Lord of Time is the master of everything. Our entire chaotic void is just a small world in the infinite world of the Lord of Time."

"He also said that as long as he kills the Lord of Time, he can become the new Lord."

"Moreover, Daluo Tiandao also left behind a way to kill the Lord of Time."

"And taking away the road to reincarnation is the first step."

Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou were shocked after hearing what Yi Tianxing said.

Especially Mr. Zhou, he soon became thunderous and furious.

"Damn bastard, that Da Luotian actually replied those words before he died?"

"This guy really has ulterior motives. He is so abominable even to death."

After hearing these words, Zhuo Bufan was also very shocked and dissatisfied.

He did not expect that the information about the Lord of Time would be revealed by Da Luotian.

"That guy, is he crazy?"

"Why did he do those things?"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely puzzled. He had just obtained Da Luotian's power of heaven, and he thought Da Luotian had corrected his evil ways.

But he didn't expect that Da Luotian would tell Eternal Heaven how to kill the Lord of Time before he died.

Obviously, Eternal Tiandao was instigated by Daluo Tiandao before he started his plan to hunt down the Lord of Time.

Eternal Heaven wants to kill the Lord of Time, then replace the Lord of Time and become the master of all realms.

Of course, Mr. Zhou would never let this happen.

"Boy, help me, we must find the Lord of Time before they do."

Mr. Zhou realized the enemy's conspiracy and his top priority was to find the Lord of Time at all costs.

Zhuo Bufan also obliged.

"Brother Yi, do you have any other clues?"

Zhuo Bufan now only hopes that Yi Tianxing can give him more clues now.

After hearing this, Yi Tianxing continued.

"There are no specific clues. I think if you can find the survivors of Daluotian, you might gain something!"

"Survivors of Daluotian?"

"Yes, it is Emperor Wa who was one of the three emperors."

"Emperor Wa is the only one among the three emperors who survived the catastrophe."

"And as far as I know, Daluo Tiandao deliberately let Emperor Wa go."

"And before leaving, I told Emperor Wa some things."

"After that, there was no trace of Emperor Wa."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou's eyes immediately lit up.

"Emperor Wa? Could it be that the person Eternal Heaven is chasing is Emperor Wa?"

"Da Luo Tian clearly chose to die with the three emperors, so why did he let Emperor Wa go in the end?"

"Did you tell Emperor Wa about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan quickly analyzed in his head, and he quickly came to a conclusion, that is, Eternal Heaven is indeed chasing Emperor Wa now.

"I understand, then we need to find Emperor Wa as soon as possible."

"If Daluo Tiandao really told Emperor Wa about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time, then Emperor Wa must have become the target of Eternal Tiandao."

"So we must find Emperor Wa before the eternal heaven."

Zhuo Bufan said to Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou agreed with Zhuo Bufan's guess.

At this time, Yi Tian on the side hadn't finished speaking in jargon yet, so he continued.

"In fact, I still have some information about Emperor Wa here."

Zhuo Bufan was pleasantly surprised after hearing this.

"Really? Brother Yi, you are so capable. It is an extraordinary honor for me to have a friend like you."

Zhuo Bufan said to Yi Tianxing.

Yi Tianxing laughed after hearing this.

"Brother Zhuo, you're welcome. It's an honor for me to be able to help my friend."

"As far as I know, when Emperor Wa fled from Daluotian, he brought someone from his kingdom with him."

"Moreover, Emperor Wa has a magical power that can create life."

"And recently, our Void Chamber of Commerce's intelligence network discovered a star of life in a mysterious star field."

"Although there is currently no life similar to human beings on these stars of life, there is no doubt that this sudden appearance of stars of life must have been deliberately done by someone."

Zhuo Bufan said quickly after hearing this.

"It was Emperor Wa who created these stars of life using the sky patching technique."

"She wanted the surviving humans to have a place to live."

"Great, Brother Yi, where is this life star field? Please tell me."

Zhuo Bufan was extremely surprised.

If it is true as Yi Tianxing said, then this life starry sky must have been created by Emperor Wa.

Emperor Wa wanted to rely on his own strength to once again create a place suitable for living creatures.

As long as you find this life star field, you may be able to find Emperor Wa.

After Yi Tianxing heard this, he quickly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"This place is a bit far away, almost to the edge of the Chaotic Void."

"It's a desperate situation for life. No life can survive in those places."

"That's why it's so strange that these stars of life suddenly appear."

"Can you be more specific? Where is it? Are there any coordinates?"

Zhuo Bufan now just wants to rush to the starry sky of life and find Emperor Wa.

It would be better if we could hit Eternal Heavenly Way and Ni Qiong. He could have died there with them.

But the most urgent task is to find Emperor Wa and the others.

After listening to what Zhuo Bufan said, Yi Tianxing took out a star map and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Zhuo Bufan said gratefully after hearing this.

"Then it's hard work!"

Afterwards, Yi Tianxing, Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou rushed towards the destination together.

The journey was long and they needed to stop constantly for positioning, so their speed was not very fast.

However, with powerful experts like Zhuo Bufan and Mr. Zhou present, they still arrived at the Life Star Field at the fastest speed and in the shortest time.

Finally, three months later, they arrived at the star field of life.

Before he even got close, Zhuo Bufan felt a familiar energy breath.

"The Heaven-Mending Technique is the aura of the Heaven-Mending Technique."

"Sure enough, Emperor Wa is here."

Zhuo Bufan was so excited that he couldn't wait to fly towards the life star field in front of him.

Mr. Zhou and Yi Tianxing followed closely behind.

However, when they felt the starry sky of life, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the starry sky had turned into ruins.

In the void, except for the energy breath that remains of the Sky-Mending Technique, there is no life.

Obviously, before Zhuo Bufan and the others arrived, a fierce battle had taken place here.

The battle resulted in the entire starry sky being destroyed.

"We're late."

Mr. Zhou said from the side.

Obviously, it was Eternal Tiandao and Ni Qiong who destroyed the void in front of them.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he quickly investigated the surrounding area.

Apart from the remaining power of the Heaven-Mending Technique, there really was nothing else.

Later, Zhuo Bufan used the power of rewinding time that he had just mastered to make the rewinding image of the void emerge.

Time goes back to nearly a year ago.

Ni Cangqiong indeed appeared in this void.

When Ni Qiong appeared, Emperor Wa also appeared in front of him immediately.

Later, Ni Qianqiong asked Emperor Wa about some things about the Lord of Time, but Ni Qingqiong did not speculate and went straight to war.

Emperor Wa's magical powers are unparalleled. Even if Ni Qianqiong obtains the power of eternal heaven, he is still no match for Emperor Wa.

However, although Ni Cangqiong is no match for Emperor Wa, there is an eternal heaven behind him.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao suddenly took action against Emperor Wa, severely injuring Emperor Wa with just one move.

By the way, this starry sky will be destroyed.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that Queen Wa was not a match for the Eternal Heavenly Dao in one move.

You know, Queen Wa and the others were able to work together to seal the existence of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

It can be seen that the strength of the Eternal Heavenly Dao is probably even higher than that of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao did not reveal its true appearance, but only possessed Ni Cangqiong and severely injured Queen Wa.

Queen Wa also clearly sensed that she was no match for the Eternal Heavenly Dao in front of her.

So she didn't think much, and the first choice was to escape.

Queen Wa obviously had a means of escape prepared. She tore open a space in time and disappeared in front of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Seeing this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao immediately tore open the space and chased after her.

The scene ended here, and Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he looked at these scenes.

"I didn't expect Queen Wa to be forced to escape in the end. The strength of the Eternal Heavenly Dao is too terrifying."

Zhuo Bufan believed that his current strength was probably only comparable to that of Queen Wa.

If even Queen Wa is not the opponent of the Eternal Heavenly Dao, then I am afraid that I am not his opponent.

Even if I have the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao in my body, Zhuo Bufan may not be able to defeat the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Old Zhou on the side also nodded.

"Indeed, if this guy finds the Lord of Time, I am afraid that the Lord of Time is really in danger."

"Even I am not his opponent now."

Even Old Zhou admits that he is not the opponent of the Eternal Heavenly Dao now.

It can be seen that the Eternal Heavenly Dao is now invincible in this chaotic void.

"Old Zhou, in your opinion, is it possible for you and I to deal with the Eternal Heavenly Dao together?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Old Zhou shook his head and said.

"No, this Eternal Heavenly Dao has mastered all the rules in this chaotic void."

"Even if you and I join forces, I am afraid we are not his opponents."

Old Zhou actually told Zhuo Bufan directly that even if they join forces, they are not opponents.

Then this problem is serious.

"What if we add the power of Queen Wa?"

"At that time, Queen Wa teamed up with Emperor Pan and Emperor Fu to control the Daluo Heavenly Dao."

Zhuo Bufan guessed that even the power of Heavenly Dao had its limits.

After all, the Daluo Heavenly Dao was once sealed and controlled by the Three Emperors.

After hearing this, Elder Zhou frowned slightly and said.

"This Eternal Heavenly Dao is in its heyday. Even if there are three of me, we may not be his opponent."

"If we really want to defeat him, we need more power."

"Maybe if we add a Lord of Samsara, there is hope."

Old Zhou said to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Lord of Samsara, are you talking about my sworn brother Gao Yangxu?"

Old Zhou nodded.

"Yes, Gao Yangxu is completing the test of the Lord of Time. If he can really pass the test, then his power will return to its peak."

"When the time comes, you and I, together with Queen Wa and Gao Yangxu, may have a chance to fight this Eternal Heavenly Dao."

Old Zhou said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was silent.

Now he and his friends are no match for the Eternal Heavenly Dao, but Zhuo Bufan can be sure of one thing.

That is, the Eternal Heavenly Dao is stronger than the former Daluo Heavenly Dao.

If this guy finds the Lord of Time, then this world will be over.

Ps: This book should be finished this month. I will start to finish it now. Thank you for your support over the past two years. I will post another review when it is finished.

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