Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 151: Cursing at each other from a distance (Part 1) [Second update, please subscribe]

"Who is it? Which bastard is it? Who is disgusting our Tianwu Alliance?"

In the lobby of the Soul Altar base established by the Tianwu League, Qian Tian, ​​one of the eight kings, was furious.

Those disgusting words were still echoing in the sky.

"Please pay attention to the report. Please pay attention to the report. I want half of all the soul altars in Yunmeng Realm. If anyone dares to snatch them, you must be able to snatch them away from me. Say important things a hundred times."

A hundred times, Zhuo Bufan repeated endlessly, letting the world hear his disgusting Tianwu Alliance words.

Just a moment ago, the Tianwu Alliance drew a domineering plan to occupy the 1,500 soul altars in the middle level, which aroused the disgust of the world.

The next moment someone stood up and used the same words to disgust the Tianwu Alliance.

Aren’t you, Tianwu Alliance, going to occupy half of the soul altar in Yunmeng Realm? Then I am half of it, and I will be disgusted by your behavior of a lion opening its mouth.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan was deliberately disgusting the Tianwu Alliance.

Of course he said it was disgusting, but he was actually quite serious. He really wants to occupy half of the soul altar in Yunmeng Realm.

And he is not far away from this goal.

Zhuo Bufan's words were heard by everyone in the Yunmeng Realm.

Unexpectedly, this time it did not attract public outrage, but instead aroused a wave of support.

"Who is this guy? Aren't these words intended to disgust the Tianwu Alliance? And he also reported it a hundred times in a row, which is really satisfying."

"Hahaha, evil people are also punished by evil people. What the Tianwu Alliance does will definitely arouse everyone's dissatisfaction. This is deliberately disgusting the Tianwu Alliance."

"I just want to say, well done. I really want to get to know this person who is quick to talk and happy to express grudges."

There was an endless stream of voices of approval.

After all, the Tianwu Alliance's overbearing behavior has aroused public outrage, but these people dare not speak out.

But I didn't expect that there would be such a stumbling leader who was not afraid of trouble. He not only opposed the Tianwu Alliance, but also reported it a hundred times in a row to disgust the Tianwu Alliance.

Of course, some people think that this kind of behavior is reckless and has no effect. It can only be a verbal war.

"He only dares to clamor. If he is really asked to seize the soul altar on the territory designated by the Tianwu Alliance, will he dare to go?"

"Yes, although the Tianwu Alliance is overbearing, they have the capital to be overbearing. Their backstage is the overbearing Northern Emperor. No one dares to provoke them."

"These people can only disgust the Tianwu Alliance and dare not snatch it away."

"Who dares to scream? Anyway, the Tianwu Alliance can't find out who did it. But if you really want to seize the soul altar designated by the Tianwu Alliance, there are probably not many people in this world who dare to go!"

"Whoever dares to go, I will recognize him as a great hero."

What pessimists like is cynicism. They don't even dare to scold the Tianwu Alliance from a distance, so how can they evaluate excellence?

Finally, Zhuo Bufan's hundred consecutive briefings came to an end.

Qian Tian, ​​one of the Eight Kings of Tianwu, who was already furious, bought another one, "Let the world hear it", and then shouted.

"You dare to yell at my Tianwu Alliance. Are you tired of living?"

Qian Tian shouted back, and now tens of millions of soul cultivators in the entire Yunmeng Realm started watching the movie with popcorn in hand.

"The Tianwu Alliance has started a war. Does the other side dare to respond?"

"Sure enough, the Tianwu Alliance is very domineering. Did they just shout back and leave the other party speechless?"

As a result, less than a minute later, Zhuo Bufan's scolding came from the sky again.

"Ouch, I'm so scared. If you have the ability, come and do it! I'm just tired of living, come and kill me!"

Responded, Zhuo Bufan responded.

Zhuo Bufan's response caused everyone to celebrate.

"This guy is so mean. He actually deliberately provoked the Eight Kings of the Tianwu Alliance."

"What a good show. Who is this person? How dare he quarrel with the Tianwu Alliance from afar?"

At this moment, the entire Yunmeng Realm was in a state of excitement.

It wasn't just the Yunmeng Realm, there were people provoking the Tianwu Alliance, and the insults in the air quickly spread back to the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

"Everyone, go to Yunmeng Realm to watch the show. Someone is provoking the Tianwu Alliance and they are yelling at each other from afar!"

"No way, who is such a tiger and dares to clamor against the Tianwu Alliance?"

"This is definitely a big show. Let's go to Yunmeng Realm quickly."

Someone came back from Yunmeng Realm specially, and then told his fellow disciples about this incident, causing a large group of people to enter Yunmeng Realm to watch this unprecedented drama.

Soon, this incident attracted the attention of the entire world of immortal cultivation, and more and more people entered the Yunmeng Realm just to watch this unprecedented scolding battle.

"You bastard, if you have the guts to report yourself to the family, grandpa, I will go to the meeting alone and cut down your whole family, young and old."

Qian Tian of the Tianwu League was one of the eight kings who sat down as the Northern Emperor's domineering king. He has not fully learned Beidi's domineering attitude.

Beidi's tyranny has penetrated deep into his bones, and he has a domineering aura.

As for the Eighth Prince Qiantian, he could only be a little domineering in his tone and could not feel more majestic and domineering.

But even so, everyone was excited to hear it!

"The battle is back. Are the Eight Kings of Tianwu going to fight?"

"Listen to that person's answer and see if he dares to challenge you. Then you will know if he is a ruthless person."

Everyone began to quiet down, waiting for Zhuo Bufan's answer.

Not long after, the sky above responded.

"You are indeed a tiger. It doesn't matter if I tell you. Just listen carefully. I live at No. 18, Yanjing Lane, Third Ring Road, Huaxia Street, Global Village. Come if you have the guts! If you don't come, I will be my grandson. "

As soon as these words came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

"He replied, he replied, Global Village, Huaxia Street, Yanjing Lane, No. 18, Sanhuan Road Intersection! Where is this address?"

"I don't know, but he did answer, and his tone was smooth, and he didn't seem to be lying at all. He really dared to introduce himself."

"This is a talent. He is not afraid to face the Tianwu League alone? It's worth knowing."

For Zhuo Bufan's response, many people supported him.

He dared to introduce himself, which means that he is not inferior to the Tianwu League.

At this moment, in the Tianwu League, Qiantian shouted to his men behind him after hearing Zhuo Bufan's answer.

"Go back to the Xiuxian Realm immediately, find this bastard for me, and destroy the Global Village for me."

Then Qiantian turned around and reported to the world.

"In the Global Village, right? You're finished, and your village is finished too. You've implicated the entire village, don't blame me for being ruthless and slaughtering the village!"

"Oh hey, you want to slaughter my Global Village? Then you'd better bring a few more people with you, there are too many people in my Global Village!"

Zhuo Bufan almost burst out laughing. This idiot from the Tianwu League actually went to slaughter the Global Village he mentioned.

"Where is this Global Village? How come I've never heard of it?"

"That's right, could it be a hidden village? I heard that there are many hidden villages. Don't look at it as only a small village, there are all hidden masters in it."

"So, this Global Village is also a hidden village?"

"It's very likely, otherwise he wouldn't dare to announce his family like this. Yunmeng Realm is restarted, and it's not surprising that the masters of this Global Village will enter Yunmeng Realm."

From then on, a mysterious hidden village, the Global Village, was born!

Zhuo Bufan, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

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