Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 152: Cursing at each other from a distance (Part 2) [3rd update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan claimed to be from the Global Village, which led people in Yunmeng Realm to speculate that the Global Village might be a mysterious hidden tribe.

The world of immortality has a long history, although there have been several great catastrophes that cut off many historical processes.

For example, the most recent time was 180,000 years ago, when Emperor Xuan destroyed the world and destroyed all civilizations in ancient times.

But it is undeniable that ancient divine civilizations existed in this world.

Many hidden tribes have the inheritance of ancient divine civilizations. Although they are not born in the world, it does not mean that they do not have great strength.

On the contrary, many hidden tribes have the inheritance of ancient divine culture, so they are extremely powerful.

For example, the largest sect in the Eastern cultivation world, the Ancient Temple.

The Ancient Temple is a force with the cultural heritage of ancient gods. It is said that they practice not the immortal way, but the divine way.

Zhuo Bufan's sentence "I come from the global village" made everyone think that he probably came from a tribe that inherited ancient divine culture.

"Don't care if you are from a hidden tribe or not. If you dare to be an enemy of our Tianwu Alliance, you must kill chickens to scare monkeys and establish the authority of the alliance."

Qian Tian of the Tianwu League decided to find Zhuo Bufan, a thorn in his side, to destroy the global village and establish the hegemony and majesty of the Tianwu League.

This naturally caused dissatisfaction among people all over the world.

"What an arrogant Tianwu Alliance, killing the chicken to scare the monkey. Who is the chicken and who is the monkey?"

"This Tianwu Meng doesn't take the people of the world seriously. He is so arrogant and domineering. Do you really think that the Tianwu Meng is invincible?"

"This time I support the global village. If the hidden tribe comes out and rises up, the world will definitely respond and destroy his overbearing Tianwu Alliance."

The Tianwu Alliance, which aroused public outrage, obviously did not get the support of everyone.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan replied again.

"Haha, the Tianwu Alliance is really loud. Killing a chicken to scare the monkeys? Do you want to kill me to warn the world not to go against your Tianwu Alliance?"

"I'm afraid you have forgotten that there is an evil emperor in the east, a demon in the west, and a demon king in the south, who is looking at your Beihe."

Zhuo Bufan was alone and weak, so naturally he did not dare to become an enemy of the Tianwu Alliance.

So he used words to arouse the support of the people in the world.

The Tianwu Alliance commits suicide and becomes the enemy of everyone in the world. Zhuo Bufan just went with the flow, while he represented the people of the world and pitted the Tianwu Alliance against the people of the world.

"Qian Tian, ​​you are impulsive. You have been fooled by that guy. He is leading you to arouse the anger of everyone in the world."

"We in the Tianwu Alliance can be overbearing, but we cannot be arrogant and make the world our enemies."

At this moment, the queen among the eight kings stood up and said, she looked like a fair lady, dignified and generous.

But in fact, her true identity is "Kanshui", one of the Eight Kings of Tianwu.

"Kanshui" saw that Qian Tian had lost his mind in anger, so she called Qian Tian back and went into battle herself, fighting Zhuo Bufan from a distance.

"We, the Tianwu Alliance, do not want to be enemies with the world. I believe that the world does not want to be enemies with our Tianwu Alliance and Beidi, right?"

As soon as "Kanshui" came out, this first sentence excited the crowd just now, as if they encountered a continuous drizzle, which instantly extinguished their indignation and made everyone in the world calm down.

They thought about it and realized that they really did not dare to be enemies with the Tianwu Alliance.

There is a Beidi behind the Tianwu Alliance, which makes everyone in the world fearful. Anyone who dares to trouble a "higher Taoist" is really asking for death.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing the world announcement.

"A ruthless character has come. This woman's heart is calm and she is not as impulsive as the man just now."

To fight against different people, you will naturally have to use different fighting methods.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that this woman was not easy to anger now.

So he bought another "Let the World Hear", and then World News reported it.

"I won't talk nonsense to women. Call out that loser just now. Didn't he clamor to destroy our global village? Call him out and I will show him the way."

Zhuo Bufan deliberately angered that Qiantian.

As expected, when Zhuo Bufan scolded that Qian Tian, ​​he immediately became angry.

"You bastard, just wait for me." Na Qiantian was about to send out the "World Announcement" when Kanshui shouted.

"Calm down, haven't you seen it yet? The other party is deliberately irritating you, and you are her breakthrough point. Once you respond, we will lose."

Now the whole world is watching and waiting for the outcome of this war of words.

If it were Qian Tian who had a fiery temper and scolded him, he would definitely push the Tianwu Alliance to the opposite side of the world.

In this way, their Tianwu Alliance lost, lost to Zhuo Bufan's trash talk.

"What, you don't dare to come out, you trash? I'm afraid that you can't find where my global village is, so you don't dare to come even if I show you the way?"

Zhuo Bufan's sarcastic announcement came from the sky again.

The one who was so angry was gritting his teeth.

"Ouch, ouch, damn it!"


Na Qiantian punched the ground suddenly, causing the earth to shake.

Although he was very angry, he followed "Kanshui's" advice and no longer fell for Zhuo Bufan's deception or was affected by Zhuo Bufan's trash talk.

"What a waste. You Tianwu Alliance only dare to shout. I really occupied the soul altar in your enclosure, so what, you still don't dare to say anything. Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?"

Zhuo Bufan angered Na Qiantian again and again.

That Qiantian was one of the eight kings after all, and was about to go crazy after being stimulated by Zhuo Bufan's trash talk.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

He punched the earth one by one, shaking the earth and mountains.

At this time, Kanshui continued to speak, and she reported to the world again.

"Then you can try it. As long as you dare, you will be the enemy of our Tianwu League. Our Tianwu League will hunt you down to the end, even if it goes to the sky and the underworld, and will not stop until you die."

Domineering, this is domineering.

The domineering displayed by "Kanshui" is far higher than Qiantian.

Just this sentence made the whole world speechless.

Yes, after such a long time of talking nonsense, if you are really not afraid of the Tianwu League, then go and occupy the soul altar designated by the Tianwu League!

Whether you are a hero or not, whether you have real skills, it depends on whether you have the ability and courage to occupy the soul altar of the Tianwu League.

Silence, the sky was silent!

Kanshui's words made Zhuo Bufan no longer answer.

"That person, after all, dared not to be the enemy of Tianwu League."

"Hey, he was just shouting and talking nonsense. How many people in this world of immortal cultivation dare to be the enemy of Tianwu League?"

"Disperse, disperse, just treat it as a show! Do what you need to do!"

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan did not dare to respond, the people of the world no longer had confidence in Zhuo Bufan, thinking that he was just a boring servant who was talking nonsense, so they left one after another.

But just when everyone was about to leave, the voice of Tianzun came from the sky:

"Announcement, the new camp 'Rob Your Tianwu League' has been established, and 10,000 soul power will be awarded for basic construction."


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