Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1504 1505: Reversal of the Law

1505: Reversal of the Law

The battle between Zhuo Bufan and Eternal Heavenly Dao has not ended yet.

However, Eternal Heavenly Dao has become somewhat cautious now that he knows that Zhuo Bufan cannot die.

In the end, he had to give up the idea of ​​taking over Zhuo Bufan's body.

Because if he continues like this, Zhuo Bufan's body and soul will collapse sooner or later.

At that time, it will be more trouble than gain.

"It seems that I can only trap you first."

As soon as Eternal Heavenly Dao finished speaking, a Heavenly Dao cage appeared beside Zhuo Bufan, and then sealed Zhuo Bufan up.

Eternal Heavenly Dao once used the Heavenly Dao cage to trap Zhou Lao.

So it should not be difficult to trap Zhuo Bufan.

After being trapped by the Heavenly Dao cage, Zhuo Bufan wanted to break free.

However, this Heavenly Dao cage was made by Daluo Heavenly Dao using the Law of Word Spirit.

This cage completely suppressed Zhuo Bufan's power.

So it was almost impossible for Zhuo Bufan to break free.

Not only could he not break free, Zhuo Bufan couldn't even use the power of Daluo Tiandao now.

He could only be trapped inside, unable to move.

"How reckless!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Yongheng Tiandao was so cunning.

He actually knew his biggest trump card.

Zhuo Bufan had always regarded the save door as his last trump card, and he wanted to die just to reload the save.

And now, Yongheng Tiandao had discovered his secret so easily.

Now that Yongheng Tiandao had discovered Zhuo Bufan's idea of ​​dying and reloading the save, it was naturally impossible for him to die.

If Zhuo Bufan was allowed to go back to the past and reverse time and space, he would probably be strangled in the cradle by Zhuo Bufan.

In short, Zhuo Bufan was now in prison and needed help.

But who in this world could help Zhuo Bufan now?

Just when Zhuo Bufan felt desperate, a group of people suddenly rushed into the Eternal Star Domain.

"Brother Zhuo, we are here to save you."

In the distance, Zhuo Bufan heard a familiar voice.

He came to his senses and said in surprise.

"Yi Tianxing, Qiankun, you guys!"

Obviously, it was Yi Tianxing and the others who came to save him.

But Zhuo Bufan knew very well that they were no match for Yongheng Tiandao.

No matter how many people came, it would be useless.

"Oh, it seems that your friends came to save you."

Yongheng Tiandao looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Let my servants have fun with your friends."

After that, Yongheng Tiandao gave an order, and millions of gods flew out from the Eternal Star Domain and blocked Yi Tianxing and the others.

The leaders were the Shepherd God and Yuanzun who Zhuo Bufan had taught a lesson before.

No matter whether it was the Shepherd God or Yuanzun, their strength was extraordinary.

In the camp of Yongheng Tiandao, they were second only to Ni Cangqiong.

What's more, they now commanded millions of divine soldiers and generals.

On Yi Tianxing's side, there were only Chaos Sword God, Qiankun and the other three.

It would be a bloody battle for the three to fight against millions of gods.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, was a little worried.

He didn't expect Yi Tianxing and his friends to come.

Now that Yi Tianxing and his friends have arrived, the situation has obviously become more tense.

Zhuo Bufan is naturally worried that Yi Tianxing and his friends might die here.

Yongheng Tiandao saw through Zhuo Bufan's thoughts, and he said from the side at this time.

"Boy, do you want to make a bet?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"Bet? What to bet on?"

The voice of Yongheng Tiandao sounded in his soul.

"Let's bet on when your friends will die!"

"If you win, I'll let you go, and if you lose, you'll be my host."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned immediately.

"Why should I agree?"

The other party laughed after hearing this.

"Of course you can refuse, but that would be boring."

"Since it's boring, then I don't mind killing your friends."

Zhuo Bufan, who didn't care much at first, frowned immediately after hearing these words suddenly.

Of course he believed what Yongheng Tiandao said, and this guy must be true to his words.

If he did it, none of his friends would survive.

Zhuo Bufan calmed down, and after a while, he continued.

"Don't you just want to take over my body and soul?"

"I'll bet with you."

Yongheng Tiandao laughed after hearing Zhuo Bufan's answer.

"Very good, then I'll bet that your friends can't last an hourglass."

After Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, an hourglass suddenly appeared in the air in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and answered without hesitation.

"You underestimate them too much. I bet they won't die, but your people will die."

Zhuo Bufan naturally believed in his partners.

Yongheng Tiandao thought it was very interesting and laughed.

"Hahahaha, interesting, interesting."

"You are really confident. In this case, let's see if your friends are as powerful as you say."

As soon as Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and waved, and two rays of divine light fell on Yuan Zun and Mu Shen.

For a moment, the cultivation of Mu Shen and Yuan Zun increased greatly.

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw this.

"You cheated!"

He didn't expect that this Eternal Heavenly Dao was so shameless that he actually forcibly improved the cultivation of Yuan Zun and Mu Shen in front of him.

After hearing this, Eternal Heavenly Dao laughed triumphantly.

"I didn't say I couldn't help my servants!"

"This is the reward they deserve."

Eternal Heavenly Dao shamelessly improved the cultivation of Yuan Zun and Mu Shen.

Zhuo Bufan, who was not worried at first, began to worry about his companions after seeing the stronger Mu Shen and Yuan Zun.


Outside the screen, Chaos Sword God and Yi Tianxing and others did not show too much tension when facing the millions of gods of Mu Shen and Yuan Zun.

Especially Chaos Sword God, he is a ruthless man who has mastered the laws of swordsmanship. Even as strong as Zhuo Bufan, when facing Chaos Sword God, he can feel the terrifying energy.

So Zhuo Bufan should trust Chaos Sword God the most.

With the strength of Chaos Sword God, it should not be a problem to fight against Mu Shen and others.

However, apart from the Chaos Sword God, Yi Tianxing and Qiankun are what Zhuo Bufan is most worried about.

Yi Tianxing is just a Void Merchant, and his own strength is not very strong.

Facing these enemies in front of him, Zhuo Bufan is obviously a little worried about Yi Tianxing.

As for Qiankun, Zhuo Bufan knows that Qiankun is already very strong now, but what he is facing now is the completely strengthened Mu Shen and Yuan Zun. Therefore, Zhuo Bufan is still very worried about the two of them.

However, it is too late to worry now, because the war has begun.

The three of them have to face millions of divine soldiers.

The two sides almost collided with each other with a momentum of crushing withered and rotten.

Chaos Sword God Yu Ding, a legendary sword maniac.

He himself is a sharp divine sword, with an extremely brutal and sharp sword energy, he pierced into the enemy's abdomen with one sword, and then set off a terrifying storm of destruction.

Chaos Sword God Yu Ding, with a sword energy coming to God, instantly killed all the enemies who approached.

The powerful strength is so terrifying that it is jaw-dropping.

In just a moment, Yu Ding killed 200,000 or 300,000 of the million divine soldiers.

His terrifying strength made Yongheng Tiandao look at him with new eyes.

"Oh, this person is quite powerful."

"Have you comprehended the secrets of the sword?"

"It's a bit interesting."

Yongheng Tiandao saw at a glance that Chaos Sword God Yu Ding was an existence that mastered the law of sword.

Of course, no matter how powerful he is, Yongheng Tiandao can cover it up with one word.

After all, Yongheng Tiandao, who has mastered the law of words and spirits, can change all the power of laws at will.

Including the law of sword, he can also make it disappear with one word.

Yu Ding's powerful strength exceeded Yongheng Tiandao's expectations.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of Mu Shen and Yuan Zun.

Yuan Zun and Mu Shen naturally would not let Chaos Sword God do whatever he wanted.

The Mu Shen appeared in front of Yu Ding with a group of elite warriors.

Seeing this, Yu Ding shook his right hand, and an unknown divine sword appeared in his hand, and then he resolutely killed the Shepherd God.

The Shepherd God was obviously prepared. Seeing that Yu Ding's swordsmanship was unparalleled, he suddenly raised his hand and shouted.

"The Law of Light!"

As soon as the voice fell, endless light burst out from his body.

The dazzling and dazzling light instantly caused Yu Ding's soul to be severely damaged.

This is not an ordinary light, it just burns other people's eyeballs.

This light can make people's souls collapse, and at the same time it can make people's souls perish.

Yu Ding's soul began to collapse under the Shepherd God's Law of Light.

In just a moment, Yu Ding felt as if his soul was torn apart.

The Law of Light will completely purify the soul.

Yu Ding endured the pain of the soul essence and began to attack the Shepherd God frantically.

However, no matter how powerful Yu Ding's sword slash was, the Shepherd God's body completely turned into a ray of light and avoided all his means of attack.

No matter how powerful Yu Ding's swordsmanship was, it was still a physical attack.

The Shepherd God controls the law of light, and he can completely transform into a ray of light.

No matter how powerful the sword is, it cannot cut off the light.

It can be said that the Shepherd God completely restrains Yu Ding.

Yu Ding, who was originally powerful enough to reverse the situation, was restrained by the Shepherd God and fell into a bitter battle for a while.

On the other side, Yuan Zun, who Qiankun and Yi Tianxing fought against, was not an ordinary character.

Yuan Zun obtained a new ability from the Eternal Heavenly Dao, the law of darkness.

The law of darkness is the law of power that is completely opposite to the law of light!

The law of darkness controls all the darkness in this world.

Yi Tianxing and Qiankun were directly corroded by a piece of darkness.

The two fought against Yuan Zun, who was completely hidden in the darkness, in a piece of darkness.

Yuan Zun is darkness, and all darkness is the source of his power.

It can be said that facing Yuan Zun who controls the law of darkness, Qiankun and Yi Tianxing have no power to fight back.

They also fell into a bitter battle.

Seeing this scene, the Eternal Heavenly Dao smiled triumphantly at Zhuo Bufan.

"Hahahaha, it seems that I won."

In the eyes of Eternal Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan's partners were in such a difficult battle that they basically had no chance of winning.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, his brows were also solemn.

Indeed, the situation on the field was not optimistic.

Whether it was Chaos Sword God Yu Ding, or Yi Tianxing and Qiankun. They all seemed to have no chance of winning.

But for some reason, deep in Zhuo Bufan's heart, he always thought there was still hope.

Because he believed in the three of them and believed that they could transcend.

Sure enough, just when Eternal Tiandao thought that his servants had secured victory.

Suddenly, a light flashed across the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, an unrivaled sword energy cut through the starry sky. Wherever the sword energy passed, the light dimmed instantly.

The light was cut off!

Only a scream was heard, and before the God of Shepherd, who turned into light, could completely purify the soul of the sword god Jade Cauldron, he himself was cut off by the Jade Cauldron.

"Actually cut off the light?"

Eternal Heaven couldn't help but be shocked.

He didn't expect that Jade Cauldron would be so powerful.

If you cut off the light with a sword, you must know that it is not an ordinary light, it is the incarnation of the law of light.

The jade tripod's sword cut off not the light, but the power of law!

"No way, absolutely impossible."

"The sequence of the law of light is above the law of swordsmanship."

"The law of swordsmanship cannot cut off the law of light."

Eternal Heaven is the master of this world and the creator and controller of all laws.

He knows the sequence between the laws very well, and he also knows the mutual restraint.

The law of light is the power of the law of Tianke sword.

But now, the law of light has been cut off by the law of sword, which is too incredible.

The jade tripod cut off the baptism of holy light from the Goddess of Shepherd.

Climbed out of the bright abyss of despair.

When the jade tripod appeared in the void, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Beyond limits, beyond everything, beyond the restraint between laws."

"Jade Cauldron is indeed the strongest sword god I have ever seen."

Zhuo Bufan once again looked at Jade Cauldron with admiration.

This master of swordsmanship has improved the laws of swordsmanship to such a powerful level.

This made Zhuo Bufan see hope.

Not only the hope of turning the tide of the war, but also the hope of breaking the eternal law of heaven.

Although the eternal heaven is powerful, it is not invincible.

Since the Jade Cauldron can defeat the God of Shepherd, Zhuo Bufan believes that they can also defeat the eternal heaven.

"It's really shocking!"

"Since someone can break the sequence of laws and reverse the restraint relationship."

"I, the eternal heaven, am willing to call you the master of the sword."

Eternal Heaven showed great appreciation for the jade tripod.

In his opinion, Yuding's talent and ability are not weaker than Zhuo Bufan's.

The strength of Jade Cauldron far exceeded his imagination.

Not only Jade Cauldron, Qiankun and Yi Tianxing on the other side also joined forces to break Yuan Zun's dark law in the next second.


Only a roar that shocked the soul was heard.

I have no idea what happened in that darkness.

The next second, Yuan Zun's dark law began to disappear.

Qiankun and Yi Tianxing join forces to break the shroud of the dark law.

You know, both of them are human beings who have not mastered the power of law.

However, in the dark abyss of despair, they worked together to create such a miracle.

This time, not only Eternal Heaven, but also Lian Zhuo Bufan was deeply shocked.

Zhuo Bufan had to admit that he underestimated the strength of Qiankun and Yi Tianxing.

These two are very strong!

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