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Chapter 1505 1506: Breaking through the Cage (Part 1)

1506: Breaking through the cage (Part 1)

After seeing Yu Ding cut off the light and Qian Kun break through the darkness.

Zhuo Bufan's despair once again shone with hope.

Since Yu Ding and the others could reverse the laws of heaven, why couldn't he break the cage?

Zhuo Bufan looked at the cage of heaven in front of him and was determined to break the cage.

He had originally wanted to die, but now he wanted to fight the Eternal Heaven.

Zhuo Bufan absorbed the divine essence and then slowly exhaled the primordial spirit.

The light ball swallowed around him and began to rotate quietly around him.

Swallowing the light ball, it began to swallow the cage of heaven in front of it.

This cage of heaven is not an ordinary cage, but a cage created by the Eternal Heaven using the power of the Word Spirit Law.

It belongs to the highest order of law power.

It is more difficult for Zhuo Bufan to break through this power than for Yu Ding to cut off the law of light with the sword law.

The Eternal Heaven obviously also discovered Zhuo Bufan's actions, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Do you want to break through the cage?"

"It seems that your friends have given you hope."

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"My companions are all trying to defy the heavens, I can't just sink like this."

"Eternal Heavenly Dao, I'll make another bet with you. I'll bet on whether I can break through your Heavenly Dao cage."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Eternal Heavenly Dao laughed triumphantly.

"Interesting, what do you want to bet on?"

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"I'm not betting with you on anything, I just want to win you."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Eternal Heavenly Dao was stunned at first, and then laughed.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan was such a proud person.

Betting with him, but not wanting to bet on anything, just simply wanting to win Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Eternal Heavenly Dao replied after hearing this.

"Well, although you don't want the conditions to win, I can promise you. As long as you win, I will let you and your friends go."

"If you lose, they will all die, and you must become my host."

Eternal Heavenly Dao knew that only by paying enough price would the other party agree to his conditions.

Sure enough, after hearing this condition, Zhuo Bufan agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, I will make you lose with conviction."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the devouring magic balls around him began to spread continuously.

Then he devoured the Heavenly Dao Cage.

However, the Heavenly Dao Cage was unmatched in power, and even Zhuo Bufan's devouring law was so powerful and terrifying that it could not shake it at all.

This feeling was as difficult as dripping water through a stone.

But Zhuo Bufan knew that as long as he persisted and never gave up, the dripping water would eventually penetrate the stone.

Zhuo Bufan began to shake the Heavenly Dao Cage with great determination and decision.

He wanted to tear open the cage and strive for a miracle of escaping from the dead.

This was difficult, but very exciting.

Eternal Heavenly Dao looked at Zhuo Bufan's efforts and smiled knowingly.

In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan was just doing useless work.

His friend's success gave him blind confidence. How could his own Word Spirit Law be comparable to the Light Law?

With just one word from him, this Heavenly Dao Cage would be indestructible and impossible to be destroyed. This is the power of the Word Spirit Law.

"In my name, it is indestructible."

Although Eternal Heavenly Dao was very confident, he was also very cautious.

In order to make Zhuo Bufan completely despair, he used the Word Spirit Law to reinforce the indestructible Heavenly Dao Law for the Heavenly Dao Cage.

In this way, it became almost impossible for Zhuo Bufan to break through the Heavenly Dao Cage.

Zhuo Bufan obviously also felt the power of the Heavenly Dao Law that suddenly increased.

Originally, his Devouring Law had begun to shake the Heavenly Dao Cage.

However, Eternal Heavenly Dao's words once again turned this hope into despair.

Zhuo Bufan had to admit that the seal strength of the Heavenly Dao Cage far exceeded his expectations.

This is not an ordinary Heavenly Dao cage, its power level far exceeds Zhuo Bufan's law power.

Even if the Devouring Black Hole is wrapped in the power of the law, it cannot devour it even a little.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan was in trouble.

Seeing this scene, Eternal Heavenly Dao smiled triumphantly and said.

"How is it? Do you feel the power of my law?"

"Do you still think you can break through the blockade of this Heavenly Dao cage?"

Eternal Heavenly Dao said to Zhuo Bufan complacently.

In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan's desire to break through this Heavenly Dao cage is completely wishful thinking.

But so what?

Zhuo Bufan knew that this was a wishful thinking, so he worked harder.

Turning the impossible into the possible, isn't this the miracle that Zhuo Bufan has been creating? Not only Zhuo Bufan, everyone is working hard to create miracles.

After Chaos Sword God Yu Ding cut off the law of light, he fought with Shepherd God again.

This time, Shepherd God was obviously suppressed by Yu Ding.

The power of light is no longer a perfect counter to swordsmanship.

Yu Ding's sword was strong enough to cut off the light.

Of course, the Shepherd God was no slouch. In his hands, every ray of light had terrifying power.

Even a tiny photon could produce a terrifying explosion.

Although the Shepherd God's Law of Light was cut off by Yu Ding's Sword Law, it did not mean that the Shepherd God had already lost the battle.

The Shepherd God manipulated countless photons and attacked Yu Ding.

For a moment, the starry sky was completely enveloped by terrifying photons.

In just a moment, the entire galaxy was bombarded to ashes.

And Yu Ding was not simple either. His sword could now even cut off light, so naturally it could also cut through space.

He used the different dimensions to dodge, and then quickly approached the Shepherd God.

He instantly appeared in front of the Shepherd God, and then slashed at the Shepherd God's head with a sword.

This sword not only cut off the head, but also cut off the soul.

However, at the critical moment, the Shepherd God turned into a ray of light and barely avoided Yu Ding's killing.

Of course, it was just barely avoided.

He was still injured by Yu Ding's sword energy, and his soul was like being pierced by countless sharp swords.

While being hit, the Shepherd God turned around and attacked Yu Ding.

Light explosion!


In an instant, countless rays of light exploded from the Shepherd God's body.

The Shepherd God had left a light and shadow clone in the original place. Yu Ding's sword did not hit the original body, but hit the light and shadow clone.

This burst of light once again caused extremely terrible damage to Yu Ding's soul.

Almost in an instant, Yu Ding's soul was injured.

After a battle, Yu Ding and the Shepherd God were both injured to varying degrees.

Not only was the excitement of this battle amazing, but the Eternal Heavenly Dao was also amazed.

"The battle of light and sword, the confrontation of speed and power."

"What a wonderful performance."

The Eternal Heavenly Dao was paying attention to the battle between the Shepherd God and Yu Ding, and Zhuo Bufan was obviously not interested in paying attention to other people's battles at this moment, because he also had his own struggles to complete.

The Heavenly Dao Cage of the Eternal Heavenly Dao is undeniably powerful.

Zhuo Bufan was trapped in it, and he felt more and more that no matter how hard he tried, it would be useless.

This confusion made Zhuo Bufan himself very unhappy.

However, Zhuo Bufan knew that he would succeed.

This was the extremely powerful motivation from his heart.

"Da Luo Tian Dao, I need your power."

Zhuo Bufan still has the power of Da Luo Tian Dao hidden in his body.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has not completely integrated this power.

He has only occupied a small part of the power of Da Luo Tian Dao.

After all, it is the power of the Heavenly Dao, and it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to integrate and control it so easily.

So, Zhuo Bufan needs this power.

Under Zhuo Bufan's call, the power of Da Luo Tian Dao in his body began to awaken slowly.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan's power of devouring the law is also constantly increasing.

Zhuo Bufan saw this scene and was extremely happy. The devouring power of the devouring law has finally increased amazingly.

Zhuo Bufan can even clearly feel that the power of the Heavenly Dao cage is being slowly devoured.

If Zhuo Bufan's devouring power was water before, then his devouring power is now sulfuric acid.

Under the corrosion of sulfuric acid, the cage of the Eternal Heavenly Dao is slowly corroded, slowly collapsed and rotted.

"I can do it, I can break through the cage."

Zhuo Bufan saw hope, and now he also alarmed the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Yongheng Tiandao was surprised to see his Tiandao cage collapsing step by step.

He couldn't help but said in shock.

"How did you do it? You actually swallowed my Tiandao cage."

Yongheng Tiandao was deeply surprised, because in his opinion, Zhuo Bufan could not break through the Tiandao cage no matter what.

This Tiandao cage was forged by him with the power of the Word Spirit Law. Who else in this world could open this cage except him?

At this moment, Yongheng Tiandao sensed the other power in Zhuo Bufan's body.

"The power of Daluo Tiandao, so that's it, is this guy still alive?"

Yongheng Tiandao didn't expect that Daluo Tiandao, who was already dead, was still bothering him at this time. Daluo Tiandao tried to resist himself.

If he used the power of Daluo Tiandao, it would be possible to break through his Tiandao cage.

Yongheng Tiandao, who saw this scene, could no longer sit still.

He began to continuously strengthen his Tiandao cage. Zhuo Bufan swallowed a little, and he repaired a little.

Obviously, repairing is easier than swallowing.

Zhuo Bufan soon fell into a bitter battle.

He finally opened a gap, but the Eternal Heavenly Dao would immediately restore it.

This is like Zhuo Bufan finally dug a channel, but it was easily blocked upstream.

"You are cheating."

Zhuo Bufan shouted into the air.

He knew that this was all done by the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

After hearing this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao sneered.

"You cheated first, using the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao. Do you think it's appropriate?"

The Eternal Heavenly Dao obviously didn't want to lose, whether it was cheating or not, he didn't want to lose.

Zhuo Bufan was furious after hearing this.

"This is already a part of my body, it originally belongs to my power, it doesn't count as cheating."

After hearing this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao replied calmly.

"Then how can it be considered cheating if I repair the Heavenly Dao Cage?"

"You didn't tell me in advance that I couldn't repair the cage."

"If you are really capable, you don't need to care whether I repair the cage or not."

"You are not going to defeat my Heavenly Dao Cage, but me."

When Eternal Heavenly Dao said this, Zhuo Bufan, who was still a little unconvinced, fell silent.

Indeed, this bet is no longer about whether Zhuo Bufan can break through the prison of heaven.

It's about whether Zhuo Bufan can break through the obstacles and traps of eternal heaven.

"I understand, let's fight!

Zhuo Bufan is no longer hysterical, and he no longer blames others.

Now he just wants to break through the cage of eternal heaven, and then completely defeat this proud will of heaven.

Ever since, Zhuo Bufan unleashed all the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao that he could mobilize in his body, frantically tearing and devouring the power of the eternal Heavenly Dao.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan and Eternal Tiandao are fighting with all their strength.

On the other side, Qiankun, Yi Tianxing and the others are fighting fiercely with Yuan Zun, who has controlled the laws of darkness.

Similarly, Qiankun and Yi Tianxing have also shown great strength to transcend the present and themselves.

Although neither Qiankun nor Yi Tianxing has mastered the power of law, the two of them can produce an effect far greater than one plus one, which is greater than two.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Qiankun transformed into the most terrifying ultimate void beast in the void, tearing open the endless darkness.

And Yi Tianxing controls various chaos magic weapons to help strengthen the power of Qiankun.

The two of them joined forces and actually suppressed Yuan Zun.

You know, Yuan Zun has obtained the power of the eternal dark law of heaven.

The power of darkness is all controlled by Yuan Zun.

But Qiankun, who transformed into the ultimate void beast, is the most sacred and bright existence in this chaotic void.

This is a battle between light and darkness.

With the blessing of Yi Tianxing's chaos magic weapon, Qiankun finally had the strength to fight against Yuan Zun.

The two reflections turned into two rays of light, one black and one white, constantly colliding in the void.

Every collision was an earth-shattering roar.

The surrounding generals were instantly reduced to ashes, without even a chance to escape.

Qiankun's strength reached an unprecedented peak at this moment.

At this moment, Qiankun transformed into the ultimate virtual beast and became the most powerful existence in the starry sky.

Protect the galaxy, protect the world, protect chaos.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

There was another big collision between heaven and earth, Qiankun and Yuan Zun, tearing the entire space into pieces.

The eternal heaven is also breathtaking.

"I really underestimated these friends of yours!"

"But that's it. My servant of God is not as weak as you think."

"Do you know what it would be like if the laws of light and darkness merged?"

As soon as Eternal Tiandao finished speaking, the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun, who were fighting hard, turned into two rays of light, black and white, and collided together.

The moment the two sides collided, the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun merged into one, merging into a shocking mysterious life.

It was an existence intertwined with the power of darkness and light.

The whole body is wrapped with black and white divine rings.

He holds the Divine Sword of Light in his left hand and the Divine Spear of Darkness in his right hand.

There are two heads on the neck, one is angry and the other is kind and peaceful.

The existence that looked like a human but not a human, a god but not a god suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

The entire starry sky felt a suffocating and powerful energy.

"This is the God of Creation and Destruction!"

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