Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1506 1507: Breaking through the Cage (Part 2)

1507: Breaking through the cage (Part 2)

When light and darkness combine, when holiness and destruction blend.

The power of creation and destruction is born, and the strongest god-made weapon, the God of Creation and Destruction, appears.

Eternal Heavenly Dao looked at the God of Creation and Destruction in front of him, and seemed particularly proud.

The God of Creation and Destruction is the strongest god-made weapon he created.

It combines the power of the two major laws. Even the peak of Ni Cangqiong is not the opponent of this divine weapon.

Looking at the God of Creation and Destruction in front of him, Yu Ding, Qian Kun and Yi Tianxing all felt great pressure.

The strongest Yu Ding even felt his sword bone trembling.

Sword cultivators have sword bones, and sword bones are their backbone of heaven and earth.

The stronger the sword bone, the more unyielding it is, the stronger the sword cultivator's strength will be.

Yu Ding's sword bone is undoubtedly the most powerful sword bone between heaven and earth.

His sword bone will not bend even in the face of the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.

However, now, facing the Creation God of Destruction who combines light and darkness, creation and destruction, his sword bones are trembling.

The sword bones are trembling, and the sword heart is afraid.

Yu Ding seemed particularly worried and afraid at this moment.

But Yu Ding knew very well that she was the only one among them who could fight against the Creation God of Destruction.

If he was timid, then all of them would be in danger.

So, Yu Ding raised the sword again, and the sword bones stood proudly and forcefully.

Then, Yu Ding slashed at the Creation God of Destruction with a sword.

This sword brought his ultimate understanding of the sword from childhood to adulthood, and his past with the sword.

The sword went like the sky collapsed, the stars were cut off, and time and space were forever separated.

His opponent, the Creation God of Destruction, instantly condensed the mystery of destruction when he saw the sword that cut the sky.

The gun of destruction in his right hand went like a meteor, and wherever it hit, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, rolling up the universe and destroying the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The collision between the Sword of Heaven Slashing and the Spear of World Destruction shocked the world and instantly wiped out Baili Xinghe.

This duel allowed Qiankun and Yi Tianxing, who were standing by, to see the top combat power in the world.

They also saw the limit that humans can reach.

However, for Yu Ding, after this attack, he deeply felt the helplessness and worries in his heart.

He had already used all his strength in that attack just now.

However, he could see that the God of Creation and Destruction only used a counterattack casually.

In other words, the move he had tried his best was just a flat attack by the opponent, which made people uncomfortable.

"You two, I need your help."

Yu Ding never asked for help from others, but at this moment, he had to put down his swordsmanship and ask Qiankun and Yi Tianxing for help.

Qiankun and Yi Tianxing naturally decided to help Yu Ding without hesitation.

"Ancestor, we are here to help you."

Qiankun transformed into a golden ultimate virtual beast and rushed to the God of Creation and Destruction first.

Another move of the Spear of Destruction greeted Qiankun.

Seeing this, Yi Tianxing on the other side used the Chaos Artifact again, frantically providing powerful assistance to Qiankun.

With the assistance of Yi Tianxing, Qiankun's strength doubled, and his speed and strength reached the limit of human beings.

With a twisted fist, he could shatter the void.

Qiankun's Fist of Shattering the Void faced the Spear of Destruction of the God of Creation and Destruction.

Another collision of two unique skills, once again shaking Xingye.

"Good opportunity."

Seeing Qiankun and the God of Creation and Destruction fighting together, Yu Ding seized the opportunity.

"I am a sword."

Yu Ding transformed himself into a sword and used a big move.

He turned into a sword that cut the sky and slashed at the head of the God of Creation and Destruction.


In just a moment, the head of the God of Creation and Destruction was instantly split into two.


Yu Ding didn't expect that he actually cut off the head of the God of Creation and Destruction with a sword.

This was definitely a result he didn't expect.

After all, the strength of the God of Creation and Destruction was extremely powerful. Of course, when Yu Ding thought that the God of Creation and Destruction was fighting against Qiankun and had no intention of dealing with himself, he suddenly understood why he could kill the God of Creation and Destruction with one sword.

"Great, it succeeded."

Seeing Yu Ding transform into a sword and cut off the God of Creation and Destruction, Yi Tianxing and the others were also excited.

However, the next second, endless divine light fell with a bang.

The body of the God of Creation and Destruction began to recover quickly.

In just a moment, the God of Creation and Destruction killed by Yu Ding recovered as before.

"How is it possible?"

Yu Ding was shocked.

He knew the power of his sword very well.

As a sword, the power of this sword is definitely enough to kill any life, even the law can be cut off instantly.

After all, this is Yu Ding's ultimate move, and it is the strongest move that Yu Ding can use at present.

Yu Ding believes that even if the Eternal Heavenly Dao is cut by his move, it will be either dead or injured.

This is a sword of ultimate killing that can cut through time and space.

However, the God of Creation and Destruction not only completely took on such a powerful sword, but also recovered instantly.

Soon, Yu Ding discovered the reason why the God of Creation and Destruction could take on this ultimate killing move.

The God of Creation and Destruction actually possessed the most powerful recovery power.

"Is that the Heaven-Repairing Divine Art?"

Qiankun had seen Zhuo Bufan use the Heaven-Repairing Divine Art, which was a divine art that could reverse the future.

So when Qiankun saw the God of Creation and Destruction use this move again, he showed an incredible look.

But it was obvious that the God of Creation and Destruction did not master this heaven-defying magic.

What the God of Creation and Destruction mastered was obviously a kind of power of the Law of Light.

The Law of Light, the owner can create and restore the power.

After all, he is called the God of Creation and Destruction. Creating life has obviously become a kind of power for him.

Their opponent has mastered the power of creation and destruction.

This means that he cannot be killed or defeated.

So this war is far more terrible than they imagined.

After the God of Creation and Destruction recovered, he instantly attacked Qiankun and others.

The active attack of the God of Creation and Destruction is obviously more terrible.

Both the speed and strength are beyond the imagination of Yuding and others.

Almost in an instant, Yuding and others were knocked away by the God of Creation and Destruction.

Then they felt as if their bodies were pierced, and they were in great pain.

The God of Creation and Destruction not only pierced their bodies, but also left a very powerful force in their bodies.

This force stirred their bodies and destroyed their souls.

Soon, Yu Ding and the others began to wail in pain.

This was the seed of destruction used by the God of Creation and Destruction, which planted the seed of destruction in other people's bodies and then began to destroy them from inside their bodies.

In just a moment, Yu Ding and Qian Kun found that their bodies and souls began to collapse.

All the power began to destroy at that moment.

Kill instantly!

The God of Creation and Destruction killed everyone instantly as soon as he made a move.

After seeing this scene, Yongheng Tiandao smiled triumphantly.

"It seems that you don't have much time left. It is worthy of being the weapon created by me."

"If you don't escape, your friends will die here."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's expression became nervous.

Zhuo Bufan could only watch Yu Ding and the others being tortured by the God of Creation and Destruction.

When he thought of this, the energy in Zhuo Bufan's body began to grow wildly.

The power of Daluo Tiandao began to further integrate into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Bufan's strength is also constantly breaking through the bottleneck.

In just a quarter of an hour, Zhuo Bufan's strength has climbed to an unimaginable peak.

Zhuo Bufan's cultivation has also increased greatly.

With the continuous growth of the power of Daluo Tiandao, Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball has also reached an unprecedented strength.

Even the Heavenly Dao cage of Eternal Tiandao began to disintegrate at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Eternal Tiandao was not nervous at all, but very calm!

"That's it, squeeze out all your potential."

"Squeeze out the power of the Heavenly Dao hidden in your body."

Eternal Tiandao actually looked forward to Zhuo Bufan's use of this heaven-defying power.

Obviously, Eternal Tiandao was deliberately forcing Zhuo Bufan and deliberately squeezing Zhuo Bufan's potential.

Because Eternal Tiandao not only values ​​Zhuo Bufan, but also the powerful Heavenly Dao power hidden in Zhuo Bufan's body.

Eternal Tiandao wants the power of Daluo Tiandao in Zhuo Bufan's body.

But the power of Daluo Tiandao is hidden deep inside Zhuo Bufan's body, unwilling to escape from Zhuo Bufan's body.

Only when Zhuo Bufan encounters a threat or is in a desperate situation, the power of Daluo Tiandao will erupt.

Yongheng Tiandao saw this point.

That's why he kept forcing Zhuo Bufan. He wanted to force the power of Daluo Tiandao out of Zhuo Bufan's body and then kill him.

It has to be said that Yongheng Tiandao is very cunning.

In order to achieve his goal, he will do whatever it takes.

It seems that he is making a bet with Zhuo Bufan, but in fact, he has ulterior motives from the beginning.

Under his stimulation, Zhuo Bufan's degree of integration with the power of Daluo Tiandao is getting higher and higher.

If this continues, Daluo Tiandao will have nowhere to hide.

Soon, Daluo Tiandao really began to escape from Zhuo Bufan's body.

As expected, just as Yongheng Tiandao guessed, as long as he kept forcing Zhuo Bufan, the power of Daluo Tiandao would eventually escape from Zhuo Bufan's body.

It can be clearly seen that there is an angry face, constantly roaring at Zhuo Bufan's body, trying to rush out of Zhuo Bufan's body.

Soon, the power of Daluo Tiandao in Zhuo Bufan's body was really forced to burst out from Zhuo Bufan's body.

"It's here, that's it, try harder."

After seeing this scene, Yongheng Tiandao became extremely eager.

He longed for the power of Daluo Tiandao to burst out completely, so that he could perfectly devour the power of Daluo Tiandao.

Seeing that the power of Daluo Tiandao was about to burst out of Zhuo Bufan's body.

At the critical moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly regained his sanity.

"So, you want the power of Daluo Tiandao."

Zhuo Bufan finally saw the purpose of Yongheng Tiandao.

Yongheng Tiandao forced himself so much, just for the power of Daluo Tiandao.

Zhuo Bufan would not fulfill Yongheng Tiandao at this time, so he forcibly suppressed the power of Daluo Tiandao that was about to burst out.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan began to integrate the power of the Devouring Law and the Reincarnation Law, taking advantage of the gap in the Heavenly Dao Prison that had been torn open before.

Zhuo Bufan began to tear open the gap, and then used all his strength to break free from the Heavenly Dao Cage.

Seeing this scene, Eternal Tiandao frowned deeply.

"Boy, without that power, do you really think you can break through my heavenly prison?"

Facing the question from Eternal Heaven, Zhuo Bufan did not answer.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that as long as he controlled the power of Da Luo Tiandao, the conspiracy of Eternal Tiandao would be self-defeating.

Eternal Heavenly Dao is nothing more than wanting the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao within oneself.

Zhuo Bufan even knew what he was doing by integrating the power of Daluo Tiandao.

With the fusion of the two heavenly powers, when the Lord of Time is found in the future, he will definitely be able to kill him.

"You can't stop me. I can definitely break through your heavenly prison. I can definitely do it."

Seeing Jade Cauldron and Qiankun being crazily tortured by the God of Destruction, Zhuo Bufan's heart became angry and powerful.

His original strength continued to expand at this moment.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan reached his limit.

"Bang bang bang!"

Zhuo Bufan grabbed the law chain of the Heavenly Dao Cage with both hands, and then used his absolute strength to break it open bit by bit.

"Open it for me!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted loudly, and all the energy in his body and mind exploded at that moment.

The shackles of Heaven and the cage of Heaven, which were constantly blessed by eternal Heaven, finally began to deform at that moment.

In the end, a huge hole was torn open in the heavenly prison cage.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan took this power and escaped.

The moment Zhuo Bufan escaped from the cage of Heavenly Dao, Eternal Heavenly Dao couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"Really successful?"

Obviously, Eternal Tiandao did not expect that Zhuo Bufan would actually tear open his Tiandao cage.

You know, he continues to use the power of the Law of Words and Spirits to strengthen this heavenly prison.

On top of the cage, countless chains of laws were imposed.

Even his own divinely created weapon, the God of Destruction, cannot destroy his heavenly prison.

However, Zhuo Bufan destroyed the cage just like that.

After Zhuo Bufan escaped, he immediately rushed towards Yuding and the others who were fighting fiercely.

Seeing the God of Creation and Destruction piercing the jade tripod with a spear.

Zhuo Bufan appeared in front of the Jade Cauldron in time, and then a huge swallowing ball of light appeared in front of him, swallowing it together with the God of Destruction's God of Destruction.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan suddenly coming out, the God of Creation and Destruction immediately distanced himself from Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, he could feel that the Zhuo Bufan in front of him was still not something he could match.

Although Zhuo Bufan is no match for Eternal Heaven, he still has no problem dealing with the God of Creation and Destruction in front of him.

The Devouring Sphere floating next to Zhuo Bufan can swallow up his Destruction Spear, which is enough to prove Zhuo Bufan's tyranny.

"The eternal way of heaven ends here!"

"The bet between you and me is over."

Zhuo Bufan's soul began to spread the sound continuously. He knew that eternal heaven was nearby.

"I'm willing to admit defeat. Do you, as a dignified Dao of Heaven, also break your word?"

Zhuo Bufan said again.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan finally heard the response.

"Okay, you win."

"However, I can let them go, and I can let you go, but you must keep the Da Luotian in your body."

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