Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1507 1508: Battle against Heaven (Part 1)

1508: Fighting Heavenly Dao (Part 1)

Eternal Heavenly Dao once again went back on his word.

Although he said that he was willing to accept defeat and let Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ding go.

But he asked Zhuo Bufan to keep the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

This obviously meant that he was not going to let him go and become extraordinary.

No wonder, Zhuo Bufan is now carrying Daluo Heavenly Dao.

And Daluo Heavenly Dao is undoubtedly the most important target of Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Eternal Heavenly Dao cannot let Daluo Heavenly Dao go. He needs the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao to make himself stronger and more perfect.

Zhuo Bufan will certainly not hand over Daluo Heavenly Dao, because he knows very well that once Eternal Heavenly Dao merges with the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao, the result will be unimaginable.

So a decisive battle is inevitable. Zhuo Bufan will not hand over Daluo Heavenly Dao even if he dies in battle.

And Zhuo Bufan knows very well that Eternal Heavenly Dao cannot kill him.

Because he is also afraid that he will go back to the past and change the future.

But at this time, Eternal Heavenly Dao suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Don't you want to die?"

"Hand over the power of Daluo Tiandao, and I will let you die."

"As long as the power of Daluo Tiandao is in your body, you can't die."

"This power won't let you die either."

"Unless you hand over this power, I will naturally kill you immediately."

At this time, Yongheng Tiandao once again said a condition that Zhuo Bufan couldn't refuse.

He could kill Zhuo Bufan, but the prerequisite was that Zhuo Bufan handed over Daluo Tiandao.

Indeed, the most important reason why Zhuo Bufan couldn't die now was because of the power of Daluo Tiandao, so Zhuo Bufan couldn't die.

If he handed over the power of Daluo Tiandao now, he could die and then reload the file.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't agree blindly.

Because he knew very well that this was probably a trap set by Yongheng Tiandao.

Eternal Tiandao probably had a way to deal with Zhuo Bufan's reload, so he would be reckless.

Once Zhuo Bufan handed over the power of Daluo Tiandao, then Zhuo Bufan would have no way to escape the punishment of Eternal Tiandao.

Zhuo Bufan has already experienced the power of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

If he surrenders the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao, then Zhuo Bufan will have no power to fight back.

Therefore, facing the request of the Eternal Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan chose to refuse without hesitation.

"Impossible, if you want me to surrender the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao, then you'd better kill me!"

Zhuo Bufan would never compromise, and the Eternal Heavenly Dao sighed after hearing this.

"It seems that I can only suppress you again."

Zhuo Bufan said angrily after hearing this.

"You are the Heavenly Dao, but you are really untrustworthy and can do anything."

The Eternal Heavenly Dao smiled and replied after hearing this.

"Does it matter?"

"Let's stop here!"

After saying this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao was about to use the Heavenly Dao Cage against Zhuo Bufan again.

However, at this moment, a terrifying void force suddenly came out from the void.

The Heavenly Dao Cage built by the Eternal Heavenly Dao was torn to pieces on the spot.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao was stunned on the spot.

"What is this?"

Eternal Heavenly Dao was extremely surprised, and saw a familiar figure once again emerging in the void.

He looked closely and found that the person who came was none other than Zhou Yi, the Lord of the Void, who he had imprisoned in the Heavenly Dao Cage before.

"Mr. Zhou!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw Zhou Yi, he was particularly excited.

Ever since Zhou Yi lost contact, Zhuo Bufan had been trying to find him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi appeared at this time, which undoubtedly gave them great hope.

And Eternal Heavenly Dao was also very surprised, because he did not expect Zhou Yi to be able to break through his Heavenly Dao Cage.

Before there was Zhuo Bufan, and now it was Zhou Yi.

The strongest trap that he was proud of, now no one can trap it. Zhuo Bufan was able to escape, and Eternal Heavenly Dao was already very shocked.

Now Zhou Yi actually escaped, which was simply a humiliation for him, the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

"Very good, very good!"

"Since they are all out, let's catch them all in one fell swoop!"

As soon as Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, a huge law net appeared in the surrounding void, wrapping up Zhuo Bufan and the others.

As expected, they were caught in one fell swoop, and the power of words and deeds was really terrifying.

Seeing this, Zhou Yi immediately shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

"You deal with that guy, and leave this guy to me."

After Zhou Yi finished speaking, he condensed the energy of the void again and slashed at the law net.

In an instant, the law net was cut off.

"You, have become stronger?"

Eternal Tiandao looked at Zhou Yi in surprise and said.

Obviously, he could feel Zhou Yi's strength.

If it was the previous Zhou Yi, it would be impossible to break his net.

Now Zhou Yi only used one move to break his net, which was really shocking.

Zhou Yi looked at Yongheng Tiandao and smiled triumphantly.

"Speaking of which, this is all thanks to you. If it weren't for your Heavenly Prison, I wouldn't have unlocked the ultimate seal in my body."

"When the Lord of Time exiled me, he also completely sealed my power."

"So before, I was less than one-tenth of my peak period."

"Now you will face the Lord of the Void who has reached the peak of his strength."

"Little thing, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are the will of the Lord of Time."

"I will let you see my power now."

After Zhou Yi, the Lord of the Void, finished speaking, he slashed the Void Blade at the Eternal Heavenly Dao with his backhand.

Obviously, the power of this Void Blade was obviously beyond the Word Spirit Law of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

When the Eternal Heavenly Dao said, "Disappear."

The power of the Void Blade did not disappear, but became even more terrifying.

He slashed in the void.

Then, there was a scream.


The Eternal Heavenly Dao was actually severely injured by Zhou Yi.

Just one strike made the Eternal Heavenly Dao witness the miraculous power.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao was caught off guard by this strike, so that he could not defend in time and was severely injured.

Not only that, after being severely injured, the Eternal Heavenly Dao soon discovered that this power could not be healed.

The new power of the void could not be healed.


When the Eternal Heavenly Dao wanted to use the Word Spirit Law to heal himself, he found that the Word Spirit Law was actually invalid at this time.

The heroine of the Eternal Heavenly Dao showed an incredible look.

Zhou Yi smiled triumphantly when he saw this.

"Do you really think you are invincible?"

"Do you really think that your Word Spirit Law is the strongest law power in the world?"

"Do you know that laws also have levels. Your Word Spirit Law is indeed invincible, but it is limited to this world."

"And my Void Law is a law power that transcends this world and belongs to the ultimate law of the infinite world."

"Facing the law power of a higher level than mine, do you think your Word Spirit Law is still effective?"

After Zhou Yi unsealed himself, he obviously became another person.

Now Zhou Yi, as he said, is in the complete void.

Now Zhou Yi also has the power to fight against the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan was also shocked after seeing this scene.

"As expected of Mr. Zhou, he is so powerful that it is incredible."

Zhuo Bufan has always believed in the power of Mr. Zhou.

After all, Mr. Zhou is the servant of the Lord of Time. How can he be a mediocre person to be the servant of the Lord of Time?

Mr. Zhou controls the void law of the infinite world, and the law level is above the Chaos God Realm.

Therefore, the power of the law of the Eternal Heavenly Dao can only have a limited impact on the power of the law of Mr. Zhou.

This is also the capital that Mr. Zhou can rely on now.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly said.

"Mr. Zhou, then I'll leave this to you."

"I'll go deal with the God of Creation and Destruction first."

Zhuo Bufan saw that Mr. Zhou had temporarily suppressed the Eternal Heavenly Dao, so he naturally had time to breathe a sigh of relief, and then Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at his opponent, the God of Creation and Destruction.

"Three, work together to kill him. Then go help Mr. Zhou to destroy the Eternal Heavenly Dao."

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Yu Ding and said.

Then, Zhuo Bufan led Yu Ding and Qian Kun and rushed towards the God of Creation and Destruction.

Although Yongheng Tiandao was shocked by Zhou Lao's strength, it did not mean that Zhou Lao could defeat Yongheng Tiandao.

After all, they were now in the Chaos God Realm, which was the home of Yongheng Tiandao.

Yongheng Tiandao saw Zhuo Bufan and his men rushing towards the God of Creation and Destruction, so he transferred part of his power to the God of Creation and Destruction.

"Destroy them."

As soon as the voice fell, the God of Creation and Destruction rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

The Sword of Creation and the Spear of Destruction produced a mighty power in the air that shocked the world and made the gods weep.

Smashed Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light ball.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled, and then the swallowing light ball condensed again, and then smashed towards the God of Creation and Destruction frantically.

On the other side, Yuding and Qiankun joined forces, and under the blessing of Yi Tianxing's Chaos Artifact.

The two sides bombed each other instantly.

Bang bang bang bang!

There was another explosion, and Zhuo Bufan and the God of Creation and Destruction scattered in a violent explosion.

Then, Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ding joined forces, each using a peerless killing move to slash at the God of Creation and Destruction.

The God of Creation and Destruction reacted very promptly. As soon as he was knocked away by Zhuo Bufan, he immediately gathered his mighty power and then killed Zhuo Bufan.

The God of Creation and Destruction was powerful and fought with Zhuo Bufan in the air for dozens of rounds.

Every time, Zhuo Bufan used all his strength.

However, after several rounds of fighting, Zhuo Bufan did not gain an obvious advantage.

Obviously, the strength of the God of Creation and Destruction has become extremely terrifying under the blessing of the power of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Even Zhuo Bufan could only barely tie with the opponent.

On the other side, the battle between Zhou Lao and the Eternal Heavenly Dao also began to show signs.

Although Zhou Lao has recovered his peak strength and has repeatedly hit the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

However, the Eternal Heavenly Dao is the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Even if Zhou Lao's strength has reached the peak, even if Zhou Lao's power of the Void Law is stronger than the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

But after several rounds of fighting, the Eternal Heavenly Dao had obviously mastered the power of the Void Law of Zhou Lao.

And began to fight back.

And every time he fought back, Zhou Lao felt a strong pressure.

So, from this moment on, the battle between Zhou Lao and the Eternal Heavenly Dao had already been decided.

The more powerful one was still the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Zhou Lao could only fight with the Eternal Heavenly Dao temporarily.

Once the Eternal Heavenly Dao got serious, Zhou Lao would probably still fail.

It was because of the seriousness of the matter that Zhuo Bufan realized that he had to resolve the battle with the God of Creation and Destruction as soon as possible, and he had to help Zhou Lao immediately.

Zhuo Bufan took a look at the God of Creation and Destruction who was dealing with it with ease, then he turned around and looked at Yu Ding and Qian Kun and said.

"Everyone, I need your strength."

Yu Ding and Qian Kun nodded without hesitation after hearing this.

"Go ahead, we will help you."

After that, Yu Ding, Qian Kun and Yi Tianxing transferred all their strength to Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan devoured the power of the three of them, he condensed a super large swallowing light ball.

Then, Zhuo Bufan grabbed the swallowing light ball and killed the God of Creation and Destruction.

When the God of Creation and Destruction saw Zhuo Bufan coming, he immediately merged the Sword of Creation in his left hand with the Spear of Destruction in his right hand.

After the two artifacts merged together, a terrifying artifact was formed.

The God of Creation and Destruction grabbed the artifact and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

In an instant, Zhuo Bufan collided with the God of Creation and Destruction.

The Devouring Light Ball began to collide with the terrifying artifact, and the space began to collapse as the energy poured out.

"Destroy it!"

Zhuo Bufan roared, and the devouring power increased again.

Then the Devouring Light Ball spread towards the terrifying artifact.

In just a moment, the terrifying artifact was devoured by Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Light Ball.

Not only that, the powerful Devouring Light Ball began to destroy the God of Creation and Destruction together.

The God of Creation and Destruction, in despair, watched himself being devoured by Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Light Ball.

In the end, his entire body was devoured into Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Light Ball.

Then, there was no more echo.

Seeing this scene, the Eternal Heavenly Dao immediately retreated his opponent in front of him, that is, Zhou Lao.

He set up a powerful Heavenly Dao chain in his backhand and bound Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not wait for the Eternal Heavenly Dao to launch an attack, he took the initiative to kill the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan had no time to rest at all.

He had just killed the God of Creation and Destruction, and he had to face the more terrifying enemy, the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan, Zhou Lao and everyone in Yuding joined forces to fight against the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

And the Eternal Heavenly Dao, at this time, finally revealed his true appearance.

In the meantime, the Eternal Heavenly Dao condensed a body with three heads and six arms, and then descended his own Heavenly Dao power into it.

When this three-headed and six-armed life appeared in front of them, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Lao and others felt deeply shocked.

Undoubtedly, the Eternal Heavenly Dao in this state is the most powerful Eternal Heavenly Dao.

At this time, the Eternal Heavenly Dao looked in three directions with his three heads, and then spoke at the same time.

"You, have completely angered me."

"Next, face the punishment of this deity!"

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding law chains began to condense continuously, and then began to unfold rapidly.

For a moment, a huge law domain enveloped the entire void and changed the entire battlefield.

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