Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1508 1509: Battle against Heaven (Part 2)

1509: Fighting Heavenly Dao (Part 2)

Eternal Heavenly Dao finally made a big move, and the powerful Heavenly Dao Law enveloped everyone.

In this area, Zhou Yi's Void Law was distorted, and its horror can be imagined.

Moreover, Zhou Yi also found that the power of the Void Law could not be fully exerted in the Heavenly Dao Law of Eternal Heavenly Dao.

The power of his own Void Law was suppressed, and the Void Law could no longer easily cause damage to Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Not only Zhou Yi, but also Zhuo Bufan and his power were greatly suppressed.

The Devouring Law and the Reincarnation Law could not be done as he pleased.

After all, Eternal Heavenly Dao is the master of this world. As long as he is in this world, everything in this world will be under his control.

The situation is critical, and Zhuo Bufan must do something.

He used the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao to fight with Eternal Heavenly Dao again.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan can only fight with Eternal Heavenly Dao, and he does not have the ability to be the enemy of Eternal Heavenly Dao.

"To defeat the Eternal Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan needs even more powerful power."

"Everyone, I need your power."

Zhuo Bufan opened a huge swallowing halo behind him.

When the swallowing halo appeared, everyone present tacitly transmitted their power to the swallowing halo.

The swallowing halo can gather everyone's power together and condense into a more powerful force.

After Zhuo Bufan merged the power of Zhou Yi and Yu Ding, he pushed his hands and the swallowing halo on his body began to expand rapidly.

Soon, a huge law field was formed.

The swallowing law field began to spread throughout the void.

Everywhere you look, you can see Zhuo Bufan's swallowing light balls.

Completely different from the law field of the Heavenly Dao Law, the law field of the swallowing Heavenly Dao Law is obviously more violent.

Even the law power of the Eternal Heavenly Dao is swallowed together.

The two major law fields began to collide, hit each other, and entangle with each other.

For a time, the two sides were evenly matched and it was difficult to tell who was better.

Even the Eternal Heavenly Dao was shocked.

"You can actually compete with me. I underestimated you."

Eternal Heavenly Dao said to Zhuo Bufan in shock.

Zhuo Bufan did not answer, because at this moment, he had to devote himself to the battle to avoid being killed inexplicably by the guy in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan was waiting, and he didn't know who he was waiting for.

He felt that someone would come to help him.


Fighting the Heavenly Dao is not just a matter of one person.

In the distant river of time.

Zhuo Bufan's brother Gao Yangxu was coming on a time ship.

He had successfully built the time ship and entered the time river domain of the Chaos God Realm.

Soon, Gao Yangxu returned to the Chaos God Realm through the time river.

When he returned to the Chaos God Realm, he began to look for Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts.

But in the vast chaos, it was not easy to find Zhuo Bufan.

And at this time, Gao Yangxu saw a group of people.

The leader was Zhuo Bufan's friend in the Ronin tribe, Ronin Shun.

Gao Yangxu had met Ronin Shun once before, so he recognized him at a glance.

Ronin Shun also recognized the man standing in front of them.

"Is it you? I have seen you. You have been with Brother Zhuo."

Ronin Shun was very excited when he saw Gao Yangxu.

Gao Yangxu nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, I am Brother Zhuo's elder brother. I have also seen you. You are his friend."

Ronin Shun replied.

"Thanks to Brother Zhuo for looking up to me. It is my honor to meet a friend like Zuo Xiong in this life."

Ronin Shun and Gao Yangxu exchanged some politeness.

At this time, Ronin Shun continued.

"By the way, you must have come here to help Brother Zhuo!"

After hearing this, Ronin Shun quickly replied.

"Yes, do you know where Brother Zhuo and the others are now?"

Gao Yangxu was very excited. Obviously, Ronin Shun seemed to know the whereabouts of Zhuo Bufan.

Ronin Shun quickly replied.

"I don't know the details, but a few days ago I received a message from Yi Tianxing, saying that he was going to have a decisive battle with the Eternal Heavenly Dao, and asked me to gather all the strong men to prepare to resist the Eternal Heavenly Dao together."

"The ones behind you are the peerless strong men I have gathered. Each of them has amazing talents."

"We are about to rush to Yixing to meet up with Yi Tianxing and others."

Gao Yangxu hurriedly said after hearing this.

"Then can you take me with you?"

Ronin Shun glanced at Gao Yangxu in front of him, and then nodded.

"Of course, I have seen your strength, which is also first-class in the world. We need your strength now."

"Then let's go to Yixing now."

Then, Gao Yangxu followed Ronin Shun and others and rushed to the direction of Yixing.

When they arrived at Yixing, they found that Yixing's owner Yi Tianxing was not here.

However, Yi Tianxing left a message, which showed that they had gone to the Eternal Star Domain.

So Gao Yangxu and Ronin Shun did not hesitate and rushed to the Eternal Star Domain immediately.

When they arrived at the Eternal Star Region, they suddenly discovered that an insurmountable barrier had been set up around the entire Eternal Star Region.

Everyone was helpless in the face of this huge barrier.

"What kind of barrier is this? It's so indestructible?"

"Take a step forward and feel like your soul is being swallowed.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu narrowed his eyes and replied.

"If I guess correctly, this should be a powerful field of law."

"Law Domain? It sounds very powerful."

The ronin on the side said instantly.

Gao Yangxu replied.

"This is not a simple field of laws. It is very powerful. Even I may not be able to break through it for a while."

Although Gao Yangxu has returned to the top, he is still powerless in the face of the law field in front of him.

Ronin listened for a moment and replied.

"In that case, Brother Zhuo and the others must be here now."

"Then we must break through this realm of law at all costs."

Ronin Shun finished speaking, armed himself again, and then punched hard at the law field in front of him.

However, his fist seemed extremely small in front of this law field.

Punch down and there won't even be any reaction.

Gao Yangxu, who saw this scene, walked to the huge barrier, stretched out his hand and said.

"With our strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to break this defense at all."

"However, if we cooperate with the people inside, maybe we can do it."

After hearing this for a moment, Ronin frowned.

"What should we do if the inside should be coordinated with the outside?"

"Now we don't even know what the conditions are inside."

Gao Yangxu reached out and touched the law barrier in front of him, and then said.

"It depends on the tacit understanding."

"Let's see if Brother Zhuo can sense my thoughts."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

He began to convey his thoughts into the barrier.

At the same time, outside the barrier, Zhuo Bufan and the others were fighting a fierce battle with the eternal heaven.

After Zhuo Bufan devoured the energy from Zhou Yi and everyone else, he was barely able to fight against the eternal heaven.

The power of the laws of eternal heaven is endless and cannot be guessed at all, let alone changed.

Zhuo Bufan could only barely resist the power of eternal heaven.

At this time, Eternal Tiandao suddenly spoke to Zhuo Bufan.

"You should know very well that if I want to kill you, it will be easy."

"For me, the difficult thing is not to kill you, but how to ensure that I can't kill you and yet subdue you."

"Submit to me and give me the power of Daluo Tiandao in you."

Facing the ridicule of eternal heaven, Zhuo Bufan was unable to refute.

At least one thing Eternal Heaven is right about, that is, with Zhuo Bufan's current strength, he is indeed no match for Eternal Heaven.

And it is indeed easy for Eternal Heaven to kill him.

As Eternal Tiandao himself said, it is not difficult to kill Zhuo Bufan.

The difficulty is how to prevent Zhuo Bufan from taking the opportunity to read the file and go back to the past.

This is also the reason why Eternal Heaven has not yet killed Zhuo Bufan.

Facing the question from Eternal Heaven, Zhuo Bufan appeared very indifferent.

"Then kill me if you can. If you don't kill me, you will definitely regret it."

Zhuo Bufan is not bewitched by the eternal way of heaven.

Not only that, but it also threatens eternal heaven.

Eternal Tiandao obviously did not expect Zhuo Bufan to be so tenacious, he sighed and replied.

"Since you don't know whether to live or die, I can only help you."

"Although I can't kill you, it's easy to make you unable to survive or die."

After Eternal Tiandao finished speaking, suddenly the law energy in front of him began to increase rapidly.

It moved towards Zhuo Bufan almost overwhelmingly.

Zhuo Bufan had no power to resist at all, and he was blasted away together with Zhou Yi, Yuding Qiankun and others behind him.

At the same time, several law chains sealed Zhou Yi and Yuding.

Jade Cauldron and Qiankun had a battle with the God of Destruction before, and now they have transferred all their power to Zhuo Bufan.

Now they have no power to fight back.

So now, among them, the only ones with combat power are Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Yi.

Others are unable to move at all after being trapped by the chains of eternal heavenly laws.

For a time, Zhuo Bufan's combat effectiveness dropped again.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan felt more and more frightened in his heart.

"What to do next?"

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

If this continues, they will only be wiped out.

He needs more and more power.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly sensed something deep in his soul.

"Brother Zhuo, can you hear my voice?"

"I'm outside the law barrier now, and I'm here to help you come."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this voice, his eyes lit up.


"You have returned from the infinite world."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the power of his soul was able to penetrate the eternal heavenly barrier of heaven and connect with Gao Yangxu outside the barrier.

Gao Yangxu obviously heard the voice of Zhuo Bufan's soul, and he said quickly.

"It's me, brother. Now you and I join forces, cooperate inside and outside, and break the barrier."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"I understand, brother, be careful."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air, and a Devouring Divine Sword appeared in his hand.

The black blade carries extremely terrifying devouring power, and the condensed power seems to be able to cut through the sky.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan gathering his killing move, Yongheng Tiandao felt puzzled.

"It seems that you still don't give up. I can only make you more desperate."

After Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, he also raised his hand and condensed a Tiandao Sword in his hand.

"The sword of the Heavenly Dao, cut, stand, and decide!"

The sword of the Heavenly Dao is a sword that cannot be dodged or defended.

Seeing this destructive sword coming, Zhuo Bufan swung it back.


The next second, the Heavenly Dao Sword of Yongheng Tiandao slashed heavily on Zhuo Bufan's head.

However, Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Divine Sword slashed out from the side of Yongheng Tiandao.


Zhuo Bufan's body was instantly cut in half.

As expected, he did not dodge at all.

Seeing this scene, Yongheng Tiandao looked back at the knife that Zhuo Bufan had cut off.

"Your sword is far from good enough."

"It seems that you really want to die, so you don't hide or defend."

"But I won't let you die."

In the eyes of Eternal Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan's sword just now was actually a sword of death.

Fortunately, he did not use the complete Heavenly Dao Sword.

This sword will not take Zhuo Bufan's life. But it will seriously injure Zhuo Bufan.


Eternal Heavenly Dao raised his hand and said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, who had been cut in half by the Heavenly Dao Sword, was restored to his original appearance again.

Eternal Heavenly Dao used the Word Spirit Law to forcibly restore Zhuo Bufan.

"You really won't kill me."

After Zhuo Bufan recovered, he squinted his eyes and looked at the monster with three heads and six arms in front of him.

Seeing this, Eternal Heavenly Dao grinned.

"Hahaha, you want to die? You're dreaming."

"I won't let you die."

"Only I, Yongheng Tiandao, can kill you in this world, and if I don't kill you, you can't die."

After Yongheng Tiandao finished speaking, he laughed very proudly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan also smiled awkwardly.

"I said, what can't kill me will only make me stronger."

"If you don't kill me, you will regret it."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a terrifying divine light suddenly flew from behind Yongheng Tiandao.


The divine light went straight through the back of Yongheng Tiandao.

Yongheng Tiandao was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, he saw a group of people coming to kill him from behind.

The person who came was Gao Yangxu, who came with a gun.

"Brother Zhuo, I'm here!"

Gao Yangxu, to be precise, is the Lord of Samsara.

Gao Yangxu, who has become the Lord of Samsara again, is as powerful as Zhou Yi, the Lord of the Void, and is as powerful as Zhuo Bufan.

His appearance undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the defenseless Eternal Heavenly Dao.

"Brother Zhuo, we are here too."

Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved when he saw Gao Yangxu and Ronin Shun.

"Everyone, you are here."

Finally, Gao Yangxu and his team met Zhuo Bufan.

And the knife that Zhuo Bufan just cut was obviously a collaboration with Gao Yangxu to destroy the Heavenly Dao barrier.

Gao Yangxu said excitedly after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, we are here to help you."

The Lord of the Void Zhou Yi said when he saw Gao Yangxu.

"It seems that you have passed the test of the Lord of Time."

"Very good, now we need your strength."

Zhuo Bufan also said at this time.

"Brother, now is not the time to reminisce about the past. In front of us is the ruler of this world."

For a moment, everyone looked at the Eternal Heavenly Dao flying in the void.

Ronin Shun and others couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"This is the ruler of the world, the Eternal Heavenly Dao, right?"

"In front of him, we are so insignificant."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly encouraged him.

"Although we are insignificant, we can also defy the heavens."

"Everyone, if you trust me, give me your power."

"Let's kill him together!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the devouring halo behind him was activated again.


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