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Chapter 1509 1510: Battle against Heaven (Part 2)

1510: Fighting the Way of Heaven (Part 2)

Reinforcements finally arrived. In addition to the super strong Gao Yangxu, Ronin Shun also brought some of the strongest men in this chaos.

Those who are here now are all the strongest in this chaotic void.

However, the enemy these strongest men have to face is the master of this world.

Eternal Tiandao showed an extremely disgusted expression after seeing these people.

"A bunch of bastards, it's not good to live a humble life, why do you have to come here to die?"

In the eyes of Eternal Heaven, these people are all stupid people who do not understand current affairs.

Isn't it bad to live a humble life under your own rule?

Since there can only be one ruler in this world, why can't it be yourself?

Eternal Heaven couldn't understand why these stupid humans disobeyed him.

After listening to Eternal Tiandao's words, Zhuo Bufan frowned and replied.

"As the way of heaven, you have no problem managing this world."

"You designed to kill Da Luotian, and there is no contradiction."

"But you want to covet the Lord of Time and intend to seize the infinite world. It is too wishful thinking."

Eternal Heaven smiled after hearing this.

"So what? I want to conquer the infinite world. Does it have anything to do with you?"

This sentence really stunned Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Indeed, the Eternal Heaven's plan to seize the infinite world has nothing to do with ordinary humans like them.

Especially Zhuo Bufan, he is the world god of the Yin and Yang world. The chaotic world and the infinite world have nothing to do with him.

But Zhuo Bufan knew very well in his heart that he could not let the eternal heaven kill the Lord of Time.

The entire infinite world is maintained by the power of the Lord of Time.

Once the Lord of Time dies, the entire infinite world will be destroyed.

At that time, even the Chaos God Realm will disappear.

"What are the consequences of killing the Time Lord?"

"The entire infinite world will begin to be destroyed. At that time, all worlds and all living creatures will be finished. Including you."

After hearing this, Eternal Heaven just laughed it off.

"You think I don't know what you said?"

"As long as I seize the Lord of Time, the infinite world will naturally fall into my hands."

"I don't just want the Lord of Time, I want the entire infinite world."

Eternal Heaven intends to seize the Lord of Time Seed so that he can control the entire infinite world.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan obviously couldn't let Eternal Heaven continue to do whatever he wanted.

"Then don't even think about it."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the Devouring Divine Ring behind him began to crazily devour the surrounding energy.

Seeing this, Gao Yangxu, Yu Ding and others from the side quickly passed their power to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, let me help you."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he started to output with all his strength, just to help Zhuo Bufan and let Zhuo Bufan reach the limit of his power.

After Zhuo Bufan devoured the energy input by everyone, he raised his hand and grabbed a world-destroying divine light. The secrets of the Law of Devouring and the Law of Reincarnation were completely released at this moment.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan also incorporated the mysteries of time that he understood into it.

Although Zhuo Bufan did not control the most powerful law of time, he had practiced the secret of time when he was in the Arcane God Realm, so he also had a certain understanding of the law of time.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan also integrated most of the power of Daluo Tiandao.

The power of Daluo Heavenly Dao is the only weight that can compete with the eternal Heavenly Dao.

The next move was a killer move that combined all of Zhuo Bufan's powers.

Seeing this scene, Eternal Tiandao also raised his hand and started gathering killing moves.

Around Eternal Heaven, halos of laws began to spin out.

As the master who controls all the laws of this world, the power of eternal heaven is obviously more powerful.

Both sides can clearly feel how powerful the power of eternal heaven is just by condensing their killing moves.

"Not even close."

Zhuo Bufan clearly felt the gap between his own power and the eternal way of heaven.

Although he possesses the power of Da Luo Tiandao, he is not Da Luo Tiandao himself after all.

Moreover, the strength of the Eternal Heavenly Dao is probably higher than that of the Great Luo Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan still lacks a very important force, this force.

If it were said that the three emperors had joined forces to seal Daluo Tiandao.

So Zhuo Bufan is still at least one emperor short of strength.

Perhaps, if Emperor Wa appears now, they will be able to suppress the eternal heavenly law together.

However, Emperor Wa would not appear.

Because the current Emperor Wa no longer has much fighting power.

Moreover, Emperor Wa also wanted to open the sealed door in his soul.

So there was no way she could have made it to the scene.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was extremely desperate, suddenly an extremely familiar voice came from deep within Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Zhuo Lang, let me help you."

The moment Zhuo Bufan heard the voice, his eyes lit up.

Although this voice had not been heard for a long, long time, Zhuo Bufan was still very familiar with it.


Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but call out deep in his soul.

Yes, this very familiar voice to him was the woman who had been waiting for him for a hundred thousand years, Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi has been sleeping since Zhuo Bufan resurrected her.

Now, when she needs strength the most, Meng Chanyi wakes up.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, he only saw a flash of surprise appearing in front of him.

That woman, she's back.

She is still as beautiful as in the painting, with elegant clothes and indescribable beauty.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw her, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes with excitement.

"It's really you, are you awake?"

Appearing together with Meng Chanyi are Meng Chanyi's missing body Tianmeng and Mo Chichi, who was previously resurrected by Zhuo Bufan.

When Meng Chanyi woke up, she found herself lying in Zhuo Bufan's inner world.

At this time, she discovered that Zhuo Bufan was going through a big battle. The inner world collapsed several times.

Meng Chanyi knew that Zhuo Bufan needed her help, so she obliged and led Tianmeng and the others to appear in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely excited after seeing this scene.

Tianmeng didn't say much and directly passed on his secret of time to Zhuo Bufan.

The secret of time mastered by Tian Meng is the power of the world god in the Arcane God Realm.

This power is the power of heaven that is not weaker than the eternal heaven.

Meng Chanyi, on the other hand, passed on her most powerful sky-repairing technique to Zhuo Bufan.

After integrating Meng Chanyi's Heaven-Mending Technique, Zhuo Bufan's Heaven-Mending Technique finally reached the same level as Emperor Wa.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan merged with Mo Chichi's power of heaven.

Mo Chichi is Da Luotian's clone and controls part of Da Luotian's power.

In order to resurrect Mo ChiChi, Zhuo Bufan previously transferred part of the power of Daluo Tiandao to Mo ChiChi.

Therefore, for Zhuo Bufan at present, the power of Daluo Tiantian Dao that he has mastered is not satisfactory.

But after merging Mo Chichi's heavenly power, his great Luotian power became complete.

After Zhuo Bufan obtained the power of Mo Chichi, Meng Chanyi and Tianmeng.

Finally, his ultimate law, the law of time, was perfectly activated at this moment.

The halo of the law of time appeared on Zhuo Bufan.

The extraordinary moment was like the way of heaven.

After fusing the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao with the three laws, Zhuo Bufan finally had the power to confront the eternal Heavenly Dao.

Eternal Tiandao finally showed a nervous look when he saw Zhuo Bufan's new state.

He did not expect that the power Zhuo Bufan swallowed would have no limit.

Using the Law of Devouring, he devoured everyone's energy, and then forcibly raised his own power to the same level as himself.

Eternal Heavenly Dao never expected that someone could transform into Heavenly Dao alone and be on an equal footing with him.

Although Zhuo Bufan's form of heaven will not last long, it is enough to fight against the eternal heaven.

When Eternal Tiandao saw this scene, he had to start getting serious.

The halo of laws on his body is getting bigger and bigger, and the number is also increasing.

The law of time, the law of space, the law of light, the law of darkness, the law of devouring, the law of reincarnation, the law of the five elements, etc.

The halos of various laws are woven into an energy ball that can destroy the starry sky.

In contrast, Zhuo Bufan only has three laws of power.

But he still has the power of Da Luo Tiandao.

"Are you sure you want to fight me? Do you know that this may very well turn the entire Chaos Void into ashes?"

Eternal Tiandao suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan hummed after hearing this.

"There is no need to kidnap me morally here. Even if you destroy the entire world, you still have to stop your ambition."

"If you really kill the Lord of Time, then it will not just be a chaotic world that is destroyed."

"When the time comes, I don't know how many worlds will be destroyed by your hands."

After hearing this, Eternal Heaven said angrily.

"Do you really think you are so unscrupulous because I don't dare to kill you?"

As soon as Eternal Tiandao finished speaking, the ball of light in his hand flew out.

This is a law light ball that combines the power of no less than a thousand laws, which is enough to destroy everything.

Once it explodes, I'm afraid the entire Eternal Star Territory will be wiped out.

But facing Shenhui, Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate and pushed out his law light ball.

The two forces of heaven finally collided at that moment.

This is a battle where even if you win, you will both die.

The collision of two supreme powers of heaven is enough to level everything.

It can be said that no matter which side wins, they will still suffer devastating damage.

Therefore, this battle is a destruction for Eternal Tiandao and Zhuo Bufan.

Perhaps it will be the destruction of the entire Chaos God Realm.


The moment the two heavenly light balls collided, it was like a big collision between heaven and earth and a big explosion in the universe.

No matter what it was, it was instantly destroyed at that moment.

Dust, meteorites, stars.

All things are broken down to ashes.

At the last moment, Zhuo Bufan transferred everyone to his inner world.

This was the last thing Zhuo Bufan could do. As for whether he could protect everyone, Zhuo Bufan didn't know.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, stayed to fight the big explosion alone.

Between him and Eternal Heaven, whoever can survive this big explosion will be the final winner.

When things developed to this point, no one expected what the final result would be.

Even the Eternal Heavenly Dao is still determined to defeat everything.

I don’t know how long it took until the big explosion finally went out completely.

Zhuo Bufan slowly emerged from the chaos with an extremely weak consciousness.

"I'm alive?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that he was still alive when this consciousness was born.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan found that his soul was actually preserved by the power of the Heavenly Dao of Daluo Tiandao.

It was the power of Daluo Tiandao that protected him and saved him from death.

Originally, Zhuo Bufan was determined to fight to the death this time.

Even if he died, he could reload the game, but in the end, he still survived.

The wish to reload the game was obviously not possible.

"Did you win?"

In any case, since he was still alive, it meant that Zhuo Bufan had not lost in this energy contest at the level of the Big Bang.

In other words, he might have won the final victory in this battle.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.


At the same time as hearing this voice, Zhuo Bufan's originally broken body began to slowly recover.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he saw the Eternal Heavenly Dao in front of him.

"You want to die, but that's not possible. I haven't let you die yet."

When Zhuo Bufan saw the Eternal Heavenly Dao, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"How could it be? You're still alive?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that he had won the battle.

He didn't expect that in the end, he would lose.

And the reason why he was still alive was that the Eternal Heavenly Dao and the Daluo Heavenly Dao prevented his death at the same time.

This battle was doomed to fail Zhuo Bufan from the beginning.

So when Zhuo Bufan saw the Eternal Heavenly Dao again, his eyes were full of fear.

In this battle, he had gone all out, but he was still not the opponent of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Now, he couldn't even want to die.

Zhuo Bufan collapsed, looking at the Eternal Heavenly Dao, completely helpless.

Although the Eternal Heavenly Dao was severely injured in this ultimate duel, he was still the absolute king, and he still played Zhuo Bufan in the palm of his hand.

He is the will of the Lord of Time and the supreme ruler of this world. How could he lose to an ordinary person?

"Are you desperate now?"

"I said that even if I don't kill you, I can still make you despair."

Eternal Heavenly Dao said to Zhuo Bufan in front of him.

Yes, despair.

For Zhuo Bufan, now he is only left with despair.

He has no power to reverse this situation.

He even found that his inner world disappeared.

In order to protect everyone, he put everyone into the inner world.

Now, the inner world has completely disappeared, and he doesn't even know whether everyone is dead or alive.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was desperate, Eternal Heavenly Dao raised his hand.

A blue star appeared on his palm.

Zhuo Bufan said excitedly when he saw the star.

"My inner world is still there!"

Eternal Heavenly Dao glanced at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Your world is in my hands."

"Now you have two choices. The first choice is to fight to the end and wait for deeper despair. And I will crush your world and destroy all life in this small world."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shouted almost without hesitation.

"What is the second choice?"

After hearing this, Yongheng Tiandao smiled slightly.

"The second choice is to hand over the power of Daluo Tiandao in your body. I can guarantee that you will not die, and at the same time, I will return your small world to you."

"The most important thing is that I can resurrect anyone you want to resurrect."

"I know a little about your affairs. Ni Cangqiong destroyed your world and also killed your most important relatives."

"And I can resurrect all of them."

After hearing this choice, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Being able to resurrect everyone is undoubtedly the best choice for Zhuo Bufan.

So far, Zhuo Bufan seems to have only this one choice.

Since he can't compete with Yongheng Tiandao, why not choose to surrender?

Why should he intervene in the war between Yongheng Tiandao and the Lord of Time?

It's better to take his wife and children back to his own small world and live his own life.

When he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan lowered his head.

"Okay, I'll give you the power of Daluo Tiandao."

Zhuo Bufan compromised.


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