Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1510 1511: You are the Lord of Time

1511: You are the Lord of Time

Faced with the two options given by the Eternal Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan chose the second one without hesitation.

Because he knew very well that it was obviously meaningless to resist the Eternal Heavenly Dao now.

The best result is to hand over the Heavenly Dao power of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

So, Zhuo Bufan chose to hand over the Heavenly Dao power in his body. Only in this way can he get everything he wants.

Since it is a transaction, why not choose a transaction that is beneficial to himself?

Facing Zhuo Bufan's choice, the Eternal Heavenly Dao was very satisfied.

"Yes, you made the right choice."

"Now, hand over the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao in your body!"

After saying this, the Eternal Heavenly Dao stretched out his hand towards Zhuo Bufan's head.

Soon, the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao began to be torn out of Zhuo Bufan's body by the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

And this time, Zhuo Bufan did not stop it.

He completely emptied his soul. Only in this way could the Eternal Heavenly Dao smoothly tear the power of Daluo Heavenly Dao out of his body.

Zhuo Bufan did not stop him. He had agreed to the request of Yongheng Tiandao. He was willing to give up everything he had as long as he could bring back the resurrection of his loved ones.

Soon, the power of Daluo Tiandao began to be torn out of Zhuo Bufan's body bit by bit by Yongheng Tiandao.

However, at this moment, the archive door deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul suddenly opened.

Then two rays of destructive divine light were projected from it.

These two rays of destructive divine light were very powerful and directly pierced the forehead of Yongheng Tiandao.

Yongheng Tiandao was seriously injured on the spot.

"What's the matter? Do you regret it?"

Yongheng Tiandao looked at Zhuo Bufan and roared.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head quickly.

"It has nothing to do with me."

"That's Daluo Tiandao?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head again.

"It's not his power. This divine light was released from my archive door."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that this ray of destructive divine light was not released by himself or Daluo Tiandao.

It was erupted from his archive door, and the power was very powerful.

Both Yongheng Tiandao and Zhuo Bufan were extremely surprised by this.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Zhuo Bufan.


The other party grabbed Zhuo Bufan and was about to run away.

Zhuo Bufan looked carefully and saw that it was not someone else, but——

"Lady Wa?"

That's right, it was Wa who came to rescue Zhuo Bufan.

Yongheng Tiandao was furious when he saw this.

"You really went back on your word, and you made me angry."

After saying this, Yongheng Tiandao chased after Zhuo Bufan.

However, just as Yongheng Tiandao was about to chase Zhuo Bufan, his body suddenly began to collapse.

His originally normal appearance began to twist and deform.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly stopped when he saw this scene.

"What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely puzzled and was speechless for a while when he looked at Yongheng Tiandao.

Yongheng Tiandao came down with difficulty, and began to project black light from his body, and began to decompose his body.

"No, it's impossible. Why do you have such a strong power?"

Eternal Heavenly Dao looked at Zhuo Bufan in astonishment.

He never dreamed that Zhuo Bufan had such a strong power hidden in his body.

"The power of time, this is the power of time."

"Who are you? Why do you have such a strong power of time?"

While speaking, white light burst out from the body of Eternal Heavenly Dao.

The black and white light split his body.

The two powers obviously represent the two mysteries of time.

One speeds up time, and the other makes time go backwards.

Soon, the body of Eternal Heavenly Dao began to collapse.

Whether it is time acceleration or time reversal, if these two powers are not controlled by the Lord of Time, then any life will collapse instantly.

Imagine that some cells in the same body accelerate their growth rate, while others begin to go backwards.

Under this situation, the body of Eternal Heavenly Dao simply cannot bear it.

Soon, the body of Eternal Heavenly Dao collapsed into slag and disappeared.

However, Eternal Heavenly Dao is not dead yet, and he still has a powerful Heavenly Dao soul.

However, even the Heavenly Dao Soul began to collapse under the black and white intertwined laws of time.

"You, are you..."

The Eternal Heavenly Dao suddenly reacted.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also understood something.

The Wa Emperor on the side said very confidently at this moment.

"Yes, you are the Lord of Time."

When the Wa Emperor said that Zhuo Bufan was the Lord of Time, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"I, I am the Lord of Time?"

The Wa Emperor nodded at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"I opened the memory seal left to me by Daluo Tiandao, and he told me that you are the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan was extremely shocked after hearing this.

"Impossible, how could I be the Lord of Time?"

"The Lord of Time I have been looking for, is it me?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He had been looking for the Lord of Time for a lifetime, but he didn't expect to be told that he was the Lord of Time in the end. This is too dramatic.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao became even crazier at this time.

"Sure enough, you are the Lord of Time."

"I'm going to take your body away. Come here."

At this moment, the eternal heaven has suffered unimaginable damage.

He no longer even had the power to seize Zhuo Feifan.

The last force released by Zhuo Bufan became the most fatal blow to the eternal heaven.

"You are the Lord of Time, you are the Lord of Time."

"Only you can disintegrate the power in my body."

Eternal Tiandao could feel how terrifying Zhuo Bufan's last power was.

All the laws of heaven in his body have completely collapsed.

Eternal Tiandao may have never dreamed that Zhuo Bufan was the Lord of Time he was looking for despite all his calculations.

Zhuo Bufan was also confused.

The Lord of Time whom I have been looking for for so long turns out to be myself.

But as the Lord of Time, he was completely unaware.

"Come here, come here, I'm going to take your body away."

Eternal Heaven flew towards Zhuo Bufan, and he used his last strength to seize Zhuo Bufan.

However, the moment he flew in front of Zhuo Bufan, a terrifying force suddenly rushed out from Zhuo Bufan's body again.

This force directly hit the eternal heaven.

The next second, only two groups of heavenly power were seen merging together.

"This is Da Luo Tiandao?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

What rushed out this time was actually the power of Daluo Tiandao.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He did not expect Daluo Tiandao to be able to take the initiative to leave his body and crash into the eternal Tiandao.

The two groups of heavenly forces began to entangle each other.

Soon, the tragic cry of Eternal Heaven came from inside.

"no no!"

"You plotted against me, Da Luotian, you bastard, you're not dead, you're not dead yet."

Eternal Tiandao screamed miserably, because he was shocked to find that not only was Daluo Tiandao not dead, but he also took the opportunity to devour his own power.

At this time, all I could hear was Da Luotian's proud laughter.

"Hahahaha, stupid thing, thank you for helping me force the last sword of time out of his body."

After hearing this, Eternal Tiandao was stunned, and soon he understood that all this had been planned in advance by Daluo Tiandao.

This guy deliberately faked his death and then plotted against himself.

"It's you, it's you."

Eternal Heaven screamed, but it was obviously too late to regret.

Daluo Tiandao's power was obviously far stronger than his own, and he was devouring his power crazily.

At this time, Daluo Tiandao's proud voice was heard again.

"Very good. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to do this smoothly."

"I have known for a long time that this boy is the reincarnation of the Lord of Time. After all, this is not the first time I have dealt with the Lord of Time."

"The Lord of Time was plotted by me last time and almost died at my hands. I was very unconvinced."

"So the Lord of Time made a bet with me and wanted to bet with me again."

"From that moment on, I knew he would come back."

"The first time this kid entered my world, I knew he was the Lord of Time."

"I've been planning this ever since."

"The first time I fought against him, I discovered that there was a terrifying law of time deep in his soul."

"That was the method he specially prepared to kill me before he was reincarnated."

"Fortunately, I found out in time and avoided being tricked and killed by him."

Hearing this, Eternal Heaven suddenly realized.

"So you plotted against me and asked me to bear this law of time?"

"That's right, because this law of time is only effective for the way of heaven."

"Who else can take the blame for me besides you?"

"Now that you have become the sword for me, your mission has been completed. I will receive your power."

After Da Luo Tiandao finished speaking, he began to crazily devour the power of Eternal Tiandao.

This time, the Eternal Heavenly Dao has no power to resist, and can only desperately accept the fate of being swallowed by the Daluo Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan was completely stunned when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that in the end, it would be Daluo Tiandao who was plotting against everyone.

Da Luo Tiandao never died from the beginning to the end.

He was just sleeping in Zhuo Bufan's body, ready to receive Zhuo Bufan's power at any time.

Everyone has been plotted, and Daluo Tiandao is the final boss.

Daluo Tiandao knew from the beginning that Zhuo Bufan was the reincarnation of the Lord of Time.

So he has been using Zhuo Bufan as bait to lure Eternal Heaven to take the bait.

And Eternal Heavenly Dao has indeed fallen into the trap of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

Even Ni Qiong's betrayal and the war with the Three Emperors were all part of Da Luo Tiandao's plan.

From the beginning to the end, Daluo Tiandao was laying out the plan.

And everyone is a pawn in this chess game.

Soon, Da Luo Tiandao devoured all the energy of Eternal Tiandao.

From him, one can clearly feel the power that makes the whole universe tremble.

Zhuo Bufan's lips and teeth trembled, and he was filled with fear when he looked at the terrifying energy in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan has never been so nervous and scared.

"Lord of Time, long time no see."

Da Luo Tiandao stood up again, his whole body had been completely transformed into light.

It was as if his body was wrapped in countless rays of light.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, no longer knew what to answer.

Even the Queen Wa standing by was speechless.

"It seems that you have not accepted the transformation of your identity."

"Do you need me to answer your questions, my dear Lord of Time?"

Daluo Tiandao looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him, and at this moment, Zhuo Bufan did not even have the strength to resist.

"I am the Lord of Time? Then what are you?"

"Aren't you Luo Tian's soul clone?"

Zhuo Bufan had too many doubts, after all, he was completely confused now.

At this time, Daluo Tiandao said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Yes, I am indeed Luo Tian's soul clone. But to be precise, I am the clone of the Lord of Time."

"Do you know why the Lord of Time let me go?"

Zhuo Bufan also knew something about what Daluo Tiandao said.

When the Lord of Time was training in the Chaos God Realm, he was killed by Daluo Tiankeng once.

But in the end, the Lord of Time actually let Daluo Tian go.

As for why he let Daluo Tian go, no one knew.

"That's because I made a bet with him."

"I told him that if I had another chance, I would not lose to him."

"He accepted the bet, so he let me go."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan felt incredible.

Just for a bet, the Lord of Time let go of Daluo Tiandao who once wanted to kill him.

"I know that the Lord of Time will come to this world again, so I have been waiting."

"Do you really think that the Three Emperors can trap me as the Heavenly Dao?"

"They are just being used by me."

After hearing this, the Queen of Wa was stunned.

As one of the Three Emperors, the Queen of Wa has always believed that it was the Three Emperors who sealed Daluo Tiandao, so they could protect the millions of people in Daluotian.

But now, Daluo Tiandao told her that the Three Emperors were just his pawns.

"Impossible, what is your purpose in doing this?"

The Queen of Wa looked at Daluo Tiandao in disbelief and asked.

After hearing this, Daluo Tiandao replied.

"Because, I want to lead the Lord of Time out."

"For so many years, I have been looking for the whereabouts of the Lord of Time."

"I know he will come back, but I don't know how he will come back."

"So I used your hands to make you think I have sealed me. This will make the Lord of Time relax his vigilance."

"Sure enough, I finally waited for you, the reincarnation of the Lord of Time."

Daluo Tiandao looked at Zhuo Bufan and showed an extremely proud smile.

"This time, I won."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's scalp exploded.

He is the Lord of Time, but he has no memory of this at all.

"Impossible, doesn't it say that the Lord of Time will become the Lord of Time as long as he returns to the infinite world?"

"I have been to the infinite world, why didn't I recover the power of the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan asked incredulously.

Daluo Tiandao smiled after hearing this.

"How would I know? Maybe you set up a way to restore your true body, but you just don't know it."

"As far as I know, every time the Lord of Time enters a new world, he will completely seal his power."

"The seal can only be opened under special circumstances. Generally speaking, it is when life is at stake."

"While restoring his true body, the Lord of Time will return to the infinite world, and his power will be fully restored."

"The reason why you didn't restore the power of the Lord of Time when you returned to the infinite world is because you didn't unlock the real seal in your body."

"So, as long as I take over the body of you now, I will be the new Lord of Time."

"It's over, Lord of Time."

After saying this, Daluo Tiandao resolutely rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

He was going to launch the final takeover of Zhuo Bufan.


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