Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1511 1512: The last file load

1512: The last reload

Da Luo Tian Dao attacked Zhuo Bufan, no, it should be the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan had not even recovered from the information that he was the Lord of Time.

He was completely unprepared for the fact that he became the Lord of Time.

As a result, when the enemy attacked, Zhuo Bufan was completely confused.

"Be careful!"

At the critical moment, it was Queen Wa who stood in front of Zhuo Bufan and blocked the attack of Da Luo Tian Dao for Zhuo Bufan.

However, what greeted Queen Wa was the invincible power of Da Luo Tian Dao.

Queen Wa did not even have time to use the Heaven Repairing Technique to reverse time, and was shattered by the power of Da Luo Tian Dao.

And Queen Wa was blown away.

"Lord Queen Wa!"

Seeing Queen Wa being blown away, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly flew towards her.

Then, only Queen Wa spoke to Zhuo Bufan with difficulty.

"Run! He is targeting you."

The Queen gave all her remaining strength to Zhuo Bufan, and then urged Zhuo Bufan to run away.

Zhuo Bufan did not think much, and began to run away with the Queen.

He certainly could not leave the Queen here alone. However, it was obviously too late to escape now.

"Is it too naive to want to escape now?"

Daluo Tiandao couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhuo Bufan running away.

He had been waiting for a day for a long time.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to escape, but where could he escape to now?

The entire chaotic world is the domain of Daluo Tiandao.

Especially after Daluo Tiandao absorbed the power of Eternal Tiandao, it can be said that the current Daluo Tiandao is the strongest between heaven and earth.

I am afraid that only the Lord of Time can fight with it.

He couldn't escape. Zhuo Bufan had just escaped not far when Daluo Tiandao caught up with him and blocked him in front of him.

"The great Lord of Time is now forced to flee. It's ridiculous to think about it."

"But where can you escape to?"

After Daluo Tian finished speaking, a blue ball of light suddenly appeared in his hand.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the ball of light, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This is... my inner world."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

This sphere that looks like the earth is his inner world.

All his relatives and friends are now in this inner world.

In addition, there are countless lives in the inner world.

Now, his inner world is in the hands of Daluo Tiandao.

Daluo Tian looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him and smiled.

"You just made a deal with the Eternal Heavenly Dao. How about we make a deal now?"

"You have two choices. The first choice is to force me to take over your body. I will destroy your soul, kill your companions, and then crush this life star."

"The second choice is that you take the initiative to let me take over your body. I will keep this life star and resurrect all the people you want to resurrect."

"You have been the Lord of Time for so long, and you must be bored to death. Now it's time to change someone."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He was not afraid of death, but facing the choice of Daluo Tiandao, he was indeed a little hesitant.

Either he was ruthlessly killed by Daluo Tiandao, and everything related to him would be destroyed by him.

Or he took the initiative to die and fulfilled Daluo Tiandao, and the other party would fulfill himself and resurrect his family.

This choice is exactly the same as the choice that the Eternal Heavenly Dao gave Zhuo Bufan before.

There is no doubt that the second choice is the most correct choice.

"Lord of Time, what are you hesitating about?"

"Haven't you made the most correct choice before?"

The Great Luo Heavenly Dao obviously refers to the choice Zhuo Bufan made when facing the Eternal Heavenly Dao before.

Indeed, when Zhuo Bufan faced the Eternal Heavenly Dao before, he chose the second choice without hesitation.

Whether it was the Eternal Heavenly Dao or the Continental Heavenly Dao.

The choices they gave Zhuo Bufan left him with no choice.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was in great difficulty, the Wa Emperor on the side hurriedly said.

"Don't listen to him, go quickly, go as far as you can."

After learning that Zhuo Bufan was the Lord of Time, the Wa Emperor realized the seriousness of the matter.

Once the Lord of Time was successfully possessed by the Great Luo Heavenly Dao, then the world would really be over.

So even if the Wa Emperor risked his life, he would not let this happen.

However, now they have no choice when facing the Great Luo Heavenly Dao.

"I said, you have nowhere to escape."

After the Great Luo Heavenly Dao finished speaking, he waved his arm, and the entire void was blocked again.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, felt bad. Now it was too late for them to run.

Daluo Tiandao looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and said.

"It seems that you have made a choice, a very stupid choice."

"In that case, I don't need to tell you any conditions."

Daluo Tian said, and suddenly raised the blue light ball in his hand, which was Zhuo Bufan's inner world.

Then he crushed it in front of Zhuo Bufan.


For a moment, Zhuo Bufan's inner world turned into ashes in Daluo Tiandao's hands, and disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, was dumbfounded.


He felt his soul tremble, and he completely lost contact with his inner world.

In other words, his inner world, as well as the billions of creatures in it, were all reduced to ashes and crushed by the heavenly hands of Daluo Tiandao.

"Don't be so hysterical. In fact, I don't need to give you any choice from the beginning."

"It's just that you foolishly chose the wrong choice."

"In that case, there is no need to be nagging you."

"Anyway, you don't pose any threat to me now. Whether you want it or not, I can easily seize you."

After Eternal Tiandao finished speaking, he suddenly rushed towards Zhuo Bufan again.

Emperor Wa once again stood in front of Zhuo Bufan, but this time Daluo Tiandao showed no mercy.

Directly killed Emperor Wa with one move.

Zhuo Bufan could only watch helplessly as Emperor Wa disappeared into thin air in front of him, helpless.


Finally, Da Luotian got directly into Zhuo Bufan's soul.

There was a look of despair in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

"Why, why do you want to kill them?"


The despair of despair means that the fish will die and the net will break, and they will perish together.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan had decided not to live any longer.

Everyone is dead, what's the point of his life?

However, just when Zhuo Bufan wanted to die, another voice came in his head.

"Want to die? That's too naive."

"I already know the meaning of your door of rebirth.

Wanting to be reborn through death is extremely naive.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to self-destruct, a stronger energy suddenly blocked his soul, along with his save door.

As a result, it is almost impossible for Zhuo Bufan to read files.

"First cut off the connection between you and the soul, and then we will study how to take away your soul."

"Time Lord, your time is over."

Daluo Tiandao has laid out its plans until now just for this moment.

Therefore, he does not allow any failure and must be absolutely foolproof.

He had long known Zhuo Bufan's ability to load files and start over, so he had always been wary of Zhuo Bufan.

The ability to go back in time and change time and space was so unbelievable that he did not allow Zhuo Bufan to open the door to rebirth.

As a result, the connection between Zhuo Bufan and Shenhun was severed.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan fell into a state of suspended animation, and his body completely turned into a shell.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan was really just at the mercy of others.

He's even had his mind wiped.

Daluo Tiandao frowned slightly as he looked at Zhuo Bufan, who had completely turned into a body.

"I won't make the same mistake again."

"You just wait to be taken away by me."

"Your infinite world will be controlled by me from now on."

After Daluo Tiandao finished speaking, he began to devour Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan completely lost his consciousness in a burst of pain.

Da Luo Tiandao, on the other hand, began to carefully eat away at Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Because he knew very well that Zhuo Bufan's soul was obviously extremely fragile.

If he is not careful, it may backfire and cause his soul to be shattered.

What Da Luo Tiandao has to do now is to seize Zhuo Bufan's soul and inherit his position as the Lord of Time on the premise of ensuring his immortal soul.

Soon, Daluo Tiandao's soul has begun to ban Zhuo Bufan's soul. As long as it is completely banned, Daluo Tiandao will become the new Lord of Time, and Zhuo Bufan will soon become a thing of the past.

However, just when Daluo Tiandao thought that he could completely devour Zhuo Bufan.

Suddenly, a heavy door opened deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Daluo Tiandao realized something was wrong immediately.

"No, there are still agencies."

Daluo Tiandao wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

The door located deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul has slowly opened.

At the same time, the sleeping Zhuo Bufan finally communicated with his soul again.

Zhuo Bufan finally came to his archive space again after a long absence.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes, he suddenly found that he was already in the archive space.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the door to the archive space, he burst into tears with excitement.

Zhuo Bufan has never been so eager to return here.

Because only by returning here can he read the file, start over, go back to the past, and reverse the future.

"what happened?"

"Am I not controlled by Da Luotian?"

"Why did you come back here?"

Seeing himself back in this archive space, Zhuo Bufan seemed very puzzled.

But for Zhuo Bufan, this is good news.

"What's going on? Why is there only one door left?"

When Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the save door in front of him, he suddenly discovered that there was only the last save door left.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that he still had two save doors left.

Now there is only one left, which means that one save door was destroyed without Zhuo Bufan's knowledge.

"Could it be that it was destroyed when it blocked Daluo Tiandao just now?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked for a moment, and then quickly calmed down.

Because he knew very well that now was not the time to be confused.

Since there is only the last save door left, Zhuo Bufan has no choice.

Zhuo Bufan came to the save door and found that the save door was dilapidated and even crumbling.

The stone slabs above have all fallen off, as if they will collapse at any time.

On the archive door, there is a archive that Zhuo Bufan once left behind.

The name of the archive is - mass grave!

"Mass grave? My first archive!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw his first archive, an indescribable sense of familiarity came to his mind.

Mass grave is Zhuo Bufan's first archive.

It is also the archive that Zhuo Bufan has never overwritten.

This archive is the starting point of everything and the end of everything.

Zhuo Bufan never dreamed that he would read this archive one day.

He knew very well what this archive represented.

This archive represents that everything Zhuo Bufan has experienced so far will be overwritten.

This archive represents that Zhuo Bufan will start from scratch and experience his life again.

This archive represents that Zhuo Bufan's former relatives and friends will no longer recognize him.

This is the archive that Zhuo Bufan has never dared to read, because he is afraid that everything he has experienced so far is empty and a dream.

However, at this point, Zhuo Bufan has no choice. He only has this one save file. He can only start from the beginning and give up everything he has.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated. Facing the save file door in front of him, he was a little hesitant.

Because he knew that this was likely to be his last save file.

The only save file door in front of him was now extremely fragile.

The power of time was obviously almost exhausted.

After this save file, the save file door would definitely collapse.

So for Zhuo Bufan, he didn't have much time. This was his last save file.

When he thought that this was his last save file, Zhuo Bufan was already extremely hesitant.

He didn't know what the consequences would be after this save file.

Perhaps, from now on, he would never see the person he loved again.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was hesitating, Daluo Tiandao's shout suddenly came from behind him.

"Stop, stop right there."

"You are not allowed to leave, come back."

Zhuo Bufan looked back and saw a huge hand covering the sky grabbing Zhuo Bufan.

This scene reminded Zhuo Bufan of the time when he was in the Daluotian world. Once upon a time, Daluo Tiandao also wanted to reach out and grab him when he was reloading the save file.

"I can't let him catch me."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think about it anymore. He jumped into the last save file door without hesitation.

"This will be my last time reloading the save file!"

"Reloading the save file!"

The moment Zhuo Bufan entered the save file door, the entire save file door shone with golden light, and then collapsed.

The energy of the Heart of Time was exhausted at that moment.

Soon the entire white time gate began to disappear.

This was Zhuo Bufan's last time reloading the save file. From now on, the save file door will no longer exist.

Zhuo Bufan will have no way out in the future.

And his life will start again.


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