Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1512 1513: I am the Lord of Time

1513: I am the Lord of Time

After entering the last archive door, everything will return to the starting point.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what was waiting for him, he only knew that he had no choice.

Whether desperate or not, Zhuo Bufan had to take this step.

Even if he had to start all over again, he had to save everyone.

Now that he knew the big solution, he had to work hard to change his fate.

The moment Zhuo Bufan entered the archive door, he could hear the desperate howl of Daluo Tiandao.

"No, you can't leave, come back to me."

Zhuo Bufan finally knew why Daluo Tiandao was so afraid of him reading the archive.

Because he was the Lord of Time!

He could go back to the past and change everything.

Daluo Tiandao's sky-covering hand passed through the already dilapidated archive door and grabbed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, in order to prevent Zhuo Bufan from reading the archive, Daluo Tian decided to do whatever it took.

After all, he knew very well that once Zhuo Bufan successfully read the archive, he would be able to go back to the past and change the future.

Daluo Tiandao would never allow such a thing to happen.

So he used up all his power to forcefully fight against the Heart of Time of the Lord of Time.

However, Zhuo Bufan was one step faster than him.

At the moment when Daluo Tiandao was about to catch him, he successfully reloaded the game and escaped.


The sleeping body woke up among the dead branches and rotten leaves!

The crows, symbolizing death, cried miserably on the branches of the ancient tree!

The bright moon broke through the dark clouds, and a white light was projected on a mass grave.


The moon was cold and the light was cold, and the wind was strong at night.

A hand as white as jade broke out of the wasteland!

He dug the soil off his body and then crawled out from under the ground.

"I'm back."

Zhuo Bufan stood up and looked around.

What a familiar scene, it appeared before his eyes again.

He never thought that he would come back here one day.

This mass grave was his starting point, the place where his life began.

Looking at all this in front of him, Zhuo Bufan's heart was empty.

The mountains and rivers are still there, but time has rusted.

Zhuo Bufan looked around blankly, and for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

He just went back to the past, back to the beginning.

"Now, what should I do?"

Zhuo Bufan had no plan for a while.

"Although he has returned to his starting point, Zhuo Bufan's state of mind at the moment is very different."

"No cultivation, only memories. Do you really want me to start from the beginning and do it again?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Countless years, countless adventures, now it's all gone.

All Zhuo Bufan can do is start from the beginning.

"I am the Lord of Time, what kind of Lord of Time am I?"

"What kind of Lord of Time is it if I can't even control my own destiny?"

Zhuo Bufan grabbed his chest.

He obviously still found it difficult to accept that he was the Lord of Time.

"If I am the Lord of Time, why am I so embarrassed? Why can I only watch myself lose everything and be powerless?"

"Tell me, what kind of Lord of Time am I?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted to the sky.

But he forgot that he is the sky, he is the Lord of Time, the origin of all things, and the creator of everything. Who can give him an answer?

Zhuo Bufan is confused and ignorant now. He can only sit in a daze on the mass grave.

Zhuo Bufan silently closed his eyes, trying to figure out the current situation.

And the facts made him seem a little overwhelmed.

Although he has returned to the past, Zhuo Bufan has no idea what to do next.

The most important thing is that he no longer has a save door and no way out.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was confused about his future.

Suddenly, a huge black vortex began to emerge above the sky.

Soon, the black vortex covered the entire sky.

The whole world trembled because of this.

The birds in the forest flew away in fright, and the fish in the sea jumped in groups.

The lives living on this land began to kneel on the ground and wail bitterly to the sky.

That was not something that ordinary people could compete with, because it was the power from the Heavenly Dao.

That's right, the Daluo Heavenly Dao caught up.

The Daluo Heavenly Dao actually broke the law power of the world with its own strength.

You know, the Yin-Yang world and the Chaos World are worlds of the same level, and the Heavenly Dao power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao is useless in the Yin-Yang world.

Not to mention traveling through time and space.

There is only one person in this world who can travel through time and space, and that is the Lord of Time.

That is Zhuo Bufan now.

However, in order to stop Zhuo Bufan, after Daluo Tiandao merged with the Eternal Heavenly Dao, it was obvious that his strength had climbed to a point beyond the ordinary Heavenly Dao.

He tore the time and space of the two worlds, and then forcibly followed the guidance of the Lord of Time's power, crossing time to chase Zhuo Bufan.

Almost in an instant, leaden clouds covered the earth.

Black clouds pressed down on the city and the city was about to be destroyed, and the armor light opened to the sun and the golden scales opened!

Lightning pierced through the darkness, billions of lightning bolts, light monsters and thunder beasts howled in the clouds.

Even the most powerful existence in this world, facing the catastrophe in front of him, could only sigh helplessly and face death calmly.

"You can't escape. No one can escape my grasp."

Daluo Tiandao's sky-covering hand has obviously discovered Zhuo Bufan's location.

So he grabbed his hand directly towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan stood on the hillside of the mass grave, standing with his hands behind his back, calmly looking at Da Luo Tiandao who was chasing him through time and space, and calmly looking at the big hand that covered the sky and grabbed him.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan did not run away or retreat.

Because he knew that there was no point in escaping now.

Zhuo Bufan returned to the mass grave where he started. Now he retains nothing except his memory.

There is no cultivation, no soul, and not even a useful weapon.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Zhuo Bufan to escape.

Rather than running away like a drowned dog, it's better to calmly face the peerless enemy in front of you.

Soon, the entire sky was covered by the power of Daluo Tiandao.

Above the sky, a huge human statue emerged.

When the statue of the god appeared in the sky, hundreds of millions of people on the earth knelt down towards him.

Only Zhuo Bufan showed no reaction.

Because Zhuo Bufan knew that he couldn't kneel down to this guy.

"I found you, you can't escape. Even if you go back to the past, I will chase you."

Daluo Tiandao said, reaching out to grab Zhuo Bufan.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to be falling apart.

Everyone was wailing in pain as they watched the big hand that covered the sky grab them.

It seems like the next second will be the end of the world.

In fact, this is indeed the end of the world for the entire world.

When the big hand that covered the sky grabbed it, the entire space of the world began to collapse.

As a result, the earth began to split, and mountains and rivers began to collapse.

This is truly earth-shattering.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan was caught by Da Luo Tiandao.

"Now let's see where you run."

Daluo Tiandao held Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and said nothing. Indeed, now he has nowhere to escape.

"It's over, Time Lord."

After Daluo Tiandao finished speaking, he once again directed all his power toward Zhuo Bufan's soul.

This time, he was determined to seize and kill Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan has no way to continue reading files. So even if Zhuo Bufan is killed, it doesn't matter.

However, just when he was seizing Zhuo Bufan's body, he suddenly discovered that there was a mysterious energy deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

And that mysterious energy exploded instantly. The billowing energy rushed towards Daluo Tiandao.

In an instant, Da Luo Tiandao was directly blasted out of the body by the mysterious energy deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Daluo Tiandao soon discovered that the power of laws between heaven and earth also began to converge on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have become the focus of the world, and all the power was condensing towards him.

Immediately afterwards, golden haloes began to be released from Zhuo Bufan's body.

These light wheels were like the dials of a clock, making a ticking sound.

Mysterious rings of light condensed behind Zhuo Bufan's head, forming a corona of light.


Suddenly there was an explosion in the sky, and the originally dark sky was torn open by a burst of heaven-defying energy.

Immediately afterwards, a black and white storm formed in the sky.

The incomparable terror of that storm made even Daluo Tiandao feel afraid.

"The river of time is the river of time."

Daluo Tiandao was shocked to find that the black and white storm turned out to be the river of time.

The long river of time is originally composed of the white sand of time and the black sand of time.

That is the power that belongs to the Lord of Time. Nature is the unstoppable force of Daluo Tiandao.

What makes Daluo Tiandao even more incredible is that.

At this time, the river of time unexpectedly came from the sky, then fell on Zhuo Bufan, and finally formed a black and white cloak on Zhuo Bufan.

"Use the laws of heaven and earth as your crown, and the long river of time as your clothing."

"The Lord of Time has arrived!"

When Daluo Tiandao saw this scene in front of him, he finally sighed helplessly.

Because he knew that his situation was over. Zhuo Bufan finally became the Lord of Time.

"The source of time is where the Lord of Time is."

"You really didn't lie to me. You won, Lord of Time."

Daluo Tiandao recalled what the Lord of Time had said to him.

After being killed by Daluo Tiandao once, the Lord of Time did not kill Daluo Tiandao because of this.

Instead, he made a bet with Da Luotian.

The Lord of Time wants to come again and see if Da Luotian can plot against him again.

The Lord of Time was obviously very arrogant. In order for Da Luo Tiandao to find him, he left a clue for Da Luo Tiandao to find himself.

He told Daluo Tiandao that he was at the source of time.

Now, when Da Luo Tiandao saw Zhuo Bufan restored to the Lord of Time, he was undoubtedly very shocked.

The source of time is Zhuo Bufan's first archive.

When Zhuo Bufan chose the first archive, the power of the Lord of Time had already awakened.

The Heart of Time is Zhuo Bufan's final seal.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan slowly opened his eyes.

At that moment, his whole temperament completely changed.

His pupils turned golden, and there was no color in his eyes.

It was as if all living beings were nothing but dust in his eyes.

He looked at the world in front of him indifferently. To him, the world in front of him was like a toy.

He looked at the Daluo Tiandao, and at that moment, the Daluo Tiandao's soul trembled.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan slowly spoke.

"Luo Tian? Long time no see."

Zhuo Bufan's tone changed, and he was no longer like himself.

At this time, Daluo Tiandao looked at Zhuo Bufan and showed a helpless smile.

"I still lost!"

"You have calculated me from the beginning, right?"

"What gambling, what infinite world master."

"It's just that you want to frustrate my heart of heaven."

Daluo Tiandao realized at this time that the Lord of Time had set up a game that could not be lost from the beginning.

No matter how Daluo Tiandao calculated, the Lord of Time will be eternal.

"Whether it's me or the Eternal Heavenly Dao, they are just your consciousness."

"We are your clones."

"Lord of Time, is it fun?"

In the eyes of Daluo Heavenly Dao, the Lord of Time is just a playful child.

From the moment he agreed to set up this bet with him, he was playing.

From the beginning to the end, he was played by the Lord of Time.

At this time, the Lord of Time slowly spoke.

"I have lived for countless years. I don't even know how long I have lived. I have lived for as many years as there are grains of sand in the long river of time."

"I have created so many worlds that I can't even count them."

"I am the Lord of Time, the Creator of all things."

"But I am not happy. Who of you can understand the eternal suffering?"

"So I will continue to reincarnate into the world I created."

"In order to make my reincarnation more meaningful, I will seal my power and let myself live like a humble life in various colorful worlds."

"However, after countless reincarnations, I have become numb. I can't feel the excitement, and my reincarnation has become very boring."

"Every time I reincarnate and become the Lord of Time, I will become extremely empty."

"Until, I met you. Luo God!"

"You are the first one who designed to kill my consciousness. You made me feel the excitement and happiness I have never experienced before."

"You made my reincarnation meaningful and unforgettable."

"So, I agreed to your bet. I really want to know what other methods you will use to kill me."

"Ah! Luo Tian, ​​I want to thank you."

"My reincarnation this time is the most unforgettable reincarnation in my history."

"This time, I experienced an unspeakable and eternal experience."

"I found love, I gained hatred, I saw suffering, I understood sorrow, I experienced difficulties, and I understood faith!"

"Too much, too much, enriched my life as Zhuo Bufan."

"I am Zhuo Bufan, I am the Lord of Time."


Tomorrow is the finale, thank you for your company all the time. Dear and lovely readers, thank you. The epidemic has been serious recently, everyone must protect themselves. Believe in yourself and believe in the country. In the new year, let's cheer together and cheer together with the motherland.

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