Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1513 1514: I am Zhuo Bufan (the whole book is finished)

1514: I am Zhuo Bufan (the whole book is finished)

Zhuo Bufan became the Lord of Time, and Daluo Tiandao also realized that he was doomed.

From the Lord of Time, we can learn that he came here just for the so-called fun from the beginning.

The Lord of Time is immortal and has lived for countless years.

He will also be bored and want to make his life interesting.

But the infinite reincarnations have made him numb.

Perhaps the Lord of Time also has the gene of seeking death, and only death can make him feel the meaning of life.

So the time when Daluo Tiandao killed him actually made the Lord of Time feel unprecedented excitement and let him experience the fun of death.

So the Lord of Time let Daluo Tiandao go, and made another bet with Daluo Tiandao as if he was still not satisfied.

For Daluo Tiandao, this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But for the Lord of Time, this is just a game.

A game he can't lose.

No matter how Daluo Tiandao schemes, he can't win over the Lord of Time.

Because from the beginning, the Lord of Time is an immortal being.

With the experience of the last time, the Lord of Time had quietly left a way out for himself before reincarnation.

It can be said that the Lord of Time is invincible. Daluo Tiandao only realized it now, but it was obviously too late.

"I lost, but I don't accept it."

Daluo Tiandao said to the Lord of Time very unconvinced.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan, the Lord of Time, looked at Daluo Tiandao and then replied expressionlessly.

"You don't accept it, do you want to bet with me again?"

After hearing this, Daluo Tiandao couldn't wait to say.

"Yes, I want to bet with you again."

"Don't you want to seek excitement?"

"Bet with me again, this time I will definitely let you feel the excitement of recent death."

Daluo Tiandao seemed to see hope.

He knew that he could never be the opponent of the Lord of Time now.

The Lord of Time might blow a breath and he would be wiped out.

So the best way is to negotiate with the Lord of Time and ask for another bet.

Daluo Tiandao believed that if he had another chance, he would definitely be able to kill the Lord of Time.

This time, he would make the most thorough preparations to prevent the Lord of Time from having any chance to fight back.

Facing Daluo Tiandao's request, the Lord of Time was obviously not as happy as before.

Before, he agreed to Daluo Tiandao without any consideration.

However, after so many things, the Lord of Time has obviously grown a lot and become more mature and stable.

So after thinking for a while, he answered Zhuo Bufan's request directly.

"I'm tired of it."

"What?" Daluo Tian was stunned.

At this time, the Lord of Time continued.

"I'm tired of playing."

"For me, this reincarnation is enough. What I lose will also make me sad."

"Such a reincarnation is enough once."

Daluo Tian looked at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief and said.

"How can you say that? You are the Lord of Time, an eternal and immortal existence."

"Don't you want to experience another exciting journey of life?"

After hearing what Daluotian said, the Lord of Time did not follow the routine and answered decisively.


This time, Daluotian was completely speechless.

"Haha, you are afraid, right? You are afraid of death, you are afraid that I will kill you."

"Twice, I almost killed you twice."

"As the Lord of Time, you are nothing more than that."

"So you are afraid, you are afraid of death."

Daluotian wanted to use provocation to stimulate the Lord of Time, but after hearing it, the Lord of Time Zhuo Bufan opened his arms and said to Daluotian in front of him calmly.

"Death? What does that feel like?"

"I'll give you a chance, kill me."

The Lord of Time is eternal and immortal. Now there is him, there is heaven, there is time, and there are people.

From the beginning of his birth, he has been an immortal and eternal existence.

In this world, there is no one who can kill the Lord of Time.

As mentioned before, as long as the reincarnation road back home is destroyed, the Lord of Time can be killed. That was just a lie that the Lord of Time told to give Daluotian a goal to strive for.

If Daluotian is not given hope, how can Daluotian want to kill the Lord of Time at all costs?

So, from beginning to end, this is the Lord of Time's strategy.

The Lord of Time is simply deceiving Daluo Tiandao, and he has deceived him around.

Until now, the Lord of Time is still deceiving him.

When Daluo Tiandao heard that the other party asked him to kill him, he thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So, Daluo Tiandao rushed towards the Lord of Time without hesitation.

The Lord of Time faced Daluotian who was rushing over without any obstruction.

Daluo Tiandao blasted all his Heavenly Dao power on the Lord of Time's eyebrows.

However, he soon discovered that his Heavenly Dao power was almost instantly swallowed by the Lord of Time.

"My Heavenly Power, you lied to me again? You took my Heavenly Power."

Daluo Tiandao shouted at the Lord of Time in despair.

After hearing this, the Lord of Time sighed helplessly and replied.

"I am the Lord of Time, have you forgotten how you were born?"

"You are just a piece of my consciousness. I said I wanted you, so you were born."

"Your strength is my strength. When you get close to me, you become assimilated with me."

After hearing this, Daluo Tiandao was desperate.

In the final analysis, he is just a ray of consciousness of the Lord of Time, and is insignificant to the Lord of Time.

It is like a drop of water in the ocean or a grain of dust on the mountain.

As long as the Lord of Time is willing, countless Da Luo Tian Dao can be created in minutes.

"Well, since you want to bet, I'll bet with you again."

The Lord of Time said to Daluo Tiandao.

When Daluo Tiandao heard this, he was extremely excited after despair.


"Yes, but this time, it's not me reincarnating anymore. It's you."

The Lord of Time raised his hand and pointed at Daluo Tiandao in front of him and said.

Daluo Tiandao was stunned when he heard this.

"Me? Let me reincarnate?"

The Time Lord replied.

"That's right, this time we will change our identities. You come to reincarnation and experience the pain of this world."

Daluo Tiandao said in shock: "Let me reincarnate?"

"No, I won't reincarnate. I can't reincarnate."

He seemed very excited, but he couldn't help it at this moment.

The Lord of Time raised his hand and pointed towards Da Luotian.

The next second, Da Luo Tiandao let out a cry of despair.

"No, I don't want reincarnation."

However, facing the Lord of Time's peerless magical power, he had no power to resist.

In the end, he was thrown into reincarnation by the Lord of Time.

When Daluo Tiandao disappeared, the world suddenly became much quieter.

The overlord of heaven and earth, Daluo Tiandao, was easily thrown into reincarnation by the Lord of Time at this moment.

The Lord of Time still looked at the world, and finally silently covered his chest.

"You still have regrets, right?"

The person the Lord of Time was talking to at this moment was none other than Zhuo Bufan.

After all, he is now the Lord of Time and no longer Zhuo Bufan.

"Then I will make up for your regrets."

After the Lord of Time finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved to mediate creation.

The next second, the surrounding time and space changed, and the Lord of Time returned to the future, back to before Zhuo Bufan read the file.

When he returned to the void, he saw a confused Emperor Wa.

Emperor Wa was very excited when he saw Zhuo Bufan return.

"You're back?"

Emperor Wa was about to run towards Zhuo Bufan, but soon he discovered that the man in front of him was very different from the Zhuo Bufan he knew.

"No, are you the Lord of Time?"

Emperor Wa could feel the terrifying power of time on the other side.

The Lord of Time glanced at Emperor Wa, but didn't say much.

Instead, he walked next to Emperor Wa and raised his hand. The chaotic void that had begun to collapse due to the disappearance of Daluo Heavenly Dao quickly stabilized under the power of the Lord of Time.

At this time, the Lord of Time spoke to Emperor Wa.

"Huang Wa, you have done a good job. Tell me, what is your wish?"

Emperor Wa looked at the Lord of Time in front of her, then she knelt in front of the Lord of Time, and then said to the Lord of Time.

"I know this request may be too much, but can you restore Luotian's world to its original state? Let Panhuang and Fuhuang come back to life?"

Emperor Wa knew that the Lord of Time was omnipotent, and he also knew that resurrecting Emperor Pan and Emperor Fu was nothing to him.

That's why I pleaded with him without hesitation.

After hearing this, the Lord of Time smiled slightly and said.

"no problem."

After saying that, he raised his hand and pointed his finger in the air.

The next second, a nebula appeared in the chaotic void.

Two golden rays of light towering over the sky penetrated the void.

When Emperor Wa saw this, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

She knew that it was the brilliance released by Panhuang and Fuhuang.

"Thank you Lord of Time, thank you very much."

After hearing this, the Lord of Time smiled.

"Go, from now on, this world will be managed by you three."

After the Lord of Time finished speaking, Emperor Wa couldn't wait to fly towards the starry sky.

At this time, the Lord of Time continued to raise his hand, and in his palm, a blue ball of light appeared out of thin air.

This is Zhuo Bufan's inner world, which was crushed to dust by Daluo Tiandao before.

The Lord of Time knew that this was Zhuo Bufan's regret, so he restored the star without hesitation to make up for Zhuo Bufan's regret.

He embedded the planet in the starry sky, and the bright light illuminated the entire void.

He also created nine additional stars, rotating quietly around the blue planet.

After completing all this, the Lord of Time once again created a world of black and white.

This world of black and white is obviously the world of yin and yang.

He not only created the Yin and Yang world, but also resurrected all living creatures in the Yin and Yang world.

Including Zhuo Feifan's relatives and friends.

The Lord of Time used his great magical power to resurrect everyone.

Suddenly, familiar faces appeared in front of him.

Bai Su, Xuan Su, Zi Fan, Zi Nian, Ya Ya, Zhuo Bu Yao, Xuan Di, Bai Di, Meng Chanyi, Mo Chi Chi, Tian Meng, Gao Yangxu, Qian Kun, Yi Tianxing, Zhou Yi and so on!

"Zhuo Lang? Is that you?"

When Bai Su and Xuan Su saw the Lord of Time, they couldn't wait to rush towards him.

However, when they came to Zhuo Bufan, they felt the unfamiliar aura of the man in front of them.

"No, you are not my husband."

Bai Su was the first to react. The person in front of her was not their Zhuo Bufan.

At this time, Gao Yangxu and Zhou Yi knelt down to Zhuo Bufan.

"Greetings to the Lord of Time."

They were the servants of the Lord of Time, so they recognized at a glance that the person in front of them was not someone else, but the master they served.

After hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

"Lord of Time?"

"You are the Lord of Time, what about Zhuo Lang?"

The kneeling Gao Yangxu also frowned.

"Could it be that Brother Zhuo is the reincarnation of the Lord of Time?"

"How is this possible?"

They obviously didn't know that Zhuo Bufan was the Lord of Time.

It's just that after becoming the Lord of Time, Zhuo Bufan is no longer the same Zhuo Bufan as before.

At this time, the Lord of Time opened his arms and said to everyone in front of him.

"I am the Lord of Time. You have done a great job in protecting the Lord. I can satisfy all of your wishes."

After the Lord of Time finished speaking, everyone present was stunned.

Bai Su and Xuan Su had no idea what was going on.

Why did their husbands become the Lord of Time?

Obviously, everyone present felt puzzled.

Many of them didn't even know who the Lord of Time was.

But there was no doubt that the man in front of him was no longer Zhuo Bufan.

His temperament had completely changed.

When he saw Bai Su, Xuan Su, Zifan and Zi Nian, he looked even more indifferent.

If it was Zhuo Bufan, he would have rushed over and hugged his wife and children.

However, the man in front of him was not Zhuo Bufan, but the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan was just the reincarnation of the Lord of Time.

After regaining the power of the Lord of Time, Zhuo Bufan had disappeared.

Perhaps, he was now deeply hidden in the soul of the Lord of Time.

"No, it's impossible, my Zhuo Lang, my husband."

"What happened, why did you become the Lord of Time?"

"Husband, don't you remember me? I'm Xuan Su, this is your son Bu Yao. Bu Yao, call Father Emperor."

"Husband, I'm Bai Su, do you still remember me?"

"Boy, I'm Emperor Xuan, your father-in-law."

"I'm your daughter Zi Nian!"

"I'm your son Zi Fan!"

"I'm Meng Chan Yi!"

"I'm Mo Chi Chi!"

"I'm Xuan Yuan Hao!"



More and more people stood up to reveal their identities to the Lord of Time.

However, when the Lord of Time saw them, he seemed unusually cold.

"Enough, I'm the Lord of Time, not Zhuo Bufan as you say."

"Now, I can fulfill one wish for each of you. Please make a wish!"

The Lord of Time did not want to become Zhuo Bufan.

To him, Zhuo Bufan was just a clone of his reincarnation.

He had reincarnated countless times and had countless identities.

Each identity is just one of his consciousness.

For him, Zhuo Bufan and Daluo Tiandao are both insignificant consciousnesses.

But at this moment, Bai Su and the others stood up.

"Can you fulfill our wishes?"

"Then I make a wish, hoping that my husband Zhuo Bufan can return."

After hearing this, Xuan Su also stood up and made a wish.

"I make a wish, hoping that my husband Zhuo Bufan can return."

Then, more and more people began to make wishes.

"I make a wish, hoping that my father Zhuo Bufan will return."

"I make a wish, hoping that my best friend Zhuo Bufan will return."

"I make a wish, hoping that my brother Zhuo Bufan will return."


For a while, almost everyone began to make a wish, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could return.

When everyone's wishes came together.

Suddenly, the soul of the Lord of Time in front of him began to tremble.

In his mind, strange scenes began to emerge.

In the picture, it was Zhuo Bufan's past life.

Everyone he knew and everything he had done were all vivid in his mind.

The Lord of Time suddenly held his forehead and closed his eyes, not wanting to see these strange scenes.

However, with his eyes closed, he saw more clearly and vividly.

Until the end, the Lord of Time suddenly became quiet.

Everyone present watched the changes of the Lord of Time silently.

Some were afraid, some were nervous, some were excited, and some were in tears.

And at this moment, the Lord of Time suddenly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, a bright light flashed.

At this time, the Lord of Time slowly opened his arms, and then a warm smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

He smiled at everyone in front of him.

"Everyone, I am Zhuo Bufan, I am back."

When everyone heard this, they were stunned at first.

Then Bai Su and Xuan Su rushed to Zhuo Bufan excitedly and threw themselves into Zhuo Bufan's warm embrace.

Zhuo Bufan hugged his wife and children and smiled triumphantly.

He is back. Now, he is not only the Lord of Time, but also the extraordinary master of all people.

This is the life of the Lord of Time, as the extraordinary master.

There is no reload in life, and the future keeps moving forward.

(The whole book is finished)

I am still confused after writing these three words "finish the book".

I thought about a lot of feelings, but finally decided not to say more.

I have mixed feelings, maybe only I can understand.

This book has not performed well, and many friends and relatives advised me not to write it.

But I still finished it. I really want to reward myself with a big red flower.

Zhuo Bufan, goodbye!

Farewell, fellow book friends!

Maybe I will write more in the future, or maybe I will stop writing now.

I actually like this pen name, and I am a little reluctant to stop writing.

Regarding the book "Super God Demon Sealer", the performance of that book is really terrible, so I will not write it anymore.

That's it!

The epidemic is serious recently, please pay more attention to your health.

Exercise more to improve immunity.

Trust doctors and trust the country.

Come on Wuhan!

Come on China!

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