Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 158 You win [9th update, please subscribe]


Zhuo Bufan's first thought was to escape.

He knew very well that he would have no chance of winning against that woman.

Although he could reload the game and go back to the past, he could choose to leave Yunmeng Realm before meeting that woman.

But Zhuo Bufan always adhered to the principle of not sending someone away if he could not die. He wanted to try to see if he could escape from the opponent.

The snow crane that the opponent rode was a leader in aerial flight, not inferior to Zhuo Bufan's Wuguang Falcon.

Unfortunately, Wuguang Falcon died, and Zhuo Bufan could not distance himself from the opponent with a pair of weak wings.

"If I'm not mistaken, this woman should be one of the eight heavenly kings."

"The seven ambush points of the Tianwu League should have been arranged by her."

"This woman can guess my route of action, so it's not surprising that she found me so quickly."

Zhuo Bufan quickly analyzed the identity of the opponent.

The facts were not much different from his analysis. This woman was really the "Kanshui" who commanded the seven kings to set an ambush at the Tianwu League headquarters.

It was this woman who made Zhuo Bufan die seven times.

Died seven times!

This was the first time that Zhuo Bufan was killed seven times by the same person, so he should not take this woman lightly.

"Aren't you the hero they say you are? Why are you like a coward now?"

Along with the woman's ridicule came a sword energy of ice soul that was as powerful as drawing a knife to cut water.

The sword energy of ice soul was as fast as lightning, and even the dust in the air condensed into ice wherever it passed.


Zhuo Bufan felt that his back was pierced by an ice hammer as thick as his arm, and he fell like a kite with a broken string.

During the fall, Zhuo Bufan remained calm, and the soul book that fell with him suddenly flew out two rays of light, one black and one white.

The black light was the sword of death, which cut through the sky with a swoosh, leaving a string of black tracks, and killed the snow crane driven by the woman above his head.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan grabbed the white sword of life in his right hand, and then pierced his chest with it.

This scene shocked "Kanshui". She didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to commit suicide.

But was it suicide?

Almost at the same time, the black sword of death cut off the head and neck of the snow crane she was riding. The snow crane died on the spot and began to fall rapidly.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan's sword of life pierced his chest.

He did not die, but quickly absorbed the sword of life. The shoulder blade on his back that was pierced by the ice cone began to heal quickly.

The sword of death kills life, and the sword of life saves death.

Zhuo Bufan's sword of life and death, one saves people, and the other kills people.

His injuries recovered instantly, and the whole person regained mobility again. Just when he was about to fall to the ground, he flapped his wings, quickly swept across the knee-high grass, and then flew up again.

Interestingly, after Zhuo Bufan found that the woman's snow crane was killed by him, the other party summoned a gray wolf when it fell to the ground!

The woman's timing can be said to be perfect. The summoning ended almost at the moment she sat on the ground.

She rode the gray wolf unscathed and continued to chase Zhuo Bufan.

"What a terrible woman. Fortunately, I killed her snow crane. With this gray wolf, it should not be able to catch up with me."

Zhuo Bufan looked back at the gray wolf that was chasing him, and the other party was slowly being pulled away by him.

"Beauty, goodbye."

Zhuo Bufan smiled triumphantly. The other party's gray wolf obviously couldn't catch up with him.

But just when Zhuo Bufan thought that he could escape the pursuit of the woman in one breath.

The woman smiled.

Her face should have been cold as ice. Once she smiled, it meant that something satisfactory had happened.

She raised her hand and pointed forward.

Zhuo Bufan looked over and was shocked.

Not far in front of him, the weather suddenly changed, and it became dark and gloomy. Above the earth, three tornadoes that penetrated the sky and the earth rolled up.

"No way? It happened at this time."

Zhuo Bufan's heart trembled.

He knew that Yunmeng Realm often had many inexplicable extreme weather.

The moment before, it was white clouds and gray dogs, and the next second, it was thunderstorms.

Many people who first entered Yunmeng Realm would be killed by this extreme weather.

Zhuo Bufan also encountered it several times, but each time he escaped by relying on the powerful flying power of the black light falcon horse.

However, this time, he didn't have the black light falcon horse. Could he rely on himself?

What's more terrible is that behind him, there is a woman who is chasing him relentlessly.

When Zhuo Bufan looked at the woman's expression, he suddenly realized.

"She didn't expect this storm a long time ago, right?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why he had this feeling, but his intuition told him that this storm was also calculated by this woman.

She had deliberately driven herself to this hellhole.

Pah pah pah pah!

In the sky, hailstones as big as fists fell, hitting Zhuo Bufan, making his nose and face swollen.

The exploding wind created a strong wind resistance, making it impossible for Zhuo Bufan to move forward.

Boom boom boom boom!

Not far ahead, three terrible tornadoes were heading in their direction.

Just like three evil dragons, they rolled up the evil wind that destroyed the world, and it was so fast that people were afraid of it.

"Hey, are you still chasing? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that if he continued to move forward, he would definitely die in this natural disaster.

It was still in time to run back now.

But behind him, there was a woman who hated him to the core.

After hearing this, the woman sneered and said, "We will die together, no matter what."

"Mad man! You should know that even if I die in Yunmeng Realm, I will not really die."

"So what? It can be considered as making up for my mistake if I can let you rest for a while."

"Besides, even if I can't kill you in Yunmeng Realm, I will definitely find you when I return to Xiuxian Realm, and then cut you into pieces."

This woman's hatred for Zhuo Bufan was obviously beyond measure.

Because of her own mistakes, Zhuo Bufan took advantage of the loophole and occupied more than 800 soul altars in their Tianwu League's enclosure. She must give an explanation to Beidi.

Only by killing Zhuo Bufan can she atone for her sins.

She came here just to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly that everything they were experiencing now was calculated by this woman, including the natural disaster in front of them.

There was an insurmountable natural disaster in front of him, and a tigress who wanted to kill him behind him.

Zhuo Bufan was convinced, and he summoned the Death Sword, which was suspended above his head, and then said to the woman.

"You win."

As soon as the words fell, under the extremely shocked gaze of the woman, Zhuo Bufan moved his mind and let the Death Sword fall from the sky, piercing his crown with one sword.


Reload the game!


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