Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 159 Punishment [10th update, please subscribe]

Faced with a natural disaster in front of him and a witch behind him, he was in a dilemma.

Zhuo Bufan chose to commit suicide and read the file!

Fortunately, he saved the file after saving Lu Fei.

Immediately after loading the file, Zhuo Bufan flew away in the opposite direction of his previous choice.

Because he knew that there was a crazy woman waiting for him in that direction.

Zhuo Bufan fled without a fight again. This was the eighth time that he died at the hands of that woman.

He remembered that woman's appearance deeply.

He has a small face with melon seeds, flowing bangs, icy muscles and jade bones, as cold as ice.

What Zhuo Bufan could never forget most was the woman's eyes. Her eyes are transparent and bright, like a cold spring in the warm autumn sun.

Every frown and smile carries a cold murderous aura, but underneath that murderous aura, there is a hint of tenderness.

In any case, Zhuo Bufan remembered this woman, even though he didn't know her name.

By loading files and being reborn, Zhuo Bufan escaped the woman's pursuit, and then came to a soul altar he occupied and left the world.

At this moment, in the far west of Huqiu Plain. A woman was sitting cross-legged on the back of a snow crane, silently closing her eyes, waiting for Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

However, she waited for a long time and did not wait for the person she wanted to wait for.

She stretched out the jade fingers of her left hand, pinched them to calculate, and began to quickly deduce the five-finger Xiaoyan technique.

Finally, her thin hands froze in the air, and her beautiful eyes opened instantly.

"Why? Why has his 'fate' changed again?"

A look of absolute disbelief flashed through those clear eyes.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that Xiaomei had fallen asleep on his lap at some point.

He stayed in Yunmeng Realm for a full eight days this time, which was indeed a bit too long.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to carry Xiaomei to the bed, but the little Loli squeaked, rubbed her head and eyes with her fleshy fists, and then looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"Smelly, you finally woke up."

This time, Xiaomei did not paint Zhuo Bufan's face like a tabby cat.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan wake up, she grabbed Zhuo Bufan and shouted.

"Hurry up and tell me the story of the monkey, auntie. I want to hear the story of the monkey."

"Monkey story?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Then he suddenly realized that Xiaomei was so obedient and well-behaved this time because she wanted to continue to listen to his story about Journey to the West.

Looking at Xiaomei's charming appearance, Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"Okay, where were we last time?"

"You mentioned Wuzhishan. Wait a minute and I'll call those brats in to listen together."

"What kid?"

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, Xiaomei opened the door to the room and shouted.

"Little devils, come and listen to the monkey's story."

When Xiaomei shouted, a group of cuties jumped into Zhuo Bufan's room.

Mou Mou, Doudou, Huahua, they all came.

Moreover, they all brought small stools and sat in front of Zhuo Bufan. Each of them held their little heads as if they were holding a flower. They looked at Zhuo Bufan with great energy and expectancy.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned by the scene in front of him.

"Xiaomei, you guy, have you been exposed?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Xiaomei would play with these brats in private while he was away.

But Xiaomei is a demon, and in this world of immortality, humans and demons are at odds with each other.

At this moment, the gentle girl Yunyun walked in and said to Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

"Xiaomei has already told us that she is your contracted monster. Since she has made a contract with a human, she cannot be regarded as an ordinary monster."

Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. It seemed that these people already knew Xiaomei's identity and accepted her.

"Where are Lao Duan and Lao Lao Duan?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Zhuo Bufan could see that Yunyun had the final say on half of Yaoguang Peak.

"Xinghe and Peak Master are still in Yunmeng Realm and you are the first to come back." Yunyun looked at Zhuo Bufan and smiled.

"That's right! Miss Yunyun is also a cultivator, right? I can feel that your soul is very powerful."

After hearing this, Yunyun just showed a sweet smile and said.

"It was Xinghe who asked me to practice. When I first came to Yaoguang Peak, I was weak and sick. Xinghe taught me some cultivation techniques, not to seek immortality, but to strengthen my body."

The woman in front of me is rare, she is the kind of docile woman who takes things easy.

Very obedient, at least listen to Duan Xinghe's words, Duan Xinghe is very lucky.

"Okay, Shibufan, tell us the story of the monkey."

"Brother, tell me quickly. Mou Mou wants to listen. If you don't tell me, I won't be happy."

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the little girl Mo Mou who was born with the ability to speak clearly, and then said.

"Then let me start from the beginning?"

"No need, I've told these little brats all the previous stories. Just start from Wuzhishan."

After listening to Xiaomei's words, Zhuo Bufan sighed. Unexpectedly, Xiaomei would develop her into a storyteller and have such a loyal audience.

"Speaking of which, our Sun Dasheng, under the Tathagata's Five Fingers Mountain, was trapped for five hundred years..."

The stern hall is covered with gold powder, shining brightly and resplendently!

The eight heavenly kings under the Beidi's throne knelt in the main hall one after another, kowtowing to an empty golden dragonborn in the hall, and did not dare to raise their heads.

At this moment, suddenly, a majestic and indifferent voice came from the hall, like a huge bell, exploding in the minds of the eight heavenly kings.

"Bai Su stays, the rest go to Senluo Hall and accept the eighteen tortures."

After hearing the indifferent voice, the seven heavenly kings trembled all over, as if they fell into an ice cave, and crawled out of the hall trembling on their knees.

In the end, only Kanshui was left, the woman who chased Zhuo Bufan and forced Zhuo Bufan to commit suicide and reload the game.

Kanshui is just her synonym among the eight heavenly kings, her real name is Bai Su.

At this moment, Bai Su knelt in the hall, not daring to move.

She knocked her head on the ground, looking like she was ready to be dealt with and wait for her fate.

"You dare to say that a man who is not in the destiny."

When Bai Su heard it, she did not make any explanation, because she had already told Wang Xingbadao everything she knew.

Whether to believe it or not, that is the business of the Northern Emperor.

"I taught you the Xiaoyan technique because of your calmness and wisdom. Now it seems that you are the dumbest among the eight people. What's the point of keeping you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Su suddenly trembled all over.

Then she showed a painful look on her face, and her whole body bent and lay on the ground.

From her throat, a very painful groan came out, as if she had swallowed a burning coal.

On her cheeks, beads of sweat permeated, and the sweat rolled down, sticking her hair to her cheeks.

At this moment, she was suffering from unimaginable pain.

In her body, it seemed that countless flesh-eating and bone-eating carnivorous insects were suddenly awakened and began to gnaw on her flesh.

"Uh uh uh!"

Bai Su made a miserable cry like a lingering gasp.

Countless golden lights floated out of her body and formed a human shape.

That was her soul, the soul of the body-taking realm, which was forcibly torn out of her body.

This is the power of Wang Xing's domineering power, the strength of a pseudo-saint. Even the soul of the body-taking realm can be torn out from the body of another person.

What a terrible power!

Just when Bai Su was about to die to apologize, suddenly, her soul returned to her body.

At the same time, the pain in her body disappeared instantly.

"I suddenly feel that you are still useful."

"Go find that guy for me, and then kill him, even if it is to make up for the merit."

Bai Su breathed a sigh of relief, and at this time, she spoke.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me."

Bai Su climbed up from the ground with difficulty, then turned around and prepared to walk towards the hall.

"Stop, turn around, and open your eyes."

The great voice came again.

Bai Su was completely unable to resist the other party's order. She stopped, turned her head, and opened her eyes wide.

Just as she opened her eyes, a black light flashed before her eyes.

The next second, blood spurted out from her eyes.


Bai Su's eyes were dug out alive.

She just clenched her teeth and snorted softly.

"Eyes will make you lose your way. Get lost!"

The two eyeballs were crushed in the air by a mysterious force.

Bai Su left two bloody tears, slowly turned around, and walked away from the solemn and terrifying hall step by step with heavy steps.


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