Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 161 Conflict [Second update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan entered the Yunmeng Realm with burning murderous intent.

Then he came alone to the main altar of Xingchen Mountain in Yunmeng Realm.

The main altar of Xingchen Mountain is located on a green mountain in the outer east of Yunmeng Realm, and its development is still impressive.

Arriving outside the main altar of Xingchen Mountain, Zhuo Bufan put on the ghost face mask, and his attire was instantly changed into a black shadow suit and a fierce ghost cloak.

"Who is it? Dare to break into our Xingchen Mountain main altar?"

As soon as he appeared outside the boundary at the foot of the mountain, a group of gatekeeper disciples rushed up.

Zhuo Bufan unfolded his cloak, stretched out his right hand from the cloak, and then pointed it in the air in front of him.

A black and white soul book appeared in front of him.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

The soul code was opened, and a green light rushed out from the soul code, transforming into a green snake of 100 feet, and rushed towards the group of gatekeeper disciples.

The forty-eighth level Qingling poisonous python spit out terrifying forked snake letters, carrying a billowing storm of sand and dust as it bit the gatekeeper disciples.

The gatekeeper disciples were frightened to death by the sudden appearance of the green spirit poisonous python.

"What kind of soul beast is this? Run!"

"The forty-eighth level Green Spirit Poison Python, this guy is actually able to summon such a terrifying soul beast."


Before those people could scream, they were killed one by one by the green spirit poisonous python.

In the end, only one disciple was left, standing blankly on the ground. The green spirit poisonous python raised its head high, with its almond-shaped eyes open, shaking its head and looking at the living people below.

The disciple was so frightened that he stared blankly at the Green Spirit Poison Python in front of him, his feet already trembling to the point of trembling.

"Where is He Chen from Tianji Peak?"

Zhuo Bufan did not kill him, but left one alive to inquire about He Chen's whereabouts.

After hearing this, the disciple replied with a twisted face.

"Hey, Senior Brother He Chen, he's out of bounds."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. He didn't expect that he was a step too late and the guy actually escaped.


Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, then turned around and prepared to leave.

"Da, hero, can you take your pet back?"

The Green Spirit Poison Python was still shaking its head in front of the guard.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he went too far and said coldly.

"Chew him!"

After hearing this, the Green Spirit Poison Python opened its bloody mouth, and then swallowed the guard's head in one gulp.

I originally thought that Yunmengjie would avenge Broken Galaxy, but that guy escaped first.

After returning to the world of immortality, Zhuo Bufan walked out of the room.

But at this time, I saw a group of strangers walking outside the gate of Yaoguang Peak.

The leader was a man wearing a blue leather armor and a black cloak with a horse face.

He held a jade fan in his pretentious hand and appeared in front of the gate in an elegant manner.

Behind him, there were three or five people dressed in almost the same clothes, but all of them looked crooked and cracked, making people afraid to compliment his parents' pretentiousness.

"No entry allowed!"

Outside the gate, Doudou and a few children stood in front of the group of men.

When the leading man with a horse face and blue armor saw this, he knocked the jade fan on Doudou's head.

"Kid, is there any place in Xingchen Mountain that I can't go to? Get out of my way, brother."

"You are not allowed to enter. Sister Yunyun said that you are sick."

Doudou suppressed her blush. It was obvious that the jade fan of the horse-faced man just hit him painfully, but the little guy did not cry.

"You are sick and are not allowed in." Mou Mou also opened his hands to block the group of men.

Upon hearing this, the horse-faced man knelt down and asked with a sneer.

"Am I sick? What disease?"


"You little bastard, you're looking for death."

The horse-faced man was instantly angered by Doudou's words and was about to slap Doudou in the face.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan stepped on the "Shifting Stars and Shadows" and instantly appeared in front of the horse-faced man, and suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Bullying children, it seems you are really sick."

Zhuo Bufan appeared in time and saved Doudou. Then he protected all those little cuties behind him.

"Hey, who is this? Since when did Yaoguang Peak have such a famous person like you?"

A fat man stood up behind the horse-faced man and said.

"Fuck me."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan grab his hand, the horse-faced man pushed towards Zhuo Bufan, and the powerful star power rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan would not show weakness. With a push from his backhand, black death energy burst out.

For a moment, the star spiritual energy and the black death energy collided together, and a powerful energy storm shook.

Zhuo Bufan immediately felt that the other party's strength was not weaker than his own, or even stronger.

But relying on the powerful corrosive power of death energy, he was able to fight evenly with his opponent.

"What kind of physique is this kid practicing? What a weird energy invasion."

The horse-faced man was He Chen who killed the Broken Galaxy in Yunmeng Realm.

He came here just to show off his power in front of Duan Xinghe.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door, he met a mysterious man who was no weaker than him.


Just when the two were fighting evenly, a burst of star energy suddenly fell from the sky, shaking Zhuo Bufan and Na He Chen away at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Yuefeng, the father of Duan Xinghe, suddenly appeared among the two of them.

"He Chen, what's the matter with you coming to my Yaoguang Peak?"

Duan Yuefeng folded his hands and looked at He Chen who had just been knocked away.

When He Chen saw that the person coming was Duan Yuefeng, he immediately said in surprise: "Uncle Duan, aren't you developing the soul altar in Yunmeng Realm?"

The reason why He Chen dared to come here to show off his power was because he knew that Duan Yuefeng was in Yunmeng Realm and would not be able to come back in a short time.

However, he did not expect that Duan Yuefeng would not only come back, but also be bumped into by him.

Duan Yuefeng smiled coldly and said.

"You killed my son Duan Xinghe in Yunmeng Realm. Do you want me, as a father, to ignore it?"

As soon as Duan Yuefeng finished speaking, a moving star suddenly appeared in front of He Chen, and then grabbed He Chen's neck.

At that moment, he wished he could just twist this guy's head off.

"Uncle, what are you doing? Are you going to kill me?"

"Do you think I dare not?" Duan Yuefeng said coldly.

"Uncle Master, Junior Brother Duan and I were just sparring in Yunmeng Realm. Even if I killed him, his soul would only be seriously injured. Isn't he still alive and well?"

"If you kill me for this, I'm afraid your Duan family will not be able to leave Xingchen Mountain."

"Are you threatening me?" Duan Yuefeng's strength in his hand became more violent.

The guys behind He Chen quickly tied He Chen up and begged for mercy.

"Uncle Master Duan, calm down! We were wrong, we will leave Yaoguang Peak now."

"Uncle Master Duan, you have to think clearly, Senior Brother He Chen is the young master of Tianji Peak. Do you want to break with Xingchen Mountain?"


Just when Duan Yuefeng was likely to kill He Chen in anger, Duan Xinghe's loud shout came from the yard.

"Stop! Dad, what are you going to do?"

In the yard, Duan Xinghe walked out with the help of Yunyun. He stopped Duan Yuefeng in time and avoided a disaster.

Duan Yuefeng looked back and slowly let go of his hand.

He Chen fell to the ground with a plop. Then he fled without a moment's delay.

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