Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 162 Star Conference [3rd update, please subscribe]

Seeing He Chen and the others fleeing, Duan Yuefeng turned around and looked at Duan Xinghe.

"If I lose at the hands of that guy, it's because my skills are inferior to others. Even in the temple, the master of the temple will not blame He Chen."

"But if you kill him, you can vent your anger for a while, but you, me, Yunyun, and these little devils will all be buried with that beast because of your one thought."

"Is it worth it, Duan Yue Feng!"

Duan Xinghe called Duan Yue Peak's name word for word.

As a bystander, Zhuo Bufan could tell that there was something wrong with this family. The problem lies with Broken Moon Peak.

When Duan Yuefeng heard this, he hugged his head violently, suppressing his emotions hysterically and not screaming.

"Dad, for the Star Ceremony in two days, don't force yourself. Let's go!"

Duan Xinghe looked at Yunyun on the side, and then slowly walked into the yard with Yunyun's support.

Duanyuefeng was left alone, standing outside the gate, alone, like a lone pine, looking up at the sky.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan could feel that Broken Moon Peak was filled with loneliness and desolation.

He could feel that this man was full of endless regret, although he didn't know what he was regretting. But the desolation and vicissitudes of life really make onlookers feel a sense of regret and sadness.

After returning to his room, Zhuo Bufan went to Yunmeng Realm again and found the main altar of Xingchen Mountain.

However, that fellow He Chen may have been frightened by Duan Yue Peak, so he shrank and did not dare to enter the Yunmeng Realm again.

In a rage, Zhuo Bufan killed several disciples from Xingchen Mountain to vent his anger, and then left.

When I returned to the room, I was about to lie down.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a crisp knock on the door.

"Master Zhuo, have you gone to bed?"

The gentle voice came, it was the good girl Yunyun.

"Please come in."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what Yunyun wanted to do with him, but the good girl Yunyun obviously came to his door in the middle of the night because she had something important to do.

Yunyun wore a floor-length white dress tonight, looking gentle and generous.

Such a girl is indeed an extraordinary and ideal type of woman. Of course, this is Zhuo Bufan's delusion.

Zhuo Bufan still understood that a friend's wife should not be bullied.

Although Yunyun and Duan Xinghe have not confirmed their relationship, Zhuo Bufan can tell.

These two are a match made in heaven.

"Please sit down!"

Zhuo Bufan stood up and walked to the table, then poured Yunyun a cup of tea.

Yunyun didn't sit down, or she didn't want to stay in Zhuo Bufan's room for too long. In the middle of the night, a man and a woman were alone in the same room. It would not be good to spread the word.

"I won't sit down anymore. I came here tonight because I have something to plead with Mr. Zhuo."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan also stood up and asked.

"Is it about the Star Ceremony?"

"That's right, Yunyun would like to ask Mr. Zhuo to take Xinghe's place in this Star Conference. In his current state, there is no way he can get on the stage."

Zhuo Bufan deeply understood what Yunyun said.

"The Star Ceremony requires the peak master to lead at least two of his disciples to participate."

"To be honest, Xinghe came to you because he wanted you to replace me and participate in this star conference."

"But now, Xinghe needs your help even more."

Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment, and he knew that Duan Xinghe invited him to Xingchen Mountain not to take him to see the beautiful scenery of Xingchen Mountain.

After listening to Yunyun's frank confession, Zhuo Bufan sighed and said.

"You and I should be very clear about Lao Duan's character. Even if his soul is seriously injured now, he will never let me take his place in any star conference."

"Don't worry, Young Master, he won't know anything on the day of the Star Conference."

Yunyun was obviously well prepared before inviting Zhuo Bufan.

This woman was usually very obedient to Duan Xinghe and seemed to have no independent opinions.

But now Zhuo Bufan discovered that Yunyun had her own ideas. She was secretly helping Duan Xinghe, or in other words, secretly helping the Duan family to change their destiny.

"Okay, I promise you. Just tell me whatever you need me to do. Lao Duan is one of the few friends I have in this world. I am willing to help him."

"Thank you Mr. Zhuo for your help. Today's kindness will be unforgettable for Yunyun."

"You're welcome, girl. I'm bored anyway, so I'm going to see what this Star Conference is all about."

Finally, Zhuo Bufan agreed to attend the Star Conference instead of Duan Xinghe.

On the day of the Star Conference, Duan Xinghe was knocked unconscious by the incense prepared by Yunyun.

Then Yunyun asked the little cuties to stay and take care of Duan Xinghe.

"Xiaomei, you should stay too!"

Zhuo Bufan, who had experienced so many deaths, his intuition told him that something might happen to Yaoguang Peak.

So he left Xiaomei in Yaoguang Peak.

Then he followed the peak master Broken Moon Peak and Miss Yunyun on the flying boat and flew towards the main peak of Seven Star Peak, Xingchen Mountain.

Along the way, the sky was filled with spaceships of various sizes flying towards the top of Star Mountain.

Thousands of sails are racing, hundreds of boats are racing against each other, the scene is extremely grand and spectacular.

Zhuo Bufan's flying boat looked a little shabby and dilapidated.

However, he was able to navigate among these huge spaceships with ease and arrived at the sky dock on the top of the mountain of stars as soon as possible.

After stopping the flying boat, the three of them stepped onto the pier, then walked through a passage and passed through a towering tower door.

Finally, they stepped into a magnificent and fantastic concave venue.

In the concave venue, there were huge crowds of people, filled with all kinds of people.

This venue is extremely large and vast, and almost all of the millions of disciples of Xingchen Mountain can sit down.

There are seven high towers around the venue, representing the seven star peaks. And in the center of the concave venue, there is a floating island.

The floating island is very similar to the Holy City of Huoyun City, but there are no buildings on it, only a flat arena.

That is the famous Xingchen Arena of Xingchen Mountain. It is also the place where the disciples of Xingchen Mountain compete with each other.

Yunyun led Zhuo Bufan and Duanyuefeng to the Star Tower representing Yaoguang Tower.

Zhuo Bufan, who followed Duanyuefeng, always felt that Duanyuefeng was a little abnormal today, and seemed to be afraid of the scene in front of him.

"What on earth did this man experience?" Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

At this time, the three of them climbed up the Yaoguang Star Tower.

This kind of star tower is specially prepared for the peak masters of each peak.

However, when they came to the top of the star tower, they saw a group of people sitting on the top.

Among the group of people, Zhuo Bufan saw an acquaintance, He Chen!

And the other party also turned back to look at Zhuo Bufan and the others at the first time, stood up and smiled.

"Hey, everyone from Yaoguang Peak is here. Please sit down quickly!"

Sit? Where to sit?

There was no empty seat, only three low stools.

That He Chen pointed at the three stools and said to Zhuo Bufan and the others.

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