Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 166: Powerful Forces from Each Peak [Seventh update, please subscribe]

When the Master of the Star Hall said that the location of this Star Conference was changed to Yunmeng Realm, the entire venue was filled with exclamations.

Even Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Going to Yunmengjie? Why am I suddenly no longer stressed?"

Yunmeng Realm is already a paradise for extraordinary people.

Among them, Zhuo Bufan is not the best in the world, but he has been prosperous so far.

He did not expect that Xingchen Mountain would decide to change the venue of the conference to Yunmeng Realm.

"Yunmengjie? Why did the conference change to Yunmengjie? It was too sudden. Many of our tactics cannot be used."

"Yes, in the Yunmeng Realm, all the techniques we practice are useless. In the Yunmeng Realm, it is more about the competition between the spells and the Horcruxes purchased by the Soul Code."

"If my guess is correct, I am afraid that Xingchen Mountain will gradually shift the battlefield of cultivation to Yunmeng Realm in the future. After all, Yunmeng Realm is now the main world for all soul cultivation."

The emergence of Yunmeng Realm has caused many major sects to shift their future development direction.

Since the disappearance of the Yunmeng Realm, the monks in the Immortal Realm have been struggling on the path of soul cultivation.

The cultivation of the soul relies more on enlightenment and accumulation over time, as well as the feedback of the master's soul.

However, after the emergence of Yunmeng Realm, the cultivation of the soul became easier and easier. As long as you continue to improve your level in the Yunmeng Realm, your soul power will also continue to increase.

Once upon a time, the average training time from the Transformation Realm to the Yang Yang Realm was about one year.

But now, it may be possible to store enough soul power in less than a month to break through to the Entering Yang Realm.

In the past, if you wanted to reach the Yuanshen realm, you would have to spend at least ten or even a hundred years to store your soul power.

But now, it only took Zhuo Bufan more than a month to fully store up the soul power to attack the Yuanshen realm.

It can be said that the restart of Yunmengjie is not only beneficial to one person. For the entire world of cultivating immortals, the speed of cultivation will increase to a leaping height in the future.

Therefore, many sects' discoveries are now beginning to approach the Yunmeng Realm.

Not only in the Yunmeng Realm, a Soul Altar camp was born.

These soul altar camps are very likely to impact the sect forces in the world of immortality in the future.

For example, a monk from a certain sect joined another Soul Altar camp in the Yunmeng Realm.

The longer he stays in the Yunmeng Realm, the less and less he will have no nostalgia for the sects in the Immortal Realm, and sooner or later he will withdraw from the sect.

These people who share a common camp in the Yunmeng Realm are likely to get together in the Immortal Cultivation Realm in the future and re-establish a new sect.

This kind of thing will definitely happen sooner or later.

Just like the largest camp in Yunmeng Realm now, "Sealing the True Name".

Now there are many casual cultivators who have joined the "Seal True Name", and they have begun to meet privately in the world of immortality, and then discuss the establishment of a rogue cultivator force called "Unknown Dynasty" in the world of immortality.

This is not groundless, many people are already in contact with each other.

After all, the "Sealed True Name" is now the largest camp in the Yunmeng Realm. If all the disciples of this camp get together and really establish an "unnamed dynasty" in the world of immortality, then the pattern of the world of immortality is very likely to change. About to be broken.

It is precisely to avoid this kind of thing from happening that the venue of this "Star Conference" was changed to Yunmeng Realm. It is to improve the cohesion of the disciples of the sect.

Of course, Star Mountain changed the venue of this Star Conference to Yunmeng Realm.

For Zhuo Bufan, it was like a fish in water, he couldn't ask for it.

Then, Zhuo Bufan said to Duan Yuefeng and Yunyun.

"Peak Master, if this battlefield is in the Yunmeng Realm, trust me once and fight for the first place."

Zhuo Bufan's tone was almost like a promise.

It was as if he was saying, believe me, believe my words, and you will be number one.

Duan Yuefeng and Yunyun didn't know where Zhuo Bufan got his confidence, but after Zhuo Bufan's heroic words before, they had decided to fight for the first place.

"The 'Seven Star Terrace Battlefield' in Yunmeng Realm is ready. Now, let the seven peak masters of Seven Star Peak lead their participating disciples to the Star Star Terrace."

As the Master of the Star Hall finished speaking, Duan Yuefeng glanced at Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun behind him, and then said.

"let's go!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan felt a force that lifted him up.

Immediately afterwards, he and Yunyun followed Broken Moon Peak and flew up towards the suspended platform in the center of the venue.

Not only them, but the other six peak masters each took their elite disciples and flew up to the star-facing platform.

Some peak masters lead two disciples, and some peak leaders lead three disciples.

It's not that the more disciples you bring, the better. After all, the peak master and all his disciples need to be on the Seven Star Platform to win.

The more you carry, the more burdens you carry.

But bringing one more person also has the advantage of bringing one more person. After all, there is strength in numbers.

Based on the experience gained from more than a hundred Star Conferences, bringing two or three disciples is the best choice.

As the seven peak masters and sixteen disciples boarded the star stage, hundreds of thousands of people in the entire venue became excited.

"Look, He Ruhai, the peak master of Tianji Peak, the disciples he will lead this year are his son He Chen and his proud disciple Xiao Hu."

"He Chen doesn't need to be introduced too much. He is the number one among the younger generation in Tianji Peak, and even one of the best among the younger generation in the entire Xingchen Mountain. As for Xiao Hu, he is also the disciple second only to He Chen in Tianji Peak. Tianji Feng’s lineup is very strong!”

Some people have set their sights on the three people from Tianji Peak. This is the team they are optimistic about winning the championship, so naturally they will pay more attention.

"The peak master of Kaiyang Peak actually brought three disciples this year."

"He should be leading the legendary 'Three Talented Boys' of Kaiyang Peak, the genius Wu Hao, the earth talent Wu Yue, and the talent Wu Xing."

"It is said that these three disciples can join forces to perform the 'Three Talents Sword Formation of Sun, Moon and Star', and even the strong men of Silver Pill can join forces to fight. They are indeed the masters of the king that I have chosen."

Some people are optimistic about Kaiyang Peak. After all, Kaiyang Peak has high hopes of winning the championship.

"The leader of Yuheng Peak should be his son and daughter! The so-called brothers fighting tigers are father and son soldiers. Did this family go to the battlefield together?"

"This Yuhengfeng is a family of father and son. It must be that the family has a good understanding and can cooperate more easily!"

"That should be the plan. After all, the Star Conference is not a one-person battle. It relies more on cooperation to succeed."

People discovered that every peak master has an outstanding disciple under his sect, and they all have the appearance of being a master of kings.

Finally, someone saw the three people from Yaoguang Peak.

"Look at the two disciples brought by the master of Yaoguang Peak."

"Yaoguang Peak still has disciples? I heard that Yaoguang Peak has not had new disciples for more than ten years! I thought they couldn't even gather the number of people to compete today."

"It can't be so miserable. After all, it is one of the Seven Star Peaks. Even if there are not 100,000 or 80,000 disciples under the sect, there are only 78,000 or 8,000. How is it possible that two decent disciples can't be picked out?"

Someone puzzled.

The old man, Sun, who had watched the Star Conference ten times in a row, said with a smile.

"At first glance, you are new here. The peak master of Yaoguang Peak, Duanyue Peak, is not as simple as you think!"

The old man looked like you were too young and pretended to smile deeply.

"However, the two disciples of Yaoguang Peak this year are quite interesting."

"The man is mysterious, the woman is hidden!"

Mr. Sun glanced at Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun on the stage, and then commented like this with his sophisticated eyes.

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