Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 167 Black Shadow Divine Light Sword [Eighth update, please subscribe]

Old Sun, who had watched ten consecutive Star Conferences, had a very high opinion of Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun.

He saw Zhuo Bufan standing on the left side of Duanyue Peak, standing tall like a spear, full of energy and spirit, with a power ready to go.

Looking at Yunyun on the right side of Duanyue Peak, the little girl had a calm face and was calm, as if the sky was collapsing in front of her without any chaos. After all, in such a grand scene, even the peak master would feel nervous.

And Yunyun's calmness was beyond Old Sun's imagination.

"That girl is extraordinary!" Old Sun said so.

Yunyun was just an ordinary village girl who was rescued by Duan Xinghe from an old demon. If it weren't for Duan Xinghe, she would never have embarked on the path of cultivating immortals.

She had never seen such a big world, but now in front of so many people, she could remain calm, which really had unimaginable concentration.

When seeing Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun, Old Sun shook his head and said.

"This year's Yaoguang Peak is very different from previous years!"

When others heard that the elder would actually express such emotion, they couldn't help but ask.

"Why did Elder Sun say that?"

The elder slowly shook his head and said.

"I don't know, I don't know! It is precisely because of the uncertainty of this Star Conference that I have been able to watch it for a full hundred years. Young men, let's watch it patiently!"

After Elder Sun said this, others stopped asking.

At this moment, on the floating platform in the center of the venue, the Star Hall with its own holy light stared at everyone in front of it and said.

"After you enter the Yunmeng Realm later, teleport to my Star Mountain headquarters to gather as soon as possible.

"The reason why this Star Conference is held in the Yunmeng Realm is to let everyone in the world see how grand the Star Conference of my Star Mountain is."

"In the battle for the Seven Star Platform, you should do your best to show the star power of my Star Mountain. Do you understand?"

After hearing this, the peak masters replied: "I understand. "

"Okay, you go first! I and the hundreds of thousands of people present will go to Yunmeng Realm immediately."

After hearing this, the peak masters each brought their disciples to the seven round platforms that were arranged on the floating platform in advance.

There were several cushions on each of the seven round platforms.

Zhuo Bufan and the others walked straight to the platform where Yaoguang Peak was located, and then the three of them sat on the cushions.

"Xiao Zhuo, Yunyun, see you in Yunmeng Realm, you must not take it lightly."

"Understand, Master!"

"Understand, Peak Master. "

After the seven peak masters gave instructions to their disciples, everyone closed their eyes and their spirits left their bodies.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

Beams of light shot up into the sky and entered the Yunmeng Realm.

After seeing this scene, the Star Hall Master shouted to the hundreds of thousands of spectators again.

"Everyone, this grand event is rare in a century. You can enter the Yunmeng Realm with confidence. The bodies will be taken care of by the major deacons of our Star Mountain. See you in the Yunmeng Realm!"

"See you in the Yunmeng Realm!"

"See you in the Yunmeng Realm!"

All of a sudden, spirits rushed up to the sky from the venue.

This was a rare grand event. Hundreds of thousands of spirits entered the Yunmeng Realm at the same time. Hundreds of thousands of rays of light formed a colorful sky curtain in the Star Mountain, which was spectacular.


"Yunmeng Realm, I'm back! "

Zhuo Bufan opened his hands and stretched. He was now in one of his more than 2,000 soul altars, and he even forgot the name of this soul altar.

"We have to gather at the main altar in Xingchen Mountain. Before that, I want to make some preparations."

"Soul Monument, choose to trade."

Zhuo Bufan opened the soul altar's trading ability with ease.

"Are there any black sword-shaped soul weapons? Recommend a few!"

"Okay, master, according to your requirements and your current soul level, I recommend the following soul weapons to you."

"Soul Devouring Sword, Mysterious Water Sword, Black Poison Sword, Black Shadow Divine Light Sword! "

Zhuo Bufan took a look and found that the four swords recommended by the Soul Monument were all black, and were surrounded by black mist.

Among them, the Black Shadow Divine Light Sword was just a ball of black mist, without a sword body or shape.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw this sword.

This Black Shadow Divine Light Sword is almost 80% similar to the Death Sword in his Life and Death Sword.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to use such a sword that could conceal his identity.

He would definitely use the Life and Death Sword in this Star Conference. However, his Life and Death Sword was too special. If someone with ulterior motives remembered it, they would probably follow the clues and find out his true identity.

In order not to expose his identity, Zhuo Bufan had to use such a similar sword to hide his identity.

"Then buy this Black Shadow Divine Light Sword, and buy ten of them first. "Zhuo Bufan said.

Then, ten pages of the Black Shadow Sword appeared on his soul book.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the information.

Soul weapon: Black Shadow Sword

Level: Level 48

Ability: The sword is invisible, but the mind is visible. The Black Shadow Sword can change between invisible and visible according to the user's thoughts.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the Black Shadow Sword, his eyes lit up.

"This sword is really interesting. It can change between invisible and visible. In other words, if someone blocks my Black Shadow Sword with a soul weapon, I can change into invisible at the moment he blocks it."

"In this way, it can pass through the opponent's blocking weapon, and then change into visible after passing through, so that it can be cut on the opponent's body. "

Zhuo Bufan summoned the Black Shadow Divine Light Sword, and the feeling in his hand was exactly the same as his own soul weapon, the Death Sword.

Later, Zhuo Bufan tried the sword's ability, and the more he used it, the better it became.

This sword can switch back and forth between the tangible and the intangible with Zhuo extraordinary thoughts. When it is invisible, it can easily pass through obstacles, and when it is tangible, it can cut through iron like mud.

"Good sword, really good sword!"

Zhuo Bufan said with great satisfaction.

In this way, not only did he have a handy weapon, but he could also use his own soul weapon at critical moments to kill people invisible.

"Buy another set of armor, and then go to the main altar of the Star Palace to kill those guys."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to buy the Soul Power Armor, suddenly a world announcement came from the sky.

"Information, announcement, fellow Taoists from the Yunmeng Realm, the Xingchen Palace of the Western Immortal Cultivation Sect is holding a Star Conference today at the main altar of the Xingchen Palace. This is being notified to the whole world, and Taoist friends from all over the world are welcome to come and take a look."

"Information, announcement, fellow Taoists from the Yunmeng Realm, the Xingchen Palace of the Western Immortal Cultivation Sect is holding a Star Conference today at the main altar of the Xingchen Palace. This is being notified to the whole world, and Taoist friends from all over the world are welcome to come and take a look."

Zhuo Bufan raised his head, looked up at the sky, and smiled lightly.

"I didn't expect such a naughty operation. This Star Palace is really interesting!"

Zhuo Bufan was amazed at the way Xingchen Palace promoted its sect.

Then I randomly bought a suit of armor and chose to teleport.

Target location: Star Hall General Altar!

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