Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 168 Tactics (Part 1) [9th update, please subscribe]

The main altar of Xingchen Mountain is located in the center of a huge open square.

The square is huge, nearly the size of two football fields. In the entire square, except for the soul altar, there was nothing else, which had obviously been cleaned up on purpose.

Suddenly, the soul altar flashed with light, and then contestants were teleported from other different soul altars and appeared on the main altar of Xingchen Mountain.

When Zhuo Bufan appeared at the main altar of the Star Palace wearing a black armor, he found that Yunyun and Duanyuefeng were already standing outside the soul altar waiting.

The two of them have also changed their attire.

Yunyun changed into a white outfit with a snow gauze covering it, making her look full of elegance and agility.

Of course, even though she is wearing a fancy outfit, Yunyun still remains calm and composed.

Broken Moon Peak, on the other hand, wore a dark red armor, no longer as decadent and slovenly as before.

Obviously, the two of them had been inspired by Zhuo Bufan before and were extremely enthusiastic about this star conference in Yunmeng Realm.

When she saw Zhuo Bufan walking down the soul altar, Yunyun stretched out her slender jade fingers and pointed them in the air in front of her.

A light blue soul book appeared in front of her.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

Yunyun used the Xuanguang Baojian to take a look at Zhuo Bufan's cultivation, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Your soul is actually forty-nine?"

Almost at the same time, Zhuo Bufan also read Yunyun's basic information.

"Forty-five! I heard that Miss Yunyun has been practicing for less than six years and is already a master of the Immortal Ascension Realm. You are the one who amazes me."

Zhuo Bufan did not give any explanation for his level 49.

Zhuo Bufan then looked at Broken Moon Peak aside. His soul cultivation level was at level 58.

As expected of the peak master of Seven Star Peak, he is about to enter the realm of possession.

"I didn't expect that your cultivation level is so high. In this way, we have a chance to win this Star Conference in Yunmeng Realm."

Broken Moon Peak was also surprised by Zhuo Bufan's cultivation.

At Zhuo Bufan's age, being able to achieve such a level of cultivation is already a genius.

Later, Zhuo Bufan found that everyone around him was checking each other's cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan also took the time to look at several peak masters and found that the highest one was only the peak master of Kaiyang Peak. His cultivation level was at level 59.

The others are basically between fifty-six and fifty-eight.

As for the disciples, they are mixed.

But the cultivation level of all the disciples has reached above the Immortal Ascension Realm.

The lowest level is forty-one, and the highest level is forty-nine.

There are two people who have reached level 49 soul power, one of whom is Kaiyang Peak's senior brother Wu Hao. There was another person, He Chen, who killed Duan Xinghe in Yunmeng Realm.

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and looked at He Chen, and couldn't help but say in his heart.

"Boy, you're done."

That He Chen seemed to feel Zhuo Bufan's murderous intent and suddenly looked in the direction of Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother, what's wrong?" asked the junior brother standing next to the horse-faced He Chen.

When He Chen heard this, he sneered and said: "It's nothing. I just saw a kid who doesn't know how to live or die. Let's work together to kill him later."

"Information, announcement, fellow Taoists from the Yunmeng Realm, the Xingchen Palace of the Western Immortal Cultivation Sect is holding a Star Conference today at the main altar of the Xingchen Palace. This is being notified to the whole world, and Taoist friends from all over the world are welcome to come and take a look."

"Information, announcement, fellow Taoists from the Yunmeng Realm, the Xingchen Palace of the Western Immortal Cultivation Sect is holding a Star Conference today at the main altar of the Xingchen Palace. This is being notified to the whole world, and Taoist friends from all over the world are welcome to come and take a look."

Above the sky, the announcement from Xingchen Mountain is still being heard.

Their momentum gradually attracted the attention of more and more people.

Some people began to appear in some soul altars near the main altar of Xingchen Mountain, and then paid attention to this sect conference held for the first time in Yunmeng Realm.

The monks who were originally sitting at the Cultivation World Star Conference also came to Yunmeng Realm and rushed to the scene.


Above the sky, a soft voice penetrated the clouds.

Everyone looked up and saw the master of the Star Hall, the old man with the light of the stars, flying in the sky on a crane.

"You are the mainstay of our Star Palace, the powerful elites. You must go all out in this star war."

"In Yunmeng Realm, you can kill without dying. Therefore, I hope that you can use all your strength and the ability to kill each other, and show it without reservation in this conference. Do you understand?"

The Master of the Star Hall has good intentions for this Star Conference.

He wants to make this Star Conference a grand event in the Yunmeng Realm. Let the whole world know the reputation of his Star Palace.

Today's Yunmeng Realm brings together the entire world of cultivating immortals.

This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to build momentum and become famous.

Therefore, all the peak masters under the main seat of Xingchen Palace killed themselves.

Only in this way can the conference be exciting enough to attract more people's attention and become famous.

A painful death blow!

Many people had evil smiles after hearing this sentence.

After seeing the evil smiles on some people's faces, the Star Hall Master nodded with satisfaction.

"Next, let me talk about the new rules of this Star Conference."

"This time, we only have one Seven-Star Platform, which is the Soul Altar."

Everyone present frowned when they heard this.

"There is only one soul altar? How can we argue about this?"

The master of the Star Hall replied: "So this time, we only compete for the top spot, not ranking."

"Only fighting for the top spot, not ranking?"

This sentence spread into the air. In the sky above the main altar of the Star Palace, thousands of people were riding flying mounts and paying attention to the conference.

It seems that not only the location of this Star Conference has changed, but the rules have also changed.

In other words, only one leader will be born among the seven star peaks. There will no longer be rankings of third, sixth or ninth grade.

"Interesting, really interesting! In this way, all the peak masters of Seven Star Peak must go all out in this conference."

"There is no competition for second, third, and fourth place. All the strategies they came up with before are useless!"

The sudden change of the rules by the Master of the Star Hall caught everyone off guard.

Almost all the peak masters frowned.

Some peak masters who had not planned to compete for the first place had to fight with all their strength this time.

And some peak masters who plan to compete for the first place have to face more competitors.

"Okay, now we are allowed to discuss tactics. In a quarter of an hour, the Seven-Star Hegemony Conference will officially begin."

After finishing speaking, the Master of the Star Palace flew the crane in the air for a week, taking this stage to greet all the surrounding experts who came to watch.

Zhuo Bufan and the others stepped aside and began to discuss tactics.

Because of the sudden change in the rules of the conference, they also had to change their initial tactics!

After returning home, the author coded the words immediately! There will definitely be ten updates before twelve o'clock! no sooner said than done! ! ! Thank you for your support! ! ! !

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