Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 169 Tactics (Part 2) [10th update, please subscribe]

"I didn't expect the Star Lord to change the rules. As a result, our plan to compete for the third place won't work."

In the team of Yuheng Peak, the Peak Lord of Yuheng Peak said to the group of children in front of him.

They are brothers who fight tigers, and fathers and sons fight together. In this Star Conference, all three of them went to the battlefield.

Ouyang Cheng, the Peak Lord of Yuheng Peak, originally aimed for the third place.

Their initial tactics were to conserve their strength in the first two games, and then show their power in the third game.

This is the same tactic that Yunyun had thought of before, except that Yunyun's goal is the fourth place.

But now, the Star Hall Lord has changed the rules.

This time there is only the champion, no ranking. In this way, their tactics are completely useless.

If they can't get the champion, it will be meaningless.

"Father, in this case, then we can only fight with all our strength. The special ability of my life soul weapon may be able to play a role."

Ouyang Yu looked at Ouyang Cheng and said.

She is Ouyang Cheng's eldest daughter, very wise, and she has her own ideas about this battle.

"My soul weapon can change positions with others. As long as my father and I ascend the soul altar at the same time, I will change positions with other people on the soul altar. Then the three of us from Yuheng Peak will all ascend the soul altar together and win the championship."

Ouyang Feng is Ouyang Cheng's youngest son, and he is as smart as his sister Ouyang Yu.

They put the core of the tactics of this competition on Ouyang Yu's soul weapon, which is a very good tactic.

"Well, I will be responsible for protecting Xiaofeng to ascend the soul altar, and Xiaoyu, you will find an opportunity to change positions. Do you understand?" Ouyang Cheng agreed with Ouyang Yu and Ouyang Feng's tactics.

After hearing this, the two siblings nodded and said, "No problem."


On the other side, Kaiyang Peak was in a headache.

"I didn't expect the Star Lord to change the rules at this time. This is very disadvantageous to us."

The head of Kaiyang Peak brought three disciples.

It is very difficult for three disciples to ascend the soul altar at the same time in such a big melee.

If they compete with a few teams, they still have the advantage in numbers. But if they compete with all other star peaks, they will have no advantage.

"Wu Hao, you can use the power of your soul weapon to roam the battlefield. Your soul weapon has a strong advantage, so don't waste it." Kaiyang Peak Master said.

"Yes, Wu Hao, your soul weapon can be invisible. You just need to hide around the soul altar and let other people forget your existence. After we climb the soul altar, you can quietly jump onto the soul altar, and we may be able to win the championship."

After hearing this, Wu Hao nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, I will also use my ability to create opportunities for you."


In the Tianji Peak team, the peak master He Ruhai was staring at the people of other teams with a sly look.

"This change in the rules has little impact on us. After all, our initial goal is to be the first."

"And the abilities of your two soul weapons can also be fully utilized in this battle."

When He Ruhai made sure that no one around was eavesdropping, he quietly said to He Chen and Xiao Hu.

After hearing this, He Chen said, "Father, I will be responsible for clearing all those who want to ascend the altar. You and Junior Brother Xiao will ascend the altar first."

"Well, you should make good use of your Rain of Pear Blossoms Needle. In such a chaotic battle, your life soul weapon can be perfectly displayed."

"As for Xiao Hu, your Lotus Flying Blade has the same magical effect as Chen'er's Rain of Pear Blossoms. Since the Star Lord has said that killing is not a crime, you can do it boldly. If you can kill one, kill one."

The tactics of Tianji Peak can be said to be quite violent.

They don't have any tactics in terms of wisdom. Their tactics are just one word, kill!

If you can kill one, kill one, it's a simple and crude tactic.

Rain of Pear Blossoms plus Lotus Flying Blade, two terrifying soul weapons joined forces, and both have a large range of lethal soul power.

Even if they can't kill people, they can cause serious damage to most disciples.

They don't need to hurt other peak masters. As long as they can hurt other disciples, it's enough.

The peak masters can't just ignore the injuries of disciples. This will disrupt their rhythm, and they will take the opportunity to occupy the soul altar.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan and his team are also discussing tactics.

As the peak master, Duan Yuefeng looked at Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun after hearing this rule.

"Whatever you two think, you can speak boldly."

Yunyun spoke first after hearing this.

"Let's talk about the abilities of our respective soul weapons first! See if we can cooperate with each other."

"My soul weapon, the Soul Control Needle, through it, I can control enemies with a lower level than it."

When Zhuo Bufan heard about Yunyun's Soul Control Needle ability, he felt a chill on his back.

"Controlling enemies with a lower level than it is so powerful?"

This is the second soul weapon ability with a level limit that Zhuo Bufan has encountered. The first one is his soul weapon, the Life and Death Sword.

His Death Sword can instantly kill all enemies with a level lower than or equal to it.

Zhuo Bufan can hardly imagine how terrible her soul weapon, the Soul Control Needle, will become if Yunyun upgrades her soul weapon to a high level.

"Then Master Duanfeng, what is the ability of your Horcrux?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Duan Yuefeng answered after hearing this.

"My Horcrux is the Star Lock, level 50! It can completely seal enemies below this level. Those who are sealed will lose all their mobility."

"Another hierarchical Horcrux? It can't be such a coincidence!"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised again.

He didn't expect that the Horcruxes of the three of them were all hierarchical Horcruxes.

Moreover, the ability of the Star Lock in Broken Moon Peak sounds so abnormal.

Block the enemy and render it incapacitated!

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan felt creepy when he heard it.

Soul-fixing needle!

Star lock!

Why are the horcruxes of Yunyun and Broken Moon Peak so strange?

"Master Zhuo, what is your Horcrux like?" Yunyun didn't think her Horcrux was very powerful.

She rarely enters the Yunmeng Realm, so her Horcrux is only level 28 so far. It can be said that it basically played no big role in this war.

After all, no one present had a soul cultivation level lower than level 28.

After hearing Yunyun's question, Zhuo Bufan took out the ordinary Horcrux he had prepared in advance, the Black Shadow Divine Light Sword.

Zhuo Bufan then showed the abilities of his sword to the two of them, and they nodded silently.

"It's a pity that my soul weapon ability can't help you. With the current level of the soul manipulation needle, it can only affect the minds of others and cannot control the opponent."

"Then how many soul-controlling needles do you have?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"As the level increases, one will be added to each level. Now I have twenty-eight." Yunyun replied.


Zhuo Bufan took a breath of cold air.

The ability of this soul manipulation needle is so terrifying. If it were upgraded to level 100, it would be a hundred soul manipulation needles.

This means that Yunyun can control one hundred ninety-nine level soul beasts at one time.

By then, she is afraid that she will dominate half of Yunmeng Realm!

"Twenty-eight roots are enough! You don't need to control them, as long as you can secretly disturb their hearts and souls."

This battle will definitely turn into a big melee in the end, and my suggestion is that we don't rush into it. Wait until the environment in the battle circle becomes clear before joining the battle.

After hearing this, Duan Yuefeng and Yunyun nodded silently, expressing their support for Zhuo Bufan's idea.

"Well, just listen to my instructions when the time comes. I'll give you a look."

Zhuo Bufan naturally became the commander among the three. After all, it seemed that only the Horcrux in his hand was of some use.

The level of Yunyun's Soul Control Needle is too low, and the Star Lock of Broken Moon Peak can only block one person at a time, and at its current level, it can only block a disciple.

Their Horcruxes would basically not be of much use in this war. This battle basically has to be completed by Zhuo Bufan alone.

call! The tenth update is over. I’m tired. It’s time to go to bed. Good night everyone! Keep fighting tomorrow!

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