Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 176: Killing Wife to Prove the Truth (Part 2) [Seventh update, please subscribe]

Kill, wife, witness, Tao!

When these four words rang in the sky above the entire venue.

Everyone, including men, women, old and young, as well as adults and young men, were trembling.

Everyone, including Zhuo Bufan, trembled on the spot and looked at Broken Moon Peak next to him in stunned silence.

"Killing his wife?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered why he felt that tombstone-like feeling on Broken Moon Peak.

Looking at Yunyun on the side, she seemed to know all this, and for the first time, a panicked look appeared on her face.

As for the person involved, Broken Moon Peak stood there dumbfounded, trembling all over.

"He Ruhai, shut up!"

The Master of Xingchen Hall was angry. He raised his shining palm and prepared to strike at He Ruhai.

As a result, He Ruhai fell to the ground with a bang, then stared at the Master of the Star Hall with his eyes wide open and said.

"Master, it's now this time, do you still want to defend this thing with a human face and a beast's heart?"

"The person who died was your daughter!"

This time, the entire audience was in an uproar again, and everyone was shocked.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the floating platform floating in the sky.

Will this Star Conference turn into a ridiculous farce in the end?

In any case, it seems that this drama has just begun and is getting more and more exciting.

"The Wife Killer at Broken Moon Peak proves that the person he killed turned out to be the Star Lord's daughter. What kind of plot is this, and the Star Master can still tolerate the existence of Broken Moon Peak?"

"It's so interesting. I didn't expect that the people of the Star Palace would be able to use the evil heretic's method of entering the soul."

"Killing one's wife into the soul, isn't this a common method used by demons? It is an attempt to cut off lust, restore one's true self, unify the soul, and step into the realm of the soul."

"You have to admit that this method of magic is easy to use. There are many masters of magic. It is because they are cruel and deny their relatives that they can make such rapid progress in practice."

"The cultivation of the soul of the devil has always been cruel. Starting from the realm of transformation, you will find a Taoist partner and collect yin to replenish the yang. Then when you reach the realm of entering the yang, you will practice double cultivation and enter the sea of ​​desire. Finally, you will kill your wife and enter the soul. , directly enter the realm of the soul.”

"This passage is smooth and smooth, with more than half the detours than my righteous path. Many righteous people will be desperate when they reach a bottleneck in their cultivation and choose to kill their wives to achieve enlightenment, but this path is a devil's path."

"So, Broken Moon Peak is a demon?" After listening to the expert's explanation, everyone's spines went cold and they looked at Broken Moon Peak on the floating platform with great fear.

"If what He Ruhai said is true, then Broken Moon Peak has entered the devil's path!"


This word made an explosive sound in everyone's mind, and it was also turbulent in Zhuo Bufan's mind, like an old bell in the mountains, ringing continuously.

Zhuo Bufan has been to the Seventy-Two Demonic Islands and has seen what the people in the Demonic Way are like.

They disowned each other, killed their fathers for glory, were suspicious of each other, and killed each other without hesitation.

What Zhuo Bufan saw was just the tip of the iceberg. He believed that the devil was more terrifying than he imagined.

However, is the Broken Moon Summit a magical path?

Zhuo Bufan didn't believe it, he could see Duanyue Peak's love for Yunyun, Duan Xinghe, and the cuties at Yaoguang Peak.

When he saw Broken Moon Peak almost killing He Chen for Broken Galaxy, Zhuo Bufan could feel the deep fatherly love.

This relationship between father and son is completely different from the devil. How could he be a devil?

I don’t know if Broken Moon Peak is Mo Zhuo Bufan, but at this moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that He Ruhai’s face as he was kneeling on the ground was so hateful.

He hugged the Xingchen Palace Master's thigh and shouted hypocritically like a cat crying like a mouse.

"Master, have you forgotten Junior Sister Luo Yu? You claimed that Junior Sister Luo Yu died of dystocia. But I know how she died because I was there at the time. It was this beast who killed Luo Yu with his own hands. "

"You just watched Junior Sister Luo Yu die in his hands and were indifferent. Now you still want to protect this beast and prevent me from exposing his human-faced beast?"

This He Ruhai placed himself on a high moral level and even criticized the Xingchen Palace Master for his indiscriminate behavior.

The Master of Xingchen Hall looked at this guy and gritted his teeth with hatred.

However, hundreds of thousands of people were present to witness this scene, which was related to the reputation and prestige of the Star Palace in the world of immortality.

The Lord of the Star Hall has been kidnapped by this guy and is unable to dismount!

"Master, since you don't want to say anything, let me say it!"

He Ruhai wiped away his crocodile tears, then stood up from the ground and spoke in front of hundreds of thousands of people at the venue.

"Junior Sister Luo Yu, the apple of Master's eye, Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Star Palace. All of us loved this little Junior Sister deeply back then."

"As for Broken Moon Peak, they are secretly using despicable means to get close to their junior sister."

"Not only that, but he also made his junior sister pregnant with his child. He is an evil breed, absolutely an evil breed!"

"What's even more abominable is that after the young junior sister gave birth to a child, Broken Moon Peak personally killed the young junior sister in order to break through the bottleneck of the Yuan Shen Realm. By the time Master and I arrived, it was already too late. Junior sister died on the bed where she had just given birth.”

"To die tragically, that's just so miserable."

"Everyone, please remember that I, Xingchen Palace, is one of the thirty-six sects of the righteous path. We support justice and safeguard the righteous path of the world."

"But I didn't expect that our sect would produce such a scum."

"Killing his wife to prove his truth, killing his wife to prove his truth, how abominable!"

"In order to save his old face, Master said that family disgrace should not be made public, and asked me to keep my mouth shut and bury this secret against my will forever in my heart."

"But today, I can't hide it anymore. He is a hypocrite from Duanyue Peak, a demon who killed his wife to prove his truth, and now he has become the master of the Seven Stars First Peak. How absurd, how ridiculous!"

"Are you willing to send your children to this demon to learn the morality of the magic? Learn to kill your father for glory, kill your wife to prove your truth, kill your brother and kill your father?"

He Ruhai's words, word by word, resounded throughout the entire venue.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan wanted to rush up, stomp him hard on the ground, and then tear his dog mouth apart.

Zhuo Bufan believed that He Ruhai had said so many disgusting things, just to arouse the anger of the heroes and make Duanyue Peak completely collapse.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Duanyue Peak was in a very bad mood, and once again became the state before the competition.

He stood there in a daze, his whole body stiff, his fingers trembling, and he was at a loss.

"Master, don't let his words affect your will. Think about Xinghe, think about Moumou, Doudou, and Huahua! Master!"

Yunyun showed an anxious look for the first time. It can be felt that Yunyun is more nervous and heartbroken than Duanyue Peak at this moment.

"Duanyue Peak, I didn't expect that you killed my junior sister, you bastard."

"Duanyue Peak, I thought my junior sister would get real happiness with you. I want to kill you and avenge my junior sister."

He Ruhai's words finally caused a huge response.

The masters of the other five peaks wanted to rush out and kill Duanyue Peak.

"That's enough, shut up."

At this moment, the Star Palace Master, who seemed to have been forbearing all this time, also became angry.

"He Ruhai, I don't allow you to talk nonsense to me anymore!"

As soon as the Star Palace Master finished speaking, he raised his divine palm with thousands of stars again and chopped it down towards He Ruhai.

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