Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 177: Possessed by the Devil [Eighth update, please subscribe]


Seeing that the Master of Xingchen Palace was about to raise his hand to kill He Ruhai with a palm, at the critical moment, Duanyue Peak pushed away the hand of the Master of Xingchen Palace and saved He Ruhai.

"Master, you cannot kill him."

Broken Moon Peak took the palm of the Star Hall Master for He Ruhai, not to protect He Ruhai, but to protect the Star Hall Master.

Master of the Star Hall, if he kills He Ruhai in front of hundreds of thousands of people present.

Then he, the Master of the Star Hall, has become an accomplice in protecting the devil. Who else in this world believes in what he says?

The behavior of the Lord of Star Hall has indeed attracted criticism from many people present.

"What is the Star Master doing? He wants to kill He Ruhai, but does he still want to protect the devil at Broken Moon Peak?"

"Did the Star Master and Broken Moon Peak work together to kill his daughter?"

"What a surprise. What on earth is the Star Master doing? That Broken Moon Peak is the devil who killed his daughter!"

So far, Broken Moon Peak and Star Master have not given any explanation, but just want to kill He Ruhai.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is an act of murder and silencing.

The Lord of Xingchen Palace killed He Ruhai to silence him. How many dark secrets were there?

"We can't kill him, let him finish! As the Lord of the Star Hall, do you want to kill someone and silence him in front of so many of us?"

"That's right! Since ancient times, good and evil have always been at odds with each other. If you are really still the master of Xingchen Palace, we will ask you to uphold justice and kill the devil."

"Kill the devil, kill the devil, kill the devil."

One person booed and the crowd jeered.

I don’t know how many people were making noise in the name of just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

However, one sentence is indeed true.

There is no coexistence between good and evil. If Duanyue Peak is really the devil who killed his wife to become a Taoist, then he must be punished.

While watching the people in the audience shouting to kill the devil, Broken Moon Peak kept recalling the past of more than twenty years ago in his mind.

For a moment, he hugged his head and knelt on the ground.

"Kill the devil, kill the devil, kill the devil..."

The faces that wanted to kill him kept reappearing in his mind. From his mouth, bursts of low roars came out.


"Master, calm down, Master!"

Yunyun quickly lit a piece of tranquilizing incense to calm down the spirit of Broken Moon Peak.

However, the noisy sounds around him continued, and now Broken Moon Peak had become a public enemy in the world.

The devil who kills his wife to become enlightened cannot get any redemption.

Seeing Broken Moon Peak kneeling on the ground in agony, He Ruhai slowly stood up, then looked at Broken Moon Peak and smiled.

"Broken Moon Peak, it's not that I don't want to help you keep this secret. If you had been hiding in Yaoguang Peak, there wouldn't be the turmoil today."

"Don't think I don't know. In fact, you have been eroded by inner demons for a long time. I have seen you transform into a demon under the moonlit night and kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"I can tell you responsibly that this person has long been possessed by a demon. I have seen with my own eyes that this person slaughtered an entire village. What's ridiculous is that he finally brought a group of children from the village to Yaoguang Peak to raise them. "

"If you don't believe it, you can go to Yaoguang Peak and see. Those poor children don't know that their parents were massacred by this man himself."

"I really don't know how you, Broken Moon Peak, can pretend to be merciful. Since we have killed them all, we have to eradicate them and leave a group of little ghosts to raise them up and seek revenge on you?"

This He Ruhai can be said to never stop dying if he is not shocked.

"Momo and the others are orphans?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He no longer knew whether what he heard was true or false.

If what He Ruhai said is true, then Broken Moon Peak is really a heinous devil.

He massacred the entire village, but only the children were left behind, and he took them back to the mountain gate to raise them.

What is this, pretentiousness, or a discovery of conscience?


Being stimulated again and again by He Ruhai, Broken Moon Peak had begun to collapse.

He lay on the ground and howled like a beast.

On his body, black air began to float out.

"Miss Yun, be careful."

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan violently grabbed Yunyun from Duanyuefeng's body.

All I could see was that the grassland around Broken Moon Peak began to wither and rot, and the powerful power of death began to corrode everything around it.

"What a powerful demonic energy. Look, everyone, he's possessed by a demon. This guy from Broken Moon Peak is possessed by a demon."

He Ruhai howled in surprise as if he had seen a treasure.

For a moment, everyone in the venue looked at Broken Moon Peak.

"Master of Broken Peak, Master of Broken Peak."

Zhuo Bufan shouted, he could feel that Broken Moon Peak was suffering unimaginable pain at this moment.


His howling was not to vent his emotions, but to beg for mercy in pain.

"Damn it, you bastard, shut up."

Zhuo Bufan finally couldn't stand it anymore. That guy He Ruhai kept nagging, nagging, and his disgusting face made Zhuo Bufan want to tear his mouth apart.

"You brat, do you have a role to speak here? You have severely damaged my son's soul. I will settle the score with you later."

"Now, I will tear apart the ugly face of Duanyue Peak in front of everyone in the world. He is a demon, he cannot escape, he is a demon!"

"Broken Moon Peak, you are the devil, you are the devil, you are the big devil!"

He Ruhai roared wildly, simply fanning the flames.

After hearing He Ruhai's cry, Broken Moon Peak completely collapsed.


He knelt on the ground, looking up to the sky and roaring. His whole body was filled with terrible demonic energy.

"Bewitched, he is possessed, he is indeed a devil."

"Oh my god, such powerful demonic energy. This guy from Broken Moon Peak, even in the demonic realm, is at least an island master-level demon."

"The devil, he is the devil, kill him, you must kill him!"

Seeing Broken Moon Peak become possessed, the people in the audience no longer had any doubts and believed everything He Ruhai said.

After all, seeing is believing.

It is an indisputable fact that Broken Moon Peak is possessed by demons. No matter how he explains it, no one will understand it, because good and evil are not mutually exclusive.

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Master, it's your turn to make a decision. You are one of the leaders of the righteous path. Now it's your turn to eliminate demons and defend the path."

He Ruhai was simply a bastard. At this time, he actually started to force the Master of Star Hall again.

He indeed dared to do this, because he had aroused everyone's emotions, and hundreds of thousands of people all sided with He Ruhai and became Taoist defenders.

"Star Lord, eliminate demons and defend the Way, eliminate demons and defend the Way."

"Destroy demons and protect the Tao!"

"Destroy demons and protect the Tao!"

Everyone present began to arouse the moral kidnapping of the Star Lord, calling on him to kill Broken Moon Peak and restore peace and justice.

"Kill, kill, I, kill!"

The Broken Moon Peak, who was kneeling on the ground, had now turned into a black man shrouded in black demonic energy.

He knelt in front of the Lord of the Star Palace and begged the Star Lord to kill him.


Yunyun cried, leaving two lines of clear tears on her gentle face.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan felt extremely sad in his heart.

What exactly is going on?

Why do I feel sad for a demon?

"Eliminate demons and protect the Tao! Eliminate demons and defend the Tao! Eliminate demons and defend the Tao! Eliminate demons and defend the Tao..."

The voices of people shouting to slay demons and protect the Tao kept coming to his ears. Zhuo Bufan swore that it was the most disgusting word he had ever heard in his life. He wanted to vomit, he really wanted to vomit.

"Kill, kill, me! Kill, kill, me! Kill, kill, me!"

Broken Moon Peak is still pleading with the Star Master.

Zhuo Bufan could feel the star master's helplessness. At this moment, the star master was completely kidnapped by the hundreds of thousands of people present.

There were two lines of hot tears on his face, and he raised his right hand helplessly. In the palm of that right hand, infinite star energy is slowly gathering.

Lords, the Star Lord silently closed his eyes and prepared to strike down with a palm!

Perhaps, for Broken Moon Peak, this is also a kind of relief.


At that critical moment, a deep call came from the distant entrance of the venue.

"Master, Master, Master..."

The little cuties of Yaoguang Peak were crying and shouting.

Everyone, dragged by countless plum blossom petals, flew to the central floating platform with the wind...

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