Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 178 Crazy Demon [9th update, please subscribe]

Duan Xinghe arrived, and with the little cuties from Yaoguang Peak, surrounded by countless plum blossoms, they flew onto the floating platform.

Then the plum blossom petals turned into a little girl wearing a plum blossom dress and came to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan touched Xiaomei's head, feeling extremely grateful in his heart!

Xiaomei came and brought Duan Xinghe and the others, hoping that Duan Xinghe's arrival would restore Broken Moon Peak's consciousness.

"Someone tried to assassinate this guy before, but I ate them. Then I felt your call, so I brought them all."

"Thank you, Xiaomei!"

Zhuo Bufan's love for Xiaomei is beyond words!

As for Duan Xinghe and the others, after arriving at the floating platform, they immediately rushed towards the Broken Moon Peak, which was already entangled with demonic energy.

However, when they were about to approach Broken Moon Peak, Broken Moon Peak suddenly raised his hand and said in extreme pain.

"do not come!"

Don't come here. Those three words were shouted out hoarsely from between the teeth by Duan Yuefeng with his last will.

"It's too late, he's already possessed, hahahaha!"

He Ruhai laughed loudly.



Finally, the last bit of will in Broken Moon Peak was completely eroded by the inner demon.

The black demonic energy on his body soared into the sky, filling the sky and lingering for hundreds of feet.

Powerful demonic energy swept across all directions, and his entire body turned into a black shadow!

Devil, devil, devil!

Broken Moon Peak finally became a demon!

The boundless magic power pounced in all directions like a wild wolf in one wave after another.

At the moment when Broken Moon Peak became a demon...

In the far west sea, in a huge dark palace.

In the dark and terrifying underground palace, a pair of scarlet magic eyes suddenly opened.

"The first demon species is awake!"

"He has become a demon, a terrible demon, such a terrible demon."

"Star Lord, how long will it take if you don't take action!"

"Please take action to kill the devil."

"Kill him! Kill him!"


A cloud of black magic mist was thrown out by the demon transformed from "Broken Moon Peak" and headed towards a group of people who were shouting words of murder.


Accompanied by the sound of screams coming from the magic mist, the magic mist dissipated, and hundreds of people instantly became bones and skeletons, shattered on the ground.


From the mouth of "Broken Moon Peak", a low and soul-stirring voice came out.

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of people turned into withered bones. The terrifying ability is secretly shocking.

"Shang Bufan, let's go, this guy is scary!"

Xiaomei, a plum demon who has been practicing for eight hundred years, felt extremely terrifying power on Broken Moon Peak.

"Run quickly, the devil is killing people, the devil is killing people."

Run, many people are running, one by one, in groups.

"Where to run?"

"Broken Moon Peak"'s right hand filled with black demonic energy reached into the air, and another group of people turned into white bones and skeletons.

terrible! After becoming a demon, Broken Moon Peak showed unimaginable terrifying power.

"Star Lord, save me, Star Lord!"

There were others who were making noise and were instantly crushed into powder.

"Master, take action quickly! If you don't take action, this devil will go on a killing spree. Our Star Palace will be destroyed from now on." He Ruhai shouted.

At this moment, no one can suppress the "Broken Moon Peak" except the Star Lord.

Seeing that "Broken Moon Peak" was completely possessed, Star Lord, who had been dumbfounded, finally stopped being silent.

"Feng, I can't help you! I can't help you."

The Star Lord gave a loud cry of grief and stretched his right hand towards the sky.

"Sun, moon and stars, listen to my orders, lock!"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless chains fell from the endless sky.

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

Countless chains came from the sky, and the shadows in the sky blocked the "Broken Moon Peak" that was going on a killing spree.

"Is this the strength of Star Lord?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Above the sky, there were golden chains everywhere, tightly entwining the limbs, head, and body of Broken Moon Peak.

Finally, it was lifted up and placed in the air, forming a huge net, which was shocking.

"Great, Star Master took action, it's really extraordinary."

"The devil has been suppressed, and he is worthy of being the Lord of the Star Palace."

When those who were preparing to flee saw "Broken Moon Peak" being suppressed by the Star Palace Master's Heavenly Lock, they seemed extremely excited.


"Broken Moon Peak", which was locked by the sky lock, let out an extremely terrifying roar.

He tried to break free from the shackles, but the shackles became tighter and tighter the more he struggled.

"Let me go, old man, let me go!"

"Broken Moon Peak" roared and roared towards the Star Lord. The Star Lord closed his eyes silently, he didn't want to see "Broken Moon Peak" struggling.

"Damn the devil, let me kill him!"

Seeing "Broken Moon Peak" being suppressed by the Star Lord, He Ruhai picked up a star sword and flew up towards the "Broken Moon Peak" in the sky.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him."

Everyone present was shouting and supporting He Ruhai in killing "Broken Moon Peak".

Seeing He Ruhai flying up, turning into a beam of starlight and striking towards the "Broken Moon Peak", the Star Master suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of extreme panic.

He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"Kill him, if I kill him I will become a great hero of the righteous path, and maybe even the master of the Star Palace."

At this moment, He Ruhai has completely become a devil obsessed with greed.

As long as he kills "Broken Moon Peak", he will be able to become a hero.

After this incident, the Star Lord will definitely be persuaded to retreat by the world, so he will naturally succeed as the new master of the Star Palace.

When he thought that he would soon become the master of the Star Palace, the sword in He Ruhai's hand shone even brighter.


He Ruhai, under the attention of hundreds of thousands of people, stabbed the vital point of "Broken Moon Peak" with a sword.


This sword is full of boundless murderous aura.

This sword is infused with all the strength of He Ruhai.

This sword is a sword that a strong man in the Silver Dan realm uses all his strength.

This sword pierced... Broken Star River!

Shocked, shocked!

Everyone was shocked!

Zhuo Bufan was shocked, He Ruhai was shocked, the Star Lord was shocked, Yunyun was shocked, Moumou, Huahua, Doudou...

Hundreds of thousands of people were shocked!

He Ruhai's sword was blocked by the sudden appearance of Duan Xinghe.

That sword directly pierced Duan Xinghe's chest, piercing a hole as big as a human head.

Blood, internal organs, star aura, life force, madly flowing away!

The demon "Duan Yuefeng" was angry!

He burned with life force and was filled with endless magic power.

At that moment, the Star Palace Lord quietly released the sky lock.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

The demon "Duan Yuefeng" roared against the sky.

The devil's sound filled their ears, shaking the earth, and everyone covered their ears. At that moment, their souls felt like they were about to leave their bodies.

The violent roar whistled towards He Ruhai's face like an overwhelming force.

He Ruhai's soul was roared out of his body by the shocking roar, and then it was directly turned into ashes under the roar.

"The roar of the devil! It is said that it can roar people to death and even destroy their souls! Isn't that the magic skill of the devil king?"

"It roared to death a silver elixir master. What kind of demon is Duan Yuefeng?"

Before everyone could recover from the shocking roar of the devil, the demon "Duan Yuefeng" picked up Duan Xinghe, who was unknown whether he was dead or alive, stepped in the air, and ran out of Xingchen Mountain!


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