Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 183 Soul Awareness Master [Fourth update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan used the last "Yu Dun" spell in the Black Venerable to escape Bai Su's pursuit.

A feeling of joy for surviving a disaster arose spontaneously.

The "Yu Dun" spell in the Black Venerable is a powerful space spell that can randomly shuttle to the location of other Venerables. It is the highest means for Venerables to escape from each other.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan's "Yu Dun" will teleport him to the side of other unknown Venerables.


Venerables are all independent and special.

Among the more than 100 Venerables currently existing in the Talisman Temple, there are always some strange Venerables.

They do not cling to the powerful, do not pursue power, do not work hard to practice, and their lives are just for pure research on the true meaning of the world.

Their years are limited, unlike those cultivators who have practiced for thousands of years and are still beautiful or handsome.

They are old and faded, walking with a cane, and suffering from the erosion of time.

In the world of immortal cultivation, people's lifespan can be improved through practice.

Reaching the Silver Dan realm, they can live for two hundred years.

Reaching the Golden Elixir Realm, one can live for 500 years.

Reaching the Unleaked Golden Elixir Realm, one can live for 1,000 years.

The later the cultivation, the longer the life.

But the venerables of the Talisman Temple are different. Many venerables do not spend much time on cultivation and their life span is not high.

They spend more time in their lives studying talismans.

So after living for only a hundred years, they have already reached the end of their lives.

In order to extend the lives of these venerables, the Talisman Temple collects natural materials and treasures that can prolong life everywhere to help these old venerables extend their lives.

Extending their lives is also extending more possibilities for the future of the Talisman Temple.

Zu Jiuling is such a venerable in his twilight years.

Zu Jiuling is a mortal who is born with a broken meridian. Because of the broken meridian, he cannot cultivate other physiques and can only place his soul in this mortal body.

However, this venerable is a rare talisman genius.

Not being able to cultivate immortality did not make him despair. Relying on his powerful talent, he cultivated his soul to the limit of the human body, the Yuanshen realm.

The reason why human physique is not suitable for cultivating immortals is that after the soul is cultivated to the Yuanshen realm, the human body can no longer bear the energy of such soul and will collapse at any time.

Zu Jiuling is such a pitiful and pathetic venerable.

He has endless talents and great talents, but it is a pity that God did not give him a normal body.

Later, he spent his whole life studying the way of spells.

When he was in his fifties, he actually discovered a brand new spell, soul perception!

"Soul Perception" spell, four-fold soul spell! A very magical spell.

The soul perception spell can hear the voices of all the souls within the range.

In other words, as long as you stand in the crowd and use the soul perception spell, you can hear the voices of the souls of the passers-by.

Zu Jiuling is such a soul spell master!

And Zhuo Bufan was thrown to the side of Zu Jiuling, the elderly venerable, by Hei Zun's "Yu Dun" spell.

At that time, Zu Jiuling was reading ancient books in the study room of his home in Panlong City. Suddenly, he sensed that his master, Hei Zun, was moving.

He immediately opened the ring and released Hei Zun.

As a result, the next second, a black light flew out from the mouth of his Hei Zun's tripod and landed in front of him.

Then, Zhuo Bufan crashed into the bookshelf with a bang.

"Yes, yes, yes, sorry, I'm on the way, where is this?"

After Zhuo Bufan escaped from Hei Zun, he was dizzy and bumped around. He bumped into the bookshelf several times.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was in a hexagonal room.

The six walls of the room were filled with various ancient yellowed books.

In the center of the room, there was a long table with neatly stacked ancient books and a bright orange mineral lamp.

Behind the table sat a calm and kind white-haired old man.

His face was full of wrinkles and black spots, and he looked very old.

His hair and beard were very pale, and his eyelids were wrinkled. Under the eyelids that were not sure whether they were open or not, a gleam of light flashed by.

"Who is this old man?" Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

"I am Zu Jiuling, the Venerable Soul Awareness Master. You can call me Zu Lao."

Zhuo Bufan just thought so in his mind, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to have heard his inner thoughts and answered calmly.

"Zu Lao, hello, Zu Lao!" Zhuo Bufan hurriedly greeted him.

"Venerable Soul Awareness Master, I haven't heard of this place! Where was this place? Where was I teleported to? That woman didn't catch up with me!"

Zhuo Bufan also looked around and found that the environment he was in was extremely unfamiliar. He had no idea where he was.

"This is Panlong City, located in the west of the East Continent. It is ten days' flying distance from the Central Temple."

Zu Jiuling answered again without saying a word, which shocked Zhuo Bufan.

"Grandmaster, can you hear the voice in my heart?"

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling smiled faintly and said.

"I said that the soul-awareness spell I discovered can hear the thoughts deep in the other person's soul."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was extremely shocked and said, "Mind-reading? No, it's even more powerful than mind-reading. It even knows everything that the soul thinks."

"The younger generation has no eyes to recognize the sacred mountain, and has seen the soul-aware master."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the man in front of him was a very senior venerable, a treasure of the Talisman Temple.

He had only been a venerable for a short time, so he naturally did not dare to act rashly in front of him.

Thinking that the other party had a 100% mind-reading ability, Zhuo Bufan felt even more restrained.

Zu Jiuling saw this and laughed and said.

"Little venerable, you are joking. Seeing that you are holding the Black Venerable, it is obvious that you are the Light and Shadow Venerable who just became a venerable of the Talisman Temple some time ago, right?"

Zhuo Bufan came out of the Black Venerable, and it was obvious that he was a venerable.

Zu Jiuling knew almost all the masters of the Talisman Temple, but he could not remember when the Talisman Temple had a venerable like Zhuo Bufan.

However, when he saw that Zhuo Bufan was so young, he immediately thought of an important event announced by the Talisman Temple about half a year ago.

In the Fire Cloud City Fubao in the western continent of the Xiuxian world, a young Light and Shadow Venerable was born. This boy is over 20 years old and is the youngest Venerable in the history of the Fuzhao Temple.

With this association, Zu Jiuling naturally thought of Zhuo Bufan's identity.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not deny it. He bowed honestly and said respectfully to Zu Jiuling who was sitting behind the table.

"Junior Zhuo Bufan, titled Light and Shadow Venerable, greets Soul Awareness Venerable."

As a Venerable, Zhuo Bufan could feel the strong desire for knowledge released by Soul Awareness Venerable Zu Jiuling.

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