Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 184: The Difficulty of Forging the Primordial Spirit [Fifth update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan lived in Zu Jiuling's house at his request.

Zu Jiuling said that Zhuo Bufan's space jump this time covered nearly half of the Xiuxian world.

"I jumped directly from the Western Continent to the Eastern Continent. That woman can't find me this time, right?"

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the connection with Bai Su's soul had disappeared.

The space jump cut off all connections between him and Bai Su.

Zhuo Bufan was like a fish that escaped into the sea. Bai Su couldn't pull him out of the sea again.

"Thanks to Xiao Hei Zun's 'Yu Dun', I was able to successfully escape the clutches of that female devil."

"But I always have a feeling that the woman will find me again. I hope that the next time I see her, I will not be so embarrassed. I must have the strength to resist."

"The woman's soul cultivation is at the level of taking over the body, and her cultivation level must be above the golden elixir."

"If I want to have the strength to resist her, then I must at least enter the second stage of cultivation as soon as possible."

"Only when you have formed a pill can you be considered a powerful cultivator in the second stage. And to form a pill, my soul must reach the Yuanshen realm. In other words, as a matter of urgency, I must enter the Yuanshen realm."

Zhuo Bufan has never been so eager to enter the Yuanshen realm as soon as possible.

He knows that the most difficult stage of soul cultivation is the Yuanshen.

The so-called Yuanshen is the self. Understand the self, wash away the lead, let your soul stand out in the turbid and dirty ocean of souls, get sublimated, and ascend to heaven in one step.

Therefore, the second stage of cultivating immortals is also called the three steps to ascend to heaven.

However, it is not easy to ascend to heaven. If you want to understand your true self and wash away all the dross, how can you do it just by talking about it?

Duan Xinghe's father Duan Yuefeng killed his wife to prove his truth in order to enter the realm of Yuanshen!

Zhuo Bufan's scalp numbs when he thinks of the four words "killing his wife to prove his truth".

This method is so cruel, cutting off the love and desire. Is this something a normal person can do? This is a demon.

The so-called letting the Yuanshen wash away all the dross is just another extreme.

What's more, he has no wife to kill, he is a single dog!

"In the secret book given to me by the old swindler, there is no cultivation method to impact the Yuanshen realm. It seems that the cultivation method of the Yuanshen realm is quite difficult to obtain."

"I can't learn the method, I can't find the right method, and I can't touch the door method. It's hard, hard, harder than ascending to the sky!"

Zhuo Bufan complained, and then sat up from the futon.

"Haha, Xiao Zhuo! Forging the Yuanshen is like a drop of water wearing away a stone. It takes time to achieve it. Back then, it took me ten years to forge the Yuanshen. After countless careful attempts, I finally achieved the Yuanshen."

"You are so young, but you have already reached the realm of divine wandering. It is rare. Don't rush it!"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was complaining, the voice of the ancestor came from behind him.

Zhuo Bufan looked back and bowed quickly.

"Hello, ancestor. Do you have any experience that you can teach me?"

During the few days he stayed in Panlong City, Zhuo Bufan also found out who the old man in front of him was.

Zu Jiuling is a legend. He was born with a blocked meridian and could not practice. But relying on his powerful talent, he cultivated his soul to the limit of the mortal body, the Yuanshen realm.

It can be said that Zu Jiuling's experience in forging the Yuanshen is absolutely the most meaningful.

Zu Jiuling smiled after hearing this.

"To build the primordial spirit, what matters is the communication of mind and finding the right method. Generally speaking, the primordial spirit techniques are some unique methods. Of course, the primordial spirit techniques that suit each person are different."

"The primordial spirit technique that I practice is called "Taiqing Cun Shen Gong"."

"This technique requires hard work and perseverance. Practice once a day at five o'clock and seven o'clock. With time, you can naturally sublimate the primordial spirit without breaking through, and enter the primordial spirit realm."

After listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded slowly, and then asked.

"Is this technique time-consuming and laborious?"

"The most laborious thing is patience."

"Is there any primordial spirit technique that comes faster?"

Zhuo Bufan can't wait for ten years. He can feel that Bai Su's life-taking sickle is on the way.

Zu Jiuling answered after hearing it.

"The soul kung fu, if you work slowly, is the kingly way. If you work quickly, it is the tyrannical way. If you work tyrannically, it is the devilish way."

"There are fast kung fu, but it is easy to make people go astray, or forget their relatives."

"In the world of immortal cultivation, there is a most powerful soul kung fu - the Supreme Forgetting Love Kung Fu. Killing your wife to prove your way, killing your relatives to pray to God, are just a drop in the bucket of the Supreme Forgetting Love Kung Fu."

"If you practice this skill, you will be able to enter the soul realm within half a month. However, you must forget all emotions and desires, the mundane world, and become a god who is detached from the secular world."

After listening to Zu Jiuling's words, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and sighed.

"The Supreme Forgetting Love, the skill of forgetting all emotions?"

Zhuo Bufan was silent. Without emotions and a flesh-and-blood body, what is the meaning of living?

Joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, seven emotions and six desires, all of these are gone, then what is the difference between it and a piece of stone that has been immortal for thousands of years and has not decayed for ten thousand years!

"I don't practice evil kung fu."

Zhuo Bufan responded decisively.

He still wanted to take revenge, cry and laugh, find a woman, practice Taoism together, have children, and rock the bed every day!

"Ancestor, is there any kind of cultivation method that has strong yang energy? Legend has it that there was a Nine Yang Divine Sect in ancient times. They had a set of special soul cultivation methods. What is their soul cultivation method?"

So far, Zhuo Bufan has been practicing the "Amaterasu Sutra" in the Yang Realm and the "Da Ri Po Bi Sutra" in the Shenyou Realm. Both methods are from the soul cultivation method of the Nine Yang Divine Sect.

So he thought that the Nine Yang Divine Sect must also have a method suitable for cultivation in the Yuanshen Realm.

When the ancestor heard this, he stroked his beard and nodded slightly.

"Indeed, there is."

"Really? What method is it?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

He knew that Zu Jiuling was a soul spell master, so he had studied the soul more than ordinary people.

The soul cultivation method he mastered was naturally not something that ordinary people could understand.

When Zu Jiuling was asked by Zhuo Bufan, he did think of a legendary method.

"The Nine Yang Divine Sect does have a technique suitable for cultivating the primordial spirit, which is called the Nine Yang Yuan Shen Gong. Unfortunately, this technique only exists in legends and has long disappeared in the long river of time with the destruction of the Nine Yang Divine Sect."

"Nine Yang Yuan Shen Gong? Is it destroyed? What a pity!"

Zhuo Bufan sighed.

"Ah, yes, time is ruthless and can erase everything. No matter how beautiful you are, you will end up with a skeleton; no matter how proud you are, you will eventually turn into a pile of yellow earth."

Sigh, Zu Jiuling can feel the erosion of time better than anyone else.

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