Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 185 Guidance [Sixth update, please subscribe]

Zu Jiuling has lived for nearly a hundred years. He drags a mortal body with him and can live to be a hundred years old, which is close to the limit.

The body, which had been eroded by time for a hundred years, was already dying, and its limbs were stiff and aging.

So now Zu Jiuling can only rely on his soul to leave his body and wander around the world in the dead of night to feel the beauty of walking like the wind.

Especially after the Yunmeng Realm was restarted, Zu Jiuling felt like he had discovered a new world, and he was thriving in the Yunmeng Realm.

I spend most of the day in Yunmeng Realm, like an ignorant grandfather who was harmed by online games in his old age.

"Stop talking about it, Xiao Zhuo should have been to Yunmeng Realm, right? How about we go to Yunmeng Realm for a walk? I can't go far with my frail body. I have nothing to do on weekdays and can only go Traveling in the Yunmeng Realm."

"Haha, I didn't expect our ancestors to have such a hobby. But, if our ancestors are in the Yunmeng Realm, aren't we afraid of the growth of the soul?"

Yunmeng Realm is a world of soul cultivation, but Zu Jiuling's soul can no longer continue to cultivate, otherwise his body may explode at any time.

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling smiled and said: "In Yunmeng Realm, I enjoy life more. You can just follow me."

"It's interesting. Well, I'll go and have a look with my ancestors."

Zhuo Bufan followed Zu Jiuling to the training room, and then the two sat down cross-legged.

"I am at the 'Fragrant Sea Shore' in the outer southeast of Yunmeng Realm. You can teleport to the soul altar on the shore of the Fragrant Sea. That soul altar has been occupied by me."

Zu Jiuling told Zhuo Bufan his coordinates in Yunmeng Realm. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

Then the two of them left their bodies together and entered the world of Yunmeng.

Returning to Yunmeng Realm again, feeling the spicy and refreshing breeze unique to Yunmeng Realm. Zhuo Bufan unfolded the Soul Book and looked at the Yunmeng Picture.

After finding the shore of the Fragrant Sea mentioned by Zu Jiuling, he teleported directly to the soul altar on the shore of the Fragrant Sea.

As soon as he walked out of the soul altar, Zhuo Bufan smelled an intoxicating fragrance, with the smell of the ocean.

With his true eyes, Zhuo Bufan saw the radiant Zu Jiuling and the endless sea behind Zu Jiuling.

"Xiao Zhuo, welcome to my 'Longevity without Borders'!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the name of the Soul Altar and realized that the name of this camp was Wanshou Wujiang.

This should represent an expectation of the ancestors!

"My ancestors look so good!"

Jiuling, the ancestor of the Yunmeng Realm, is obviously full of complexion and has bright eyes, giving people a feeling of getting stronger and healthier with age.

"Hahahaha, Xiaozhuo, look at how my Wanshou Wujiang arrangement is going."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that Zu Jiuling had built unique seaside buildings and stilted attics around the soul altar.

The old man almost built a small town by himself.

It seems that he spent all the soul power he gained on purchasing buildings.

"Actually, I have occupied four soul altars, except for the Wanshou Wujiang on the shore of the Fragrant Sea."

"There are also the 'Eternal Green Pines' located in Kuiqi Forest, the 'Furu Nanhai' in the Nanhe Inland Sea, and the 'Tianbao Jiuru' with Baili Peony."

"I fished on the shores of the Fragrant Sea in the morning, hunted in the Kuiqi Forest in the afternoon, took a nap in the Nanhe Inland Sea in the afternoon, and admired the moon at Baili Peony at night. Doing this every day, indulging in it, makes me unable to extricate myself!"

Zu Jiuling said intoxicatedly.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he could imagine that kind of selfless and leisurely life.

"Old Ancestor, I think you should fish at Wanshou Wujiang in the early morning, hunt at Qingsongbulao in the afternoon, take a nap at Furu Nanhai in the afternoon, and enjoy the moon at Tianbao Jiuru at night. It is because of your mind that you are happy. Knowing your fate, this is the life you long for!”

Old Crow Crow once told Zhuo Bufan that in this world of immortality.

Some people practice immortality for strength; some people practice immortality for immortality; some people practice immortality for transcendence; and some people practice immortality purely for survival.

However, Zhuo Bufan discovered today that some people practice immortality for the sake of living.

Seeing his ancestors living so freely, Zhuo Bufan yearned for him.

"Let's go fishing."

The ancestor took out two fishing rods, took Zhuo Bufan on a small boat, put on his coir raincoat and bamboo hat, brought a fishing basket and bait, and went fishing in the boat.

The two of them were like old friends. They hit it off instantly, and Zhuo Bufan hadn't felt so relaxed and at ease in a long time.

He once thought that the world of immortality was a den of tigers and wolves, with sinister human hearts and souls that could not be freed and struggled to survive all day long.

Now it seems that the way I live is wrong, let nature take its course, be content with the situation, and take pleasure in suffering.

Everyone has their own way of living.

In the Yunmeng Realm, where everyone shouts and kills, everyone fights for the soul altar, even to the death.

However, in this same world, the ancestors lived so comfortably.

His body gradually decayed and declined in the world of immortality, but his spirit flourished in the world of Yunmeng.

State of mind, a good state of mind, can make people live well in this world.

Fishing in a river is nothing!

They fished for a whole day, and finally returned with a full harvest.

After a leisurely day, Zu Lao and Zhuo Bufan returned to the world of immortality.

At this time, the ancestor asked Zhuo Bufan again.

"Xiao Zhuo, how do you feel about this day?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused as to what to say about the sudden inquiry from his ancestor.

Zhuo Bufan's answer is.

"My feeling is that the life of my ancestors is very leisurely. This is the life I yearn for."

After hearing this, the ancestor smiled faintly and said nothing more.

"Go hunting with me in Kuiqi Forest tomorrow."

The next day, they went to Kuiqi Forest in Yunmeng Realm. What was interesting was that the ancestors specialized in killing ferocious and large prey.

It was another fulfilling day. On this day, Zhuo Bufan felt the joy of whipping and hunting.

"Xiao Zhuo, how do you feel about this day?"

After leaving the boundary, the ancestor asked the same question again.

Zhuo Bufan still answered this time.

"This is what my heart yearns for, and I feel at ease."

The ancestors still didn't ask any more questions. On the third day, they were drinking and playing chess in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, admiring the flowers and the moon. They felt more at ease.

Three days later, Zhuo Bufan finally had a different feeling.

This time, the ancestor did not ask any more questions, but Zhuo Bufan answered.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your guidance these days. I seem to understand."

"Understand what?"

"The ancestors once said that in Yuan Shen Kung Fu, if you master it slowly, it is the king's way. If you pursue it quickly, you will be domineering. If you pursue it domineeringly, it will be the devil's way."

"Because my soul is nervous, I just want to move forward quickly. I am too obsessed with it. I will become a hegemon even if I don't become a demon! Yuan Shen Kung Fu is a water mill Kung Fu."

"Fortunately, my ancestors reined in my horse and gave me peace and respite. The soldiers will stop me, the water will cover me, and I will be content with the situation. I won't make any further advances."

Zhuo Bufan's answer this time finally made the ancestor nod with satisfaction.

The ancestor stroked his beard and smiled with satisfaction.

"It's wonderful! Children can be taught! Xiao Zhuo, I want to teach you the Soul Awareness Talisman. Are you willing to learn it?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was shocked and quickly clasped his fists and bowed.

"The boy is flattered, please ask the ancestors, no, please ask the master for guidance."

There is a small change, the Soul Awareness Talisman is a quadruple talisman. Also, the author was delayed this afternoon, so there may only be eight updates today, sorry.

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