Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 186 Soul Resonance [Seventh update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that his ancestor would teach him the Soul Awareness Talisman at this time.

The Soul Sense Talisman, the Quadruple Soul Talisman, is a magical talisman that can read the other person's mind.

This ability is extremely useful to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is now being targeted by Bai Su from the Tianwu League. So far, Zhuo Bufan doesn't know how the other party found him.

If he could hear the thoughts deep in her soul, he might be able to discover the secret.

Moreover, with the Soul Awareness Talisman, Zhuo Bufan can hear the true words of others, and he will no longer be easily deceived in the future.

Zhuo Bufan followed his ancestors, actually intending to learn the Soul Awakening Talisman.

Although Zhuo Bufan has a wealth of physics knowledge in his mind, it can help him open the door to spells in various fields.

But the soul talisman was something Zhuo Bufan didn't understand at all.

Since the soul is on earth, not many scientists can understand its true meaning.

When faced with the Soul Talisman, Zhuo Bufan was a pure newcomer.

With the heart of a devout apprentice, he wanted to learn the true meaning of the Soul Awareness Talisman from Zu Jiuling.

"In our world of talismans, there are soul talisman, universe talisman, and universe talisman. These three talismans are the most difficult to learn, let alone discover new ones."

"The Soul Awareness Talisman I discovered is a four-layered talisman. So far, there are absolutely no more than five people who have mastered this talisman in the world of immortality. And the talismans that have been melted into it are definitely only a handful."

"The Soul Sense Talisman does not have the power to destroy the world, but it can hear the true feelings and thoughts deep in other people's souls."

"It can be said to be useful, or it can be said to be useless. Whether it is useful or not depends on the method of the user."

"So now, are you really willing to learn?"

Zu Jiuling squinted his eyes, looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied almost without hesitation: "Master, please teach me."

What is the secret of the soul? Zhuo Bufan wanted to know.

Zu Jiuling was the discoverer of the Soul Awareness Talisman. No one was more suitable to be Zhuo Bufan's master than him, so Zhuo Bufan recognized this master.

However, Zu Jiuling had no intention of becoming Zhuo Bufan's master.

"You and I are both respected members of the Talisman Temple. You are the pioneer of the Light Talisman, and I am the guide of the Soul Talisman. You and I should be equals, and we do not need to be called masters and disciples."

"How about that? If you teach me the Soul Awareness Talisman, you will be my master. Please accept my worship."

"Xiao Zhuo, it doesn't have to be like this. Do you know why I want to teach you the Soul Awareness Talisman?" Zu Jiuling asked.

"Is it because children are teachable?" Zhuo Bufan replied confidently.

When Zu Jiuling heard this, he smiled happily and said.

"This is just one of the reasons. You are indeed extremely talented. You can become a master of light spells at a young age. You are indeed a rare spell genius."

"Of course, that's not the main reason."

"What's the reason? Master!" Zhuo Bufan didn't intend to change his words.

Zu Jiuling looked at Zhuo Bufan, with regret flashing in his eyes from time to time. Finally, he sighed and said.

"I don't have much time left. Before I leave, I want to pass on this Soul Awareness Talisman. If I can pass it on to one person, even if I can't carry it forward, it will at least prove that I once existed."

When I say this, I feel a little sad.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. He could feel that it was already dusk on Zu Jiuling's body. .

He has lived for a full hundred years. In the past ten years, he has almost relied on the life-extending magic medicine from the Talisman Temple to extend his life.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Zu Jiuling in the Yunmeng Realm was free, open-minded and happy.

However, as soon as he returned to the world of immortality and his soul returned to his body that was like rotten wood, he became very pessimistic.

Contradictions, Zu Jiuling is full of contradictions.

While enjoying the pleasure of his soul traveling around the world, he struggled with the helplessness caused by his dying body.

"It's too heavy, let's not talk about it anymore! I'll teach you the only way to understand the Soul Awakening Talisman!"

Zu Jiuling felt that the topic was heavy, so he quickly changed his words.

"I have read the report on the light and shadow spell you released. You can find that light is a wave. This is an amazing thing."

Before starting, Zu Jiuling did not forget to praise Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was as happy as a fool.

"Master, don't say that. I just discovered it by accident."

Zhuo Bufan started to show off, saying that only a ghost would believe that the light he accidentally discovered was a kind of wave.

Zu Jiuling did not expose Zhuo Bufan's lie, but continued to laugh.

"In fact, just like you accidentally discovered that light is a kind of wave, I also accidentally discovered that the soul is also a kind of wave."

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Bufan was immediately stunned.

"The soul is also a kind of wave?"

Zhuo Bufan's understanding of the soul is very shallow, or he doesn't understand it at all.

"You can also understand it as a kind of energy. In fact, everything in the world is a kind of energy, composed of countless parts of energy."

"Quantum world?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered that his ancestors' understanding of the world had reached the microscopic quantum level.

It's a pity that the ancestor has been delving into the research of the soul. If he continues to study microscopic quantum, he may be able to create a new generation.

"Too much talk, let's talk about the basic principles of the Soul Awareness Talisman! Follow me."

After the ancestor finished speaking, he led Zhuo Bufan into a small house.

The hut is very delicate and hexagonal. There are many small separate rooms like honeycomb structures in the old mansion.

Each small room has different items.

And this time, the old man took Zhuo Bufan to see a strange experimental device.

The device was very strange. On a solid base, there were two tuning forks very close to each other.

The old man picked up a small wooden hammer on the table and gently tapped the tuning fork on the left.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The tuning fork immediately made a buzzing sound, and then the tuning fork on the right that was not hit began to vibrate and make a sound.

"Audio resonance?" Zhuo Bufan said immediately. This experiment couldn't be simpler, and the principle was not difficult to understand.

After listening, the old man nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Yes, this is the sound resonance in the field of musical note spells. In fact, I found that resonance does not only occur in the field of sound, or in any field seen in reality."

"This resonance occurs anywhere, including the soul. The basic principle of the soul-awareness spell is the resonance of the soul."

When the ancestor said the resonance of the soul, Zhuo Bufan's mind really trembled, as if some kind of vibration had occurred.

"Soul, resonance!" Zhuo Bufan said blankly. It was not that he did not understand, but he felt that he was close to the truth.

"Yes, soul resonance. I will give you an ordinary Bifang. There is an old saying that those who are close to vermilion will be red, and those who are close to ink will be black. How do you understand this sentence?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned and said, "It means that if you are close to red, you will become red, and if you are close to black, you will become black. In fact, if you are with excellent people, you will also be excellent, and if you are with people with bad temperament, you will also become worse."

"The answer is very good, but Xiao Zhuo, tell me, why will you be better with excellent people, and worse with people with bad temperament?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan felt more and more that he seemed to be close to some truth.

"I understand this as soul resonance. When you are with excellent people, your soul will resonate with the soul of the excellent person. When the two souls begin to approach each other, you will become more excellent. Vice versa."

"You have heard of husband and wife resemblances! Two people with completely different looks will gradually become similar in appearance after living together for a long time, which is called husband and wife resemblances. In fact, in my opinion, it is because their souls resonate."

"Resonance of the soul, resonance of the body, resonance of everything, resonance, resonance, everywhere."


The resonance of the soul is made up, everyone just laugh, lightly complain!

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