Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 187 Silver Pill [Eighth update, please subscribe]

Soul resonance, the true meaning of the soul-awareness spell!

The words of the ancestor constantly impacted Zhuo Bufan's cognition, and Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

"Quantum entanglement? Could it be quantum entanglement?"

In Zhuo Bufan's mind, he remembered a magical theorem in physics, quantum entanglement.

Definition of quantum entanglement:

It describes two particles entangled with each other. Even if they are far apart, the behavior of one particle will affect the state of the other. When one of them is operated and the state changes, the other will also change the state accordingly.

The soul resonance of the ancestor is similar to the quantum entanglement in physics in this respect.

The more Zhuo Bufan thought about it, the more he felt that his soul had approached the door of truth. In the world inside the door, there was a magical spell waiting for his arrival.

"The so-called soul-awareness spell is to hear the voice from the depths of the other person's soul."

"If you want to hear the voice from the depths of the other person's soul, you have to let your soul slowly resonate and assimilate with the other person's soul."

"When your soul and the other person's soul fully resonate, you will naturally be able to hear the voice from the bottom of the other person's heart."

"Xiao Zhuo, soul resonance is only the basic principle of the soul-awareness spell. As long as you understand the true meaning of soul resonance, you will naturally be able to comprehend the soul-awareness spell."

"That's all I have to say. The rest depends on you to comprehend it."

After the ancestor finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Zhuo Bufan standing there blankly, comprehending the mystery of the soul-awareness spell.

"Soul resonance, soul resonance!"

Zhuo Bufan stood on the ground blankly. He picked up the small wooden hammer and struck the tuning fork on the stand again.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Burning sounds made his soul turbulent.

He closed his eyes silently, feeling the new discovery in his soul.

"If you want to hear the voice of other people's souls, you have to assimilate and resonate with their souls."

So how can you resonate with other people's souls?

"Quantum entanglement, my breakthrough is quantum entanglement! I remember there is a formula for quantum entanglement, think about how to write it."

Zhuo Bufan sat down quickly and began to devote himself to the study of soul resonance.

Knowing only the principle, you can't discover the truth.

This is equivalent to you just mastering the calculation formula, but you don't understand what the discovery of this formula means, and what is the true meaning of its existence.

So, Zhuo Bufan is now going to break the theorem of soul resonance and find the truth behind soul resonance.

He sat there for seven days!

As Zhuo Bufan continued to explore in depth, his soul was infinitely close to the door of truth.

Finally, one morning, a crisp bird call came from outside the window.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan found himself standing outside a huge gate with golden light and unattainable height.


The golden door slowly opened, and a spell seal turned into a ray of golden light. The golden light was composed of countless characters, which penetrated into Zhuo Bufan's brows and were deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, a pleasant voice came to his ears.

"Good morning, good morning, good morning..."

That voice came from the bird outside the window. However, its chirping sound turned into a sound that Zhuo Bufan could understand after opening the soul-awareness spell.

The soul-awareness spell not only works on people, but if your soul can resonate with the soul of a beast, then you can also understand the voices of these beasts and even communicate with them.

This point was also discovered by Zhuo Bufan after he comprehended the soul-awareness spell. Zu Jiuling did not tell Zhuo Bufan this before.

"Being able to communicate with beasts and even all soulful lives, the soul-awareness spell is great."

Zhuo Bufan smiled knowingly. He felt that this was the most useful spell he had comprehended so far.


When Zhuo Bufan opened the door and walked out to the yard, he happened to see the old man. He was holding a conch shell in his hand, as if he had just contacted someone.

When the old man heard Zhuo Bufan's movement, he immediately turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan. He didn't ask, but he was happy.

"You are worthy of being the youngest venerable in the history of my Talisman Temple. I didn't expect that in less than eight days, you have completely comprehended the Soul Awareness Talisman."


The old man naturally listened to the voice from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul through the Soul Awareness Talisman.

Zhuo Bufan's soul told the old man that he had comprehended the Soul Awareness Talisman.

The joy from the depths of the soul cannot escape the perception of the soul.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly walked towards the old man, then clasped his fists and bowed, saying.

"Master, thank you for your teaching."

Zu Jiuling sighed slowly and said.

"Hey, I have no regrets in being able to pass on the Soul Awareness Mantra in the last moments of my life."

"You don't need to thank me. Instead, I am very grateful to you. Thank you for being able to learn the Soul Awareness Mantra before I die."

These words were extremely heavy, and Zhuo Bufan felt very uncomfortable after hearing them.

"Master, could it be..."

Zhuo Bufan didn't ask the question completely, but he could feel that Zu Jiuling's time was coming and his life was about to end.

"Haha, I have no regrets. My whole life, I have been fighting against heaven. I was born with no pulse and cannot practice cultivation. I am doomed to live a life of ordinary people."

"But I am not willing to give in, and I want to go against the will of heaven, open the soul, condense the Yin spirit, transform into a human form, enter the Yang Pass, travel through the spirit, and prove the path of the soul. I have trained the soul to the limit that the mortal body can bear."

"Enter the Talisman Castle, learn the spells, read the classics, see the soul, and become a respected person. I have achieved the highest honor of the Talisman Temple."

"Really, no regrets."

"Whose life can accomplish such a feat? Whose life can achieve such achievements?"

"Living for tens of millions of years means living up to your time. The achievements of life are never measured by how long you live."

Zu Jiuling's impassioned words deeply shocked Zhuo Bufan's soul. Zhuo Bufan had never felt that life could have such meaning.

He who has the save door is not afraid of death because he is not afraid of death.

However, no one is immortal and his life span has an end. Even Zhuo Bufan, who has a save door, will live until the day he cannot use the save door.

But no matter how long we live, what’s the point?

What have you left to this world?

"Master, is there really nothing we can do?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't believe it. He believed that Zu Jiuling could live longer. The world needed him and needed him to explore more truths.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Zu Jiuling still had more research to complete. His regret was just not revealed.

After Zu Jiuling heard this, he was silent for a moment and then said.

"The Master of the Soul Talisman Palace just spoke to me. He said that if I can get the silver elixir from a strong person in the silver elixir realm, I might have a chance to survive."

"As long as I am willing, he will immediately kill a strong silver elixir for me and deliver the silver elixir to me."

"However, saving my life means killing another life. I can't do it after all. My dying body is not worth killing other living beings."

Zu Jiuling's words moved Zhuo Bufan even more. He saw the brilliance of humanity in Zu Jiuling.

The only way to save him is to kill another life.

If it were any other person, he would definitely choose to keep himself alive and kill others without hesitation.

However, Zu Jiuling chose to sacrifice himself.

Not his, not after all. Every life is worthy of respect. Zu Jiuling respects other lives, and Zhuo Bufan respects Zu Jiuling.

"The silver elixir of the powerful silver elixir, the silver elixir...wait!"

"Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he was at the end of his rope and had no other option, he suddenly remembered something.

Zhuo Bufan spread his right hand, and the ring on his middle finger suddenly flashed with inspiration, and then, a silver bead like mercury appeared in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"Master, Silver Pill!"

Fill in the pit of Yin Dan! Afraid of forgetting!

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