Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 188 Old Crow [9th update, please subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan handed the silver inner elixir to Zu Jiuling, and then said with great surprise.

"Master, Silver Pill, I have Silver Pill."

The silver elixir exudes a faint silver light, and there are faint wisps of light shining in it. Surrounded by dust like silver stars.

Silver elixir, Zhuo Bufan almost forgot that he had such a silver elixir.

The owner of this silver pill was none other than the first person Zhuo Bufan killed, Crow Lao Dao.

After Zhuo Bufan cremated Master Crow, the Nine Transformations of Life and Death Art flew out of the cremated corpse along with the immortal silver pill.

Zhuo Bufan hid this silver elixir deep in his Najie, never used it, and even almost forgot about it.

Zhuo Bufan originally kept this silver pill to see if it would be of any help to his cultivation in the future.

But so far, he has never used this silver pill.

If it hadn't been for Zu Jiuling's mention, he would have simply forgotten that he had such an awesome silver pill.

This is the silver elixir, the essence of a strong person in the silver elixir realm, full of infinite vitality.

When Zu Jiuling saw Zhuo Bufan take out the silver pill, he was also extremely shocked.

"Xiao Zhuo, you, how come you have this thing?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "I got this silver pill accidentally. Master, with this silver pill, will you not be able to die?"

Zhuo Bufan was really happy. He didn't expect such a coincidence. It seemed that everything was arranged by God and sent him to Zu Jiuling's side.

He learned the Soul Awakening Talisman from Zu Jiuling, and Zu Jiuling just happened to be able to get the silver elixir from him to extend his life.

This is God's will!

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling said with great emotion.

"Master Zhuge did say that Yin Dan is the life essence of the strong Yin Dan, the seed of immortality. If this seed of immortality is planted into my mortal body, then it will slowly change my life. constitution."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "That's great, Master, without further ado, let's get started now. I will protect the law for you."

Zhuo Bufan seemed very excited, even more excited than when he discovered the Soul Awareness Talisman himself.

He helped Zu Jiuling into the training room, and then handed the silver pill into Zu Jiuling's hands.

Zu Jiuling sat down cross-legged, then looked at the silver pill carefully, and was about to swallow it in one gulp.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly stopped Zu Jiuling.

"Master, wait a moment."


Zhuo Bufan didn't know what reaction this silver pill would have after swallowing it, so he saved it in advance to prevent any unexpected events.

Archiving in time is a good habit that Zhuo Bufan has always developed.

After the archive ended, Zhuo Bufan let Zu Jiuling swallow it.

When Zu Jiuling swallowed the silver pill, he suddenly felt a cool feeling, flowing down his throat and into his Dantian.

The moment he fell into his dantian, Zu Jiuling immediately felt a powerful life force being planted in his body.

Standing next to Zu Jiuling, Zhuo Bufan could also feel that Zu Jiuling was beginning to regain his vitality.

It's like a dead tree blooming with spring and an old tree sprouting.

"Master, was it successful?"

Zhuo Bufan stood aside and shouted in surprise.

The Immortal Silver Pill is the seed of immortality and can extend the life of a rotten tree. Seeing Zu Jiuling regain his vitality, Zhuo Bufan felt sincerely happy.

He also saw a hint of joy on Zu Jiuling's face.

The corners of Zu Jiuling's mouth raised slightly. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed the nourishment of vitality so much.

Only when people are about to die can they know the true meaning of life.

Zhuo Bufan's arrival is God's will. He simply came specifically to save his ancestor Jiuling.

Just when Zu Jiuling was seriously feeling the life energy brought by the silver pill that was continuously growing in his body.

Suddenly, Zu Jiuling, who was originally looking happy, suddenly frowned, and then his soul trembled. His right hand suddenly grabbed his chest.


A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from his mouth and spread in the air. The entire ground was covered with his blood.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked and quickly helped Zu Jiuling.

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling slowly raised his hand, looked at Zhuo Bufan, then held Zhuo Bufan's arm tightly and said.

"The master of this silver pill is still alive! His soul has woken up."

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened and he was shocked.

The soul is not extinguished, indeed, the soul of Taoist Crow is not extinguished.

"Master, spit it out quickly, hurry up!"

Zhuo Bufan already felt that the matter was serious. Crow Lao Dao's soul is immortal, and he will awaken at this time.

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling slowly shook his head.

"It's too late. The silver pill has already grown in my body."

"Silver elixir is smelted from human essence, and it is the seed of immortality. The soul of the owner of the silver elixir is immortal. Once swallowed by a living being, it will be revitalized and the soul will be awakened."

Zhuo Bufan had no idea what Zu Jiuling said.

If Zhuo Bufan knew, how could he let Zu Jiuling swallow this silver pill.

At this moment, in a certain cemetery in the far-off Western Continent.

A lonely wild ghost is plundering the souls of mortals who have just been buried here.

This lonely wild ghost floats over the cemetery, swallowing up all the resentful souls in the cemetery.

It looks ugly, like a dirty rat. Hiding in the cemetery, it rustled and rustled, attracting the surrounding crows to croak around it.

Suddenly, the lonely wild ghost trembled suddenly.

It widened its eyes and looked toward the distant east. It trembled with excitement, its face showing secret joy.

"Here it comes, here it comes, the call from the soul. What idiot swallowed my silver pill, hahahahahaha!"

"I, Taoist Crow, will start all over again, all over again."

Taoist Crow, this old thief who didn't deal with his soul after being killed by Zhuo Bufan. After a year of hiding and living in darkness.

He finally ushered in a change of fate.

"It must be that boy, that stupid idiot. You wait for grandpa, grandpa, I will lock your life away."

Taoist Crow laughed ferociously, and then his whole soul disappeared over the cemetery with a bang. The crows surrounding him were frightened and flew away.

At this moment, Zu Jiuling has reached the end of his life.

Now it was extremely urgent, and Zhuo Bufan felt a kind of self-blame that he had never felt before.

"Master, is there any other way? Is there any way to obliterate the soul on that silver pill?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

At this moment, Zu Jiuling began to tremble all over. He could feel that the soul of the owner of the silver pill was about to return.

"No, it can't be done. Unless it is wiped out when it is outside the body in the first place, it is too late now, it is too late. My soul has been exhausted, and he will soon take over my body."

"Xiao Zhuo, kill me. It's not too late to kill me now."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan silently closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Master, for making you suffer. If you want to die, I will die too."

At this moment, suddenly, "Zu Jiuling" howled towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Brat, grandpa, I'm back."

That ferocious face, that triumphant howl, that ecstatic joy that filled the rest of your life, that old pervert, that old madman, is back!

Zhuo Bufan looked at "Zu Jiuling" who had become Crow Taoist, he smiled coldly and said.

"Old Crow, it's time to end this."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan summoned the Thousand Evil Sword. With the confused expression on Old Crow's face, Zhuo Bufan decisively wiped his own neck with the sword!

Everyone, I’m sorry for the nine chapters today! The author couldn't hold on any longer, so he wrote nearly 130,000 words in six days. Basically, it’s 20,000+ every day. This update is something I couldn’t even imagine. It is expected that 600,000 words will be updated this month! This is also a challenge for me!

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