Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 189 Ending [First update, please subscribe]

Another suicide reload, this time Zhuo Bufan was trying to save the tragedy.

He thought he could save Zu Jiuling who was about to die, but he killed him instead. Most importantly, he resurrected his old enemy, Taoist Crow.

Taoist Crow has always been a big worry for Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan also felt that it was time to make a break.

He came to the save space again and looked at the three save doors in front of him.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan saved the file in advance, and his intuition was correct. This silver pill was not that simple.


Pushing open the first door, Zhuo Bufan walked in. Endless light rushed towards him, and he was surrounded by thousands of golden lights.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that Zu Jiuling was about to swallow the silver pill.

"Wait, this pill cannot be swallowed yet."

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Zu Jiuling's hand and prevented a tragedy from happening.

Zu Jiuling obviously didn't know what happened, looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

"Xiao Zhuo, do you have any more questions?"

"Yes, there is a very important question. The owner of this silver pill has not yet extinguished his soul."

Zu Jiuling was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said.

"The soul has not yet extinguished? Whose silver pill is this?"

Zhuo Bufan is only in the realm of wandering, how could he kill a strong man in the silver pill realm?

Zu Jiuling began to doubt the origin of this silver pill.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan no longer planned to hide it, but said.

"The owner of this silver pill is a demon. Master, before using it, we must set up a trap to kill the demon."

"Demon?" Zu Jiuling was half-believing and half-doubting.

"Yes, Master, do you have any good plan to kill the demon's soul?"

Zhuo Bufan must make a break with the old crow, otherwise the old crow will sooner or later become his biggest worry.

After hearing this, Zu Jiuling looked at the silver pill in his hand, and then said.

"Once this silver pill enters a living body, it will nourish and take root. If the owner of the silver pill has not lost his soul, his soul will be awakened. Even if his soul wanders to the ends of the earth, he will rush to compete with the person who used the silver pill for the body."

"This is actually the prototype of the soul taking over the body. It's just that the way to take over the body in the body taking realm is mainly based on the soul, while the way to take over the body in the spirit realm must be mainly based on the inner pill."

Zu Jiuling told Zhuo Bufan the many mysteries of the silver pill. After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and he said.

"Master, you said that the silver pill depends on the living body to grow. Does that mean that animals can also be used?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes rolled around and he thought of a very good idea.

"Xiao Zhuo, you want to..."

"Hehe, Master, wait for me."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he rushed out of the room, ran to the market, and bought a pig. He also went to the talisman store to buy dozens of soul bottles.

When Zhuo Bufan led the pig back to Zu Jiuling's house, Zu Jiuling was stunned. He quickly thought of what Zhuo Bufan was going to do.

"Master, let's let this beast eat the silver pill first, and when the demon possesses the beast, we will kill it. At that time, its soul will have no place to go. How about we use these soul bottles to kill it?"

Zhuo Bufan's mind can always come up with some strange ideas, but these strange ideas often have miraculous effects.

"Hehe, good idea. But this plan is a little insufficient."

Zu Jiuling agreed with Zhuo Bufan's method.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan asked: "What's insufficient?"

"The soul of the Yuanshen realm is the soul that has transcended the shackles of the mortal world. The soul-transforming spell has little effect on it. No matter how many soul-transforming bottles are used, it may not be of much use."

This is another important information that Zhuo Bufan has just learned.

Zhuo Bufan had always thought that the Soul Transformation Curse was the nemesis of all souls. Now it seems that the Soul Transformation Curse also has limitations. It has little effect on souls above the Yuanshen realm.

"What should we do? If we can't destroy this guy's soul, then this silver pill is not a seed of life, but a poison of death."

Zhuo Bufan witnessed Zu Jiuling being possessed by the old crow and died tragically.

"Don't worry, ordinary Soul Transformation Curse does not have much effect on Yuanshen realm souls. But Yuanshen realm souls are not indestructible."

"I am also a soul spell master. Although I am only at the fifth level, there are at least eight ways to destroy Yuanshen realm souls."

"Xiao Zhuo, you can rest assured to attract the devil's soul, and leave the rest to me."

Zu Jiuling said confidently. As a soul spell master, his research on souls is far higher than that of ordinary people.

It is not surprising that he has mastered the methods of destroying souls of various levels.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded. It should be no problem to leave this matter to Zu Lao.

"Well, I will lure the demon here now. Master, you must be ready."

"Don't worry, you should also pay attention. When the demon possesses the white pig, the powerful power of the silver pill will cause the white pig to mutate. You must kill it as soon as possible."

After Zu Jiuling finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan took out the Thousand Evil Sword from the ring with a clang.

He put the pig on the trunk of a tree, and then stuffed the silver pill into the mouth of the white pig.

Soon, the silver pill fell into the body of the white pig, and began to nourish and take root, and regain vitality.

Zhuo Bufan stood aside, holding the Qianxie Sword tightly with both hands, and continuously injected his life force into the Qianxie Sword.

This is an evil sword that specializes in devouring the vitality of others. The more it devours, the more powerful it is.

Zhuo Bufan poured all his life force into the evil sword. For a moment, the broken and cracked sword body of the evil sword began to flicker faintly.

At this time, the white pig began to get agitated after swallowing the silver pill.

It rolled and screamed on the ground, howling and rolling.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, gusts of cold wind came from the courtyard.

The cold wind was so cold that it chilled people's hearts.

"Here it comes!"

Zu Jiuling and Zhuo Bufan said at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan tightened the sword in his hand, and Zu Jiuling also raised his right hand, and a silver light flashed in the ring on his finger.

Nine palm-sized broken swords floated in the air. Behind each broken sword was a red bead tied with a red rope, and there were ancient characters written on the red bead.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to see what those characters were, and he only heard Zu Jiuling shouting.

"Xiao Zhuo, get ready."

Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses when Zu Jiuling called him.

He looked at the white pig in front of him and howled.


"Why is it a pig?"

The howl was quite angry and furious. It was like the old crow had come, but he never expected that he was possessed by a pig.

At that moment, the white pig was immediately wrapped in terrible black air, and the hair on its body began to stand up, stretching like steel needles, and the whole body began to swell.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the change, he didn't have time to think about it, and suddenly slashed at the white pig with a sword.



Qianxie Xiejian cut off the head of the white pig possessed by the Taoist Crow with one sword.

All this happened in a flash. Zhuo Bufan was cruel and his sword was fast.

The moment he attacked, he wanted to kill him.

"Little beast, it's you, it's you, you plotted against me, you dared to plot against me."

The possessed white pig died tragically, and the soul of Taoist Crow flew out of the white pig's body and flew towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Hehe, old crow, are you satisfied with the body I prepared for you?"

Zhuo Bufan saw the soul of the old crow flying towards him, and he was unmoved. Because at this moment, Zu Jiuling on the side took action.

"When the soldiers fight, all the formations are lined up in front! Zhan Shen Jiu Secret Sword, go!"

Zu Jiuling shouted word by word, and the mighty sound was like thunder in the blue sky, which made the monster panic.

Before he shouted a word, a flying sword flew out.

The Nine Secret Flying Swords slashed at the old crow's soul.

After the first sword strike, the old crow screamed in agony.

After the second sword strike, the old crow was already in a state of worse than death, howling.

After the third sword strike, the old crow's soul began to dim and disintegrate.

After the fourth sword strike, the old crow's soul began to shatter, and the places slashed by the secret swords began to turn into soul particles.

The fifth sword...

The sixth sword...

The seventh sword...

The eighth sword...

The ninth sword...

Old crow, die!

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