Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 190 Secret Treasure [Second update, please subscribe]

Old Crow died, and his soul completely disappeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

The moment the old crow disappeared, his hatred for Zhuo Bufan was crazy, and he howled heart-breakingly at Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, don't be complacent, the Earth Demon King already knows, he knows everything. Just wait to die, just wait to die!"

Before the old crow disappeared, he did not forget to roar one last time at Zhuo Bufan.

After that roar, its soul completely disappeared, turned into countless soul particles, and disappeared into the air with a bang.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the old crow's soul disappearing, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.


For Zhuo Bufan, if the old crow does not die for a day, it will be a serious problem.

Old Crow knows one of Zhuo Bufan's biggest secrets, which is the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

Zhuo Bufan possesses the Nine Transformations of Life and Death, which is the Xuan Emperor's true scripture that both good and evil are fighting for.

"Already the Earth Demon King knows? Could it be that the old crow told the Earth Demon King?"

Old Crow is dead, but the words he left behind give Zhuo Bufan a headache.

The Earth Demon King is now the largest leader of the Demon Path. While the Heaven Demon King was sleeping, he led the Seventy-two Islands of the Demon Path.

If he really knows that Zhuo Bufan possesses the "Nine Revolutions of Life and Death", then Zhuo Bufan will face another enemy more terrifying than Bai Su.

But one thing is good, the Earth Demon King has not discovered Zhuo Bufan's existence yet.

"No matter what, there will be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Don't read the gear until you are at the end."

Zhuo Bufan, who has a save door, is not too afraid of the Earth Demon King. At least the Earth Demon King is not like that woman Bai Su who can find his needle in the sea.

The old crow died, and Zhuo Bufan settled a trouble in his mind.

Then he put aside the pig belly, took out the silver pill, and handed it to Zu Jiuling.

"Master, the dust has settled. Now there are no longer any problems with this silver pill."

Zu Jiuling looked at the silver elixir handed over by Zhuo Bufan and was moved to tears.

"Xiao Zhuo! How can I be grateful to you? This silver pill can help you improve your cultivation and help you condense the silver pill. Are you really willing to give it to me?"

Zu Jiuling said with trembling hands.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly and said: "You are my mentor, you taught me the Soul Awareness Talisman. Such kindness should be tied with a grass ring, and it is just a silver pill. Why do you care about it?"

"Master, please use it quickly. With it, you can continue your research! The leisurely life in Yunmeng Realm is really a paradise."

Hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, Zu Jiuling burst into tears of gratitude.

Zu Jiuling stretched out his trembling right hand and recalled the nine secret swords.

Then the flying swords were lined up neatly and floated in front of Zu Jiuling.

"Xiao Zhuo, I can't repay you. This Nine Secret God-Slaying Swords should be regarded as my thank you gift!"

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly refused.

"Master, no, this is your magic weapon, how can I accept it?"

"Take it! If you don't accept it, I will be very sad. This Nine Mysterious God-Slaying Sword is an ancient secret treasure. It is specially designed to destroy the souls of gods. It can kill the soul-capturing souls of the Yangshen realm. It can be recognized by melting it with the soul. The Lord succeeds.”

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he asked in surprise: "Secret treasure? I thought it was a talisman treasure."

"Xiao Zhuo doesn't know about the secret treasure? I see that the ancient sword in your hand is also a secret treasure!"

"The so-called secret treasure is also called a divine weapon, a treasure of the great path, and a magic weapon of heaven's will. It is an innate growth that contains the rules of heaven and the true meaning of the great path."

"It was with the help of the Nine Mysterious God-Slaying Sword that I realized the Soul Awakening Talisman."

Zhuo Bufan listened quietly to Zu Jiuling's introduction, nodding his head involuntarily.

"The secret treasure is actually the predecessor of the talisman. However, the talisman cannot reach the level of the secret treasure."

"Because the casting of talismans requires very high requirements for casting materials. The higher the level of the talisman, the more demanding the materials required to cast it into talismans."

"Most of the talismans in the world of immortality are below the fifth level now, and even the fifth level talismans are rare. It's because the materials are rare."

"Just like my fourth-level soul awareness talisman, it requires a very demanding material, soul obsidian. Only soul obsidian can withstand the special energy of the soul awareness talisman. So there is a soul awareness talisman in this world. Yes, very few.”

"But the secret treasures are different. They are born to grow. After they grow, they already contain the will of heaven and earth and the rules of the great road."

"Their power has no upper limit. It all depends on the performance of the user."

"Legend has it that in the ancient times, the development of talismans had not yet started. All great powers used this kind of secret treasure."

"It's just that only those who have reached the Yuan Shen Realm can recognize the secret treasure as its owner. You should keep it first. When you reach the Yuan Shen Realm, you must melt it with Yuan Shen as soon as possible."

Secret treasure, Zhuo Bufan learned another new word.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Thousand Evil Sword in his hand and pressed a little harder. He instantly felt the preciousness of the Thousand Evil Sword.

A secret treasure, an artifact, a natural growth, a noble phantom of the great road, a magic weapon of providence!

These shocking words all demonstrate the power of the secret treasure.

Especially after listening to Zu Jiuling's description, Zhuo Bufan realized how precious this secret treasure was.

The old profiteer actually gave such a secret treasure to himself. Zhuo Bufan found that he could no longer understand the old profiteer.

"Master, your secret treasure is too precious, and I already have one, so I really don't dare to accept it."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the secret treasure was far more precious than his own silver pill.

However, Zu Jiuling had already decided to send him off, he said.

"This secret treasure is not yours, right! I just said that only those above the Yuan Shen realm can recognize the master of the secret treasure and exert its full strength. I can feel that the sword in your hand already has Owner."

"Although this sword is with you now, it is only temporarily kept by its owner with you. He can take it back at any time if he is willing."

When Zu Jiuling said this, Zhuo Bufan felt a little disappointed.

"I see. It seems that the owner of this sword is undoubtedly an old profiteer. But why did he put it here with me? Let me defend myself?"

"Xiao Zhuo, I can feel that your future road will be full of hardships and hardships. The road in front of you will be full of thorns and constant battles. You need this 'Nine Mysterious God-Slaying Swords'."

"All my life, I just want to devote myself to studying the art of talismans. This secret treasure is no longer of much use to me, so take it!"

Zu Jiuling said decisively, and broke off the connection with the "Nine Mysterious God Sword" on the spot, making the Nine Mysterious Sword ownerless.

Then he handed the Nine Secret Sword into Zhuo Bufan's hands and said.

"You get the Nine Secrets, and I use the Silver Pill. You and I are mutually beneficial, so why not? Hahahaha."

As soon as Zu Jiuling finished speaking, he laughed twice, and then he swallowed the silver pill in an unceremonious manner.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan felt that if he tried to refuse again, it would be really hypocritical.

"Thank you, Master, for giving me the secret treasure."

Zhuo Bufan accepted the "Nine Mysterious God-Slaying Swords" and looked at the nine shining silver daggers in his hands. An excited expression appeared on Zhuo Bufan's face.

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